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Oct 9, 2004, 12:22am
[View Quote] Yes. Quite a while back, sometime in June, July, and August.


:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

Webpage links to worlds stopped working?

Oct 9, 2004, 12:21am
Yes. Someone forgot to move the CGI for that. E N Z O will see this
sooner or later in the morning.


:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

Why not to use IE, and perfer Firefox..

Oct 9, 2004, 9:00pm

Pictures are better then words.

Right? :>


:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

Video streaming on linux

Oct 26, 2004, 5:52pm
It is possible indeed. Yet it would take work, for example, you can try
streaming with googling up on winamp video streaming or whatever.



:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
[View Quote]

Video streaming on linux

Oct 29, 2004, 5:52pm
Well, Windows XP isn't the best OS to use; he's asking help if its
possible to do on a linux box, because all he sees around are linux
hosts (yet there are windows server hosts, *cough* [me, but isnt
releasing any advertising info on extended ideas yet (top secret)] *cough*

There are servers though that are linux and stream video. They do it for


:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

Which movie......

Nov 12, 2004, 12:51am
Cheaters. Google is your cheat tool!

Off topic computer problem

Nov 12, 2004, 10:16pm

This is indeed a REAL offtopic subject.. but uh, good luck. Hope you
have a warranty.

Teens in Activeworlds

Nov 14, 2004, 3:01am
[View Quote] I am very offended by this, seeing how I am a teen. Whether it's certain
teens or not, if you have rants or something don't take it to the NG's
first of all. Second, we all aren't immature, get that through your
brain. Third, we're not sore losers; maybe we know a little more then
you, so what? Most kids under the age of 13 are usually people who are
*new* to AW, so of course your going to have whiners, which means you
should be ready for something like that.


:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

Teens in Activeworlds

Nov 14, 2004, 2:26pm
[View Quote] > well your commentary shows your immaturity, and your rudeness.
Newsgroups are a forum. The issue of this whole thing started in the
forums, by a teen over a week ago, and you should know the situation
before your commenting and critisizing people for valid statements. Just
as you are entitled to your opinions, bashings etc... then so am I. I
will not be answering anymore comments, nor reading them, so you can
waste your time by replying. Have at it.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "themask" <ricky at>
> Newsgroups: community
> Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2004 09:01PM
> Subject: Re: Teens in Activeworlds
activeworlds. They are not just immature, they are also very sore
losers. To come into a world just because they lost a contest, and were
unhappy with the results and then delete their build without even
notifying the owner of the world is a show of just how immature they
are. In my opinion, children who are sore sports and don't know how to
act in the proper manner when they lose, cry about cheating and world
owner favoritism, shouldn't enter contests ever, because until they are
mature enough to accept the critisism of judging in contests, they need
to refrain from bothering world owners by entering contests, then
deleting their builds because they are sad little kids. GROW UP, SPYDER!
certain teens or not, if you have rants or something don't take it to
the NG's first of all. Second, we all aren't immature, get that through
your brain. Third, we're not sore losers; maybe we know a little more
then you, so what? Most kids under the age of 13 are usually people who
are *new* to AW, so of course your going to have whiners, which means
you should be ready for something like that.

Ha Ha. So you think my comment about Sexy Eyes's bullshit thread in the
NG's is immature huh? I think not. I'm not sure how you think what is
immature and what is not.

E N Z O: Delete this thread and ban Sexy Eyes. Thanks.


:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

*Waitin for Whatz NEW*...

Nov 24, 2004, 5:59pm
[View Quote] Those are just Operating Systems which are most known by them, and their
word processing, and other tools related to office work, their Microsoft
Money, products like keyboards, mouses... they create many things you know.


:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

*Waitin for Whatz NEW*...

Dec 1, 2004, 5:28pm
it remembers the url*



:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

A very serious article regarding hacking.

Nov 28, 2004, 3:40pm
"Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and

Are you serious? Give me a freakin' break.

"Most American families use trusted and responsible Internet Service
Providers, such as AOL. These providers have a strict "No Hacking"
policy, and take careful measures to ensure that your internet
experience is enjoyable, educational and above all legal. If your child
is becoming a hacker, one of his first steps will be to request a change
to a more hacker friendly provider."

AOL is NOT trustable. It's a piece of trash.

"Computer hackers are often limited by conventional computer hardware.
They may request "faster" video cards, and larger hard drives, or even
more memory. If your son starts requesting these devices, it is possible
that he has a legitimate need. You can best ensure that you are buying
legal, trustworthy hardware by only buying replacement parts from your
computer's manufacturer."


"If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called
"AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm. AMD is a third-world based
company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor
chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops,
and they deliberately disable the security features that American
processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking. AMD chips are
never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to
order them from internet sites. Do not buy this chip! This is one
request that you must refuse your son, if you are to have any hope of
raising him well."

Oh, now you're really starting to push things over the freaking cliff, pal.

"There are, unfortunately, many hacking manuals available in bookshops
today. A few titles to be on the lookout for are: "Snow Crash" and
"Cryptonomicon" by Neal Stephenson; "Neuromancer" by William Gibson;
"Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reilly; "Geeks" by Jon Katz; "The
Hacker Crackdown" by Bruce Sterling; "Microserfs" by Douglas Coupland;
"Hackers" by Steven Levy; and "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" by Eric S.

So the kid likes to read about and learn about the internet, you stupid

"If your son spends more than thirty minutes each day on the computer,
he may be using it to DOS other peoples sites. DOSing involves gaining
access to the "command prompt" on other people's machines, and using it
to tie up vital internet services. This can take up to eight hours. If
your son is doing this, he is breaking the law, and you should stop him
immediately. The safest policy is to limit your children's access to the
computer to a maximum of forty-five minutes each day."

If he had the infected users to do it, and the oh so offensive programs
to compile the code to have.. wait, did you say DOSing is involved with
gaining access to the command prompt? Who the hell do you think you are
thinking this is info is all correct idiot?

Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular
meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train
in the use of various firearms. Many hackers develop anti-social
tendencies due to the use of this virtual world, and it may cause
erratic behaviour at home and at school.

It's a game.. not a meeting place.. you are such a moron.

"BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker
operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos
Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War. It is based on a
program called "xenix", which was written by Microsoft for the US
government. These programs are used by hackers to break into other
people's computer systems to steal credit card numbers. They may also be
used to break into people's stereos to steal their music, using the
"mp3" program. Torovoltos is a notorious hacker, responsible for writing
many hacker programs, such as "telnet", which is used by hackers to
connect to machines on the internet without using a telephone."

Alright, now you're talking trash about the best freaking operating
system in the world to me, and it's LINUX. not LUNIX. You stupid moron.

"If your son has undergone a sudden change in his style of dress, you
may have a hacker on your hands. Hackers tend to dress in bright,
day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and
spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take
to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks. (I
have no idea why they do this) There are many such hackers in schools
today, and your son may have started to associate with them. If you
notice that your son's group of friends includes people dressed like
this, it is time to think about a severe curfew, to protect him from
dangerous influences."

The kid likes to rave... you MORON OMFG.

Allright. Enough with the commenting on figuring out your son is a
h4x0rz! at !1 I think you shouldn't even posted that URL. It's so false,
yet.. I actually got hyped up because of it, but still. That is so L A M E.


:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

Anyone here have an X800 video card?

Nov 29, 2004, 8:58pm
I've got planned to make some more money on gameservers, so I can buy
this monster card. But I've heard so far it's very smooth. Check around
on google for bench statistics on the card. Should find you some
valuable info.



:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

Active Worlds browser closes itself

Dec 2, 2004, 5:21pm
If it was subseven i'm sure the person controling his system would do
much more then just close AW. For all we could know, it can be even a
video card issue, or the drivers, so xp just has to shut it off or
something bad will occur. Other then that, you should probally stop
being a dumbass on certain stuff, John.



:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

Active Worlds browser closes itself

Dec 2, 2004, 7:18pm
Maybe it wasn't really it that was closing it :P



:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

Active Worlds browser closes itself

Dec 2, 2004, 7:19pm
Plus. Having a firewall doesn't make you fully protected.



:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

Active Worlds browser closes itself

Dec 2, 2004, 10:09pm
How So? Not all firewalls are always going to protect you. Maybe from
really-not-harmful stuff, but there's always a workaround to it.
Example: The XP firewall that comes with Windows XP Service Pack 2 is
useless; the virus can add itself to the exception list (in the
registry!), kills firewall, restarts, then does whatever it does
throught he port(s) it puts itself in the exception list.



:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

OT: Declining US Dollar

Nov 30, 2004, 11:53pm
Random double post, but great report Builderz. Always expected great
stuff from you :P



:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

Alert: Worm going around

Dec 1, 2004, 5:08pm
Well, right when I get home, open my mozilla thuderbird, and find a
worm! And, the funny thing is that it's packaged with Andras's DEM 2 RWX!

Message source:

From - Wed Dec 01 14:32:19 2004
X-Account-Key: account2
X-UIDL: UID3623-1083266814
X-Mozilla-Status: 0001
X-Mozilla-Status2: 10000000
Return-Path: <cYqiR at>
Delivered-To: 1-ricky at
Received: (qmail 3270 invoked from network); 1 Dec 2004 19:44:37 -0000
Received: from (HELO localhost)
by with SMTP; 1 Dec 2004 19:44:25 -0000
From: <cYqiR at>
Reply-To: <cYqiR at>
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
X-MailScanner: Found to be clean
Subject: Hi, ricky, here´s the archive you requested
To: <ricky at>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="LhLcOFWrQJFjqsgXfFBUMLyItHUBQfiW"

Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Here´s the document that you had requested.

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Here´s the document that you had requested.<iframe
src=3Dcid:OSMSyaiClfnVY height=3D0 width=3D0></iframe>


Content-Type: application/x-zip-compressed;
Content-ID: <OSMSyaiClfnVY>
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment size: 651 KB (667,592 bytes)

Info on the worm:

Watch your email inboxes.



:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

Alert: Worm going around

Dec 1, 2004, 5:42pm
[View Quote] That has no absolute relation to what made this worm unique.. it came
with one of Andras's tools. Think thats kind of awkward?



:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

Alert: Worm going around

Dec 1, 2004, 5:59pm
At the end of the mime file, it clearly shows some HTML of the popup,
then some breaks, then shows "moo ha ha", and then it says "torvil",
runs a file.. Clearly a worm to the looks of my google search.



:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

Alert: Worm going around

Dec 1, 2004, 6:42pm
The original file was Andras's tool, and then the other file was the
worm. Thinking i'm a moron and would fall for this, I didn't and I was
of course suspicious why it was coming from a AOL email, and the ip was
a speakeasy dsl line... stolen email, possible proxy to get on aol anyone?



:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

Alert: Worm going around

Dec 1, 2004, 7:29pm
[View Quote] You would if you were trying to be a tricky idiot. AOL allows proxying,
so you can proxy into AOL with whatever proxy, spam emails you're doing
on the hacked AOL screen name. It's actually stupid these days how
people are making their passwords, compromising it to crackers who get
their passwords easy and harvesting their screen names by chatrooms,
profile searches.. You don't know how crappy AOL is.



:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

Getting a copy of the teleport.cgi script..

Dec 1, 2004, 8:30pm
You'd be lucky to get a copy. You can try scripting one, yet I don't
know if you can because it involves with AW... actually, you can try
seeing if you can do something with like




:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

Multiple Citizens

Dec 5, 2004, 11:52pm
Not unless AW was cloned :)



:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

Any news on New AW?

Dec 6, 2004, 10:37pm
[View Quote] Dude... wtf?



:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

Any news on New AW?

Dec 8, 2004, 5:28pm
Sorry Lt. Brenton, but if you think this was "annoying", or "stupid",
then you know what: Ignore it. Simple. Don't even bother replying,
wasting your energy to cause more trouble.



:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

AWTeen Broadcasting needs you!

Dec 6, 2004, 10:30pm
Isn't hard to setup a shoutcast server, only thing is it would slurp
alot of bandwidth.



:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

DLP world stolen?

Dec 6, 2004, 11:13pm
[View Quote] It's not stolen. It's just saying the attrib file in your world
directory of the world server is in use by another program, ie: another
world server process on the same machine couple be one.



:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

DLP world stolen?

Dec 6, 2004, 11:15pm
Could be one** not couple be one.



:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

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