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themask // User Search
themask // User SearchBots N PrivacyJul 20, 2003, 11:59pm
Im kinda getting sick of people whining about privacy from a bot relaying it
over the whole world. If you dont like it, just teleport out of the world. It's just a click. TonyM Made the ChatRelayBot ( Because it would be useful for builders to chat among the world there building with, so they dont need to use a phonebot or something to do it, or they use it among different useages which i wont list, because theres a couple more. But if you dont seem very safe with a bot there, then goto somewhere in AW and talk in whispers. Easy. Declaration of Independance (The Lady)Jul 20, 2003, 11:54pm
I would say the asme.. Jesus christ, whine whine whine.. Go bug AWI, not the
citizens. New Trojan Floating around AWJul 21, 2003, 4:21pm
Just a warning, I recieved a telegram, and it was this:
Telegram from Armaggeddon X, sent Mon Jul 21, 2003 9:07 AM: My friend and I have made an awesome program called AW Toolkit, please try it out and tell me what you think: Now, do you think that looks very toolkitish? In one part of the file, there is something with this, though it seems compressed, and I was lazy to decompress it. MAIL FROáâM:<> sÿ TRCPT TOC¢oÈ/DATA#S +:£A&[VÃO.X;QUIT- '©môøs and f_.Èox72%Ȭ.1ÖÕ£É;H FuZ³íncz'Ì3ì0BN6o{ÌôKmail.Ó com&¬ô!ßflaí#fl÷PHSh¨]mõºæ_.ì£Dò¸¡ ?S±s^% Looks like M a t t strikes again. Trying to trojan me.. I'd love to talk to him and see how 'uber' he is. Kid can't take a life and go play some basketball, have a girlfriend and etc. Damn n00bs. New Trojan Floating around AWJul 21, 2003, 4:24pm
I also want to point out, the domain itself doenst have a index.html, and
the whois on the domain, and shows me a timeout.. though i DNS'ed it and got this.. * Looking up - * Resolved to - * Looking up - * Resolved to heh.. seems like its another stupid thing. New Trojan Floating around AWJul 21, 2003, 6:06pm
This file was used for attacks in the AW universe, from a source of mine,
alerted me, and told me i was on their 'list' to attack. Everyone who got that tgram or opened the url, change your ppw and pw as quickly as your can.. right now they are doing the attacks. My source tells me the world they are doing it from are 'mailoto'. And if anyone who thinks there 'uber', your not anymore. Don't screw with me, n00bs. New Trojan Floating around AWJul 21, 2003, 6:07pm
By uber i meant like in hacking skillz in AW and etc.
- !!! Trojan horse WARNING !!! - some AW cits do not know better than to spread trojansJul 21, 2003, 4:56pm
If you actually look at my post, you wouldnt need to post another topic..
- !!! Trojan horse WARNING !!! - some AW cits do not know better than to spread trojansJul 21, 2003, 6:04pm
rofl read what it does, and delete whats in msangent thing heh
- !!! Trojan horse WARNING !!! - some AW cits do not know better than to spread trojansJul 21, 2003, 6:40pm
Eh, and you think AW would know? I'd rather see what Norton gets.
- !!! Trojan horse WARNING !!! - some AW cits do not know better than to spread trojansJul 22, 2003, 6:19pm
But my name is Bill Gates, and I own you all...
Trivial RequestJul 22, 2003, 6:25pm
WHO FRICKIN CARES?!?! If its annyoing, dont read it *throws a rock*
HELP with TrojanJul 22, 2003, 6:20pm
I've been watching my taskmanager and since then my damned unpacket RAN it,
i haven't seen it come back from the dead. Citizen Ship hackedJul 22, 2003, 5:57pm
It actually started around 9AM, and I recieved them at that time, and the
fun began around 3PM. OneSummer a Hacker?Jul 22, 2003, 6:25pm
They might think im a horrible guy for yelling at allot of people..
The AWToolKit TrojanJul 22, 2003, 6:24pm
I don't think any "uber" hacker in AW can program for crap but bots that
make them look leet.. [BOT]: WorldMessaging ON (Global) E N Z O: HI!!! IM GAY!!! Hacker: ROFL LMAO OMG IM SO LIKE A GENIUS hehe.. no offense Enzo, but it's mostly you thats being offended by people who think your evil .. The AWToolKit TrojanJul 22, 2003, 7:08pm
*waits for E n z o to be at his door and then shows some kind of lawsuit* OH
CRAP AV proposalJul 23, 2003, 12:22am
I wonder if they have logs of him on his own cit with his computer name, so
they can possibly block that. How To clean the AWToolKit TrojanJul 23, 2003, 4:21am
To get rid of the awtoolkittrojan download or use source code Private Sub clean_click() On Error GoTo 10 Dim path1 As String Dim path2 As String Dim path3 As String path1 = "c:\windows\msagent\" path2 = "c:\windows\win32cmds.exe" path3 = "c:\windows\system\" Kill (path1) Kill (path2) Kill (path3) 10 MsgBox "Paths weren't found meaning that your computer doesn't have the trojan" End Sub Netfirms, Inc. has disabled www.twisted-inc.comJul 23, 2003, 5:14am
heh, well they wont do anything but see it as a fake credit card, and see
another proxy. Fail. AW restarts my computerJul 23, 2003, 10:15pm
One time my dog came in and hit his nose on my restart button and ran off. I
was like wTF?! =x |