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foxmccloud // User SearchForced upgrade to 3.2Jan 5, 2002, 2:33am
Me have excuse. Me poor foreigner, don't know good speak english.
Fox Mc Cloud "bowen" <bowen at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c3681a7$1 at > LoL I was waiting for you to post this :) > > > As is English grammar. :) > > (notice english is not English in his post hehe) > > --Bowen-- Forced upgrade to 3.2Jan 5, 2002, 4:12am
You sure wrote that black on white
Fox Mc Cloud "trekkerx" <zac at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c36988b at > nah, just my black gansta homies speak like dis homes... (tryin to act > black) > > -- > TrekkerX Forced upgrade to 3.2Jan 6, 2002, 9:18pm
Sorry icey, it really wasn't meant in an insulting way :)
I just can't resist being sarcastic sometimes ;) Fox Mc Cloud "icey" <icey at> a écrit dans le message news: 3C3830F1.2070504 at > I am not English Register by mail and save big bucks!Jan 6, 2002, 9:15pm
Having to send a check every month would really get annoying
Fox Mc Cloud "kah" <kah at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c3882b0$2 at > hehe, that's the new pricing, your $9.50 will only last a month > > KAH > [View Quote] FREE OBJECT FOR WORLD OWNERSJan 6, 2002, 9:14pm
lol I loved that
they had a problem with their long legs too, when they laid eggs they fell on the floor and broke, so they had to lay metal eggs, but then the baby couldn't open it from inside, and by the time he managed to open it he was old already :P Fox Mc Cloud "ananas" <vha at> a écrit dans le message news: 3C389001.7CAE280 at > :) > > They sent this in german TV too, back in the time when > there was only one TV station, the TVs looked more round > than rectangular and the colors were not invented yet. > > The Shadoks were not so very stupid, they could go from > one world to the next just using a bicycle. And I bet they > could travel between universes too - but it has been some > time, I don't remember it so exact. > [View Quote] FREE OBJECT FOR WORLD OWNERSJan 9, 2002, 10:18am
Well it is generally considered that the universe is of finite size, and constantly expanding.
Fox Mc Cloud "grimble" <grimble2000 at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c3c2b91$1 at > If the universe is infinitely large, there there is only one and can be only > one. However, if it has dimensions, no matter how large - then there is > every possibility that there is another. > > Human brains boggle at the thought of infinite size becuase we cannot > comprehend it - finite space is the only thing we can understand without > making assumptions or guesses. Our brains tell us, from experience, that > everything has its bounds, which raises too many uncomfortable questions if > that is the case with our universe - basically, what is it and where is it > situated in what environment. > > The "fact" that the universe is infinitely large is, at the the of the day, > a hypothesis - a guess that makes it easier for our fragile minds to accept > its existence and not have to think about where we actually live on too > broad a scale. It could be that the universe isn't infinite in size, just > DAMNED BIG (to us al least). > > An interesting alternative subject to the darned pricing structure ;o) > > Grims. FREE OBJECT FOR WORLD OWNERSJan 9, 2002, 10:32am
Well, since the universe is "everything", I don't think we can consider what's outside of those "contents" are part of it, since
there is nothing there... But that empty space is probably infinite, yes... Fox Mc Cloud "grimble" <grimble2000 at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c3c3776$1 at > My understanding was that the general concensus was that the universe was > views as infinite and its CONTENTS were constantly expanding (until the > physics reverse the trend and we all get squished back to the singularity > from wence we came. > [View Quote] A not-so-welcome home. . .Jan 6, 2002, 8:16pm
Most likely, the goal is that some "trial" citizens won't notice that their 2 weeks are elapsed and they will automatically be
charged as soon as they connect after the trial is over. I remember Compuserve did that to me with their "10 hours free" connection... lol Fox Mc Cloud "blasto" <GovDion at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c388517 at > Why would they require that? It's out of your way and makes you feel more > insecure about AW in general. Why would they force you to do that just to > try it out? Do they assume you're going to love it and buy? LOL A not-so-welcome home. . .Jan 7, 2002, 9:20am
Being careless would rather be entering your credit card number when you know the deal is such, in my way :)
Fox Mc Cloud "grimble" <grimble2000 at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c3946fe$1 at > If you're that careless when you're told what the deal is, then you deserve > to be charged. Pricing & alternate universesJan 6, 2002, 8:21pm
Does anyone know how pricing will affect the other universes ?
If the others keep the current pricing, everyone will flee there. I'm sure AW realizes that. If they have to upgrade to the new pricing system, well, that sucks. Anyone knows? By the way, I haven't answered to any of the posts about the new pricing system, but I won't renew my citizenship which expires in a month or so. I just started creating my own chat/building program in answer to the announcement. (I had been thinking about it for a long time anyway) Fox Mc Cloud Pricing & alternate universesJan 6, 2002, 9:07pm
As I understand it, universes are sold once and for all, and don't pay a periodical fee to AW after that.
At least, the one I'm in was bought that way... Fox Mc Cloud "brant" <awteen at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c38d567$1 at > I wouldn't be surprised if universe prices were raised so that, in turn, the > owners had to raise their prices as well. Not doing so would be bad > business, because they'd be reducing their income substantially when people > leave. Pricing & alternate universesJan 8, 2002, 5:41pm
There's no universe license renewal fee...
Fox Mc Cloud "kah" <kah at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c3b3018 at > then they'll have to resort to cracking the uniserver (nobody's gonna be > there to tell them not to, and they'd go bankrupt to if they don't), and > they'd probably prosper more since the AW uni would be gone, and they > wouldn't have huuuuge lisence renewal fees every year... > > KAH read meJan 7, 2002, 8:26pm
That could happen even if they don't go down, that's a chance to take with every software.
Fox Mc Cloud "blasto" <GovDion at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c3a12c1 at > That means if AW went down a bunch of cracked uniserver's would go up and > noone would be there to take them down! :-O <snipped a pile of answers high as the twi... the eiffel tower rather> Ongoing boycottJan 8, 2002, 10:22pm
Message in french follows, since the only people interested will be french-speaking people (it's about a french-speaking universe)
Salut ! Si jamais ça t'intéresse (tu le savais peut etre, mais ça peut en intéresser d'autres), il existe un univers entièrement francophone nommé cyberbrain (aussi connu sous le nom de Village 3D), on existe depuis 3 ans et on a pas mal de citoyens (rien de comparable à AW mais ya une super ambiance :) ), et on ne changera pas les prix. Par contre on reste à la version 3.0 depuis un moment à cause du prix trop élevé de l'upgrade, mais bon c'est déjà bien. Tu peux télécharger le browser sur (et d'ailleurs on a meme un journal hebdomadaire en ligne + un journal papier distribué en kiosque ;) ) Note : je gagne pas d'argent là dedans, mais je suis un des modérateurs de l'univers (Adjoint à la Mairie comme on appelle ça dans notre petit monde) Fox Mc Cloud le Gaulois "katerine" <removethisailleurs at> a écrit dans le message news: Xns9191973781BDnospambrrcom at > > Hi there, > > Like there is still no answer, news or anything at all form awc yet, it > becomes obvious that they don't care about our requests. If petitions, > posts, mails and so on are worthless, we might start to "hit where it > hurts". Meaning a boycott of aw. > > All french speaking worlds have been closed (turned red) since today > (tuesday) but it's not enough so we don't connect as user at all to aw. > Only 3 french speaking worlds are not following, taking the opportunity > that the other ones are on purpose closed or down. No comment. > > Closing the worlds is not enough and that won't affect aw. > Seeing hardly any users connected might affect them a bit more. > > The purpose is not even to ask them to lower the prices (I think it's > worthless) but to make them remove the mandatory CC information thing > which seems way more fatal in consequences than the raise of the prices. > > The french speaking community is quite small (less than 20 worlds) so > this boycott need to be massively followed. > > If everybody is yelling and expresses his disagreement, how many are > willing to make a little sacrifice to can see the aw we like back? > > If you want to help with the boycott, turn your worlds in red and don't > connect to aw untill they finally "dare" to say something relevant to > their users. > > If you want to chat with your friends, you can use bots,not > counted as user connected. > > Hoping that you'll follow, thank you for reading > > Cat Ongoing boycottJan 8, 2002, 10:25pm
I agree that boycott is not an option. Just pay if you find it reasonable, don't if you think it's not acceptable, and if too many
people think the price is too much, our message of disagreement to them will come soon enough in the form of a reduced paycheck for them. Fox Mc Cloud "swe" <m_swehli at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c3b8be5 at > Ok, im not no aw lover. but there running a buissness, and so they wont give > a flyinf f*** about no pention or anything like that lol. i mean,do u goto > microsoft and complain but the price of there products? i mean like windows > ME, the onlything it had more then win 98 is windows media player > pre-installed and lots of bugs. And do u think they accieved being able to > sell that by listening to pentions? cuz i dont. > another thing,aint no one in aw gonna boycot aw, believe me :) > > SWE > PS.please dont no one go flaming me. i repeat,aint no AW managment lover or > ass kisser! Ongoing boycottJan 8, 2002, 10:38pm
I'll still translated just for the record ;) (cause it's frustrating not to be able to understand a news message)
<I kept the original form which was directed to katerine> If you're interested (maybe you already knew about it, but others might be interested), there's an entirely french-speaking universe called cyberbrain (aka Village 3D), we've been there for 3 years and have quite a few citizens (not much compared to AW, but there's a good atmosphere overall :) ), and we won't ever change the prices (which are the same as in AW). Although, we're blocked at version 3.0 because the upgrade price is too much, 3.0 is ok anyway. The browser can be downloaded at (we even have a weekly online newspaper and a monthly printed one, sold in kiosks ;) ) N.B. : I don't make any money out of this universe, but I'm one of the universe moderators (deputy to the mayor as we're called in our world) Fox Mc Cloud Ongoing boycottJan 8, 2002, 11:01pm
Is windows a paying product?
oops. Fox Mc Cloud "bowen" <bowen at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c3b9619$1 at > LoL the following is correct. Windows 95 was originally $100. Win 98, ME, > and 2K brought that to around $150. XP is now $200 for the home version. > They seem to progressivly worse as you get on.. 2K was a good one though, as > was 98SE. They really need to invest the time that they used to in > developing a new product. It's seeming to take less then half a year for a > new windows to come out over the past year and a half. > > --Bowen-- Ongoing boycottJan 9, 2002, 2:33am
> [...] you'd do as much as you could do get more money.
> If you can monopilise the business, then you sure as heck > will! That's how life works! [...] Is really THAT your vision of life? Is really doing as much money as you can your goal in life? Don't you think there are things that are more important? Fox Mc Cloud Ongoing boycottJan 9, 2002, 2:33am
"lilalpha phalpha" <lilalpha_aw at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c3bc46b at
> Finially, somone shares my point of view :) > > Lil *shivers* are there others like that out there? :P Fox Mc Cloud Ongoing boycottJan 9, 2002, 3:00am
By the way, what are your impressions about Atmosphere?
I tried it a bit... and it... well... sucks. It's ugly and unintuitive (and I hate things integrated in the browser instead of a good old stand alone app that you have more control over) How does everyone feel about this? And what about other existing 3d chat programs? Fox Mc Cloud Ongoing boycottJan 9, 2002, 4:45am
"macb" <zzzzz at zzzz.zzz> a écrit dans le message news: 3C3BE140.8020302 at zzzz.zzz...
> Don't forget... we may be throwing away our PCs and using game > consoles in the future. Uh... well, it won't be the case for me at least ;) It's too much a pleasure to build your own sweet computer, lovingly, carefully choosing each part and spending hours and hours monintoring benchmark sites.... :) Consoles are fun to a certain extent, but they just don't have the same goals as computers. As for what you said about AW, well, sure AW was ugly back in 1997 when I discovered it, but we're now in 2002, and if I understood well they don't support 3D cards? how can that be? That's a really stupid design decision in my opinion... Fox Mc Cloud Ongoing boycottJan 9, 2002, 10:29pm
Now that's an eepesque attack, he isn't even a native english speaker...
Fox Mc Cloud "goober king" <rar1 at> a écrit dans le message news: 3C3CC960.4030108 at > I was complaining about your English, which includes all aspects of the > language, including grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence > structure. I guess I need to complain about your reading comprehension > skills too! ;P Ongoing boycottJan 10, 2002, 1:20am
Well, what about "lol well anyway its not my native language!i am libyan" that he posted in reply to you a few posts up in this
thread ? :) Fox Mc Cloud "goober king" <rar1 at> a écrit dans le message news: 3C3D020D.6000908 at > Umm, yea he is... > > And if it was a truly Eepesque attack, I'd be attacking Katerine, not > SWE. It's one thing if you don't speak the language, it's another thing > entirely when you are perfectly capable of speaking the language > properly, but you just can't be bothered. :P Ongoing boycottJan 10, 2002, 1:56am
lol, ok, probably ;)
Fox Mc Cloud "goober king" <rar1 at> a écrit dans le message news: 3C3D0C0A.10206 at > He may have been born in Libya, but it sounds to me as if he's been > growing up in an English-speaking environment for most of his life. > Trust me, it takes a "native" English speaker to glom the language > *that* badly (I'm sure you can tell the difference between someone > trying to speak French and a French-speaking person who just doesn't > speak properly). Re: ...abuse?...Jan 8, 2002, 10:14pm
"swe" <m_swehli at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c3b897a at
> will have no aternative but to come back to activeworlds This is the flow in your reasoning (and in theirs?) :) They're not selling water or oxygen for us to breathe, we can live without it. Or some users could decide to create their own. (hint :P) Fox Mc Cloud Re: ...abuse?...Jan 9, 2002, 2:38am
There's much, much room for other companies to compete :)
Even with Microsoft. There ARE other companies making money on other operating systems. Maybe they're not the best (money-wise), but if they can make a living out of it, where's the problem? Fox Mc Cloud "blasto" <GovDion at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c3ba53a$1 at > It's like microsoft (but on a lower scale), if you get anywhere near what > they've created they'll iether buy you out or run you out of business! Re: ...abuse?...Jan 9, 2002, 4:53pm
A few comments here. First, MOST unix implementations are paying. Linux is an Unix, and came later than Microsoft, but Unix itself
was there much, much longer before Microshaft. You can make money distributing Linux, too. And you're quite restrictive when saying macintosh is the only other one. There are many OS's out there... BeOS, OS/2, NetWare, SCO Unix (and other Unices), VMS, OS-9, FreeBSD, to name just a few... And excuse me, but X-Box kicks nothing :P Fox Mc Cloud "blasto" <GovDion at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c3c4e17$1 at > yes, macintosh is the only one and that's cause macintosh came up at the > same time microsoft did. Not 20yrs afterward! Linux and unix are their only > competitors and linux and unix are free so there's not much of anyone to > actually buy out! Besides, they're only for advanced users so that's not > much of the market. > > Now you see Microsoft trying to run out the gaming console business too. I > don't mind that though, X-Box kicks ass :-P Re: ...abuse?...Jan 9, 2002, 6:01pm
I think it's capped at 100fps, rather. That's the max rate I've seen...
Fox Mc Cloud "bowen" <bowen at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c3ca0fc at > and > sure > > How can you get higher FPS when there's extra things to render? That makes > no sense. Plus, 3.2 is capped at *around* 30-35 FPS max. > > --Bowen-- > > Re: ...abuse?...Jan 9, 2002, 10:27pm
"blasto" <GovDion at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c3cade7 at
> see it overheat or even lag at all. grrr... lag is a slowdown in a network connection, I hate when people misuse it :P Fox Mc Cloud Re: ...abuse?...Jan 10, 2002, 8:49pm
"blasto" <GovDion at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c3e0ec1$1 at
> Try and run Q3 on a 233 and tell me your fps, my guess is it would take > 5minutes just to open the damned game. LOL :-P Let alone render anything > fast enough to see the person who killed you :-P Actually Quake 3 scales marvellously well due to the many quality settings and the quality of its rendering engine. But you are right that the compilation in Quake3 helps speed a lot... Quake 3 uses a portal engine, which means only the visible areas are rendered, thanks to calculations made during vis compilation... that could not be done in AW at all... Fox Mc Cloud |