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Possible mem leak?

Apr 11, 2001, 9:22pm
There's also a related great feature of human brain, which is the ability to act so as not to get ejected from the world you want to
visit. Then you can go there anytime you wish without using the standalone browser. Not sure all versions are equipped with this
feature though.

Fox Mc Cloud

"jfk2" <gkieffer at> a écrit dans le message news: 90803FEEFgkiefferaznetcom at
> sometimes I LOVE the standalone mode of the browser. And sometimes it's a
> MUST to use it like that. Especially after certain people almost swear
> that they NEVER Eject someone & then do the Eject anyways...
> ### Ok... No names here... The world owner knows who HE is that I'm
> refering to... ###

Possible mem leak?

Apr 12, 2001, 4:41am
Well sorry then... I thought you pissed someone off and complained about getting ejected...
I wasn't in a good mood when I wrote that :o)

Fox Mc Cloud

"jfk2" <gkieffer at> a écrit dans le message news: 9080D30F6gkiefferaznetcom at
> Ok... Let me give you a hint to the people that do alot of Ejectiong
> when they say they don't & they say they care but it's not true
> with them...
> My real good friend is Chucks Party and he was the one that was
> slamming these people for a very short time while i stayed out of it.
> WELL.... It's those people. But i'm not going to name any names
> here except from my friend so you can get the idea of which people i
> refer to [So as not to get another LONG winded war raging again]
> That is why i failed to mention names... WE BOTH were shot out of
> that place... But that is in the past. And of course i can't get in
> there until my ip# changes & then i can get in just long enough
> to do a decent
> world download and then i can go back in there in stand alone mode.
> Now i do know that does use some BRAIN power to figure out that
> you can visit their world even after you have been ejected...
> And i use my brains. But lately i've been going into an even better world
> BW... [Nope... It's NOT Broadway World] It's Beta World instead...
> I must admit that the music is much better there
> [My Bot Provides The Music] And the people you meet there are really
> fantastic. It offers solitude as well [5000 km world]. And there
> is absolutely no world owners that prefer to Eject you and then say
> the care and do all that other nonsense... It's SUPER there... And I
> sure don't need stand alone mode to enjoy that world...

Active World's bait and switch operation

Apr 13, 2001, 8:40pm
I agree with you nornny :)
I guess marcus is just trying to find reasons to hassle AW :)

marcus... if they have stated in an email to you that you could have a 20$ discount when not wanting the extra citizenship, or
something... then show the email to the NG... if not, sorry but you're TOTALLY wrong. AW has no obligation to do what you think they
should do, when they didn't clearly state they would, neither in their site, nor in e-mail.

Fox Mc Cloud

"nornny" <Nornny at> a écrit dans le message news: 3ad6171c$1 at
> Excuse me marcus for being so unprepared in my following statements, I
> haven't read thoroughly the posts in this thread.
> But you seem pretty anal over the fact that you're getting a citizenship or
> multiple cits for a world. :) I'm assuming that the cit is not part of what
> you're paying for, but rather just a "freebie" to entice more prospective
> world owners. That free cit can't be transferred as a renewal to your cit
> because for one, I doubt awcom has a way of doing that and if they did, it
> would take more time than just handing one out. And two, the cit isn't for
> you silly, it's for you to give to a friend, a tourist of your world, or for
> an account used for building if you have a building team. When you're
> getting multiple cits, you can prolly use it for all three reasons I
> explained up there. :))
> I guess the cit is just a kind gesture passed down in the AW social ladder.
> :)) But what you're paying for is the world, I don't believe any of the
> money you're using to pay is going for the citizenship(s) account. Just an
> extra. :))
> As for the bouncing from contact to contact thing, that's not what the cit
> is usually used for, unless you're using it as a secret identity. :)
> Usually, you put building privs, ps privs, and other world privs on that new
> cit and you log in with a priviledge password to use it. :)) That's what
> I've seen being done in other worlds.
> Nornny

AWLD glub glub glub...

Apr 13, 2001, 8:46pm
"facter" <facter at> a écrit dans le message news: 3ad704de at
> *shakes his head*
> You know, I play a card game called Illuminati - its just like this
> newsgroup !!!
> I'm thinking of creating a card for play based on it in fact =)
> F.

==> wasn't this rather "R. F. R." ? kind of unusual for an official statement... lol

anyway, that's a great way to get more money to AW... I can't wait till the game comes out :)
Will there be a FoxMcCloud card, too ? I hope so :oP Anyway I guess the hardest creature to defeat will be the mighty eep.....

Fox Mc Cloud

AWLD glub glub glub...

Apr 13, 2001, 9:28pm
He's still hard to defeat... except with the Filter card...

Fox Mc Cloud

"ananas" <vha at> a écrit dans le message news: 3AD781E7.3E8155DC at
> Mighty?
> This poor lonesome lowly creature that has no friends except for the
> guy in his mirror?
[View Quote]

AWLD glub glub glub...

Apr 13, 2001, 9:59pm
Hey, I was being ironic ! :oP
"The mighty dog doo" can be a very nice ironic sentence too.

Fox Mc Cloud

"ananas" <vha at> a écrit dans le message news: 3AD78958.1EE0DCD9 at
True, like dog doo that sticks to your shoe - but I would never speak
about "the mighty dog doo" *g

[View Quote]

RWX Viewer

Oct 15, 2001, 2:21pm
Hi all ! It's been a long time i haven't read / posted here, i've been too
busy lately
Anyway I just wanted to say that i had grown tired of having to go to AW
each time i want to test a rwx object, so i started writing a quick rwx
viewer in opengl yesterday... it already reads quite a few rwx, so it
shouldnt take too long to complete, a few days probably...
I'll distribute the C++ source too if anyone is interested.

RWX scripting is well documented on the web (thanks a lot eep, andras,
whoever made the AW help file and probably others i'm forgetting, your pages
were really helpful to get info on all the rwx commands), but there remains
a few obscure points that i hope some of you object building specialists
(which i'm not) could maybe explain :)

- how do joints work? i mean, what does the joint transformation matrix
affect? i haven't found any info about that. RotateJoint,
JointTransformBegin and JointTransformEnd are neither stated in the list of
supported RWX Commands nor unsupported commands in the AW help files... are
they supported ? Is this what's used to put together avatar's clumps?
- does vertex numbering restart to 1 at the beginning of each clump or are
the vertex numbers global to an object ?
- does AW support the normal optional argument to the vertex command?
- does the RandomUVs command take an On/Off parameter?
- do OpacityFix and RandomUVs commands affect the whole object or just part
of it?
- does the Polygon RWX command support only convex polygons, or any polygon?
- does AW support the RGB versions of Ambient and Diffuse commands?
- How do you do axis alignment in opengl? lol

Thanks, i hope that's not too much questions... lol... if you know the
answer to at least one of these questions or can point me to a website where
there are details about them, please answer this thread :)

Fox Mc Cloud

RWX Viewer

Oct 15, 2001, 2:59pm
Thanks, i wasn't sure where to post this :)
I'll repost it there right now.

Fox Mc Cloud

"goober king" <rar1 at> a écrit dans le message news: 3BCB1451.3020207 at
> You're probably better off asking the worldbuilders NG people. They
> should know what's what :)

RWX Viewer

Oct 15, 2001, 3:15pm
thanks :)

"andras" <andras at> a écrit dans le message news: 3BCB13FA.31D00198 at
> inline....
[View Quote] >
> Vertexext is not generating an error but has no any implementation. OTOH the prelight argument is proprietary for AW.

I was talking about the Normal optional argument of Vertex... like in :
Vertex 0 1 3 Normal 1 0 0 UV 1 0 #!Prelight 0.2 0.5 0.8
(not something i have seen in an object, i just invented this line... it's documented in the RW2.1 docs but nothing about it in the
AW3.2 help files)

> Any polygons.

Lucky thing i had a triangulation algorythm as a project in a computer science lesson last year then... :)
*searches in the mess of his old sources*

Fox Mc Cloud

RWXViewer 0.90 beta 1 released !

Oct 24, 2001, 6:31am
You can now download the first public beta of my RWXViewer... As its name states, it's a beta, and all is not implemented yet.
But you can try it out and drop me an email to tell me what works or doesn't, what features you'd like to see, etc...
Note that the primitives (Cube, Sphere, etc... ) are not yet implemented, and that avatars don't work yet either.
Unzipping is not yet supported either, and you have to do some simple steps at hand since there is no installer for now...
You need a 3d graphics accelerator with OpenGL support, no software or Direct3D mode !

If you still want to try it after all these warnings, follow the link : :)
The link is, well, somewhere in the page... lol... It's a beta so it's not like I want everyone to download it and receive thousands
of bug reports in my email :P
I'll be glad to receive some, though. Be sure to include information about your hardware and software If you do report a bug.

Fox Mc Cloud

RWXViewer 0.90 beta 1 released !

Oct 24, 2001, 2:37pm
Safe... well it won't crash your system and doesn't contain a virus :)
It has crashed on me only on 1 file so far (bill.rwx)... I'm trying to fix it...

Fox Mc Cloud

"icey" <icey at> a écrit dans le message news: 3BD6BCC9.B2CBCB38 at
> A simple reminder:
> Is it safe or what?
> Smart Programmer Motto:
> Why running an exe you do not know where it comes from?
> icey

RWXViewer 0.90 beta 1 released !

Oct 24, 2001, 2:40pm
What do you mean? the program runs well for me, so I do this so other people can try if it works for *them* too, that's beta testing
isn't it ? :)
I've already had a few friends test it and they had no problem

Fox Mc Cloud

"swe" <m_swehli at> a écrit dans le message news: 3bd6b20f at
> lol,u sure its ready for beta testing? doesnt seem like theres much stuff to
> test :)
> SWE(327320)

RWXViewer 0.90 beta 1 released !

Oct 24, 2001, 2:51pm
lol... From the answer of swe and re-reading that mail, I guess it sounds quite negative... only talking about what's not
supported... lol
that was not to disappoint you if you find out your objects don't work or the program doesn't run for you :)
But it DOES load and display nearly all objects fine with texturing, transparency, lighting, masking, prelighting, optional AW-like
parameters to make it look like it's in your AW world (ambient and directional lights, fog, backdrop and ground...), etc...

Try it ! :)

By the way, a friend of mine tells me the program doesn't run on his Voodoo3... anyone can confirm this or maybe it comes from an
other problem? Does voodoo3 run fine on AW3.2 OpenGL mode?

Fox Mc Cloud

"foxmccloud" <FoxMcCloud at> a écrit dans le message news: 3bd67c56$1 at
> You can now download the first public beta of my RWXViewer... As its name states, it's a beta, and all is not implemented yet.
> But you can try it out and drop me an email to tell me what works or doesn't, what features you'd like to see, etc...
> Note that the primitives (Cube, Sphere, etc... ) are not yet implemented, and that avatars don't work yet either.
> Unzipping is not yet supported either, and you have to do some simple steps at hand since there is no installer for now...
> You need a 3d graphics accelerator with OpenGL support, no software or Direct3D mode !
> If you still want to try it after all these warnings, follow the link : :)
> The link is, well, somewhere in the page... lol... It's a beta so it's not like I want everyone to download it and receive
> of bug reports in my email :P
> I'll be glad to receive some, though. Be sure to include information about your hardware and software If you do report a bug.
> Fox Mc Cloud

RWXViewer 0.90 beta 1 released !

Oct 24, 2001, 6:55pm
Errr... I can tell noone did that because *I* am the author of the program !! lol
And I do check my computer for viruses regularly :)

Fox Mc Cloud

"brant" <awteen at> a écrit dans le message news: 3bd722fb$1 at
> How can you tell it doesn't contain a virus? There's no way to know for
> sure, and worse yet, someone could pull a Radon and sneak in some code that
> steals your PW if you tell AW to remember your password :)

RWXViewer 0.90 beta 1 released !

Oct 25, 2001, 3:43pm
It was built to take advantage of Glide, 3dfx's proprietary API :)

By the way, anyone has had trouble or success using the program? not much feedback yet even though 32 ppl downloaded it :)
If you got trouble with it it would be nice to contact me via ICQ (#13371469) so we can talk faster and I can fix the problem...

Fox Mc Cloud

"sw chris" <chrisw10 at> a écrit dans le message news: 3bd849ab$1 at
> Well the Voodoo series wasn't built with OpenGL in mind, mind you. It was
> built to take advantage of Direct3D.
> --
> SW Chris

-= JTech Web Systems Announces Hosting Services =-

Oct 27, 2001, 12:54am
stfu, kid. haven't you got homework to do?

"internal affairs" <biginsey at> a écrit dans le message news: 3bd9e2d0$1 at
> Perhaps the reason why you don't want to "release server specs" is because
> the server is a piece of shit?


Oct 28, 2001, 12:31am
BMP has no compression algorithm, it's just raw data :) (well it CAN, via RLE, but nobody uses it)

Fox Mc Cloud (who is a spoiled fuck too)

"internal affairs" <biginsey at> a écrit dans le message news: 3bdb66e8 at
> Stupid, you saved it as a BMP file. Ever hear of compression? JPEG offers a
> much better compression algorithm than bit mapped has. Not everyone is a
> spoiled fuck like you and has broadband.
[View Quote]


Oct 28, 2001, 1:56am
well it's a user setting, isn't it?
besides, the (new) bmp specification *does* state that it can support any encription, including jpeg gif etc, provided it's
indicated in the header... ever seen one? not me :)

Fox Mc Cloud

"ananas" <vha at> a écrit dans le message news: 3BDB7EFE.C4460B5A at
> OS/2 does uses RLE on BMP
[View Quote]


Nov 8, 2001, 8:04pm
Didn't follow exactly what the point was here, but as a note : under NT/2k the command is "ipconfig", but it's a console program so
you better do Start > Run > cmd.exe and then only type winipcfg in the console... (else it'll close as soon as it appears)

Fox Mc Cloud

"kah" <kah at> a écrit dans le message news: 3beaf661$1 at
> you can also use the Windows IP config, use Start > Run > type "winipcfg"
> (on Win9x, different on NT/2k), and select PPP adapter from the list, it'll
> show your IP :-))

Renewing a world

Nov 25, 2001, 2:04pm
And I thought that Tomorrow never dies?

Fox Mc Cloud

"kah" <kah at> a écrit dans le message news:
3c00fe99$1 at
> Please don't take Tommorow down! It's such a wonderfull world!

Unfair ejection...

Dec 6, 2001, 5:44am
Don't want to offend you all, but this all thread is quite, well, childish :)
Who cares anyway? This topic didn't deserve such long a thread.

Fox Mc Cloud

Unfair ejection...

Dec 6, 2001, 5:44am

Animal Bot 1.1

Dec 30, 2001, 7:57pm
It has to run on the same machine as the server then...

Fox Mc Cloud

"marnvin" <vincent at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c2f1390$1 at
> it.
> Im designing an animal bot which wont walk through objects.
> It will get the sizes from the registry.

Is "damn" a cuss word ?

Dec 30, 2001, 5:13pm
I'm in Quebec, I'd better watch out :P

Fox Mc Clouf

"moff piett" <baronjutter at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c2e82d3 at
> Well if you killed the Canadian in the province of quebec with an american
> gun that didn't have all the text on the gun in english and french, with
> the french a certain percent bigger, then you'd be in even bigger trouble
> than murder, you'd be committing a language crime. And in quebec it
> doens't get more serious than that lol.

Is "damn" a cuss word ?

Dec 30, 2001, 5:26pm
Ok, well, here's what I think. We don't know.
I think this area of justice is still nearly unprepared for what we have to face with today's means of communication. The people who
make the laws are grumpy old men that don't change as fast as the world does.
And your constitution is SOO old... (time to change it, is it? :P) do you really think George Washington thought of cases where you
were in another country while being "connected" to another, even though you physically have nothing to do with that other country ?
Even though some laws are being made, there are still many many things possible on the net that they don't cover, so that kind of
things will most of the time be up to the judge to decide who is right, I guess.

Oh, and I don't have a masters and don't know anything about laws, I just think that makes sense ;)

Fox Mc Cloud

Frohes neues Jahr

Jan 1, 2002, 4:37am
Bonne année à tout le monde ! ;)

Fox Mc Cloud

"ananas" <vha at> a écrit dans le message news: 3C305E70.DCF18A13 at
> Hallo Community :)
> Ein schoenes Neujahrsfest und ein gesundes und friedliches
> neues Jahr Euch allen, Euren Freunden und Familien
> Volker
> --
> "_
> |
> /\
> \ /
> __/ /_

Frohes neues Jahr

Jan 1, 2002, 4:44am
Und vielen danken ananas, nun ich weiß daß ich noch verstehe ein bißchen Deutsch, ich haßte Deutsch lernen in Schule :P (aber mein
schriftlich Deutsch muß schreklich sein, ich hoffe du verstehe ein bißchen ;) )

Fox Mc Cloud <-- proud he can still remember a bit of german

"foxmccloud" <FoxMcCloud at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c31591d$1 at
> Bonne année à tout le monde ! ;)
> Fox Mc Cloud

new citizenship

Jan 8, 2002, 8:56pm
I would rather ask the question that way : "Is EACH MONTH you spend / spent in AW worth 9.50$?". Because that's the price we're
gonna have to pay for each of them.

Fox Mc Cloud

"icey" <icey at> a écrit dans le message news: 3C3B6AAC.6040104 at
> ..and then it was 9.50 dollars
[View Quote] <snipped 110 stories of quoting>

Some things i would like to bring up:

Jan 7, 2002, 8:24pm
> BTW ... why is MSVC++ crap?? ;o)

cause the M stands for Microsoft :D
(sorry, I had missed that one... lol)

Fox Mc Cloud

Forced upgrade to 3.2

Jan 5, 2002, 2:28am
"icey" <icey at> a écrit dans le message news: 3C364293.5090602 at
> This is why I like computers, it is a challange

As is english spelling.

Fox Mc Cloud

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