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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 23, 2003, 3:39pm
Not with anything I can see in it... :)

- Mark

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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 23, 2003, 5:43pm
Actually, it was expressing that the AWTeen Council should not exist,
therefore anyone bringing about its recreation at any point in time should
also be ajoined to that fate.. not existing :)

- Mark

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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 23, 2003, 6:01pm
Pffft your just not worth arguing with tonight >:P

- Mark

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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 23, 2003, 6:01pm
Will you damned idiots learn to cut your posts!

- Eep

Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 23, 2003, 6:02pm
That was quick I only posted that 10 seconds ago...

- Mark

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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 23, 2003, 7:13pm
How about you all just shut up for a while, yer know.. there is a thing
outside called the outdoors.. go look at it for a while!

- Mark

Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 24, 2003, 8:24am
Appart from random snipers :O

- Mark

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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 24, 2003, 8:24am
>_< The first thing I do when I get up and I get slapped! That's just mean.

- Mark

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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 24, 2003, 11:30am
Joe o.0 why would your cat want to be watered, my grans cat didnt like it
when we watered it accidently from a great height :O

- Mark

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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 24, 2003, 8:43pm
Not when my grans walks under the hosepipe it dosent...

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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 26, 2003, 3:16pm
One of these days im going to get a chainsaw and cut that Y down to size...

- Mark

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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 28, 2003, 3:25pm
AZ? o.0

- Mark

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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 28, 2003, 4:13pm
You mean there is someone on here who dosen't know I am English? o.0

Cooincidently it is a nuclear powered chainsaw attached to the front of an

- Mark

Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 28, 2003, 5:59pm
Bollocks o.0

That goes to show.. always proof read your newsgroup posts... unless your
eating Chicken Drummers at the same time!

- Mark

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Thread deleted for language?!?!?

Aug 21, 2003, 6:54pm
Shut... the heck.. up

- Mark

Thread deleted for language?!?!?

Aug 21, 2003, 7:04pm
Or even better.. someone reprogram DNews so Bruce cant start new threads...

- Mark

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Thread deleted for language?!?!?

Aug 21, 2003, 7:08pm
Yeah but that would be Bills descision alone (or maybe Ricks)... Not really
for us to decide until he really pisses us off.

- Mark

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Thread deleted for language?!?!?

Aug 22, 2003, 3:12pm
We are not ON the AW program we are on a place where people can voice
their views (as long as they do not include anything illegal, over profanity
etc)... this means, winge from yesterday to tommorow and you will be lucky
if you don't get 100 posts in 6 hours slamming you...

Consider it the equivilent of a slap on the bottom for a kid who never shuts
up and always is own to say his own woes...

One of your biggest problems is you crave attention, you never put anything
decent in your posts, so instead, you start a rediuclous number of new
threads... we could not read your posts.. but then how do we know what
people are on about when they start slamming you for whatever babble you are
on about...

I also feel that you are detached from these newsgroups for everything that
does not include the woe of the worlds (or, specifically, YOUR worlds), hell
you still call me Strike for the love of God (if there was one)...

The similarities between you and TheLady are many, you insult her, and in
responce; those of us who take 5 seconds after we have read a post to digest
it, before ranting plainly see you are 2 of the same.

Just look at some of the crap you have said, and read it as though you were
not you...

You need to realise you, like noone here, is God and the centre of the
universe (unless your E N Z O standing at Alphaworld GZ...)... I remember a
while ago a post about game textures, for none commercial. You decided to
make a post about how YOU and YOUR A!!CT object path wouldent use the object
path and how YOU would only put on things given to them and A!!CT only did
this and A!!CT only did that.. Christ man, in the last 3 hours I've been
speaking on regional radio to a few million people and if I had gone
advertising this like that, id have been kicked off immediatly, so why arn't
you kicked for it...

- Mark

Thread deleted for language?!?!?

Aug 23, 2003, 6:21pm
1MB flame wars? Not bad... guess 256kb of that was napalm and the rest a
rediculously complicated Encryption scheme to stop Joe from hijacking it...

- Mark

Someone, ANYONE who can, please delete these giant flame wars!

Aug 24, 2003, 8:21am
By the way Duo..
Have you ever seen these newsgroups when there isnt a decent war going
on... it consited of 2 anouncements from Xelagot about new versions of
Xelagot, 1 message about a paintball event and 1 twit posting about 3 test
posts... I mean wow ;)

Has anyone realised the best way to fix this would be 1 huge terrained
world.... 1 paintball bot that universe ejected for a day and everyone to
fight it out like digital men!?

- Mark

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Aug 24, 2003, 8:23am
NO we bloody well don't!

Its bloody rediculous to even consider a re-index! Some of us don't have 2
hours to download everything again! Have a little consideration for EVERYONE
and not just those on T3 who couldent care less.

- Mark

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The creation of a new Public World

Aug 24, 2003, 8:40pm
[View Quote] Enhanced world server... not a bot.. version 4.0

> to oversee many things and AWI kept track of how long
> you were inworld and involved. Bots has been one of the better things
> that AWI added to the interface we have with the environment.
> Proposed ...
> The first Citizen designed world
> Being that AWI can tell when one is being actively part of the
> community, either through chatting or building, and as such, could then
> be the banker of 'Community Time' (CT), those who do more, such as those
> who teach, PK, GK, Beta, oversee Community Groups, or OldTimers, etc.,
> would receive CT+ for giving more of their time to enhance the
> experience. With this in place, a monetary system could come into play,
> and maybe a few more ppl would become part of the active community
> [NewAW had/has this].

Yes.. and it failed miserably because some people actually wanted to get the
hell out of the world... and those on dialup couldent stay there 24/7 like

> On becoming a Citizen, they would be given an allotment of 'land' and CT
> to get you started with building. If you don't build {explore should be
> viewed as part of building) or chat, then what are you doing here!
> NewAW had/has this, but gave you CT on account, 'sold' you a lot and
> had you pay for each object used in your 'build.'
> As a Citizen becomes involved with the Community, they would gain the
> means to expand their land area or move closer to a teleport 'hub'
> (thereby reducing the time someone has to spend walking to your lot).

Egh... or you could always just put activate teleport on an object like the
beta team did....

> Maybe the Citizen can 'buy' such things as tee shirts and time
> extensions to citizenship, or world(s) ... or an 'accent piece'. The
> list of things that CT could be used for is more than I can spend time
> listing .... If I did, you would find something else that one can trade
> for CT's. Bot/s can be set to control 'local' teleporting [NewAW had/has
> this].
> Then, AWI could create a world, seed it with teleport stations, building
> roads connecting the teleport hubs 'to the compass,' and then create
> 'lots' around the AWI Hub. (Lots being smaller near the hub and larger
> as developed out. Lots closer to the hub costing more CT's than those
> farther away.) [NewAW had/has lots of different prices].
> Zones could be created allowing those with older citizenship to build
> closer to the GZ and also allowing late-comers to Active Worlds with
> sufficient CTs to buy building lots closer in.
> Allow lot owners to work the terrain , this would allow for basements,
> or ppl creating mountains. Of course ... Such things would have to be
> paid for in CT's [AWTeen already does this].

Could you choose a more confusing name... CT's... now where else does that
come in...

> AWI could use the Mega-Path for its OP, and maybe allow 'Accent Pieces'
> [ZObjects], that load from other than the Mega-Path (there are already
> worlds out there that have more than one OP, I am sure that some smart
> coder out there could work out how to do this, and it too would cost

Erm... your basically just going on paying for objects again..

> Communities could then build around the hubs and maybe tax themselves to
> add things like parks, lakes, and other community enhancement projects.
> my 2 cents ...

In a world where you can move from one location to another in the time it
takes to execute 100,000 asm instruction... things like this just don't
work... if people want to build a community, they will do it where they can,
and not where there are restrictions on even travel...

- Mark

E N Z O ...

Aug 25, 2003, 9:04pm
Did you register with credit card when you got your citizenship? If not he
may not have the required address to come and deliver a consignment of love
to you...

- Mark

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Bigger Better Path Hosting Available

Aug 27, 2003, 8:51pm
We agree! So click the button, you know it would make you so 133t!

Gooo onnnn :)

- Mark

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Bigger Better Path Hosting Available

Aug 28, 2003, 3:24pm
You know you want to click it.... click the link ;)

- Mark

Bigger Better Path Hosting Available

Aug 28, 2003, 3:55pm
Like that is going to work o.0 you forgot the rest of the army who will
follow it up :)

- Mark

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Bigger Better Path Hosting Available

Aug 28, 2003, 3:58pm
Failing that.. I can mobilise my private army... A brigade of Challenger 2
tanks carrying PATRIOT guidence and and SABOT should be more than enough to
solve the problem... and just for good show I would deploy a few YF22c's
carrying AlphaStrike tactical nuclear missiles... :)

- Mark

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Armys of flying monkeys...

Sep 1, 2003, 3:16pm
How could you forget Stacee!?

- Mark

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