Someone, ANYONE who can, please delete these giant flame wars! (Community)

Someone, ANYONE who can, please delete these giant flame wars! // Community

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Aug 23, 2003, 6:41pm
Dear Enzo, administrators, and AW Citizens:

All of these topics after 'AWCntest Voting Opens!' have gone from
whatever they were to giant flame wars, responses to them (not that the
majority of topics on the ngs aren't flame wars anyway), or completely
pointless posts (whether they started that way or not). There are a few
posts which are not flames, which are constructive and contribute to the
conversation, but unfortunetely, the flames and unconstructive responses
outnumber them greatly. Anyone who posts anything sensible is immediately
chewed out by flamers, usually the same few of them. All these topics are
doing is taking up at least 300 KB on the servers, people's hard drives, and
bandwidth limits (and don't penalize me for my post Joeman, I apologized).
I know people are going to dish out a lot of crap about how if its too
much stuff or whatever that you can just not visit the ngs, but what if some
wants to come to the ngs to do CONSTRUCTIVE things and read CONSTRUCTIVE
posts and all there was is this junk? Ever think of that? Or what if someone
wanted to make the NGs a constructive place (if they aren't at the time), so
they decided to stay to do so? I honestly don't care about The Lady's posts,
I don't care about any of these posts really. I just want these flame wars
gone. They are not constructive, at all. Please, I don't want any more flame
wars, so I among others would greatly appreciate it if people would at least
NOT reply to my post or at least MAKE CONSTRUCTIVE REPLIES, and to make
constructive replies in other topics. Also I and probably a number of other
people would be very appreciative to enzo and/or any other person able to
'nuke' (>:-P) the NGs to nuke all these flames wars, because they really
just aren't doing anything good. Not onlt I, but others want this newsgroup
for good things, not to have these flame wars.

My best,
..Duo. (342836)

P.S. I am not excluding myself from the group of people who make posts which
are not constructive, but I am exlcuding myself from the group of people who
constantly flame. Also, don't critisize me for acting like an admin or
something, if the admin doesn't do the job, someone has to at least try.



Aug 23, 2003, 6:47pm
That is, if the admin doesn't do the job, doesn't have time to, or is unable
to do the job due to any other inconvenience.

strike rapier

Aug 23, 2003, 6:50pm


Aug 23, 2003, 8:04pm
I'd love to see flame wars and pointless personal debates banned from the
NG's, or atleast religated to general.

Would be so nice to have some person come in here every day and just move or
delete 99% of the useless 12 year old in a chat room flame war debates about
who is more mature or less egotistical etc etc than who. The only people
who read these massive threats are the flamers that post to them. And NO
"self defence" is not a valid reason to reply to a flame thread. Deal with
it in private.

I remember when Tom used to sort of moderate things here, it was a little
better, but since I've come back and he's left it's the worst I've ever seen

I'm just about ready to unsubscribe from the communtiy forum and stick to
the worldbuilders. Bots is nothing but teens arguing stupid technical
points with the same zeel and idiocy as some argue politics, and community
is nothing but a "Flames, personal attacks, and grudges" chat room.

Rick, I do believe it's time you look lively. LOOK LIVELY!

strike rapier

Aug 24, 2003, 8:21am
By the way Duo..
Have you ever seen these newsgroups when there isnt a decent war going
on... it consited of 2 anouncements from Xelagot about new versions of
Xelagot, 1 message about a paintball event and 1 twit posting about 3 test
posts... I mean wow ;)

Has anyone realised the best way to fix this would be 1 huge terrained
world.... 1 paintball bot that universe ejected for a day and everyone to
fight it out like digital men!?

- Mark

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Aug 24, 2003, 11:19am
heh heh heh

Anyway, I wouldn't care about this if the posts were actually good and not
crap with no proof to back it up.
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Aug 24, 2003, 5:00pm
[View Quote] Then those weirdos that turn down their video memory to near null and
reduce visibility so they can see/click through objects will come out.


No of SETI units returned: 74
Processing time: 66 days, 6 hours.
(Total hours: 1590)


Aug 24, 2003, 7:31pm
Then I'll bust out... with uh, a bag fill of magic... eh ;)


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