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LNH's wishlist to date...

Apr 11, 2004, 12:32pm
[View Quote] The thing is, avatars are currently enumerated by a byte number, 0 to 255
with 250+ being the special avatars. Changing this to a string would require
a complete rework of the protocol, as well as changes to every single bot
that uses avatar detection.

There would also be problems with limiting which avatars could be worn and
their relative sequences (I could open up TS right now and make an avatar so
your 3d screen instantly went pitch black the second you got within 200m of

LNH's wishlist to date...

Apr 11, 2004, 2:28pm
This is a little app that uses the AWM format to teleport your user around
Active Worlds. Its a simple interface, the 3 up/down buttons control the
hours, minutes and seconds.

You need to locate your aworld.exe directly (because I don't trust AW to
install its reg keys right for MIME).

The EXE path, and last world and coordinates are remembered for next use.

Download is 15407 bytes in size (Zipped) Please check the ZIP size when
downloading to ensure the file has not had anything attached.

- MR

(rant enclosed) More Attention needs to be paid to Alpha World

Apr 5, 2004, 11:30pm
Thats because most people in AWTeen dropped out of school and need something
to do with their time.

- MR

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Plugin Server

Apr 3, 2004, 9:24pm
A DLL that interfaces with the world server... kinda like a bot but much
much more control... NewAW = Plugin server, so is VoIP

- MR

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Organizing Contact List

Apr 11, 2004, 4:07pm
For me and people in organisations (PK's etc) this would be very... very
helpful, my
contacts list in AWEdu is currently experiencing 'hugeness' because of
adding every single student in our classes on it... Being able to split it
up into individual universities / schools / classes etc would be great.

Organizing Contact List

Apr 11, 2004, 9:32pm
John... if you really want it I am sure that I have something somewhere that
could do exactly that for you... it would just cost you quite a lot to get
me to expose my SQL server :)

- MR

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Apr 13, 2004, 11:43pm
Thats an extra 8 bytes per cell, and thats like quarter of a GB for a P3000
and an extra 4GB for AW (if i worked it out right) for very little useful
gain... having the plugin server change your gravity by setting attributes
in zones would be much more efficent and much more useful.

- MR

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Apr 14, 2004, 5:25am
Earth is a near sphere... AW dosent even have curvature...

- MR

> Actually, there are gravity differences all over earth, but it's minimal.
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Apr 17, 2004, 1:31am
Integrate the formula for a 2D circle... you will see that the gravitational
pull decreases as you get higher, thats because the shell outside you counts
for nothing, but anything below your height does count, and it only
increases at a higher rate than r^2 up to a certain point.

- MR

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Apr 19, 2004, 9:30pm
In real time power the expanding universe, gravity has near negligable
effect on the outer permeters.

- MR

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Apr 20, 2004, 8:38pm
Dopler shift, and it has no outer bounds, it curves back in due to space
time, so more time is created.

- MR

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Apr 21, 2004, 4:22pm
[View Quote] Dopler shift is caused by the physical expansion of electromagnetic waves.
If you are in a boat and are traveling at 10cm s^-1 and you move your finger
from side to side in the water once every 1 second you map out a sin/cos
wave, that wave has a wavelength of 10cm in the water.

If the boat then accelerates until it is at 1m s^-1 and then rinse and
repeat repeat then the wavelength is now 100cm (1m). Using the formulae for
relating wavelength to frequency you then see how if an object is moving
quickly away from you its wavelength increases and frequency also decreases,
hence giving white light its red appearence.

Due to the nature of light speed being absolute if an object emmiting light
were moving at high speed towards you then the wave would be compressed,
shorter wavelength, higher frequency, blue shift.

Molecules are mainly effected by WNB [Weak Nuclear Force], SNB [Strong
Nuclear Force - Mega Mega Powerful], Gravity and Electric/Magnetic forces.

And time has to exist for the transfer of energy, because not all energy is
everywhere at once time must exist and be creatable.

- MR


Apr 21, 2004, 7:19pm
Simple proof: You didnt know exactly what this message said as soon as you
saw I had posted it.

- MR

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AW Object Count Frequency

Apr 15, 2004, 10:24pm
I wish that they would turn down the update frequency on the AW object count
at GZ, heck it dosent even have time to paint onto the 3D face before it
changes again...

Once every 30 to 120 seconds perhaps?

- MR

Passworded chat file

Apr 18, 2004, 1:22pm
Just cipher the binary line by line going in with reversable encryption.

- MR

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Telegram All Button

Apr 21, 2004, 7:19pm
If we had this we would need to kill OneSummer etc first...

- MR

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Apr 23, 2004, 4:10pm
So download the object... really polygon count isnt needed unless your a
developer, and then you already know it because it is shown in truespace.

Not to mention the length of time to parse it...

- MR

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Expired Cits on NGs

Apr 26, 2004, 9:18pm
Yes, before this one goes poof.

- MR

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reminder - grouping objects

Jul 5, 2004, 8:09pm
isnt... this... exactly what AW has always been like?

- MR

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reminder - grouping objects

Jul 5, 2004, 8:48pm
How Random,

Thats effectivly what is done manually, however I do not think AW has
implimented rotating around a single axis as it would need a key (probably
the name tag) and a lot of real-time calculation for the rotation, as well
as the offset.

But yes, this would be pretty good, wouldent be TOO hard to impliment
either, just need a bit of debugging and clever maths.

- MR

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"media" command

Jul 6, 2004, 5:10pm
I am not sure what the actual stance is on this,

The thing is as you've probably noticed the media commands uses the WMVCore
SDK, and as such gives up quite a lot of the nitty-gritty control for the
benefit of easy development. Really this is a good thing, if it was made
from scratch it would take them till 30.6, not 3.6.

I agree the media would benefit to using the object path as well, but really
its not all that important to do, even if it is 2 lines of extra code.

- MR

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"media" command

Jul 6, 2004, 6:16pm
This could be that the add then delete system keeps the WMP stream open and
active (the longest part if loading the media)... which would explain why it
does not restart, because it would never terminate.

Thats just my experience with WMP though, dunno for certain.

- MR

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SDK if we ever get one...

Jul 7, 2004, 3:13pm
If we do ever get the new SDK I would like to request a small recode on
AWI's part to make the aw_connect async with a callback. I am not sure how
easy this would be because I am inexperienced with winsock in C++, however
if it is not too much trouble this would help a lot of bots from hanging
when connecting under high bandwidth strain.

C++ and VBSDK please :)

- MR

SDK if we ever get one...

Jul 7, 2004, 11:31pm
Sorry, to correct myself:

aw_create is infact what I am requesting a callback for, being the longest
un-async function in the entire SDK as the entire TCP layre has to be

- MR

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SDK if we ever get one...

Jul 8, 2004, 3:25pm
[View Quote] I presumed as much, I havent taken the SDK appart but I was guessing that it
would not use the WSAAsync (cheers Sleepy) functions, the TCP services
establishing the connection could probably be AsyncSelect'd... but
regardless I know very little about C++ Winsock 2, I just want a

> So yes you are right, strike rapier, a callback would be very welcome,
> if it would work async... but considering that aw_login's callback
> does not seem to work async, it might not be of much use either.
> Alex

SDK if we ever get one...

Jul 8, 2004, 6:33pm
As far as I know aw_create establishes the connection to get the cipher
keys, which are needed before the logon is sent as it needs to be
encrypted... But I havent really spent much time trying to hack AW to find

I think the naming does sound about right.... aw_create is creating the
background systems needed for anything to happen, whereas aw_login is the
actual login handshaking to get the connection actually knowing whats going
on about it.

As for the world connect it seems to work pretty async for me? But then
again... im running the VBSDK for 3.4 here..

- MR

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SDK if we ever get one...

Jul 8, 2004, 10:03pm
We really should consider getting him to rewrite the SDK website...

- Mark R

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Full Screen Mode

Jul 16, 2004, 6:44pm
Full screen already exists on a *very* pre-alpha build a while ago as a
demo... and E N Z O gave a few people a screenshot, which is now on my
bedroom wall, however it wasnt focused on because the coding team have more
important things at the mo like fixing media! LOL

- MR

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a new create

Jul 17, 2004, 5:49pm
For the love of God people...

Make a reasonable effort with your spelling and grammar, thats all that is
asked... if your going to post with terrible spelling and such, expect to be
flamed by eep...

On the other hand Eep, people are not perfect, do not expect them to be, at
least TRY and avoid getting banned again by arguing for things that dont
make the damnedest bit of difference on the grand scale of things, in a
milenia or 2, provided we dont all get killed by Global Warming and / or war
everyone will be vastly more intelligent and people who dont make an effort
will be 'extinct'... so dont worry about it.

- Mark R


Jul 16, 2004, 6:46pm
[View Quote] Personally I find that there isnt enough proper X rated material in AW...
someone should spend vast quantities of time hunting down the very best
online JPG's and creating a P-100 world in AW full of them. Do as the FHM
does... say its artistic license!

- Mark R

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