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Why no Mac version?

Jul 18, 2004, 2:15am
AW uses several platform technologies I think... such as MFC, which means
Microsoft Foundation Classes... these are not very portable...

Secondly, from a market view... Windows and Linux are the most important to
cater for... as 95% of the known planet is on Windows... those who are arnt
or are considering a change are considering Linux... It is a tiny fraction
using Mac's, which are mostly used for using a) KidsPix, or b) editing apps
for video etc.

- Mark R

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World Options 'datastring'

Jul 22, 2004, 10:58pm
Morning! (Well, tis for me),

Id like to put forward the idea of a extra world attribute, a datastring. A
string variable with a minimum of AW_MAX_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH characters that
the world owner could use to add extra information for external apps such as
bots to read and monitor tags such as:

noseeker, gzlimit 400, botannounce e, mchat 4, meject 60

which for example 'nice' public bots could recognise as not meant to use
seekerbot functions, not to go within 400 meters of gz, to announce its
arrival to all eject users, and to only chat at 4 lines a second, and that
users should only eject for a maximum of 60 minutes.

Its just something were lacking, an ability for the actual world owners to
go beyond the box of the info they give; without having to have a user query
an area, such as GZ for special tags on objects. Would be a very quick, very
effective method of solving quite a few problems.

- Mark R

Tab to erm... Tabs

Jul 22, 2004, 11:14pm
Id like a way to tab to the tabs window... probably easy way would be a
dummy control which sets the focus to the tabs dialog.


- Mark R

Tab to erm... Tabs

Jul 23, 2004, 10:15pm
I quite like the new tabs most the time, but only because i can hit F9
rather quickly... however the lack of backwards compat on the issue is
rather shocking :O ya hear me? SHOCKING!

- Mark R
Ha Ha Ha

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Re: catching up (was Re: gesture buttons redesign)

Jul 24, 2004, 11:16am
Shame E N Z O nuked the newsgroups a while back... :P

- MR

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Key Accelerators

Jul 25, 2004, 2:02pm
Id like to request something that would take all of about 20 seconds...

Shortcut key accelerators...

Teleport - Ctrl + T
Remember - Ctrl + R
Privileges - Ctrl + P
Settings - Ctrl + S

Quite possibly the easiest request anyones ever made, lol.

- Mark R


Jul 25, 2004, 5:28pm
The interesting thing would be that when AW cached areas... if it found say
a 'create areaname "Capital City"' in the proximity for example it would
automatically save a place in history called capital city.

- MR

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coprate building lock

Jul 25, 2004, 6:59pm
This would require an absolutly huge rewrite of the ownership system... its
not really worth it, use a PPW and only let someone have the PPW to delete
it if all agree.

- MR

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coprate building lock

Jul 26, 2004, 1:19am
As I just said... complete rewrite... ever tried writing a DBMS for
something like AW?

- MR

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coprate building lock

Jul 26, 2004, 1:50am
You would effectivly need a rewrite to have each object track each person
who has authorised its deletion and each record would need to be tagged to
each group etc...

- MR

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Intigrated(Local) Sun/Moon Rotation

Jul 28, 2004, 5:01pm
Isn't your news reader extremely slow from the size of your filter list?

- Mark

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Intigrated(Local) Sun/Moon Rotation

Jul 30, 2004, 11:19pm
How... the hell.. did this thread manage to stay alive so long?

- MR

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AW Charge cards

Jul 29, 2004, 12:40am
[View Quote] It does... its called your credit card...

> I believe along with an aw boxed edition for stores.

You would have a hard job financially justifying a CD for just a 10 mb, and
thats if you include the latest browser, world server for Windows and Linux,
and a universe server! Of course if AWI were to produce a CD with all the
major object paths (except the obvious ones like AWTeen, NewAW etc) that
could potentially credit it more... Of course really its all a matter of
economies of scale... if Rick and JP had $20,000... (w00t UK company as well - That helped
with the pricing!)

£660 per 2000 likely to drop drastically as EoS increases further into the
10s of Thousands... but taking that...

If you wanted 50,000 CD's printed you can expect to get them from about 20p
each, so about £10,000 for 50,000 CD's pressed containing AW Software,
perhaps offline version of help guide in Windows Help chw file. If you
distribute this worldwide you are looking at roughly another £5,000 - £1000
and bribes to places like PCWorld to display the titles in a forefront

Now taking a rough guess at how many users would register, lets consider
about 15% to 20% (taking into account "Buying In" to a online system is
usually more attractive than something you just downloaded) you can be
looking at upto £400,000 in citizenship registrations first year with that
dropping to about £250,000 after the first 2 years some people get bored and
decide not to renew anymore.

Hmmm... saying that it does look quite good after all.. probably missing
some charge in somewhere along the lines that will probably add an extra
£5000 - £10,000 but it looks pretty sturdy...

Of course if AW suddenly got 50,000 new users arriving the uniserver would
be about 15,000 users away from crashing and AW would have to consider
specialist universes for say RPG worlds... im sure we wont run out of
citizen numbers any time in the next 150 years so perhaps the need for a
multiverse browser which cant be THAT hard to acomplish considering im
talking about spending 10's of thousands...

Hmmm... for being a hard job I do believe I just did it pretty well... JP
probably needs to expand on it a bit :O - The idea is not to make users pay
for your software if you are trying to get them to buy in some other way,
the idea is to get your software to as many people as possible, then charge
em for it later.... Personally considering AW doesnt do any marketing, I
think its pretty laughable that people should try and SELL AW CD's straight
off (Certain people will know who im taking a stab at here...) ...Oh, better
convert to dollars as well.

One final thing on the matter... dont go posting through peoples doors.. all
the AOL ones we recieved (all 25 or so between my dads and my house) ended
up as cannon fodder for the Beretta... damned cheap replacement for clay

PS: Rick / JP If you do this now.. I expect:
a) a lifetime citizenship
b) AWLD Rights
c) To be your AWInc's international marketing director and paid ub3rcash

> aw
> should have cards for citizenships,worlds, or other things, so from a
> I could buy bots

Again... the financial difficulties are core with this one... The
distribution of pieces of plastic with numbers on you plug into a website
would cost a fortune, AWI doesnt really have the budget or customer base of
say Nokia and their Top-Up-Cards for Pay As You Go mobile phones (which I
presume is where you got your ideas from)... that.. and by the time they've
walked into a shop and paid £60, probably with their debit / credit cards,
they might as well go on the bloody website anyway! *does think that AWI
needs to considering lowering paypal citizenship prices down so even once PP
has their cut the prices are still the same - Lets cater for everyone here,
regardless of if they have an international CC or just a local Debit card.)

Also; why would you want to buy bots... Look at whats out there, bots like
Xelagot, Magsbot, (dare I say it Eclipse) are all more powerful than
anything weve seen from AWI... and all they have on is paypal donates.
Unless of course you mean like sim bot rights, in which case discard the
last line.

> , and other things :)

- Mark R

AW Charge cards

Jul 29, 2004, 1:17am
[View Quote] ---- Quoted: Mark Randall ----
If you
distribute this worldwide you are looking at roughly another £5,000 - £1000
and bribes to places like PCWorld to display the titles in a forefront
---- End Quote ----

- Mark

AW Charge cards

Jul 29, 2004, 1:58am
Welcome to the world economy, mass production, and painfully slow (for
everyone not on Beta anyway) updates!

I think if they got it right (straight after 4.0) it could potentially work,
the Hi-Res CD was a bit of a flop.

The idea with what Ive explained is exposure, something that takes half a
second to pick up that you can just slot in your CD drive is exactly what
Active Worlds could do with, as of course its alright to promote till the
cows come home, however; if you then expect the user spend time on finding
and downloading your product then you are naturally going to have less
people willing to do so than something where they experience the promotion,
and distribution simultainiously.

The major point being you have to offer something to your prospective future
clients, instead of demanding something up-front for a product they have
never used...

Also, the good thing if you manage the funding correctly, you can run such
an endevour simultainiously to other projects... although it would be quite
clever on AWI's part if they created an installer that would download and
install a new update if it were available, instead of installing an older
version... that way users never see the 'an upgrade is available' when they
first install which would be somewhat "meh..." some snazy percentage bar
that doesnt actually show you anything relevant but keeps going across to
let you know the program is alive while it downloads the update (perception
that a program is doing something useful is in a lot of cases more important
to users than it actually doing something... as most 'common' users dont
know how to tell the difference anyway)... Sneaky but damned effective.

- Mark
Bedtime.. 4:46 AM

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AW Charge cards

Jul 29, 2004, 3:16pm
Not what I mean... I mean the kind that you get when Dreamweaver connects
via FTP where the slashed bars move across... it doesnt actually show you
anything about time left on the bar, but it just lets you know the program
is awaiting something.

- MR

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Re: light switches (was Re: Intigrated(Local) Sun/Moon Rotation)

Jul 31, 2004, 12:05pm
[View Quote] What did you just call me???


- MR

AWI Affiliate Program = $$$ For You

Aug 1, 2004, 12:00pm
Kinda like the distributor program... appart from your meant to do all your
own promoting and such...

- MR

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Custom avatars.

Aug 7, 2004, 2:26pm
The Potato-Header idea would seem more logical, that way you dont connect to
other peoples servers unless you explicitly select to (or go near pictures)

- MR

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Custom avatars.

Aug 8, 2004, 5:10pm
Infact lets NOT include this :)

- MR

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Custom avatars.

Aug 8, 2004, 6:46pm

Byte values, 255 options for each, 250+ private as usual. Users not
supporting avatars would default to AW_AVATAR_CHEST = AW_AVATAR_TYPE as a

Makes sense. Fit-Together models.

- MR

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Custom avatars.

Aug 10, 2004, 10:16pm
I don't see why, the avatars have to be parsed already, so why not dump in a
few texture tags and such at the same time on the fly?

- MR

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Media Fast Forward

Aug 13, 2004, 8:42pm
Fast forward and rewind commands.

- MR

A screen capture button!

Aug 19, 2004, 8:13pm
Hmmm im sure ive seen this in AW somewhere.

- MR

A screen capture button!

Aug 19, 2004, 10:41pm
Snagit, automatically isolates the 3D window and dumps it to file on a
single command.

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Privacy!!! what privacy?

Aug 20, 2004, 1:30am
People are worried enough that places use CT to monitor them through
invisible bots, nevermind having normal users be able to be in their area
and not be detected...

Dont forget the other social implications of the AW 3D environment, it would
be like handing a stealth cloak to someone to go sneak into their bedroom.

- MR

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Privacy!!! what privacy?

Aug 20, 2004, 3:46pm
In AW a 'group' conversation is classifiable as one where all the
participants are within 200m NSEWUD of eachother and no other avatar
sessions are present within that area...

People expect their conversations (When backed up by bot information to
locate any none-spoken nearby sessions) to be just that, private.

- MR

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Privacy!!! what privacy?

Sep 8, 2004, 11:45pm
Yes, your wrong.

1 coordinate = 10 meters

Privacy!!! what privacy?

Sep 9, 2004, 12:04am
Wait... 21 meters minimum? what the heck are thy on about?

There is no 'minimum' as such, if it comes to having more than 50 avatars
the nearest 50 are shown (PS users override this).

Maximum = 200
Global Mode = Infinate

- MR

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A swear filter...

Aug 26, 2004, 1:53am
... any flood prevention system should also target bots.

- MR

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