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Personal Chat Balloons

Jan 24, 2004, 2:50am
I like this idea.. *Adds it to my list of things to add to my Zeus bot*

- Mark R

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Personal Chat Balloons

Jan 24, 2004, 10:01am
Its a 'sign' of how closed your mind is.

- Mark R :)

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A simple physics engine or something

Jan 29, 2004, 4:32pm
About half a million lines of code based on the one I recently aquired from
a certain illegitimate source.

- Mark R

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A simple physics engine or something

Jan 29, 2004, 5:43pm
Why are you replying to that... in this thread?

- Mark R


Jan 31, 2004, 8:06am
report to: beta at

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Jan 31, 2004, 6:50pm
Whats your point? Noone responds on the Beta NG either xcept Chris.

- Marky R

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Jan 31, 2004, 7:07pm
And you know this because?...

- Mark R

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AW Toolbars

Jan 31, 2004, 7:17pm
I wish they would support the damned Ctrl + Key buttons! Jebus loosing
/teleport is bad enough, but ctrl + t for example would be nice.

- Mark R

special bot

Feb 1, 2004, 9:19am
Xelagot has something similar....

Unfortunatly, accuratly rendering an over-head view would need access to a
registery and/or object path.

- Mark R

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special bot

Feb 1, 2004, 7:10pm
Hell why not just run it though AWProxy while your at it o_0

- Marky R

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User Ranks...

Feb 5, 2004, 4:07pm
absolutly not, my time online is my business, as such is my activity of that
time online... If someone wants to know how much I am online, they can
telegram and ask me, then telegram everyone else, ask them, and compare.

Not to mention this being REDICULOUSLY long winded to keep updated (ever
tried sorting 400,000 records into order?) SQL would still take a while...
not to mention zero point to it.

We are not here to compete against eachother.

- MR

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User Ranks...

Feb 6, 2004, 7:32pm
show me a forum that has had 400,000 users.... (other than the ub3rlarge MS
ones etc)

- MR

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User Ranks...

Feb 7, 2004, 9:21am
Just showing how rediculous it would be to do that on AW :)

Not to mention... its still an invasion of a persons ability to decide what
they do, without the entire universe being able to see where they have
been.... Im sure enzo dosent want us all knowing how much time he spends in

- Marky R

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User Ranks...

Feb 7, 2004, 9:01pm
Too much shite in the uni server as it is :)

- Marky R

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Building Quickly

Feb 8, 2004, 1:20am
I have gone at about 40 object additions a second on 56k when I have nothing
else running, anything more it goes WFS...

Try doing that with 40 terrain objects in AWTeen... and Brant goes WFS. :P

- Marky R

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Expired PPWs

Feb 9, 2004, 11:00pm
You can't log on to expired PPW's anymore can you?

- MR

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New browser ability

Feb 12, 2004, 4:11pm
Resource Editor :)

- MR

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New browser ability

Feb 14, 2004, 2:27pm
No. It wont...

It will be called aw_citizen_attributes_by_name

- Mark R

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New browser ability

Feb 14, 2004, 2:37pm

- MR

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Joint Local Cache

Feb 12, 2004, 9:24pm
I wish there was a master local cache folder that could be used to mirror
one local cache folder to another... That way I wouldent have a 1GB H drive
full of about 500 copies :)

- MR

Last Login Time

Feb 23, 2004, 9:09pm
I wish that AW would display your last login time (as a security measure)
when you first log on to a cit (BEFORE it gets overwritten by the latest

- MR

Last Login Time

Feb 24, 2004, 4:05pm
Indeed I did, because that is a work around....

However, I do not want a work around because now i just dont have the time

- MR

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Fix VRT Clock

Mar 20, 2004, 8:08pm
xelag wrote
> At present, all universes hosted by active worlds are about 126 sec
> too fast, give or take a couple, or say 2 minutes early. Not a very
> big practical problem if you have a meeting planned!
> Alex

Yet could represent a problem with bots and security, when you are changing
permissions based on time.

- MR

Different fonts for signs...

Mar 21, 2004, 6:47am
Yes, however if the fonts are on the world server then they can be
downloaded and used just like normal objects, a nice idea... as long as you
would have an option to verify your want each font so nothing can go

- MR

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Re: AWI ... pw protection please???

Mar 22, 2004, 4:22pm
Yer know... the easiest way to do this would be to use a new compression /
encryption method one way.... and have only the browser know the decrypt

- MR

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Mar 27, 2004, 9:15pm
I want an option to dissable you.... Ctrl+Insert is the only way people can
accuratly align objects with any consistancy that is ecconomical in time...
would you rather people used automated keyboard events instead....

- MR

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SDK connection update

Mar 27, 2004, 11:20am
I think its is very important for the SDK (considering 3.5 SDK should be
along soon) to have some form of method for indicating its connection
state... There is the enumeration for some kinds of connection, but its
only available to the world server?

Its important for bots to know where they are...

My ideas:

Have AW_CALLBACK_ENTER trigger when reconnecting from a dissconection

have AW_EVENT_UNIVERSE_DISCONNECT implimented someway

get rid of bloody session 444 as a normal session...

- MR

SDK connection update

Mar 27, 2004, 9:12pm
[View Quote] I understand what Andras is saying, and I couldent agree more about the
universe dissconect... my problem is when I recieve world dissconect I don't
know if im kicked out of the world or the universe by the dissconection...
if I have to wait for a universe attributes event to update my status
displays thats useless... because by the time I have recieved them its
already too late to update the displays... because im connected again.

- MR

SDK connection update

Mar 27, 2004, 11:19pm
Unless your session number is you know what... although I guess that is just
for aw_session... hmmm

- MR

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LNH's wishlist to date...

Apr 10, 2004, 5:03pm
[View Quote] Store where... and enumerate how...?

> When an object or multi-objects are selected the browser displays the obj
> names and their
> current coords ... and if you were to move them have it show the coords in
> movement!

If it happened for multi objects you would lag the browser to crashing

> Have pix/signs/objects, etc, only visible to certain people in a world ...
> if you own or
> operate it I mean.

You might as well use a resticted forum or website... Aw isnt designed to
have the equivilent of ACL's

> AVs part of tabs window so you can scroll through all avs no matter your
> screen res!

Hey I like this one... A seperate dialog option would be well cool...

> Sound IN avatars.dat file ... you bend over it puts out an errrrm ...

You could bend over and not produce any sound.. it would have to be a
different sound send system (say that 100 times quickly)

> Spoken Commands (seqs) instead of/with buttons ~ or symbols in front of
> words (Ex: /sit /lay
> :thought balloon ^sticky balloon (for brb) !Spike balloon) etc.
> AV side view ... being able to see the side of the av, not just back /
> views
This would be quite nice actually, not too hard to do either... lil trig.

> The ability to *say* where you want to be teleported to, instead of
> a teleport and
> clicking or passing through it. Type it in like teleport aeon

Yes... why the hell this was removed I will never understand...

> Timed Teleports (set it to zap you off on a certain date / time) to a
> pre-programmed place.

Bot :)

> MISC...
> Put the MISC folder somewhere else, not in the cache, because when you
> delete the cache you loose that folder!

so....delete everything except the misc... erm... not hard really?

> Expired cits *flag* in the contacts list! Or some way to decipher cits
> expired.

Not really suitable specifically, but some notice that the cit is not
available. Specifically for expiring is a bad idea.

> Schedule keeper with pop-up reminders of AW *things to do*.

Now your getting boring...

> Sortable contacts or lists tab, or the ability to have different contacts
> different lists
> for different purposes. For instance, it would be nice for us b'day
> to be able to
> have a contact list of other b'day builders, without having to add
> to our main list
> for which we'd have no other reason to contact each other. Or perhaps have
> list sortable
> by worlds for instance (like I met you at this world along with five
> and those at
> that world, etc). Some way to sort contacts like we can do in text IMs.

Birthday builders *shiver*... Right, but in all seriousness for me and
people in organisations (PK's etc) this would be very... very helpful, my
contacts list in AWEdu is currently experiencing 'hugeness' because of
adding every single student in our classes on it... Being able to split it
up into individual universities / schools / classes etc would be great.

> STOP downloads if desired! AND to be able to choose if you want the
> to use float or
> always use a set visibility!
> Be able to check a box for either Male or Female tourist av before you
> awgate or other
> tourist worlds ... so ya don't come in as a guy cause that's the first av
> the list, when
> yer not a guy! Do it right at the sign-in screen when you click Tourist
> button.
> Have the browser auto-update the av dat file so when changes are made they
> are d/l and
> replace the old av dat.

This would be very useful, wouldent take too much either... one HTTP

> Instead of AFK icon on toolbar, why not have a drop down menu with a few
> other choices like:
> AFK BRB BBL Doggy Run FOOD POTTY CHORES PHONE IMs <add yours here>

A matter of enumeration...

- MR

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