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interesting idea not sure if its possible but here it is

Apr 13, 2000, 1:09am
I dunno bout housed but bots can carry people now.. Tho its a bumpy ride.

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interesting idea not sure if its possible but here it is

Apr 13, 2000, 1:12am
Gad! That was sorta unreadable.. Sorry. It means this:

I don't know about moving houses, but bots are capable of caring people.
Alebeit, it is a bumpy ride.

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A way to better devide avatars in the avatars list.

May 29, 2000, 10:18pm
Doesn't this work?


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Protecting Children

Jun 21, 2000, 11:00am
heh... you said genius... heh


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Public community board

Jun 27, 2000, 2:28am
nothing, its just been done before, any new attempt would probably fail


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I wish I could get in AW right now

Jun 27, 2000, 2:55pm
looks like you need to be informed.


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More New Objects

Jun 29, 2000, 10:47am
While this is a great idea, it will not happen. Aw has discussed the problems with generating a registry for new objects. Also
you couldn't really add a high detail object into aw, it would look out of place with the older aw objects. Also I heard aw won't
be putting in any new objects for a while, due to the many new ones added recently.


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name color change

Jul 5, 2000, 8:17pm
I don't know how to tell you this, but you can't really "petition" for new features to be added to aw. If you want features try to
get aw a good programmer. They are a real company and they are hiring you know.


P.S. sorry, I couldn't resist :)

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name color change

Jul 6, 2000, 4:28am
Why color code? That seems sorta lame. If you do it might as well keep up with the jones' and use icons.


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name color change

Jul 6, 2000, 3:47pm
That (removal of invisible selection) was asking for a logical cause. Also it wasn't that terribly involved of a procedure. Roland
has said that he plans to implement privacy features, and he does things at his speed which we don't know all of the factors for.
Therefore you are petitioning for the inevitable.


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name color change

Jul 7, 2000, 12:11am
They are directing aw's development. You've said plenty about them screwing with the e-commerce crap, that's what Roland's newest
"one click installation" is about. Their direction. I know Roland doesn't have the time, that's why petitioning is worthless AND


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Seqs for objects

Jul 6, 2000, 3:45pm
If you are going to wish for new things, wish optimistically. Seqs are quite archaic. Most all 3d games use skeletal animation
systems. So I wish that you would wish that aw would wishfully have skeletal animated avatars and objects.


-Wishful, eh? :)

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Seqs for objects

Jul 7, 2000, 12:08am
Its a better way to animate objects. Making seqs is a real pain you know. A skeletal animation system or at least mesh animation.
(no more clumps 'required' in avatars)


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AW not a game

Jul 8, 2000, 9:02pm
Hello Mr. Misinformation. AW is NOT VRML, nor has it EVER been. It is renderware which is NOT VRML. :) Also EQ and UO don't
have level editors, they are RPG's.


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AW not a game

Jul 11, 2000, 2:48pm
Bot's can't simulate bullet's or damage. Also What in the hell are you thinking? There is no game that when you get killed once
boots you forever. Are you on crack?! All games respawn you... People LIKE repeat customers, what would make you even think that
aw would do something like that, or that Eep would even mean that.


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AW not a game

Jul 11, 2000, 7:31pm
Well, you cant do most of the other game stuff yet, so that would be added. But in hQuests, whenever someone wins, the world closed
for a second, "respawning" everyone at gz.


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Ultra Realistic World

Oct 13, 2000, 10:02pm
absence and hole are kinda close :)


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Ultra Realistic World

Oct 15, 2000, 2:28pm

they are remaking it in 3d :)


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Ultra Realistic World

Oct 16, 2000, 1:12am
oops, I didnt even check that, you can get a demo of the stoneship age here:


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improvements page

Jan 21, 2001, 3:41am
Word on the street.rwx (hehe, I'm witty!) is that 3.2 will be geared mainly
towards getting AW onto NT 4.0...

I hope they add the new commands into RWX and improve rotate.


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improvements page

Jan 21, 2001, 6:59am
Why? Because of management, they tell him what to do.

Aren't most of 3.1's features a result of Young Shamus' playing around?


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Feb 1, 2001, 2:13am
Also HamFon will be improving DirectSound further, making the animation
system use Renderware instead of lifeforms code which will allow activate
seq stuff and dff avatars. (this is what I think, he almost had it ready
for 3.1 and he has test stuff in HamGlaze)


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user limit

Feb 11, 2001, 8:41pm
A better idea would be for the browser to eject the person that has been
idle longest...


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Make AW in delphi

Feb 18, 2001, 5:34am
3.2 will ADD OpenGL support, but not drop RW. :)


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"status" worlds

Feb 25, 2001, 4:20pm
We all know how AW likes to implement complex workarounds instead of
getting straight to the problem, so I have though of the perfect complex
work around for people who need "AFK, Bathroom, Dinner, etc" options. AWCI
simply needs to create a world called AFK, DINNER, and TOILET. Speech in
AFK would be disabled to prevent it from becoming a popular meeting place.
TOILET would be a giant toilet that everyone teleports in and falls in to.
TK's (toilet keepers) could be placed on the seat of the toilet and act as
lifeguards, also every hour they could "flush" the toilet. Everyone would
drain (be ejected) to the sewers (AWGate). A world called BRB could be
added too, when you enter a bot asks you how long you will be until you
return, when that time limit is expired you will be teleported back to where
you came from. Of course, for this to work you would have to let people see
the world you are currently in, which shouldnt be too hard and would add to
the complexity. I think this would be the perfect workaround for status


Hello and Two Cents

Mar 17, 2001, 8:04pm




Jul 20, 2001, 5:04am



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AW Mathematics

Aug 23, 2001, 3:06pm
Actually, it is a square. The Hexagon shape comes from the clipping plane
cutting off things farther then 400m.


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Quasi-Aw help pages

Jan 8, 2000, 3:06am
Due to the lack of a single complete help page I have decied to amek my
own. It will be more then a help page, it will also provide comprehensive
links, FAQ's, help on several topics, and other misc stuff my brain can come
up with. Though this is a large product and I am relatively new to model
making... I was wondering if anyone is interested in helping bring a new
help page to aw. Submissions of linsk to pre-existing help pages and the
such is helpful. If you would like to help personally t-gram me (Myrth) or
email myrth_109 at



Quasi-Aw help pages

Jan 9, 2000, 2:10pm
Thanks for crossposting a reply? lol hehe

anyway, whats a good name/web hoster?

Im thinking of signing up at freeservers and starting there. I want a
general name type thingy-mabobber

Or what is a good overall name?

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