myrth // User Search
myrth // User Search
Apr 13, 2000, 1:09am
I dunno bout housed but bots can carry people now.. Tho its a bumpy ride.
[View Quote]ingiebee <IngieBee at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:38f51c59$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Yes, that would be great, ride around in a taxi or boat. I think they're
> making it possible to create bots to do it with.....at least that's what
> I've heard :o)
> nova wrote in message <38f4655c at server1.Activeworlds.com>...
> build
> as
Apr 13, 2000, 1:12am
Gad! That was sorta unreadable.. Sorry. It means this:
I don't know about moving houses, but bots are capable of caring people.
Alebeit, it is a bumpy ride.
[View Quote]myrth <myrth_109 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:38f53a4d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I dunno bout housed but bots can carry people now.. Tho its a bumpy ride.
> ingiebee <IngieBee at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:38f51c59$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> a
> top
May 29, 2000, 10:18pm
Doesn't this work?
[View Quote]"riven azrarn ll" <'Xtalshiar at cistron.nl> wrote in message
news:393304b3 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Like allow _____________ in the avatar list for separation.
> Or some bar like in Netscape or in Internet Explorer.
> Shouldn't be to hard.
Jun 21, 2000, 11:00am
heh... you said genius... heh
[View Quote]"Anthony Bathgate (Wing)" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message news:394ff08f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> yeah, but have you ever watched a kid on the computer? (Heck, i'm a
> genius, 13 years old, and I've ahd Win98 for a whole day now and I still
> can't get used to it)
> --Wing
> John Viper wrote:
Jun 27, 2000, 2:28am
nothing, its just been done before, any new attempt would probably fail
[View Quote]"riven azrarn ll" <'Xtalshiar at cistron.nl> wrote in message news:39581d1d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> What is wrong with having a small textboard on which every citizen can
> write?
Jun 27, 2000, 2:55pm
looks like you need to be informed.
[View Quote]"anpetu olowan" <moonstonewolf at freewwweb.com> wrote in message news:3958da58 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> So that I could do some work in my world. Looks like I need a new computer.
Jun 29, 2000, 10:47am
While this is a great idea, it will not happen. Aw has discussed the problems with generating a registry for new objects. Also
you couldn't really add a high detail object into aw, it would look out of place with the older aw objects. Also I heard aw won't
be putting in any new objects for a while, due to the many new ones added recently.
[View Quote]"BirdMike" <birdmike at home.com> wrote in message news:395a7d0f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I wish that AW would implement new objects on a regular basis.
> Ex: Like at TheSims.com, every Thursday, or SimDay, they would release some
> new game add-on, bit of information, or addition to their website. If AW
> did this weekly, they could release an objects a week, and by doing so
> create some interest within the community.
> Just something I would like to see done.
> --
> -Mike Nelson-
> AW Cit BirdMike (292200)
> Owner of AW Worlds A-Build & A-Centre
Jul 5, 2000, 8:17pm
I don't know how to tell you this, but you can't really "petition" for new features to be added to aw. If you want features try to
get aw a good programmer. They are a real company and they are hiring you know.
P.S. sorry, I couldn't resist :)
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3963A6AC.4B678BFD at tnlc.com...
> It would probably be more effective if people emailed/telegrammed AWCI (Rick, JP, Roland, Lucrezia, etc). Perhaps someone could
gather a list of everyone who wants something and then everyone email/telegram that list and of course the petition to all AWCIers
at once. The more people who bug them, and the more commotion to draw attention to an issue is made, the more likely they'll do
something about it to shut everyone up.
> lara wrote:
contacts list, go to aw 6753.5N 4233.8W 0.1a and leave a sign there. (Face the opposite direction to see who has already signed.)
Jul 6, 2000, 4:28am
Why color code? That seems sorta lame. If you do it might as well keep up with the jones' and use icons.
[View Quote]"rehabber" <rehabber at swbell.net> wrote in message news:39641253.4926E7B4 at swbell.net...
> yeah, the colors really don't matter much to me as long as there is a way to show your current
> status.. heck, they could just change the color of the check mark to reflect status and that would do
> the trick too..
> john viper wrote:
Jul 6, 2000, 3:47pm
That (removal of invisible selection) was asking for a logical cause. Also it wasn't that terribly involved of a procedure. Roland
has said that he plans to implement privacy features, and he does things at his speed which we don't know all of the factors for.
Therefore you are petitioning for the inevitable.
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:39644230.6C3650A9 at tnlc.com...
> Silly Myrth, programmers are for kids! But seriously, how do you think the invisible object selection was removed? Even though I
complained and requested Roland to remove it numerous times, it was only until I actually somewhat indirectly started a "petition"
(really simply posting a message in the beta newsgroup) which happened to catch on and more people started complaining/asking Roland
to remove it...and, guess what, he did a couple builds later! So, petitions work, but only for legit stuff that enough people can
actually agree on, like a way to hide when one comes on AW. So, I say again, if you want the option, start bitching...to Roland, to
Rick, to JP, to Lucrezia. The more people who bitch and whine and moan about it, the more likely it'll happen. Trust me: I know how
effective harrassment is. ;) Just look at AWLD's stock! <smirk>
> (No, I can't really take credit for that, as Rick and JP keep digging their grave deeper with every sneaky wanna-be corp trick
they attempt to pull--but I'm sure my AW history page--http://tnlc.com/eep/aw/history.html for those unfamiliar with it--has added
fuel to the fire...)
> myrth wrote:
Jul 7, 2000, 12:11am
They are directing aw's development. You've said plenty about them screwing with the e-commerce crap, that's what Roland's newest
"one click installation" is about. Their direction. I know Roland doesn't have the time, that's why petitioning is worthless AND
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3964E4F8.B1AB717E at tnlc.com...
> Yes, but the question is WHEN, Myrth. Roland clearly doesn't have enough time to implement everything he wants to, let alone
everything WE, the users, want. This is where good management is supposed to come in, something Rick and JP obviously lack. They
have the power to DIRECT AW development, which they simply just aren't doing. Since they PAY Roland, they can TELL him what to
implement in AW. If enough people bitch and compain to Rick, JP, and even Lucrezia, and I mean a LOT, they will HAVE to do something
about it. Now, of course, they can go around deleting citizenships again or they can simply have Roland implement the request,
providing enough citizens are behind it. This is called "grass roots" organization or whatever, and can be quite effective in
politics, which AW seems to be anyway. Just give it a try...
> myrth wrote:
Jul 6, 2000, 3:45pm
If you are going to wish for new things, wish optimistically. Seqs are quite archaic. Most all 3d games use skeletal animation
systems. So I wish that you would wish that aw would wishfully have skeletal animated avatars and objects.
-Wishful, eh? :)
[View Quote]"wyzard360" <dcrjones at earthlink.net> wrote in message news:396426dc at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Being able to use seqs on regular objects, not just avs, would be one of the
> best additions aw could add. I don't see why this wasn't a feature right
> from the beginning, what's the sense in not having it? When people use
> astarts and stuff the animations are jerky and take up too much space, and
> most of the time require multiple objects. I seriously doubt it would be
> very hard to implement this feature since avs already use seqs. One little
> code could be added to the object file like seq whatever.
Jul 7, 2000, 12:08am
Its a better way to animate objects. Making seqs is a real pain you know. A skeletal animation system or at least mesh animation.
(no more clumps 'required' in avatars)
[View Quote]"wyzard360" <dcrjones at earthlink.net> wrote in message news:3964eabd at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> How can I wish for that if I don't know what it is? lol
Jul 8, 2000, 9:02pm
Hello Mr. Misinformation. AW is NOT VRML, nor has it EVER been. It is renderware which is NOT VRML. :) Also EQ and UO don't
have level editors, they are RPG's.
[View Quote]"zero" <dmonix at home.com> wrote in message news:3967A935.BCF6B8EE at home.com...
> Eeps suggestion of AW being more towards a game, is a step in a
> misleading direction.
> AW is a VRML2 program a chat program at that.
> Yes the future lies in E-commerce, which i believe AW is failing at, and
> on-line Gaming.
> It would be wiser for AWCOM to focus their attention on the On-Line
> surge that is heading our way.
> For those who do not wish to play games, but maybe like to trade, chat ,
> build etc.. in a virtual community.
> To focus on marketing AW as a "Community" is a better plan. Maybe even
> to have it as a focal point for which ppl can move from here and meet up
> in Games.
> If AW as Eep would have it, were to be marketed and turned into an
> on-line game, I am afraid 1. More ppl would leave and not come back. 2.
> AWCOM would lose all its money and go bankrupt.
> If you wish to play games, then buy UO, EQ, Or Vampire.
> If you wish to create Levels, Maps, "Worlds" then buy the above.
> Again, I say, as i said in the World builders NG... AW is not a game.
> It is a virtual community. VR.
> The Gang at AWCOM should be marketing towards a Virtual Reality
> Community.
> A global meeting place, for entertainment, work, and relaxing.
> Adding features for MP3, movies, even live video from person to person,
> would be steps in opening this On-Line world.
> By creating more ways of destroying present day archaic communications (
> Long Distance) we can bring the World, our friends (new and potential
> friends), Families together.
> The World is a small place and getting smaller. By developing VR, and
> giving us a format to travel, learn and communicate openly, is the step
> in the right direction.
> Eep drop the "gaming idea" no one is goin to buy it.
Jul 11, 2000, 2:48pm
Bot's can't simulate bullet's or damage. Also What in the hell are you thinking? There is no game that when you get killed once
boots you forever. Are you on crack?! All games respawn you... People LIKE repeat customers, what would make you even think that
aw would do something like that, or that Eep would even mean that.
[View Quote]"john viper" <ticklejw at bkon.net> wrote in message news:396b2f4b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> | Um, what do you need to shoot with? A gun. If your avatar doesn't have a gun, you can't shoot.
> | And even if your avatar DOES have a gun, you don't HAVe to shoot. Think, please...and play
> | some REAL 3D games to actually know what you're responding to before looking like a twit.
> I am not so sure I am a twit, you are making less sense than anybody here. That post was written
> waaaay to late at night, so let me go over the important points again.
> 1. If you want "shooting enabled" a world option, I am OK with that (although the same effect can be
> done easily with a bot, even I am writing one to do that right now) and the rest of this post can be
> ignored and have a nice day :-)
> 2.If shooting is enabled in EVERY world across the uniserver, we have a problem. If I want to play
> multiplayer shoot-em-ups, I will play Half-Life TFC or something. I like those games very much, but
> I like to take a break from them in AW. in AW you can build and chat in peace. Visualize this: A
> bunch of people are all happy and stuff just kinda building and talking and stuff having a big time
> and someone feels like taking target practice. These poor people's citizenships could end up
> deleted. Thats not what they pay for, they pay for build and chat.
> 3. If the abovementioned people's citizenships were NOT to be deleted, how else could you accomplish
> the killing effect? just start over at GZ like in Quake? Or maybe your last saved spot like in
> Half-Life? Or just being ejected from the world... but wait! All of my beautiful constructions are
> in that world and I cannot go back for like weeks or maybe forever!
> I am a huge fan of first person shooters. When I am angry there is nothing better than blowing
> alien ass sky high, sometimes I even play Wolfenstein "3-D" lol and get rid of Nazis. When I am in
> a good mood, I like the slight puzzles in Half-Life and Quake II. My friend, I have quite played my
> share of 3-D games. (Wolfenstein 3-D (not really 3-D tho), Doom, Quake I, II, and III, Half-Life,
> HL Opposing Force, I WILL play Half-Life 2, X-Wing and Tie Fighter and Top Gun and various other
> flying games, oh what else is a 3-D game that I have played?) I have respected all of these games
> (even Wolf3D because at that time that was a miracle) and if that is what I want I will play them,
> but that is not what I want in AW, and if I took a poll, I am sure at least 75% of the people
> responding would not mind the idea of "game worlds" but do NOT want all of AW to be a game. I
> guarantee without a doubt that if AWCI put a killing feature in that they would go bankrupt, or at
> least lose most of their citizens.
> I hope THIS clears it up.
> -John Viper
> P.S.: There is no need for name calling (i.e.: "twit"), I am just trying to make civilized
> conversation...
Jul 11, 2000, 7:31pm
Well, you cant do most of the other game stuff yet, so that would be added. But in hQuests, whenever someone wins, the world closed
for a second, "respawning" everyone at gz.
[View Quote]"john viper" <ticklejw at bkon.net> wrote in message news:396b8f64 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> A bot COULD be made to do that but the time and computations are just rediculous...
> Also, how would you "respawn" in AW unless it were just a world option?
> --
> _________________________
> John Viper
> http://www.jtsoft.net <-- Coming Soon!
> myrth <myrth_109 at hotmail.com> wrote in message news:396b4fde at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> | Bot's can't simulate bullet's or damage. Also What in the hell are you thinking? There is no
> game that when you get killed once
> | boots you forever. Are you on crack?! All games respawn you... People LIKE repeat customers,
> what would make you even think that
> | aw would do something like that, or that Eep would even mean that.
> |
> |
> | -Myrth
> |
> |
> | "john viper" <ticklejw at bkon.net> wrote in message news:396b2f4b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> | > | Um, what do you need to shoot with? A gun. If your avatar doesn't have a gun, you can't shoot.
> | > | And even if your avatar DOES have a gun, you don't HAVe to shoot. Think, please...and play
> | > | some REAL 3D games to actually know what you're responding to before looking like a twit.
> | >
> | > I am not so sure I am a twit, you are making less sense than anybody here. That post was
> written
> | > waaaay to late at night, so let me go over the important points again.
> | >
> | > 1. If you want "shooting enabled" a world option, I am OK with that (although the same effect
> can be
> | > done easily with a bot, even I am writing one to do that right now) and the rest of this post
> can be
> | > ignored and have a nice day :-)
> | >
> | > 2.If shooting is enabled in EVERY world across the uniserver, we have a problem. If I want to
> play
> | > multiplayer shoot-em-ups, I will play Half-Life TFC or something. I like those games very much,
> but
> | > I like to take a break from them in AW. in AW you can build and chat in peace. Visualize this:
> A
> | > bunch of people are all happy and stuff just kinda building and talking and stuff having a big
> time
> | > and someone feels like taking target practice. These poor people's citizenships could end up
> | > deleted. Thats not what they pay for, they pay for build and chat.
> | >
> | > 3. If the abovementioned people's citizenships were NOT to be deleted, how else could you
> accomplish
> | > the killing effect? just start over at GZ like in Quake? Or maybe your last saved spot like in
> | > Half-Life? Or just being ejected from the world... but wait! All of my beautiful constructions
> are
> | > in that world and I cannot go back for like weeks or maybe forever!
> | >
> | > I am a huge fan of first person shooters. When I am angry there is nothing better than blowing
> | > alien ass sky high, sometimes I even play Wolfenstein "3-D" lol and get rid of Nazis. When I am
> in
> | > a good mood, I like the slight puzzles in Half-Life and Quake II. My friend, I have quite
> played my
> | > share of 3-D games. (Wolfenstein 3-D (not really 3-D tho), Doom, Quake I, II, and III,
> Half-Life,
> | > HL Opposing Force, I WILL play Half-Life 2, X-Wing and Tie Fighter and Top Gun and various other
> | > flying games, oh what else is a 3-D game that I have played?) I have respected all of these
> games
> | > (even Wolf3D because at that time that was a miracle) and if that is what I want I will play
> them,
> | > but that is not what I want in AW, and if I took a poll, I am sure at least 75% of the people
> | > responding would not mind the idea of "game worlds" but do NOT want all of AW to be a game. I
> | > guarantee without a doubt that if AWCI put a killing feature in that they would go bankrupt, or
> at
> | > least lose most of their citizens.
> | >
> | > I hope THIS clears it up.
> | >
> | > -John Viper
> | >
> | > P.S.: There is no need for name calling (i.e.: "twit"), I am just trying to make civilized
> | > conversation...
> | >
> | >
> |
> |
Oct 13, 2000, 10:02pm
absence and hole are kinda close :)
[View Quote]"dennis13" <denntom at gnt.net> wrote in message
news:39e7a19c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> If possible, someone should create a ultra realistic world like Riven,
> etc. That'd be cooooooooooool lol
Oct 15, 2000, 2:28pm
they are remaking it in 3d :)
[View Quote]"john viper" <jviper at jtsoft.net> wrote in message
news:39e8e4b9 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Wyzard 360 -- Yes thats how its done, they make the world in something and
take snapshots of every
> possibility of opened or closed door or whatever (although I have noticed
some bugs where they
> didn't actually think of everything)
> Dennid13 -- *rushes over to www.myst.com* MUST SEE!!!!!
> --
> _________________________
> John Viper
> http://www.jtsoft.net
> "dennis13" <denntom at gnt.net> wrote in message
news:39e7ed08 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> | There's going to be a remake of the original Myst game and then there's
> | going to be a Myst III game too coming out soon. And they both let you
> | around how you want instead of like using the cursor to point your way
> | through. Which will be a lot cooler because you can actually move around
> | real time this time and still an ultra-realistic world. :)
> |
> | "wyzard360" <wyzard360 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> | news:39e7d43d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> | > Yeah it would cause framerate problems, I don't think myst and riven
> | > realtime renderings like aw. I believe they are pre made images (2d)
> | > each position, made with some 3d program, and not an actual 3d
> | environment.
> | >
> | > "john viper" <jviper at jtsoft.net> wrote in message
> | > news:39e7bf97$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> | > > Damn the framerates THAT would cause (lol) but yes that would be
> | >
> | >
> | >
> |
> |
Oct 16, 2000, 1:12am
oops, I didnt even check that, you can get a demo of the stoneship age here:
[View Quote]"myrth" <myrth at myrthco.com> wrote in message
news:39e9db14$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> www.realmyst.com
> they are remaking it in 3d :)
> -Myrth
> "john viper" <jviper at jtsoft.net> wrote in message
> news:39e8e4b9 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> take snapshots of every
> some bugs where they
> news:39e7ed08 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> move
> in
> are
> for
> cool
Jan 21, 2001, 3:41am
Word on the street.rwx (hehe, I'm witty!) is that 3.2 will be geared mainly
towards getting AW onto NT 4.0...
I hope they add the new commands into RWX and improve rotate.
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3A6A6955.114265A6 at tnlc.com...
> For those who may not know, there's an AW improvements web page at
http://tnlc.com/eep/aw/improve.html which has many common AW wishes and many
you've probably never thought of. I am actually amazed AWCI seems to be
implementing some of them. Let's hope the momentum continues after AW 3.1...
Jan 21, 2001, 6:59am
Why? Because of management, they tell him what to do.
Aren't most of 3.1's features a result of Young Shamus' playing around?
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3A6AA284.4A4A9CF6 at tnlc.com...
> Yet another poor direction decision, if true. Cross-platform support
should come AFTER getting AW up to speed as a multi-user level editor (which
it basically is). Why doesn't Roland put in what MANY people want: to not be
automatically visible when logging onto AW. Why doesn't he make movement
controls customizable? Why doesn't he make the font/screen colors
customizable? Why doesn't he make the toolbar customizable? Why doesn't he
make AW remember the custom world background colors after AW closes? Why
doesn't he make AW not reset the downloaded sounds/picture sizes to 100K if
unchecked and the dialog closed? Why doesn't he fix all the annoying BUGS in
AW before yet again taking AW off into a direction MOST people couldn't give
a shit about? This is why he doesn't deserve to be AW's lead programmer: he
CONTINUALLY proves he cannot make good design/direction decisions.
> There have been bugs in AW ever since I found it that are STILL not fixed.
There are still MANY bugs just from AW3 that still need fixing. Roland needs
to learn how to do floating point calculations correctly so all those damn
gaps/seams stop appearing and avatars don't jerk so much when turning and
moving in STRAIGHT lines far away from GZ, for example. I can go on and on
about how much AW needs to be FIXED before it adds cross-platform
support--even to NT.
> Ah, yes, but I'm sure it's some "big money" uniserver customer who wants
NT support, so AWCI would rather get on their hands and knees to cater to
THEIR wishes than those of the people who actually MATTER to AW's community
and future. This is why Rick and JP don't deserve to be running AW. They
simply do not know who are the more important customers and who they should
be developing AW for.
> myrth wrote:
Feb 1, 2001, 2:13am
Also HamFon will be improving DirectSound further, making the animation
system use Renderware instead of lifeforms code which will allow activate
seq stuff and dff avatars. (this is what I think, he almost had it ready
for 3.1 and he has test stuff in HamGlaze)
[View Quote]"hal9000" <wampa1 at qwest.net> wrote in message
news:3a78aaac at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> 3.2 will most likely NOT have shadows, the main focus for 3.2 is
> powerpiping AW adding support for transform and lighting(T&L), and also
> adding support for Windows NT...
> --
> -=Hal9000=- world:Discover
> --==~~out~~==--
> "joeman" <Joeman at bootdown.com> wrote in message
> news:3a780e05$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> | 3.1 alone does not create shadows :(.... mabey in 3.2 :D
> |
> |
> | ~Joeman
> |
> | "challagar" <challagar at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> | news:3a77c290 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> | > I am not a beta tester, so I don't know if this feature is a
> of
> | > the "light command" in 3.1. But, it would seem only natural for any
> light
> | > source to create shadows.
> | >
> | >
> |
> |
Feb 11, 2001, 8:41pm
A better idea would be for the browser to eject the person that has been
idle longest...
[View Quote]"j b e l l" <jbell1983 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3a87102a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> i was thinking about that too.. heh...maybe they can set it up so that it
> doesn't work for ppl on PPWs only the true cit# of the ct.. they could
> probably do citnum command on enter then see if that person's cit# shows
> as the ct one or not.. and if not-not allow enterance...
> --
> J B E L L
> http://platinum.awjbell.com
> G O I N G P L A T I N U M
> "crazy glue il" <crazytiger3 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3a870ee2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> : true, but some CT's of trails give out their ppw like its nothing, and
> some
> : of private worlds too. Do you know how many people would abuse that
> : privilege>?
> :
> : --
> : We all have atleast ONE crazything in us >:]
> : ~Johnathon a.k.a CrAzY gLuE IL
> : crazyglue3 at hotmail.com
> : Idiots are plentiful these days, what would we do without them?
> : Geniuses are rare, but what would it be like without them?
> : That's is the question.
> : dennis13 <denntom at gnt.net> wrote in message
> : news:3a870cd8 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> : > That would be cool I think. World CTs should still be able to get in
> even
> : if
> : > world reached the user limit.
> : >
> : > "j b e l l" <jbell1983 at home.com> wrote in message
> : > news:3a86ef09 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> : > > i think no matter what the world user limit is.. if it is filled,
> : > > world's CT should still be allowed in.. it's a pain to not be able
> : get
> : > > into your own world...
> : > >
> : > > --
> : > > J B E L L
> : > > http://platinum.awjbell.com
> : > > G O I N G P L A T I N U M
> : > >
> : > >
> : >
> : >
> :
> :
Feb 18, 2001, 5:34am
3.2 will ADD OpenGL support, but not drop RW. :)
[View Quote]"john viper" <jviper at jtsoft.net> wrote in message
news:3a8f29af at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Drop RenderWare and use OpenGL :-)
> -John
> "rolu" <rolu.university at bigfoot.com> wrote in message
> news:3a8ef0e6 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> in
> calls
Feb 25, 2001, 4:20pm
We all know how AW likes to implement complex workarounds instead of
getting straight to the problem, so I have though of the perfect complex
work around for people who need "AFK, Bathroom, Dinner, etc" options. AWCI
simply needs to create a world called AFK, DINNER, and TOILET. Speech in
AFK would be disabled to prevent it from becoming a popular meeting place.
TOILET would be a giant toilet that everyone teleports in and falls in to.
TK's (toilet keepers) could be placed on the seat of the toilet and act as
lifeguards, also every hour they could "flush" the toilet. Everyone would
drain (be ejected) to the sewers (AWGate). A world called BRB could be
added too, when you enter a bot asks you how long you will be until you
return, when that time limit is expired you will be teleported back to where
you came from. Of course, for this to work you would have to let people see
the world you are currently in, which shouldnt be too hard and would add to
the complexity. I think this would be the perfect workaround for status
Mar 17, 2001, 8:04pm
Jul 20, 2001, 5:04am
[View Quote]"methus" <e_robertg at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3B579571.47B252A6 at hotmail.com...
> Do you know if he has made any attempt to do so?
> internal affairs wrote:
Aug 23, 2001, 3:06pm
Actually, it is a square. The Hexagon shape comes from the clipping plane
cutting off things farther then 400m.
[View Quote]"nornny" <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b85026b$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Umm...Alphaworld is a hexagon I believe, 8 sided. :) Fly up really high
> you can even see the shape. But it would be nice if the world was round.
> Darn Europeans and their ignorant views on the universe! THE WORLD IS
> I SAY!!!
> Sorry. ;) I know it didn't answer your question, but it's too early in the
> summer still (1 week before school) to be answering math questions. lol
> Nornny
> "wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
> news:3b849ae1$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> next year, so obviously I can't do it.
> you can't make a square into a circle without stretching,
> ground level, how many meters away would the horizon
> stimulate conversation when Roland finally ups the maximum
> 4.0 and gets clearance from Old Man JP (Rick died) to ask
> XLR 2048mb will halt implementation.
Jan 8, 2000, 3:06am
Due to the lack of a single complete help page I have decied to amek my
own. It will be more then a help page, it will also provide comprehensive
links, FAQ's, help on several topics, and other misc stuff my brain can come
up with. Though this is a large product and I am relatively new to model
making... I was wondering if anyone is interested in helping bring a new
help page to aw. Submissions of linsk to pre-existing help pages and the
such is helpful. If you would like to help personally t-gram me (Myrth) or
email myrth_109 at hotmail.com
Jan 9, 2000, 2:10pm
Thanks for crossposting a reply? lol hehe
anyway, whats a good name/web hoster?
Im thinking of signing up at freeservers and starting there. I want a
general name type thingy-mabobber
Or what is a good overall name?
[View Quote]Lexxus <bored.player at angelfire.com> wrote in message
news:3877da8f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> myrth wrote:
amek my
> An excellent idea, if such a page exists i haven't been able to find it.
> It would be best to ask across all newsgroups in any case (hopefully
> this post will do that).
> The official pages at http://www.activeworlds.com (which as of this
> moment are down!) prettily cover most of the subjects but are quite weak
> on building and bots and offer few outside links. Collecting it all
> together in one place would be very helpful indeed!
> Here are the few links i've found:
> http://website.lineone.net/~toyou.myspare/help/ - basic rwx editing
> http://members.home.net/lloydda/virtechs/ - objects & avatars
> http://objects.activeworlds.com/misc/aw30/ - version 3 development
> http://vevo.com/intro.html - Alpha World map
> http://home.sprintmail.com/~ncrowle/hamfon.htm - bot stuff
> http://www.storage.co.hu/modular.html - AW landscape generator
> http://www.peacekeeper.net/ - peacekeepers pages
> http://members.xoom.com/Epips/lessons/lesson1part1.htm - rwx modeling
> tutorial
> --
> cu