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Plugins, new idea...

Mar 16, 2001, 12:01pm
version so
> Um, no. It was simply the fact that non-beta testers were allowed to use
the beta and then suddenly NOT allowed to.

They were never allowed to, they just exploited something that Roland never
thought would be abused.


Hello and Two Cents

Mar 17, 2001, 8:04pm



What happened to my post

Apr 24, 2001, 8:44pm
or you could always go to Tools/Options/Maintenance and change the delete
old posts options...

just a thought


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to eep

May 15, 2001, 3:09pm
Wow, not only are you ignorant of the spelling, but you are ignorant of
culture too! The "english" (british, canadian, whatever) spelling of many
words includes a u. colour, armour, laboured, labour, and etc.

Oh yes, why are you arguing this again?


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Here's a little story from my past for ya.

May 10, 2001, 9:21pm
I haven't posted here for a long while, but I will now. Chucks party, shut
up. No, I really mean it, shut up. You say "lol! I will!" or some crap,
but you don't you keep bringing it up. Don't you see, you were even banned
from AW, just shut up.



May 11, 2001, 1:53am
Now with the amazing new Filter Diet Plan (tm) you can decrease your gross
total post count by over 300 posts! (reccomended dosage be applied to 007
agents, jfk2, and a chucks party)


P.S. Save meeee agent!

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Final solution to everything.

May 11, 2001, 9:49pm
I told one to shut up, saw how he replied, and blocked both. So it should be
hard to notice someone if all their posts are automatically blocked.


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Jul 8, 2001, 12:03am
in lieu of an answer I'm going to laugh


hey, anyone know what happened to AWQoP? HAHAHHA


(oh, right, the owner was a loser and the thing was basically a scam to the
best of my knowledge "looky, the trees go up and change, like a preston
could do! har har! krunk create artificial life!")

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Aw 3.2

Aug 30, 2001, 12:54am
(I'm on beta)
My computer is 3 years old, and hasn't been upgraded any. While 200 isn't
fast (about 3-4 frames a second) it is almost comparable to 60m vis in 2.2.
It is great for screenshots, and when you are trying to find objects you
mass duplicated on accident.. heh. It isn't a worthless feature at all. And
the transparency is better then before, it just seems certain objects are
having problems, this is not the end of the world tho.


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Aw 3.2

Aug 30, 2001, 6:25pm
Ok, Ok, not better, but different. For generic things like pp16, it seems
to be, but with anything complex it is wonky.


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Custom Bots

Oct 2, 2001, 11:14pm
I want a bot that will make cheese!


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