myrth // User Search
myrth // User Search
Feb 8, 2001, 10:02pm
nevermind, I see that he did reply
[View Quote]"myrth" <myrth at myrthco.com> wrote in message
news:3a8332d1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> first of all, if eep is voted to stay, does that mean you leave? you
> said that in this post, and if that is what it means, then, well thats
> stupid, you shouldn't make us choose you or him
> also, shouldnt you have waited for eep to make a response? I havent seen
> post from him since the decision of the vote...
> anyway,
> 302202- stay
> -Myrth
> "facter" <"Facter at AWsupport"> wrote in message
> news:3a831e52$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> a
> into
> we
> "Remove".
> them
Feb 9, 2001, 2:08am
image, are you aware that at one time eep was kicked from aw with no
warning? eep has been through this before, read his history pages, maybe
you could understand him better.
[View Quote]"image" <image2 at uswest.net> wrote in message
news:3a8353fc$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Well Lara would you prefer to be banned from AW and one day just attempt
> login and it won't let you on. Or would you like to know in advance and
> atleast have the chance of staying on AW? (Just an example) I think Eep
> should be somewhat greatful that he has not been kicked off AW and Facter
> didn't just ban him and he actually got himself and his friends to atleast
> give a say to stop the vote, don't you think its a little more fair?
> image
> image2 at uswest.net
> www.imagebot.net
> "lara" <Lara at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3A8350BF.B25EEADB at tnlc.com...
> in this for the following reasons:
> that they should be kicked out of the newsgroup, that's up to AWCI, not to
> vote of the users.
> cobbled together vote with a 24 hour time frame is ridiculous. Many
> of the newsgroup may just check it once a week or every few days. Nothing
> fair, democratic or "*communities* decision" about it. Not that the
> "community" should even be deciding on removing ANYone's privileges to
> in the newsgroup in the first place.
> the newsgroup...leading to all this. And AWCI allows its company name to
> attached to such a voting scheme? Astonishing.
> AWCI's
> have
> say....
> you
> and
> guys
> do
> problem
> boot
> part
> slander,
> of
> the
> posting
> vote.
> talies
> name -
number> -
> and
> own, as
Feb 9, 2001, 11:57am
You stated in a reply to my post that this was NOT a matter of who stays or
who goes.
The community has voted to keep Eep.
You are leaving.
You took a leap off a cliff facter, and now you're blaming us that you died
from the fall.
[View Quote]"facter" <facter at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3a8395da at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Eep could be suspended from this group, for a very simple reason - he
> the newsgroup charter, he abuses his priviledge and he is an insulting,
> faececious individual. I nor the company needed to even consult any of
you -
> but, I had respect for all of you.
> Something had to be shown to Eep, so that he would realise the impact
> his insulting nature has had on this community - did you all want me to
> stand back and go "yes eep, no eep, three bags full eep" ? Looking at it
> now, just banning him would of been the best solution out of anything.
> But it seems that the hope, that we could place a simple decision in the
> hands of our users, has turned into something that I myself am disgusted
> You all see now, why AWCI has really had user votes - and why when things
> have been done, they are done in an administration manner - look at the
> this whole situation has created - and you guys out there, all wonder why
> the management at AWCI keeps a distance from these newsgroups.
> Well, now you all know dont you ?
> Now perhaps you realise exactly how divided, how bickering and how very
> small our community really is. Its up to you people to fix it. I believed
> that by giving you guys something that you *Always* asked for - democratic
> processes, that this would help. By being completely open about the
> I allowed something totally different to be done - I approached the
> situation with honesty and with the genuine intent to try and help a
> situation which in my opinion was jsut going way too far.
> I gave my opinions, I tried to engage the community in a rational
> I wished merely to assist you all, without being the brunt of abuse,
> derogatory remarks and slander from a certain individual.
> Please let me show you, first, before I go any further, the kind of person
> that some of you are defending so much.
> These are quoted insults he has used, mostly against me in the past day or
> two - "power hungry", "shoving it off to the community", "ties too hard",
> "power tripping", "low self esteem","You're such a fucking twit, "YOU,
> twitfuck moron pissant, have no grip on logic","Now evolve ","hypocrit,
> (spelling Eep, again),"pathetic","Sure, one word: bullshit. "fucking with
> the newsgroups","bullshit statements","bullshit artist","fucking
> clone.","Because you have no life?","...a trip to a shrink might help.",".
> Better lay off them drugs","superchamp wonder twinkie-zippy.
> ","Facter is weak since he can't handle the truth.","fucking full of
> yourself","Only after continually insulting him" (he admits to continually
> insulting people for his own pleasure),".
> Some of you are DEFENDING this kind of person ? *shakes his head* - then
> this community, had already gone to hell in a handbasket well before I
> to help matters. How anyone can defend someone for that kind of behaviour
> beyond me. as an intelligent, caring and decent person I can find *no* way
> in myself to see how any could possibly defend such.
> Rick, JP and indeed the whole office is aware of this situation. Rick and
> were spoken to before I even instigated the vote, or contemplated any
> "Bannings". It was a general agreement, to try and involve the community
> some decision making, and to try and instill some kind of trust in
> a democratic process to be allowed on matters of discipline in this
> newsgroup. I had the full support of my superiors, and indeed thought that
> by trying to give the community something like this, a decision like this,
> that it may go some way towards helping the rift that seems to be between
> portions of the community and management.
> It was tried, and it the process has failed.
> From now, there will be no more technical support from myself in these
> newsgroups. All support will now be done via email and no correspondance
> between myself will be entered into in these newsgroups. Eep is welcome to
> remain, but there will be moderation on posts if they are found to be of a
> derogatory, insulting or offensive nature. If he _pushes_ the matter, and
> merely continues to heap into this group posts of an insulting nature to
> others including myself, then he will be banned, with no consultation or
> appeal entered into.
> On a personal note, I must say that my first foray into trying to help the
> AW community in my capacity as a employee of AWCI, it has left a very bad
> taste in my mouth. Instead of seeing potential, instead of seeing that I
> could indeed help, instead of being polite, and courteous and respectful
> towards me, Eep has attacked for no , insulted, provoked, defamed and made
> mockery in his words of my professional manner.
> On the matter of the newsgroup downtime, the downage was fully explained
> explained on the outset (I even posted about it on the network status
> and they were down for four hours, and the only persont hat noticed was
> Eep) - do NOT twist that into something it is not Eep - my explaination
> a fully good one, and merely lacked down to the bare level details such as
> "defraging harddrive, scandisk and a check of files - i mean, geez - "I
> down the server for maintenance" covers ALL of those things, which are
> of the things that were done on that morning.
> I will no longer be posting to these newsgroups. There will be no more
> "votes" in these newsgroups, and as I stated before, there will be
> moderation of offensive posts, and Eep will especially be looked at.
> Obviously, there is a large portion of people here who, for some reason,
> wish he remains (they may not even be a majority) but for whatever reason,
> he may do so - on conditions, and if those conditions are not met, thent
> matter will be dealt with in accordance to charter guidelines. All users
> this newsgroup, are to be aware of the charter, and Eep is not singled out
> here, these standards apply to all who we give the priviledge of using
> groups.
> But, myself, as AW Technical Support - have wiped my hands of this group,
> and will not be utilising them again for information or advice - support
> be found at support at activeworlds.com
> For those of you that know me, you know that what occured here occured in
> good faith, or good heart, and good intent. Unfortunatly, it has soured me
> of doing anything of this nature again - I have tried for years, since
> coming to AW in 1996, to try and help the community. I have been a GK, a
> an outspoken advocate against harsh tactics in many different forms. I
> continue to now be outspoken against harsh PK tactics, abuses of
> in the worlds (do you know how many people I help when they have been
> harrassed?) and doing all manner of things to assist this community - most
> of which is done in my *own* time, of my own violition, of my own *want*
> give back everything that I have got from this place. When I applied to
> here at AW, I am sure that one of the reasons I was chosen for the job was
> due to the fact that I *was* outspoken on these issues, and would help to
> bring some new ideas on how to relate tot he community. Having been a GK,
> and a PK, and not being able to help in the manner I really wanted, seeing
> the job was a godsend. In the year previously, I had logged into AW about
> ten times total - I kept coming back, instead of giving up on it - the job
> was a godsend and an opportunity to give back to the community.
> I do not need to be judged, I do not need to be insulted, when I have
> wished to help, assist and give new ideas and initiative to the community.
> And especially, I do not need to be ground into the dirt by one individual
> who has a severe lack of social adequacy.
> I do not think that you need to wonder why now I have no wish to be a part
> of these groups.
> As stated - Eep is welcome to remain. Any derogatory posts from him or any
> others will be deleted, continuous insults and derogatory remarks from any
> user, including Eep, will result in the user's priviledges in these
> newsgroup being revoked.
> Enjoy your newsgroups.
> Fletcher Andersen
> AW Tech Support.
Feb 10, 2001, 2:37pm
Actually, he's canadian. :)
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at email.com> wrote in message
news:3a8471cc at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> You must be a democrat, aren't you?
> :)
> SW Chris
Feb 11, 2001, 9:38pm
ARG! And I would like your one line message to be under 31K.
Feb 11, 2001, 10:02pm
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at email.com> wrote in message
news:3a8723db at server1.Activeworlds.com...
I respect people for who they are, not what they do, even if I dont' agree
with them! So don't call me anti-gay or anything. It's just like calling a
white person racist because he thinks Jesse Jackson's finances should be
>Anyways the reason they ejected "I love Craig" from AWGate is that he
flaunted his sexuality around by asking, "Are gay people allowed in here?"
How is that "flaunting" sexuality?
>and he kept it up.
He was offended, he just wanted an answer
>I'm pretty sure he didnt' know what he was doing,
why's that? is it because he is gay?
>but Flynn 1 was correct. Homosexuality is not a thing _some_ parents and
probably the majority of parents don't want their children experiencing
until they are old enough to understand it.
ignorance breeds hate, theres nothing to understanf
> That's why "I love Craig" was banned. Not because he was gay, but because
he flaunted it.
people flaunt being straight all the time (((((((((HUGZ!!!))))))) happens
every 3 seconds in the freaking gate
> It's just like regular sex. Most parents don't want children to know too
much about such things until they can understand it correctly.
Haven't you been listening? Being gay is no more about being a sex fiend
then being straight it. Just because someone is gay doesn't mean they are
going to jump on you...
Feb 12, 2001, 12:00pm
Gothic isn't a religion...
Moron isn't either, but you seem to practice it quite well. :P How old are
you? Your spelling is atrocious.
[View Quote]"trekkerx" <troop2 at empirenet.com> wrote in message
news:3A878994.A505C0A4 at empirenet.com...
> I would liek to ride a broom. And whats wwrong with being a certian
relogon?? huh
> im Gothic and no one relly cares cuz its America the land of the Free!!!
> first Admendemt) And i have no problem with being a wich or goren or
Gothic or a
> Aniarchest (wich is beeing accused of being a bad thing) or anything else
i can
> thinck of. So relly why dose anyone care it gets boring reading ppl cuss
> eachother about riding broom sticks and stuff
Feb 12, 2001, 8:56pm
also, just deleting some of the message would help :)
[View Quote]"alphabit phalpha" <alphabit at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3a8864b2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Tools...Options...Send
Feb 11, 2001, 4:33am
I just logged into AWGate as a tourist and asked if it was ok to be
straight. I then proceeded to do the normal (((((HUGS))))) of AWGate and
asked everyone's a/s/l (thats age/sex/location). I wasn't ejected.
Why is this? Weren't my comments charged with sexual innuendos that could
shatter innocent minds?
Feb 11, 2001, 9:36pm
You are just as bad as him by draggin Eep into this. Eep would never make
so many stupid posts, Eep has class. IA is just being stupid.
[View Quote]"xero" <xero at darkvapor.com> wrote in message
news:3a871e1a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> This is NOT serious, this is BULLSHIT!
> IA, stop trying to pretend your Eep and try to cause all this crap for no
> reason. You havn't shut up about it ever since you realised how Eep comes
> newsgroups and argues his points. Now you've been excuse my language
> *sucking his dick* ever since then.You told me yourself you made up most
> those logs, then you told me it actually happened, now its that you
> them accorded to logs from other people. What the hell is with you lately?
> Are you going through some stage? I hope it ends quick before you get
> yourself kicked off AW. And you yourself never shut the hell up about gay
> this and gay that then you hit it with your racial and prejudice remaks.
> are everything you talk about and you just seem to make fun of other
> to satisfy your own problems. Tell the truth and stop talking out your
> Your pissing me and other people off, and everyone knows it, shut up now
> while you have the chance.
> --
> -Xero
Feb 12, 2001, 4:16pm
Could we possibly see one of those logs? I want to see how out of context
it was, in the case of awteen there was like one line changed.
pleeeeeease :)
Feb 13, 2001, 4:17pm
this appears when you launch napster, and all napster users have been
following the story..
there is no point in posting this, everyone knows!
grr :P
Feb 13, 2001, 9:12pm
I know you probably want to do the website stuff all before you upload it,
but could you possibly update the object zips NOW? It would be nice...
or the person who has updated ones could give me their url.. heh :)
Feb 14, 2001, 12:07pm
First of all, light works in AW. Also, WildAW was created because of all
the people bitching about Z objects. If you don't like AW, go to WildAW,
all the commands are availible there. Also, 3.1 hs undergone a beta process
to get out bugs, Im sorry if the new sound doesn't please you but its not
like Roland coded everything in one day and shoved it down your throat.
Also, if you can run 3.0, then its guaranteed you can run 3.1, so there is
no point in making it a choice. If you want your Xelagot to sound, turn off
AW sounds, Ive never been able to play other sounds when aw sounds were
playing. Also, the sound will get improved in 3.2 as well. A lot of
zobjects are setup with high polys so theyd lag more, and some of the signs
arent in the registry popular. In worlds where they can be used, they have
often been abused, and in bad taste. If you need bigger pictures, it is
possible to shove pieces of pictures together. Also, sign4 and sign5 are
much larger then sign3, so they help you there. And as said, the way aw is
currently set up, allowing move and rotate in AW would be very bad, at least
be happy you have light.
[View Quote]"myssie" <yonkers21 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3a8a4d8b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi Peep's. I have some more complaints. maybe ya'll can help me or maybe
> some of you have the same complaints/problems. Soooooooooooo here I go.
> something to drink and go potty cuz it's gonna be a long post. Sowwy :o(
> My first complaint is.....I am a world owner and co-owner of another
> Well I have a Xelagot bot (which is where I noticed the problem) Well I
> the Xelagot bot to alert me of anyone coming into my world when I am
> elsewhere so i can go be with my visitors. I love the Xelagot for that
> reason. Well There is a function on there that DOES sound when someone is
> within the vacinity. Well I come to AW and right away I get an upgrade
> notice (which incidentally I think is BS and I'll explain why). So I
> upgraded but NOT happily. Why? Because I think upgrading should be an
> not forced. What do I mean? Well when 3.0 came out, I got the very same
> alerts and EVERY time I logged on, I would get the same box slammed in my
> face so finally I said FINE if that's what it takes to get it OUT of my
> then i'll upgrade so I did. As it turned out I did love 3.0 BUT I didn't
> like the fact that it was forced on me. I would say no but whenever I'd
> to AW I'd get the same message so it wasn't much of a choice. Now AW
> upgrades to 3.1 and the SAME problem. I think upgrading SHOULD be an
> because not everyone has the requirements OR the space for
> now back to what I was saying previously. Getting back to the Xelagot.
> I noticed that it wasn't beeping to alert me anymore like it had
> and I didn't understand why. I checked to make sure the beep option was on
> and it was. Then I checked my volume control thingy and it too was OK.
> then I went to control panel and THIS is the message I got.
> http://www.geocities.com/yonkers21/sndcrd.jpg
> Oh and incidentally, I had NO sound in IE either.WHICH aggrivated me
> I like sounds. And in AW the midi's sound HORRIBLE now. They sound VERY
> cheap. It's the best way i can explain it. There is virtually NO bass or
> whatever sound it is.
> Ok Next complaint......
> Another complaint I have is that AW now has new commands (light, rotate,
> etc.) I just wanna know ONE thing ok? WHAT is the POINT in having them if
> the commands CAN'T be used in Alpha World? NOT everyone can build in
> worlds OR own a world. My opinion (and others seem to feel the same) If
> there are special commands they SHOULD be available to ALL users to ALL
> worlds NOT just private worlds. MOST of us are regular builders in Alpha
> World and WildAW. I for one have a very small world and can't do all the
> building I like to do in Alpha World. Also some of the objects Alpha World
> has i don't have on the persons OP I am using. I also don't understand the
> need to not let us use the "Z" objects either. I mean they can be used in
> WildAW, why not Alpha too? What's the point of having them on the list?
> Another complaint I have is.............
> Midi's on sites. Not only do they now sound HORRIBLE but now when you walk
> away, they fade. I don't like that, but can live with it I suppose. I like
> to be able to listen to the whole song (provided it's my taste). But
> to the HORRIBLE part. Before the new 3.1 upgrade, the midi's all sounded
> wonderful and were bassey (spelling) and really sounded nice (I have good
> speakers for my PC) but now they sound, hippie kinda so to speak. Ummm
> sound cheap. I'm not sure exactly how to describe it except HORRIBLE. I
> don't know about wav's yet because I haven't checked one out.
> On the POSSITIVE side....yes there are some possitives....lol
> I LOVE the little hand that shows where there is an activate command. it
> saves a lot of accidental clicking. I also love the rotation commands,
> commands etc. but as I stated previously, I think those commands should be
> available to ALL in ALL worlds INCLUDING Alpha World.
> Ok I think I'm done. If not, rest assured i'll be back. lol
> Myssie
Feb 14, 2001, 4:34pm
Im sorry, but where was I rude, your new message seems a lot ruder. I said
WildAW is a very nice place that you can go if you want to use the commands
in a public building world.
NOTE: YOU CAN USE LIGHT IN AW!! It has a maximum radius of 10 (meaning
radius= anything over wont work) but 10 is a good radius. I dont know why
you say it doesnt work, because it does...
Feb 14, 2001, 6:43pm
I have had this happen to me several times, maybe thats why I'm so bitter :P
I woudl appreciate if they notified me they were going to delete it, it
would be even better if they told me in advance it wasn't a permanent
structure. I've learned to not participate in other people's projects
unless I know them really well, otherwise it just ends up in hurt. I built
an entire town for someone in a world once and 3 days later it was gone..
[View Quote]"myssie" <yonkers21 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3a8ada37 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I have a question to ask everyone but I want you to really think about
> question for a sec. ok? and NO getting rude because it's ONLY a question.
> *glares at myrth* lol
> if you did a build in a Private world that you spent MANY hours on and
> worked very hard on for someone as a gift (for example....Bday build or
> build) and you even stayed up ALL night to make sure it was done and
> for the individual. If the world owner decides they want to delete your
> build as well as builds done by a couple other people, wouldn't you want
> be notified ASAP so you can make arrangements to either
> A.) Move the build (provided they are the same objects),
> B.) Take screen shots or
> C.) Both.
> Now for you world owners, pretend you do NOT own a world but you are
> building IN a private world ok? Wouldn't you want to be notified in SOME
> that your build that you worked so hard on for so many hours is going to
> demolished? If you worked hard on a build and spent many hours on it to
> it perfect for someone and you went back at a later date to find the build
> demolished, would you NOT be angry, hurt and upset?
> I think (yes here I go again thinking. lol) I think that if a world owner
> going to demolish someones build they should atleast be given the courtesy
> of a few days notification. I feel that should be an AW law. A few of us
> have recently become victimized in this manner and without warning and I
> think it stinks. No my post here has NOTHING to do with Chucks Party's
> at all. That is old news. I'm here with the new news.
> I realize that world owners have the right to do as they please in their
> worlds and that they have the right to delete anything they want to even
> it belongs to someone else, but I feel that it's only courtesey that the
> builder is given notice and ample time (3 days to a week) to do what they
> need to do (delete it themselves, take screen shots or move it) I honestly
> don't think that this is asking too much from world owners. I myself am a
> world owner and co ower of another world and I have to tell ya, I would
> NEVER even THINK of pulling a stunt like this! NEVER!! I would atleast
> notification first.
Feb 15, 2001, 2:32am
Hmm, if you use 2 or 4 objects you can accomplish this with astart/astop
commands, I could experiment to figure out the codes. Would you like me to?
[View Quote]"nova" <n at n.com> wrote in message
news:3a8b5608$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> yeh i know i just want it to move strait out roatate and return looping
> all it is is a matter of timing it right
> theres some formula in the faq help but no example of one that work that i
> could work from
> "facter" <facter at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:3a8b5109 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> back
Feb 15, 2001, 4:32pm
I thought that it would take too long to update the zips? :P
Thank you :)
[View Quote]"facter" <"Facter at AWsupport"> wrote in message
news:3a8c0ff8 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> From deep in the vaults of the AW Skunkworks, come several new
> !
> After a meeting the other day, I put forth the idea of opening up the Z
> objects for building in Alphaworld - and, it was accepted.
> Some of the changes outlined below have *already* come into effect, and
> of them will come into effect at any time this afternoon - sorry, there is
> no definate time for all of this, except this afternoon...
> 1) The new objects, are known as the X objects. These are Z objects that
> have merely had the Z changed to an X. We have done this, so as not to
> anything existing and to also retaint he ability to let us use protected Z
> objects in the future. There are one or two Z objects that have not been
> added, due to size etc. The registry addition here is almost exactly the
> same as the WildAW object registry in regards to Z objects. As noted, the
> new registry should go into effect this afternoon.
> 2) I updated the Alphaworld objects, textures on the webpage
> (http://www.activeworlds.com/tech/objects.html) - this is the most current
> package, and it was really due for an update (my, I have been productive)
> 3) Mars objects have been placed on the webpage. This includes objects,
> avatars, sounds and sequences. You may freely use these in your own
> 4) Pollen will be opened to public building sometime this afternoon. This
> a dynamic world, things could change whenever..err, really, I want them
> Climate may change, lighting may change, strange things may emminate fromt
> he ground. It is an experimental world - but I have increased its size,
> user limit for anyone interested in experimenting, then you are welcome to
> do it in here. The first 50 cords or so are blocked out for special
> development, but the rest of it..for for your life. This is still a
> world of mine, not an official AW.com world, but, lets call it a
> "semi-official" world - its really just my way of saying "come play at my
> house". There are some broken objects (over 4500 objects are in there),
> broken av's..that kind of thing...as I said, its a large scale
> environment - but now it'll be open to all =) All that remains is to put
> the registry, and if I can get Andras's reg builder to stop quitting after
> few lines then it'll be done in a jiffy =)
> I hope you all like these new developments. I've been working hard on them
> to get this stuff done for all of you. I am sure there are going to be
> problems associated - jsut let me know as soon as somerhing comes up so I
> can get it fixed okay ?
> Enjoy =)
> Facter
> AW Support
> Activeworlds.com
Feb 15, 2001, 9:17pm
yes, me, I can't download xdome1 for example..
[View Quote]"jynx" <jynx at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3a8c56e2$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi again...
> I closed AW, deleted the whole cache and came back in. I redownloaded
> everything but I still can't see the x objects except for the xiggy4 and
> xcart. I tried bouncing several times and restarting AW a few times. Is
> this happening to anyone else?
> Thanx,
> Jynx
> :o)
> "facter" <"Facter at AWsupport"> wrote in message
> news:3a8c53fd$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> the
> just
Feb 19, 2001, 4:20pm
Do you know how many "projects" ig0r has started in aw.. not a single one
has ever been completed...
[View Quote]"syntax" <syntax at earthcorp.com> wrote in message
news:3a908d96 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> ig0r said he was working on one also. He said it is going to be released
> 2002 or 2003 or something. Don't hold your breath though.
> --
> Syntax
> syntax at earthcorp.com
> www.swcity.net
> wing <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
> news:3a90890d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> and
> of
> that
news:3A8F5974.41C05D90 at tnlc.com...
> commands
> around,
Feb 20, 2001, 11:29am
save our beautiful dreams pegasus!
"I am THE sailor mini-moon"
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3A92030B.9E73843F at tnlc.com...
> eh
> percipient wrote:
Feb 20, 2001, 4:16pm
hehe :)
and everyone! don't worry, eep has given AFM and Col Klink plenty of times
to change, so that statement didn't go against his new nicer image. :)
P.S. Visit Hole, its spiffy!
[View Quote]"nornny" <Nornny at snet.net> wrote in message
news:3a92a81e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I knew it was a good idea keeping you here. ;)
> Nornny
> "eep" <no at 1.com> wrote in message news:3A928D17.528F6E00 at 1.com...
Feb 20, 2001, 4:28pm
Great job on the objects and zobjects, but you now need to do something
else. Add texturemode lit to all walls and floors in aw, people are getting
confused and screaming about light not working. This is an easy task and I
even have the objects fixed myself with just a little bit of work.
(ultraedit is very cool)
This post will explode in 5 seconds...
Feb 20, 2001, 11:41pm
How is adding texturemodes lit hurting? I've done it in all my places and
its better? Maybe if you explain to me?
[View Quote]"andras" <andras at andras.net> wrote in message
news:3A92C539.D8161B80 at andras.net...
> Before you do that I have a friendly warning:
> All objects will change its color/tone/whatever if you add the texturemode
lit command to them (and they did not have it before). IMO it is a dangerous
action!! Zillions of beautiful constructions will be screwed up badly!
> Think about it! AW has 70,000,000 objects. If you change 1/10th of the
objects statistically it will affect about 7,000,000 existing objects
> I know everyone wants those nice features but .... I would rather
introduce another sets of objects with those commands added!
> Make sense?
> I hope,
> Andras
> facter wrote:
Feb 22, 2001, 9:41pm
thats because landa has different uv's... that has nothing to do with
texturemode lit.. but I suppose uv's might be too complex for you...
[View Quote]"kah" <hiorth at sensewave.com> wrote in message
news:3a9578d7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> YOU FOOL! have you ever seen the difference between walk029.rwx and
> landa.rwx (I'm not talking about size)? they're REALLY different, but they
> still use the same texture, grasso.jpg... I KNOW that that screws up, I've
> tryed myself!
> eep <no at 1.com> skrev i meldingsnyheter:3A9311F7.972FBE63 at 1.com...
> object names will be a pain to remember and won't sort alphabetically
> correctly.
> creating an ENTIRE new set of objects, which is just silly to me,
> when builds will be ENHANCED, not "destroyed" because of having lit
> with an "L". ;-)
> necessary changes on AW's objects (even on Yellow and Mars and etc) You
> me - I'll write a tool to do that in no time :) This tool will add the "l"
> prefix to the object as Lara proposed (or how about adding it as a suffix?
> Like walk029hl.rwx? - maybe it will lead to confusion? It is up to you
> to pick the best naming method!) We should keep the names as short as
> possible (Darned BI!!)
> texturemode lit command to them (and they did not have it before). IMO it
> a dangerous action!! Zillions of beautiful constructions will be screwed
> badly!
> the objects statistically it will affect about 7,000,000 existing objects
> inworld!!!
> introduce another sets of objects with those commands added!
> something
> are
> task and
> work.
> want to, I
Feb 26, 2001, 7:45pm
wouldn't it make more sense to e-mail Facter, the webmaster?
[View Quote]"young phalpha" <yp at myrthco.com> wrote in message
news:3a9aa9b4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Typos in that, thinks = things, I think should be removed :)
> - YP :)
> "young phalpha" <yp at myrthco.com> wrote in message
> news:3a9a9213$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> in
> news:3A994383.8B348361 at tnlc.com...
> currently
> an
> ("just
> the
Feb 27, 2001, 1:43am
Hehe, if any of you read wishlist, then you know about the wonderful new
status indicator in AW. Now you can go AFK!
Just look here for proof: http://www.myrthco.com/misc/pics/aw/afk.jpg
Courtesy of K y l e's trial world :)
Feb 27, 2001, 8:25pm
no... just teleport to the world AFK, its kind of a joke :)
[View Quote]"anpetu olowan" <moonstonewolf at nwfnetwork.com> wrote in message
news:3a9c0c5d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> But I suppose that's with aw 3.1? I'm stuck with 2.2 until I
> get a better computer which will be in 6 months :(
> "myrth" <myrth at myrthco.com> wrote in message
> news:3a9b224f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> wonderful new
Mar 2, 2001, 3:02am
Sounds neat, now you just need to reset the trial world limit to 1/year. :P
[View Quote]"facter" <facter at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3a9f2293$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "datedman" <russell at synergycorp.com> wrote in message
> news:3A9EF435.312C97E7 at synergycorp.com...
> the
> place.
> turns
> to go
> 4:30,
> them.
> Trust me man, we *are* trying to implement better ways of doing this
> Havnt you noticed the stuff we implemented with trial worlds already ?
> Probably not - sign up for a trial world, it gets created, built and
> within ten seconds of the request. You can request, then go log straight
> into your trial world.
> We are trying to do more of these automated kinds of things, they are just
> taking time to roll out - but, they are coming. The new world server
> helps.
> Facter.
Mar 12, 2001, 9:55pm
That's why he said experienced. :)
He is a newbie in relation to this newsgroup.
[View Quote]"rehabber" <rehabber at swbell.net> wrote in message
news:3AAD4BAA.76F48D19 at swbell.net...
> Wing... Moff is hardly a newbie. He may have not been a part of the
> newsgroups but he's been a citizen for several years.
> wing wrote: