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Hello and Two Cents (Community)
Hello and Two Cents // Communitysir chaosMar 17, 2001, 7:29pm
J3ZlIG9ubHkgYmVlbiBhcm91bmQgYSBmZXcgbW9udGhzIG9yIHNvIGFuZCBoYXZlIGJlZW4gbHVy a2luZyBpbiB0aGlzIE5HIHNpbmNlIEkgYmVnYW4uICBCdXQgSVJMIEknbSBhIHByb2Zlc3Npb25h bCBzb2Z0d2FyZSBkZXZlbG9wZXIgd2l0aCBhIGhhcHB5IGhvYmJ5IG9mIDNEIGVkaXRpbmcgYW5k IEkgaGF2ZSBzb21lIHN1Z2dlc3Rpb25zLiAgV2hldGhlciB0aGV5IGhhdmUgYmVlbiBzYWlkIGFs cmVhZHkgb3Igbm90IEkgZHVubm8sIGJ1dCBoZXJlJ3MgbXkgdHdvIGNlbnRzOg0KDQogICAgV2hv ZXZlciBjYW1lIHVwIHdpdGggdGhlIGlkZWEgdGhhdCBjb21wbGV0ZSByb3RhdGlvbiBvZiBvYmpl Y3RzIG9uIEFMTCBUSFJFRSBBWElTIHdhcyB1bm5lY2Vzc2FyeSwgb3IgY2hvc2UgYW4gZW5naW5l IHdoZXJlIHRoaXMgd2FzIGltcG9zc2libGUsIHNob3VsZCBiZSBoYXVsZWQgb3V0IGFuZCBzaG90 LiAgTm90IG9ubHkgd291bGQgdGhlIGFiaWxpdHkgdG8gcm90YXRlIGEgdHJpYW5nbGUvcGFuZSBh cm91bmQgc2lnbmlmaWNhbnRseSBsb3dlciB0aGUgbnVtYmVyIG9mIG9iamVjdHMgYW5kIG1lbW9y eSBjb25zdW1wdGlvbiwgaXQgd291bGQgbWFrZSBidWlsZGluZyBtdWNoIG1vcmUgZnVuIGFuZCBs ZXNzIGZydXN0cmF0aW5nLiAgVG9wIG9mIG15IHdpc2ggbGlzdCBpcyB0aGUgYWJpbGl0eSB0byBy b3RhdGUgb24gdGhlIFggYXhpcy4gIFNvIHdoYXQgaWYgaXQgbWlnaHQgbWFrZSBmb3Igc29tZSB3 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DQogICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAtU2lyIENoYW9zDQoNCg== wingMar 17, 2001, 8:19pm
job with AWCI at the addy myrth posted and make it happen. j b e l lMar 17, 2001, 9:03pm
two cents? looked like at least three to me ;-) maybe you should talk to
roland.. -- news:// -- J B E L L G O I N G P L A T I N U M [View Quote] eepMar 17, 2001, 9:50pm
[View Quote]
> I can't say I'm the oldest AW Citizen in the world, I've only been around a few months or so and have been lurking in this NG since I began. But IRL I'm a professional software developer with a happy hobby of 3D editing and I have some suggestions.
How professional? What are your credentials? > Whether they have been said already or not I dunno, but here's my two cents: You'll want to check out for most of these: > Whoever came up with the idea that complete rotation of objects on ALL THREE AXIS was unnecessary, or chose an engine where this was impossible, should be hauled out and shot. Not only would the ability to rotate a triangle/pane around significantly lower the number of objects and memory consumption, it would make building much more fun and less frustrating. Top of my wish list is the ability to rotate on the X axis. So what if it might make for some weird looking trees and confusing "mask" textures, it's worth avoiding some bizarre combinations to just rotate a pane around so that it fits. > > I've already encountered a number of situations where I wanted to change several objects at once into a single different object. Changing land types is one of them - ever have to delete a 10X10 "empty" plot just to change it's ground to something other than what you used to claim the property? It's a pain in the ass. Ever want to insert a "create color" command on several objects at once? Can't do it. Come ON, you can't tell ME that it's all that tough to code a C/C++ FOR loop to do mass changing. Just don't disable the property box when I select more than one object. > > Every last Citizen should have some space on the FTP to place some (perhaps a limited number) custom objects and/or textures; and every last object available in any and every world on the AW Server should be available in AW proper. Limiting objects and commands that are clearly available elsewhere is absolutely silly. It doesn't even speed anything up. It just slows us builders down. > > Every last Citizen should have the rights to eject tourists at will. If tourists suffer from this they can just buy the damn license. PeaceKeepers should only have to discipline errant Citizens. > > There's been some pondering of communities here. I have found that many tourists, and indeed many Citizens, never make it out of GZ. Why? Because they like to chat, and it's hard to find other people to chat with elsewhere. I suggest abandoning Ground Zero entirely. The startout "gate" should change regularly, even daily, from site to site. Perhaps there can be contests for who's land "sponsors" GZ, or we could use the winners from some other contest, or maybe it can be random. If GZ changed every day, newcomers and old could choose favorite places to be and "communities" could be more readily established. Think about it. > > This one might be harder to implement, but would greatly improve AW: The ability to turn off SHIFT and/or flying commands should be inherent to each property, maybe even each sector. We should be able to wall each other out of our own properties if we so desire. Also, I would like to see a "Soundproofing" option. In one word: PRIVACY. Yeah, I want to chat uninterrupted with my friends. New rules separating "public" and "private" behavior could then be implemented. If some sort of age or rating barriers could be made (say, a wall that is solid for minors or rating-challenged individuals), we could even get a little more lax on "adult" content while simultaneously defending the kids. > > AW Developers: If there aren't enough developers working, HIRE ME and we'll get some things done. I could write half of these changes myself in cute little easy-to-add-on modules if you (for some reason) can't. Preach it, brother! Now go apply for AWCI's programmer position and see what happens. :) sw comitMar 18, 2001, 5:18am
> Every last Citizen should have some space on the FTP to place some
(perhaps a limited number) custom objects and/or textures; and every last object available in any and every world on the AW Server should be available in AW proper. Limiting objects and commands that are clearly available elsewhere is absolutely silly. It doesn't even speed anything up. It just slows us builders down. You'd need some rules there...what if you made a HUGE object? What if your object can encroach? > Every last Citizen should have the rights to eject tourists at will. If tourists suffer from this they can just buy the damn license. PeaceKeepers should only have to discipline errant Citizens. Naw, muting is good enough, it could pretty annoying if *your* talking to a tourist, and some jerk ejects him. > There's been some pondering of communities here. I have found that many tourists, and indeed many Citizens, never make it out of GZ. Why? Because they like to chat, and it's hard to find other people to chat with elsewhere. I suggest abandoning Ground Zero entirely. The startout "gate" should change regularly, even daily, from site to site. Perhaps there can be contests for who's land "sponsors" GZ, or we could use the winners from some other contest, or maybe it can be random. If GZ changed every day, newcomers and old could choose favorite places to be and "communities" could be more readily established. Think about it. This is sweet idea! I never heard of this idea before, but I think it would promote communities big time. > This one might be harder to implement, but would greatly improve AW: The ability to turn off SHIFT and/or flying commands should be inherent to each property, maybe even each sector. We should be able to wall each other out of our own properties if we so desire. Also, I would like to see a "Soundproofing" option. In one word: PRIVACY. Yeah, I want to chat uninterrupted with my friends. New rules separating "public" and "private" behavior could then be implemented. If some sort of age or rating barriers could be made (say, a wall that is solid for minors or rating-challenged individuals), we could even get a little more lax on "adult" content while simultaneously defending the kids. Naw, what if you made a wall that was like 2 km long, and hundreds of meters high, and you couldn't go through it? You'd have to teleport...quite annoying I'd say. > AW Developers: If there aren't enough developers working, HIRE ME and we'll get some things done. I could write half of these changes myself in cute little easy-to-add-on modules if you (for some reason) can't. We sure could use some new programmers ^_^ myssieMar 18, 2001, 10:40am
The one thing I want to see more than anything is the ability to BLOCK
incoming grams or a way to shut grams off completely that way many of us don't have to feel like we have to hide! I would also like to se a function in AW where we have to Authorize people to be on our contact lists (like in ICQ) Let US pic and choose who WE have on our list and WHO has us. I think it would give a LOT of us more privacy, especially when it's needed most like if we are in meetings or if we are teaching someone how to build or something else. I get grams from people and i have NO clue who they are. I think it would be neat that if someone wanted to reach us that you have an option to put in your name of who you are before you are authorized. For example......If I sent MaryJane (this is a fake name) a gram and she's NOT on my list the Immigration officer would tell me that it is MaryJane. She would have to put her name in a small box before sending. of course it would have to be a name I know or she will never be authorized LOL PRIVACY is the key word here. I'm sure it can be done somehow even if it's not the way I am describing. it's just an idea and I know after talking to SEVERAL people that many of us would LOVE to see these functions. It' gets pretty annoying when you are in a meeting or something and are unable to chat and you try very nicely to tell the gramming party that you are busy and unable to chat but they just don't get the hint and continue gramming until you end up getting down right nasty with them. it would save some paper work for PK's too because it gives us Cit's a little control. jfk2Mar 20, 2001, 3:02pm
I've been told by many ppl that they hate to see multiple grams sent to them.
AND yes... I've teed a bunch of ppl off by me sending multiple grams. So what I would »»2 #2 - Like to see is to have the darn thing hold more message per gram than it's being done now. And to give you the stupidity of the stupid thing... You are actually seeing what i have to »»3 #3 - Do in order to get one simple message out when the darn thing is set up so bad that you MUST use multiple message grams just to send out one simple thing like i am doing to »»4 #4 - all of you right here & now... SO how many grams does this count as for ONE message... = 4 GRAMS = Just Plain STUPID if you ask me. PS: The arrows are the alt PLUS Number key [alt]+[175} = » and does not conflict with any WEB based commands or newsgroup commands ">>>" might do. |