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Hello and Two Cents

Mar 18, 2001, 10:40am
The one thing I want to see more than anything is the ability to BLOCK
incoming grams or a way to shut grams off completely that way many of us
don't have to feel like we have to hide! I would also like to se a function
in AW where we have to Authorize people to be on our contact lists (like in
ICQ) Let US pic and choose who WE have on our list and WHO has us. I think
it would give a LOT of us more privacy, especially when it's needed most
like if we are in meetings or if we are teaching someone how to build or
something else.
I get grams from people and i have NO clue who they are. I think it would be
neat that if someone wanted to reach us that you have an option to put in
your name of who you are before you are authorized. For example......If I
sent MaryJane (this is a fake name) a gram and she's NOT on my list the
Immigration officer would tell me that it is MaryJane. She would have to put
her name in a small box before sending. of course it would have to be a name
I know or she will never be authorized LOL
PRIVACY is the key word here. I'm sure it can be done somehow even if it's
not the way I am describing. it's just an idea and I know after talking to
SEVERAL people that many of us would LOVE to see these functions. It' gets
pretty annoying when you are in a meeting or something and are unable to
chat and you try very nicely to tell the gramming party that you are busy
and unable to chat but they just don't get the hint and continue gramming
until you end up getting down right nasty with them. it would save some
paper work for PK's too because it gives us Cit's a little control.

Discrimination towards the Gor culture

Dec 14, 2000, 9:26am
I just want to say a few things here! I know what I have to say won't make a
bit of difference but I want to say it anyways! *sigh* I have heard and seen
many people say that those who are of gor are always getting bashed by those
of us who are not of gor! Let me say something to that! First off, whether
those of gor realize it or not, they set themselves up TO be bashed! HOW you
ask! Simple! They bring the gor talk to grounds where NON gor's attend such
as...Alpha World, Bingo's etc. YES it's a program free for ALL to use BUT
many like myself believe that there is a time and place for that! We choose
NOT to go to gor because we want NO parts of it for whatever reasons! WHY
should we be subject to it outside gor? There are many gor worlds from what
I can see where that kind of behavior and talk should remain! The gor's say
they respect the kids that are around etc. YET they still continue to talk
gor! They ban kids from entering as well as tourist so WHY go to places
where the kids and those like myself are NON gor and don't like it? I have
been offended many times by the gors but have bit my tongue and not said a
word ONLY because my best friend is of gor which deeply saddens me! *sigh*
You people of gor say that YOU want respect, well my reply to you
is....respect goes BOTH ways! Respect OUR territory and don't speak gor or
act gor around us and we won't bash you and we will treat you with respect!
I get grams from thos of gor saying he or she (meaning themselves) I think
My opinion is this....If you want to play in non gor worlds that is fine! No
problem there BUT all we ask is that you keep the gor talk and behavior to
yourselves and in whispers to one another! I HATE being subjected to it and
so do MANY MANY other NON gor people! We don't WANT to hate those of gor but
they are leaving us no choice by shoving it down our throats! We get TIRED
of seeing it and hearing it! It's different if we ask about it but we don't
and have to put up with it! We go to Bingo to relax and have fun and next
thing you know we are invaded by gors! NO we don't have a problem with gor's
playing! What we DO have the problem with is the gor behavior and talk! (tal
this, tal that, master this , slave that, yaddie yaddie yaddie) BINGO IS NOT
I have become very bitter towards the gor "religion" or whatever you call
it! WHY? well because several months ago I lost a best friend to gor and now
we rarely ever speak which hurts me deeply! The second reason is because I
have since (within the past few days) lost my other best friend to gor and
now SHE hardly speaks to me! it hurts me sooo much that I have lost the 2
people that I loved dearly as a friend! it hurts so much that I find myself
crying all the time because it feels like a death to me! *huge sigh* the 3
of us used to do everything together and now we rarely talk to one another
or see one another! That's NOT fair to me and it hurts MORE than they or
anyone else will ever know! :...o(
Ok I think I have said my piece! if I think of anything more I will add it!
I'm sure I will get a LOT of negative feedback on this too! This post is NOT
to insult, degrade, upset, anger or put anyone down! It's just my way of
getting it off my chest!


Discrimination towards the Gor culture

Dec 15, 2000, 7:55am
I just wanted to write another message here! I'm not good with words and
sometimes I sound like something I'm not, but in this case, the first
message I posted, I sounded harsh!
I want to humbly apologize to ANYONE especially those of gor who were either
hurt or offended by my message! My message was not to hurt or offend anyone
but it has and I am sorry! *sigh*
When I posted that message, I was very hurt, angry and very devastated and
because I was listening to my feelings, I hurt some people in the process
and you know who you are and for that I humbly apologize!
I still don't agree with the gorean ways but I won't bash, abuse, or
ridicule those that do! Just because I posted out of anger and hurt doesn't
make it any better or excuse me! It was still just as hurtful regardless!
I took part in a conversation in Bingo on Wednesday that never should have
never taken place! I would like to humbly apologize to ALL those of gor for
that! I have NO excuse for my posts no matter HOW I was feeling!
Unfortunately I made an enemy from one person of gor because I hurt and
angered her! I am very sorry! I don't know if she will ever see this post
but I hope she does! I did gram her and did try to apologize but the damage
was done and I was asked not to gram her again! know who you are if
you do see this! Please accept my apologies!
In the future, I for one will NOT take part in a conversation where those of
gor are being bashed! As the saying goes in my world......There is NO excuse
of abuse......That statment is so true! many of us have been abused enough
in our lives and it's time to put a stop to it! I don't want to lose anymore
friends or anger anyone else! Abuse whether it's verbal or whatever is very
hurtful! Those that know me and know me well know that I am NOT a hurtful
person! Atleast not intentionally! I am also the first to apologize when I
know I was wrong, and in this case I was wrong! I may have had some valid
points but my reason behind my posting was wrong and hurtful and does not
excuse me!
Winged Demon & to my other friend! I apologize the most to you 2 and you
know why! Thank you for bringing certain things to my attention! I never
meant to hurt either of you or your friends!

To the person who felt or feels that I am a predjudice person, I just want
to say that I'm not predjudice! I know my post certainly sounded like it,
but honestly I'm not! The problem is, is that I was poised against those of
gor! I have been told so many things that it has literally frightened me to
no end! I was also given a URL to see (which is where I origionally heard
about gor) that scared me so bad that I didn't come near the computer for 3
days! The URL I am referring to is the one of the cit Faith! But again, just
because I was poisoned on gor, still doesn't give ME the right to be hurtful
and again I humbly apologize!
Thank you!



Dec 18, 2000, 11:10pm
Hi eep!!!!!!!!!!
Am I using too many exclamation marks for you???????? I am so sorry!!!!!!!!
I don't mean to!!!!!! *waves* Exclamation marks are a habit for me!!!!!!!!
They mean nothing really!!!!!!!!! I don't know my punctuation all that well
*giggle*!!!! So I hope I'm not annoying you now!!!!!!!!!!!!
I could say that you annoy me, but I don't because that my friend is very
rude!!!!!!! Yes you have annoyed me before but I wasn't rude like you and
told ya!!!!!!! *giggle*
How's my punctuation??????? is it better or worse?????? can you help me
here????? *LMAO*

hahahahahahahaha Sorry eep! I couldn't resist here! I came here to apologize
to those I have offended and was genuine about it but you had to be rude and
tell me to stop using so many exclamation marks! I am soooo sorry that I
don't know my punctuation well! Those that know me KNOW that this is my
style of writing! IF I was using more than one at a time (refer to above
sentences) then i could see you bitching about it, but I wasn't! I used ONE
(UNO, 1) after each sentence! Can you please tell me where I did harm? if
you don't like my posts then please don't read them! If ALL my posts were
written the same way as above then I could see you bitching but I don't
because I know that is considered yelling! Like I said tho! I use them
because it's my style and because I don't know my punctuation well! I have a
learning disability and never learned them properly! :o)


The Power of the ! Mark

Dec 20, 2000, 1:49am
hehehehe Thanks DearHeart! ((big hugs)) I loved the poem just as much as I
love you! hehehe well maybe not as much I I loves you! *G*! Miss talking to
ya sweetie! See ya soon!

AlphaBit Phalpha

Dec 21, 2000, 6:10am
Happy Birthday Bit! I hope you have a wonderful and BEAUTIFUL Birthday! I'm
glad I get to celebrate my Birthday with someone as nice as you! :o)
may ALL your wishes and dreams come true cuz you deserve them! :o)

Love, Myssie


Feb 7, 2001, 9:17am
Ok I'm having a total blonde moment here. I ummm Don't really know how this
messageboard works. Once in a while I get lucky and am able to get a message
through but not often. *lol* Anyways, The purpose of this message *hopes it
goes through* is I'd like to know how to clear the messages that are on
here? Is there a way and I'm missing it or does AW have to do it? I've never
used one of these types of messageboards and I am very very new to this one!
My thingy registers that there are 4,173 messages here! OMG! Kinda a lot
here dontcha think? *lol*

Erps! I used the holy !'s again. rotfl. I've been trying soooo hard to break
myself of using them so much but sometimes I do forget and slip but I'm
getting better. *lol*

Cio all. Be good and be nice to one another.


Feb 7, 2001, 7:30pm
hehehehehehe Thanks for setting me straight on that Nornny. I'm not familiar
with outlook express and I never use it for anything so I don't know how it
works. But thank you for replying because I honestly did not know the answer
to that question! hehehehehe *blonde moment*
Oh and by the way, it took me 4 tries to get that message through if that
tells ya anything on how new I am to it. *lol* I just wonder how many
attempts it will take me to get this one through? hmmmmmmmmmm *lol*
I'm not a blonde in r/l but I am one in disguize and make up for all the
blondes sometimes. *rotfl*
Thanks again Nornny. Much abliged. :o)



Feb 8, 2001, 7:44am
OMG now I can't even say lol or rotfl without someone being nitpicky?
Sheesh.FIRST I get told I use the damn ! too much, NOW I get told that it's
annoying to say lol or rotfl! WHAT gives here? When I post lol or rotfl that
means I am really laughing. WHAT is wrong with that may I ask??? I enjoy
laughing it keeps my spirits up and helps me cope with everyday problems
because if I don't laugh, I'll cry. Besides, I am well known for my humor in
AW. I make lots of people laugh. By not posting lol or rotfl makes one a
boring person. Makes one look like they don't have a sense of humor or like
to laugh. My advise to you is TRY it sometime you just might like it. Who
knows. Laughing makes me feel good inside and I will NOT stop posting lol or
rotfl because ONE or TWO people are annoyed by it. you don't like it, don't
read what I have to say. lol and rotfl simply means that what I am being
told or am saying I think is funny. Sheesh if lol and rotfl annoys you, I'd
really hate to see what your personal life is like. *mumbles under me
breath......ALWAYS one or 2 in EVERY crowd that has to ruin something good
for someone else.......sigh* This is so petty. Why not get annoyed over
something WORTH getting annoyed over, like someone being harrassed or
something? i'm NOT hurting ANYONE by posting lol or rotfl so get a life.

And NO I am not a newbie to AW. As a matter of fact, I have been with AW for
over a year now, I know the rules, in fact, I was a T.A. (teachers aide)
for the school until I got my own world and was unable to continue teaching,
i'm just new to the ng's and outlook express. Sheesh ya'll are way too
nitpicky for me which really saddens me. :o( hmmmm maybe I better not put a
nose on my face because it might "annoy" someone! *sigh*...HELL i'm gonna do
it anyways! :o(

SPECIAL POST..............................

lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
lol lol lol lol

Am I annoying you yet? Gawd I hope not! lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

rotfl rotfl rotfl rotfl rotfl rotfl rotfl rotfl rotfl rotfl rotfl rotfl
rotfl rotfl rotfl rotfl rotfl rotfl rotfl rotfl rotfl rotfl rotfl rotfl
rotfl rotfl rotfl

How bout now??

lol rotfl lol rotfl lol rotfl lol rotfl lol rotfl lol rotfl lol rotfl lol
rotfl lol rotfl lol rotfl lol rotfl lol rotfl lol rotfl lol rotfl lol rotfl
lol rotfl lol rotfl lol rotfl lol rotfl lol rotfl lol rotfl lol rotfl lol
rotfl lol rotfl lol rotfl lol rotfl lol rotfl lol rotfl lol rotfl lol rotfl
lol rotfl lol rotfl lol rotfl

hehehehee Gawd it's true, I am a BRAT rotfl
Sowwy I couldn't resist.


Feb 8, 2001, 9:48pm
Incidentally I do laugh a lot so does that make me crazy? Eep the only one
that needs to grow up is YOU. Ha! By the looks I'm not the only one that
feels that way. Oh yeah I thought you had me in that block thingy or
whatever you call it so you can't see my posts? *shaking me widdle head*

Oh Eeeeeeeep!!!! Do these still bother you? !!!! rotfl. I'm sorry I was only
kidding. Honest Eep I really was.

Thank you Rolu. you are very sweet and kind. :o) ((hugs))


Feb 9, 2001, 7:39am
Personally, I am sick of individuals in AW harrassing and abusing other
users for no reason. I think that if other users complain about another user
being abusive they should be banned immediately.
Some of you know that recently I started a petition to have another user
banned. I do NOT in any way regret taking that action. I want to make ONE
thing clear tho. I did NOT do this petition for me, I did it for ALL of us
but mostly for those who have been repetitively victimized by this
individual. We HAVE reported him to the PK's, we HAVE put him in mute and
so on, but he bounces to get himself out of mute and continues his abuse. He
also changes his name and he starts randomly gramming other users with his
abuse. In my opinion, this individual SHOULD have been banned a LOOOOONG
time ago. I did NOT do the petiion to cause trouble, to be mean or cruel, I
did to because someone HAD to do something and I would do it again in a
heartbeat to this individual BUT only as a last resort like this time. But
like Facter here, I too am being harrassed because of this petition. people
are judging ME and harrassing ME without getting the facts. I'm NOT the bad
person here. I'm a good guy. All I am trying to do here is make a difference
in AW. I like many of you and many more want to see the abuse STOP.
So? Am I wrong because I want abuse stopped? Am I wrong for wanting everyone
to be able to come to AW and not have to worry about being victimized over
and over? Those of us that this person abused didn't do anything to him and
some of you want us to excuse his behavior and it's wrong. if someone were
abusing YOU or your kids or family, you would stand up for them in a second.
Well MANY people here in AW are like family to me, even those I don't know
and if it takes ONE person to stand up to someone being abusive and it makes
a difference, then so be it.
I come to AW to relax, have fun and be with my friends, NOT to come in and
be abused. It needs to STOP!
Thanks goodness AW did finally take care of the matter but unfortunately it
is temporary and if this individual does it again, I will start the petition
all over again BUT as a last resort. I'm not a troublemaker here in AW. All
I want to do is make a difference and get rid of those who are
troublemakers. Some people are even afraid to post on these boards because
of abuse and that's not right either. *sigh*
Thank you.


i am sure some of you will have something negative to say about my post
here, but before you do, think about what I said and put yourself in the
shoes of those who are being abused. Think of how you would feel or if it
was a family member or your child.


Feb 11, 2001, 7:31pm
*sigh* My mouse is sticking! :o(

heheheheehehe Just trying to change the subject and lighten things up here!
Guess it means I'm a brat huh? hehehehe


Feb 11, 2001, 9:31pm
ROTFL! Too funny. I bet it would too. Thanks for making me laugh here.
(laughing for real too)


Feb 12, 2001, 7:49am
Thanks but I have over and over and it is spotless. That's what I get for
buying something at Radio Crack....errrr I mean Shack *lol* I think I will
just put the one in that came with my PC. hopefully it will work. I never
used it but it is previously used *sigh*

Help desperately needed

Feb 12, 2001, 8:08am
I need help here. My PC mouse seems to keep sticking and it's only a couple
months old. I have cleaned it and it's spotless. Not a speck of dust in it.
I took the mouse out and replaced it with the one that came with the PC
after making sure it too was cleaned BUT that mouse is much worse. I then
took the new one back out and put the old one (the one I bought a copule
months ago) back in. I love this mouse and I'd be lost without it. Does
anyone know what the problem could be? I'll be lost without my PC here.
*sigh* I'm getting depressed here. :o(

Help desperately needed

Feb 12, 2001, 8:04pm
Thanks for your help everyone. Your in put is very much appreciated.
Unfortunately I won't have the money until next month to get a new mouse. I
did price them at Staples (stationery store) and the guy did try to see me a
ball less (no pun intended hehehehehehe) one but it was like $30.00 *gasp* I
don't have $30.00 to spend on something like that! I like to &%# at !^ at #
(CENSORED) my pants when I saw the price. *sigh* If I wasn't so hooked on
this stupid machine, I'd give it up in a heartbeat!
I cleaned the wheels, I cleaned the mouse pad, I even put a brand spanking
new mouse pad here but I get the same results. The mouse pad I had until
lastnight was vinyl topped. This one is material topped. I'm still thinking
of introducing my PC to my hammer tho *chuckle*

But seriously, thank you all for your help and suggestions, I will see what
I can do next month to get a new one! *sigh* This is sooooooo depressing.
it's hard to build in AW with this mouse the way it's acting up too :o(

3.1 Complaints *sigh*

Feb 14, 2001, 7:19am
Hi Peep's. I have some more complaints. maybe ya'll can help me or maybe
some of you have the same complaints/problems. Soooooooooooo here I go. Grab
something to drink and go potty cuz it's gonna be a long post. Sowwy :o(

My first complaint is.....I am a world owner and co-owner of another world.
Well I have a Xelagot bot (which is where I noticed the problem) Well I use
the Xelagot bot to alert me of anyone coming into my world when I am
elsewhere so i can go be with my visitors. I love the Xelagot for that
reason. Well There is a function on there that DOES sound when someone is
within the vacinity. Well I come to AW and right away I get an upgrade
notice (which incidentally I think is BS and I'll explain why). So I
upgraded but NOT happily. Why? Because I think upgrading should be an OPTION
not forced. What do I mean? Well when 3.0 came out, I got the very same
alerts and EVERY time I logged on, I would get the same box slammed in my
face so finally I said FINE if that's what it takes to get it OUT of my face
then i'll upgrade so I did. As it turned out I did love 3.0 BUT I didn't
like the fact that it was forced on me. I would say no but whenever I'd come
to AW I'd get the same message so it wasn't much of a choice. Now AW
upgrades to 3.1 and the SAME problem. I think upgrading SHOULD be an option
because not everyone has the requirements OR the space for upgrading.....Ok
now back to what I was saying previously. Getting back to the Xelagot. Well
I noticed that it wasn't beeping to alert me anymore like it had previously
and I didn't understand why. I checked to make sure the beep option was on
and it was. Then I checked my volume control thingy and it too was OK. Well
then I went to control panel and THIS is the message I got.
Oh and incidentally, I had NO sound in IE either.WHICH aggrivated me because
I like sounds. And in AW the midi's sound HORRIBLE now. They sound VERY
cheap. It's the best way i can explain it. There is virtually NO bass or
whatever sound it is.

Ok Next complaint......
Another complaint I have is that AW now has new commands (light, rotate,
etc.) I just wanna know ONE thing ok? WHAT is the POINT in having them if
the commands CAN'T be used in Alpha World? NOT everyone can build in private
worlds OR own a world. My opinion (and others seem to feel the same) If
there are special commands they SHOULD be available to ALL users to ALL
worlds NOT just private worlds. MOST of us are regular builders in Alpha
World and WildAW. I for one have a very small world and can't do all the
building I like to do in Alpha World. Also some of the objects Alpha World
has i don't have on the persons OP I am using. I also don't understand the
need to not let us use the "Z" objects either. I mean they can be used in
WildAW, why not Alpha too? What's the point of having them on the list?

Another complaint I have is.............
Midi's on sites. Not only do they now sound HORRIBLE but now when you walk
away, they fade. I don't like that, but can live with it I suppose. I like
to be able to listen to the whole song (provided it's my taste). But getting
to the HORRIBLE part. Before the new 3.1 upgrade, the midi's all sounded
wonderful and were bassey (spelling) and really sounded nice (I have good
speakers for my PC) but now they sound, hippie kinda so to speak. Ummm they
sound cheap. I'm not sure exactly how to describe it except HORRIBLE. I
don't know about wav's yet because I haven't checked one out.

On the POSSITIVE side....yes there are some
I LOVE the little hand that shows where there is an activate command. it
saves a lot of accidental clicking. I also love the rotation commands, light
commands etc. but as I stated previously, I think those commands should be
available to ALL in ALL worlds INCLUDING Alpha World.

Ok I think I'm done. If not, rest assured i'll be back. lol


3.1 Complaints *sigh*

Feb 14, 2001, 9:56am
Ok Anduin on the part for example of the CY awards I agree with ya there,
but the objects I'm mainly talking about, are like signs, pict's and so
forth. Now the CY award and other personal stuff I can understand but what's
the big deal with the bigger and better signs and pict's? Or like walks,
floor pieces and so on? I did an object yard (very small one) and had all
the objects up and I saw what they look like (in WildAW) and personally, I
don't see why they can't be used in Alpha as well. I mean if they can be
used in WildAW why not Alpha too?

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one having the sound problems. Ummmmmm Oh
boy I know I'm gonna catch hell over this next statement but I just gotta
say it because PPL do agree with me, but.......

I think AW should fix ALL the bugs in ONE version before they put out a NEW
version AND i feel that AW should make sure the NEW versions are bug free
before asking people to upgrade. Like the sounds for example. When I got the
3.0 I didn't notice quite as many bugs as quickly as I do in 3.1. Right now
at this point, (forgive me for saying this, but) 3.1 SUCKS with a few

Anduin. I'm sorry but I don't agree with ya on the commands. I think if AW
advertises the new commands and they are able to be used in the private
worlds they should be able to be used in Alpha too. I mean they allow
commands for texture and color, why not these new commands too? it's the
same thing just different commands. AW has advertised for some time now that
they have these "wonderful" commands in 3.1 and everyone is gonna love them.
Well how is everyone gonna love them if they don't have access to them? How
many worlds do you know that allow Tourists to build? I don't know of too
many myself. it makes it hard for people to enjoy the new 3.1

Hey everyone upgrade 3.1 we have great features, new commands and you all
are gonna love them. But you can't use them in Alpha world because we don't
want you to.

THAT Anduin is basically what they are saying. they advertise it, ya upgrade
but what they advertise they don't allow ya to have access to UNLESS you are
in a "private" world and I don't think that's right! Basically 3.1 is
totally USELESS to MANY users and I don't think it's right to ask them ti
upgrade to somethint they won't have access to. That's just the way I see it

Told ya's I'd be back. lol

3.1 Complaints *sigh*

Feb 14, 2001, 1:45pm
Ok I'm back again. (as if that's a surprise)

Facter, I can understand SOME of your reasoning but not all. The command
thingy's as far as the rotations go, THAT part I can understand, but what
about the lighting etc.? I feel that if the commands can't be used in AW
then WHY have them even mentioned or available? As far as using them in
private worlds, the same goes there as YOU feel it does in AW. I think it's
a waste of money, space and time having 3.1. As far as that so called
"option" you say AW gives it's BULLSHIT (pardon my language) We hit NO and
what happens everytime we come to AW? We get the SAME damn message...."AW
has a newer version of AW do you want to run and install it?"...Quite
frankly, it's a pain in the ASS to hit NO each time you wanna come to AW.
As far as you saying that the 3.1 bugs are better than 3.0, I see MORE bugs
in 3.1 than 3.0. As far as the sound, it IS crappy and NOT everyone can
afford to get a new sound card. First of all, my PC isn't even half paid for
and I'm NOT allowed to upgrade or anything to it until it's paid for. My
income is LESS than $700.00 a month and I can't afford it. I think AW needs
to (like someone else said in their post) put the options separate so we
don't keep getting the 3.1 shoved down out throats.

I think all these excuses AW is giving to us all here is BULLSHIT (again,
pardon my language) EVERYTIME we turn around AW is upgrading and the
problems seem to worsen our computers. We get errors, we have this problem,
that problem yaddie, yaddie, yaddie and what does AW do? NOT a DAMN thing
except say...E-mail us with the problem then ya'll send us back an E-mail
that is not only complicated for a newbie such as myself but also filled
with excuses. I've gotten some of your E-mails with explanations on how to
do this n' that and haven't been able to make heads nor tails out of them.
Sorry but I am angry here and so are a few others.

Oh and Myrth...My AW sounds WERE off for your information and the the sounds
EVEN for IE wouldn't work.And yer nasty message BACK to me was NOT
neccessary either. You were VERY rude to me and it was totally uncalled for.
I wasn't RUDE to you. All I did was expressed my opinions and complaints.
You COULD have been a little more nicer ya know. I didn't do anything to
you! As far as my asking about the "Z" objects, that's ALL I was doing. And
I DON'T go to WildAW because I don't like the fog OR the lighting there. WHY
do you think I fought so damn hard to have it removed from Alpha World?
DUUUUUH!!! I only go to WildAW on rare occasions and usually it's for a Bday
build or something like we all did for Flagg but that's IT! As a rule I stay

Col Klink. LOL no I wasn't dissin hippies. It was the only word that I could
think of to describe what I was hearing. lol

3.1 Complaints *sigh*

Feb 14, 2001, 5:03pm
Myrth. yep yer right. My post was rude it was rude because YOU pissed me off
royally with your RUDE remarks that were totally uncalled for! ALL I did was
express my opinions and complaints and you just got down right nasty with me
and that wasn't right. I didn't do a thing to you!

Facter. As far as you are concerned, I apologize to you for my rudeness.
Just because I was pissed off with Myrth there didn't give me the right to
be rude towards you and I do apologize.

As far as my opinion on the new commands being available, I feel if they
can't be used in ALL worlds then they should NOT be advertised. Mnay of the
people here were excited about 3.1 coming out because of the new commands
and now that 3.1 is out they can't be used by those that do not own a world
or access to building in a private world. i'm just saying it's unfair to
them is all. They pay their $20.00 and they do their upgrading like everyone
else, but what is the point of the upgrade if they can't enjoy and use the
special commands as well?

That's all I am saying.

Well actually, I lied. I am gonna post something else but it has nothing to
do with this conversation here. it's just a question to all.

Cow Vac 2000! Warning attachments! Fun with 3.1!

Feb 14, 2001, 1:48pm
rotfl. Xero this time I just HAD to laugh at you. Thank you. That was too
good. *shakes me head as I press the send button n' laughs* Cow Vac 2000

Question to all

Feb 14, 2001, 5:19pm
I have a question to ask everyone but I want you to really think about this
question for a sec. ok? and NO getting rude because it's ONLY a question.
*glares at myrth* lol

if you did a build in a Private world that you spent MANY hours on and
worked very hard on for someone as a gift (for example....Bday build or baby
build) and you even stayed up ALL night to make sure it was done and perfect
for the individual. If the world owner decides they want to delete your
build as well as builds done by a couple other people, wouldn't you want to
be notified ASAP so you can make arrangements to either

A.) Move the build (provided they are the same objects),
B.) Take screen shots or
C.) Both.

Now for you world owners, pretend you do NOT own a world but you are
building IN a private world ok? Wouldn't you want to be notified in SOME way
that your build that you worked so hard on for so many hours is going to be
demolished? If you worked hard on a build and spent many hours on it to make
it perfect for someone and you went back at a later date to find the build
demolished, would you NOT be angry, hurt and upset?

I think (yes here I go again thinking. lol) I think that if a world owner is
going to demolish someones build they should atleast be given the courtesy
of a few days notification. I feel that should be an AW law. A few of us
have recently become victimized in this manner and without warning and I
think it stinks. No my post here has NOTHING to do with Chucks Party's post
at all. That is old news. I'm here with the new news.

I realize that world owners have the right to do as they please in their
worlds and that they have the right to delete anything they want to even if
it belongs to someone else, but I feel that it's only courtesey that the
builder is given notice and ample time (3 days to a week) to do what they
need to do (delete it themselves, take screen shots or move it) I honestly
don't think that this is asking too much from world owners. I myself am a
world owner and co ower of another world and I have to tell ya, I would
NEVER even THINK of pulling a stunt like this! NEVER!! I would atleast give
notification first.

Question to all

Feb 15, 2001, 1:12am
Thank you all for your input it's much appreciated and I figured most would
feel the same way I and many other's do. Without giving the identity of the
world, world owner etc. here is MY situation (similar to Chuck's Party)

I spent many hours one night doing a special build for someone with 2 other
builders several months ago. Lastnight I was talking to an individual about
this build I did (no names mentioned)and this individual was anxious to see
it because they saw another build of mine that they thought was awesome.
Well I took them to this world to see this build of mine (that I was proud
of and worked so hard on) and the only thing left was about 3 or 4 pieces of
ground, and a couple other objects. THAT was it. The other 2 people who
participated in this build also had their builds deleted.I was horrified to
see it gone and very hurt. The world owner and I do speak and I am friends
with the owners sibling and I don't understand why this deleting spree
occurred. Many of you on here know me and know I'm NOT a hard person to talk
As far as the world crashing or whatever, the world didn't crash. I looked
around the world for a while to see if maybe it had and everyone elses
builds were STILL there. And before anyone asks, NO the world wasn't still
in my cache. I hadn't been to this world for a couple months and I dump my
cache once a week and I haven't been there so there's no way the world was
already in my cache.

As far as the amount of builders being notified (as mentioned in one of your
posts) I can understand if there are 200+ builders, but this world only had
a couple builders. If the world was 200+ then all the builders still can be
notified without grams being sent. All you have to do is put the warning on
your world options thingy and have the Immigration Officer tell the builders
for you. Have the builders gram you or put a sign on their build where it
can be seen. You can also put signs at GZ to alert them and word would get
around fast. You KNOW how fast things get spread in AW. lol

But Anyways, the whole point of this is that I feel World owners SHOULD give
warning before deleting your hard worked on builds. It CAN be done, and I'd
like to see AW make it an AW Law that world owners HAVE to notify their
builders. It would only be right.

Hello and Two Cents

Mar 18, 2001, 10:40am
The one thing I want to see more than anything is the ability to BLOCK
incoming grams or a way to shut grams off completely that way many of us
don't have to feel like we have to hide! I would also like to se a function
in AW where we have to Authorize people to be on our contact lists (like in
ICQ) Let US pic and choose who WE have on our list and WHO has us. I think
it would give a LOT of us more privacy, especially when it's needed most
like if we are in meetings or if we are teaching someone how to build or
something else.
I get grams from people and i have NO clue who they are. I think it would be
neat that if someone wanted to reach us that you have an option to put in
your name of who you are before you are authorized. For example......If I
sent MaryJane (this is a fake name) a gram and she's NOT on my list the
Immigration officer would tell me that it is MaryJane. She would have to put
her name in a small box before sending. of course it would have to be a name
I know or she will never be authorized LOL
PRIVACY is the key word here. I'm sure it can be done somehow even if it's
not the way I am describing. it's just an idea and I know after talking to
SEVERAL people that many of us would LOVE to see these functions. It' gets
pretty annoying when you are in a meeting or something and are unable to
chat and you try very nicely to tell the gramming party that you are busy
and unable to chat but they just don't get the hint and continue gramming
until you end up getting down right nasty with them. it would save some
paper work for PK's too because it gives us Cit's a little control.

Re: Resignation from CitBingo

Mar 18, 2001, 10:17am
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Dab nabbit! Damn now we lose a wonderful person from Bingo ALL because =
of ONE person.......DAPHNE I don't think that is right and having Son Of =
Sass gone is a great loss to all of us Bingo players! I agree with the =
one person who posted that if Daphne isn't gone, when my Cit acct, =
expires i too will no longer renew it. I will take my business =
elsewhere. NO ONE deserves her abuse! I already have one foot out the =
door and SHE is one of the reasons. Recently SHE accused ME of doing a =
build that I had NOTHING to do with. I didn't even KNOW about it. She =
says it had ME written all over it. Kinda funny tho since I've never =
build with Daphne and since I rarely EVER go to WildAW because of the =
world settings. I don't like the fog or the yellow backdrop so I stay =
away from there as much as I can. Once in a great while I will go to =
WildAW for whatever reason such as bday builds etc. but other than that =
I mostly stay away!

I too have witnessed Daphnes abuse towards those of Gor and it's really =
disgusting that SHE represents AW and is getting away with this. if it =
were some of us other ones, we would be removed from the premises =

I'm delighted that Jynx is in that Bingo and helps run it. I enjoy Bingo =
MUCH more when she is there. She is ALWAYS pleasant to EVERYONE. Putting =
her in charge there was an EXCELLENT move *VBS* Daphne on the other =
hand? Puh lease *rolling my frigging eyes* I have chatlogs where she =
has been verbally abuseive towards those of gor and it's not right. =
She's making the rest of the AW staff look bad.

I vote REMOVE Daphne before AW loses all their Bingo players and several =
cit's. I think it's wonderful that BVS has offered his time to donate a =
wonderful prize to Bingo. I wish I knew how to create such beautiful =
pictures like he does. I don't donate to CitBingo BECAUSE of Daphne. I =
will NEVER donate to ANYTHING that has ANYTHING to do with her!=20

SoS and his Mom are 2 of the most wonderful, sweet, caring and giving =
people to AW and I think very highly of the 2 of them and to see SoS be =
forced to leave because of ONE person, then it's a shame!

There! I've said my piece!

Come back SoS

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META content=3D"text/html; charset=3Diso-8859-1" =
<META content=3D"MSHTML 5.00.2614.3500" name=3DGENERATOR>
<BODY bgColor=3D#fffff0>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#800080 face=3DArial size=3D2><STRONG>Dab nabbit! =
Damn now we lose=20
a wonderful person from Bingo ALL because of ONE person.......<FONT=20
color=3D#ff0000>DAPHNE</FONT><FONT color=3D#800080> I don't think that =
is right and=20
having Son Of Sass gone is a great loss to all of us Bingo players! I =
agree with=20
the one person who posted that if Daphne isn't gone, when my Cit acct, =
expires i=20
too will no longer renew it. I will take my business elsewhere. NO ONE =
her abuse! I already have one foot out the door and SHE is one of the =
Recently SHE accused ME of doing a build that I had NOTHING to do with. =
I didn't=20
even KNOW about it. She says it had ME written all over it. Kinda funny =
since I've never build with Daphne and since I rarely EVER go to WildAW =
of the world settings. I don't like the fog or the yellow backdrop so I =
away from there as much as I can. Once in a great while I will go to =
WildAW for=20
whatever reason such as bday builds etc. but other than that I mostly =
<DIV><FONT color=3D#800080 face=3DArial size=3D2><STRONG>I too have =
witnessed Daphnes=20
abuse towards those of Gor and it's really disgusting that SHE =
AW&nbsp; and is getting away with this. if it were some of us other =
ones, we=20
would be removed from the premises PRONTO!</STRONG></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#800080 face=3DArial size=3D2><STRONG>I'm delighted =
that Jynx is in=20
that Bingo and helps run it. I enjoy Bingo MUCH more when she is there. =
She is=20
ALWAYS pleasant to EVERYONE. Putting her in charge there was an =
*VBS* Daphne on the other hand? Puh lease *rolling my frigging =
eyes*&nbsp; I=20
have chatlogs where she has been verbally abuseive towards those of gor =
and it's=20
not right. She's making the rest of the AW staff look =
<DIV><FONT color=3D#800080 face=3DArial size=3D2><STRONG>I vote <FONT =
size=3D6>REMOVE <FONT color=3D#800080 size=3D2>Daphne before AW loses =
all their Bingo=20
players and several cit's. I think it's wonderful that BVS has offered =
his time=20
to donate a wonderful prize to Bingo. I wish I knew how to create such =
pictures like he does. I don't donate to CitBingo BECAUSE of Daphne. I =
NEVER donate to ANYTHING that has ANYTHING to do with her!=20
<DIV><FONT color=3D#800080 face=3DArial size=3D2><STRONG>SoS and his Mom =
are 2 of the=20
most wonderful, sweet, caring and giving people to AW and I think very =
highly of=20
the 2 of them and to see SoS be forced to leave because of ONE person, =
then it's=20
a shame!</STRONG></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#800080 face=3DArial size=3D2><STRONG>There! I've =
said my=20
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000080 face=3DArial size=3D6><STRONG>Come back <FONT =



Re: Resignation from CitBingo

Mar 18, 2001, 10:17am
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Dab nabbit! Damn now we lose a wonderful person from Bingo ALL because =
of ONE person.......DAPHNE I don't think that is right and having Son Of =
Sass gone is a great loss to all of us Bingo players! I agree with the =
one person who posted that if Daphne isn't gone, when my Cit acct, =
expires i too will no longer renew it. I will take my business =
elsewhere. NO ONE deserves her abuse! I already have one foot out the =
door and SHE is one of the reasons. Recently SHE accused ME of doing a =
build that I had NOTHING to do with. I didn't even KNOW about it. She =
says it had ME written all over it. Kinda funny tho since I've never =
build with Daphne and since I rarely EVER go to WildAW because of the =
world settings. I don't like the fog or the yellow backdrop so I stay =
away from there as much as I can. Once in a great while I will go to =
WildAW for whatever reason such as bday builds etc. but other than that =
I mostly stay away!

I too have witnessed Daphnes abuse towards those of Gor and it's really =
disgusting that SHE represents AW and is getting away with this. if it =
were some of us other ones, we would be removed from the premises =

I'm delighted that Jynx is in that Bingo and helps run it. I enjoy Bingo =
MUCH more when she is there. She is ALWAYS pleasant to EVERYONE. Putting =
her in charge there was an EXCELLENT move *VBS* Daphne on the other =
hand? Puh lease *rolling my frigging eyes* I have chatlogs where she =
has been verbally abuseive towards those of gor and it's not right. =
She's making the rest of the AW staff look bad.

I vote REMOVE Daphne before AW loses all their Bingo players and several =
cit's. I think it's wonderful that BVS has offered his time to donate a =
wonderful prize to Bingo. I wish I knew how to create such beautiful =
pictures like he does. I don't donate to CitBingo BECAUSE of Daphne. I =
will NEVER donate to ANYTHING that has ANYTHING to do with her!=20

SoS and his Mom are 2 of the most wonderful, sweet, caring and giving =
people to AW and I think very highly of the 2 of them and to see SoS be =
forced to leave because of ONE person, then it's a shame!

There! I've said my piece!

Come back SoS

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META content=3D"text/html; charset=3Diso-8859-1" =
<META content=3D"MSHTML 5.00.2614.3500" name=3DGENERATOR>
<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><STRONG><FONT color=3D#800080 face=3DArial size=3D2>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#800080 face=3DArial size=3D2><STRONG>Dab nabbit! =
Damn now we lose=20
a wonderful person from Bingo ALL because of ONE person.......<FONT=20
color=3D#ff0000>DAPHNE</FONT><FONT color=3D#800080> I don't think that =
is right and=20
having Son Of Sass gone is a great loss to all of us Bingo players! I =
agree with=20
the one person who posted that if Daphne isn't gone, when my Cit acct, =
expires i=20
too will no longer renew it. I will take my business elsewhere. NO ONE =
her abuse! I already have one foot out the door and SHE is one of the =
Recently SHE accused ME of doing a build that I had NOTHING to do with. =
I didn't=20
even KNOW about it. She says it had ME written all over it. Kinda funny =
since I've never build with Daphne and since I rarely EVER go to WildAW =
of the world settings. I don't like the fog or the yellow backdrop so I =
away from there as much as I can. Once in a great while I will go to =
WildAW for=20
whatever reason such as bday builds etc. but other than that I mostly =
<DIV><FONT color=3D#800080 face=3DArial size=3D2><STRONG>I too have =
witnessed Daphnes=20
abuse towards those of Gor and it's really disgusting that SHE =
AW&nbsp; and is getting away with this. if it were some of us other =
ones, we=20
would be removed from the premises PRONTO!</STRONG></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#800080 face=3DArial size=3D2><STRONG>I'm delighted =
that Jynx is in=20
that Bingo and helps run it. I enjoy Bingo MUCH more when she is there. =
She is=20
ALWAYS pleasant to EVERYONE. Putting her in charge there was an =
*VBS* Daphne on the other hand? Puh lease *rolling my frigging =
eyes*&nbsp; I=20
have chatlogs where she has been verbally abuseive towards those of gor =
and it's=20
not right. She's making the rest of the AW staff look =
<DIV><FONT color=3D#800080 face=3DArial size=3D2><STRONG>I vote <FONT =
size=3D6>REMOVE <FONT color=3D#800080 size=3D2>Daphne before AW loses =
all their Bingo=20
players and several cit's. I think it's wonderful that BVS has offered =
his time=20
to donate a wonderful prize to Bingo. I wish I knew how to create such =
pictures like he does. I don't donate to CitBingo BECAUSE of Daphne. I =
NEVER donate to ANYTHING that has ANYTHING to do with her!=20
<DIV><FONT color=3D#800080 face=3DArial size=3D2><STRONG>SoS and his Mom =
are 2 of the=20
most wonderful, sweet, caring and giving people to AW and I think very =
highly of=20
the 2 of them and to see SoS be forced to leave because of ONE person, =
then it's=20
a shame!</STRONG></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#800080 face=3DArial size=3D2><STRONG>There! I've =
said my=20
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000080 face=3DArial size=3D6><STRONG>Come back <FONT =



Re: Resignation from CitBingo

Mar 18, 2001, 9:46pm
Sorry it was not intentional. My outlook express already had it set on
purple and I didn't know how to correct it. I'm still trying to figure out
hot to work outlook express. Please accept my apologies.

Wing you COULD have been a little nicer about it tho. I didn't KNOW about
the HTML problems. gawd! Not everyone knows so be a little kinder ok?

Re: Resignation from CitBingo

Mar 19, 2001, 3:05am
It still doesn't excuse you Wing. I wasn't mean to you. *sigh* my coloring
was innocent nothing more, nothing less. *sigh*

Re: Resignation from CitBingo

Mar 19, 2001, 2:21pm
Since you won a Bingo I guess this calls for a Congrats eh?

Wooo hooo wtg Soulie! CONGRATULATIONS Soulie. So? What prize did ya win?
Can I play? pweeeeeeeeze? i'll be a good widdle girl and I promise I won't
take your chips, set your card on fire, kick your card down or anything like
that *fingers crossed behind back*. lmao

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