name color change (Wishlist)

name color change // Wishlist

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Jul 5, 2000, 3:47am
Changing colors of you name on contact lists so folks will know your
status by adding one more pulldown at the top row menu. Maybe call it
"status" or something similar.

black text could represent you are here and can chat with anyone.

red text could represent you are busy and not to be disturbed.

blue text could represent you are away from your keyboard at the moment.

green text could represent that you are building and should only be
interupted for important issues or informative (not to be responded to)




Jul 5, 2000, 7:16pm
Sounds good to me, Rehabber. By the way, if anyone wants to "sign" a petition that Rose and some others started regarding the contacts list, go to aw 6753.5N 4233.8W 0.1a and leave a sign there. (Face the opposite direction to see who has already signed.)

A website explaining the petition is at:


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Jul 5, 2000, 7:36pm
It would probably be more effective if people emailed/telegrammed AWCI (Rick, JP, Roland, Lucrezia, etc). Perhaps someone could gather a list of everyone who wants something and then everyone email/telegram that list and of course the petition to all AWCIers at once. The more people who bug them, and the more commotion to draw attention to an issue is made, the more likely they'll do something about it to shut everyone up.

[View Quote] > Sounds good to me, Rehabber. By the way, if anyone wants to "sign" a petition that Rose and some others started regarding the contacts list, go to aw 6753.5N 4233.8W 0.1a and leave a sign there. (Face the opposite direction to see who has already signed.)
> A website explaining the petition is at:
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Jul 5, 2000, 8:17pm
I don't know how to tell you this, but you can't really "petition" for new features to be added to aw. If you want features try to
get aw a good programmer. They are a real company and they are hiring you know.


P.S. sorry, I couldn't resist :)

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john viper

Jul 5, 2000, 10:34pm
i think thats a great idea except black could be offline, and green could be online and free to
talk, and red would represent building and overall "JUST DONT DISTURB!!!" And then of course you
could be invisible which to other people would be black

John Viper <-- Coming Soon!
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Jul 6, 2000, 3:15am
yeah, the colors really don't matter much to me as long as there is a way to show your current
status.. heck, they could just change the color of the check mark to reflect status and that would do
the trick too..

[View Quote] > i think thats a great idea except black could be offline, and green could be online and free to
> talk, and red would represent building and overall "JUST DONT DISTURB!!!" And then of course you
> could be invisible which to other people would be black
> --
> _________________________
> John Viper
> <-- Coming Soon!
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Jul 6, 2000, 4:28am
Why color code? That seems sorta lame. If you do it might as well keep up with the jones' and use icons.


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Jul 6, 2000, 6:39am
Silly Myrth, programmers are for kids! But seriously, how do you think the invisible object selection was removed? Even though I complained and requested Roland to remove it numerous times, it was only until I actually somewhat indirectly started a "petition" (really simply posting a message in the beta newsgroup) which happened to catch on and more people started complaining/asking Roland to remove it...and, guess what, he did a couple builds later! So, petitions work, but only for legit stuff that enough people can actually agree on, like a way to hide when one comes on AW. So, I say again, if you want the option, start Roland, to Rick, to JP, to Lucrezia. The more people who bitch and whine and moan about it, the more likely it'll happen. Trust me: I know how effective harrassment is. ;) Just look at AWLD's stock! <smirk>

(No, I can't really take credit for that, as Rick and JP keep digging their grave deeper with every sneaky wanna-be corp trick they attempt to pull--but I'm sure my AW history page-- for those unfamiliar with it--has added fuel to the fire...)

[View Quote] > I don't know how to tell you this, but you can't really "petition" for new features to be added to aw. If you want features try to
> get aw a good programmer. They are a real company and they are hiring you know.
> P.S. sorry, I couldn't resist :)
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Jul 6, 2000, 6:42am
Yea, for status indicators it would probably HAVE to be icons (like ICQ), but I still like my ideas about on-/off-line status to be italics or bold or however I describe it at

[View Quote] > Why color code? That seems sorta lame. If you do it might as well keep up with the jones' and use icons.
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Jul 6, 2000, 6:43am
Why not have them do the same thing ICQ does it has several different =
status modes and it is very clear what they mean.

Green flower =3D Online

Green flower with smilie =3D Free to chat (or COME TALK TO ME I'M =

Green flower with paper =3D afk

Green flower with N/A =3D don't even bother I'm long gone.

Green flower with string tied to finger =3D busy (only important stuff =

Green flower with X =3D really busy (sent only EMERGENCY messages)

Green flower with eyeball =3D nah nah I'm here but you can't see me

Red flower =3D offline (btw aren't you glad the weren't any more Green =

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Jul 6, 2000, 11:30am
Eep, I like the complete list you composed of AW improvements.

-Mike Nelson-
AW Cit BirdMike (292200)
Owner of AW Worlds A-Build & A-Centre

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Jul 6, 2000, 3:47pm
That (removal of invisible selection) was asking for a logical cause. Also it wasn't that terribly involved of a procedure. Roland
has said that he plans to implement privacy features, and he does things at his speed which we don't know all of the factors for.
Therefore you are petitioning for the inevitable.


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Jul 6, 2000, 4:11pm
I'd rather see colors for status. Those ICQ icons are too hard for older eyes to see. ;) But, I really don't care what kind of indicator AW uses as long as *something* is done to make the contacts list show at least TWO very basic things about the citizen's status:

"I'm here and not busy - can respond to telegrams."

"I'm not at the keyboard and/or am busy - can't respond to telegrams."

Doesn't have to be fancy - just some kind of indicator for those two things. Sometimes it's best to ask for something simple first. Bells and whistles can be added later.


[View Quote] (more that was snipped)


Jul 6, 2000, 6:15pm
Yes, but the question is WHEN, Myrth. Roland clearly doesn't have enough time to implement everything he wants to, let alone everything WE, the users, want. This is where good management is supposed to come in, something Rick and JP obviously lack. They have the power to DIRECT AW development, which they simply just aren't doing. Since they PAY Roland, they can TELL him what to implement in AW. If enough people bitch and compain to Rick, JP, and even Lucrezia, and I mean a LOT, they will HAVE to do something about it. Now, of course, they can go around deleting citizenships again or they can simply have Roland implement the request, providing enough citizens are behind it. This is called "grass roots" organization or whatever, and can be quite effective in politics, which AW seems to be anyway. Just give it a try...

[View Quote] > That (removal of invisible selection) was asking for a logical cause. Also it wasn't that terribly involved of a procedure. Roland
> has said that he plans to implement privacy features, and he does things at his speed which we don't know all of the factors for.
> Therefore you are petitioning for the inevitable.
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Jul 7, 2000, 12:11am
They are directing aw's development. You've said plenty about them screwing with the e-commerce crap, that's what Roland's newest
"one click installation" is about. Their direction. I know Roland doesn't have the time, that's why petitioning is worthless AND


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Jul 7, 2000, 11:08am
[View Quote] > They are directing aw's development. You've said plenty about them screwing with the e-commerce crap, that's what Roland's newest
> "one click installation" is about. Their direction.

Yes, you're right...AW DOES have direction, but it's just not the RIGHT direction, which is obvious why Aw's so called "e-commerce" isn't working. Yet Rick and JP continue to think that it will become "the next big thing". Sorry, but it won' least not for AW. I continue to think and believe entertainment (gaming) is where AW should be headed. I continue to read in computer gaming magazines about how games are moving more towards massively multiplayer (Ultima Online, EverQuest, Freelancer, 10six, etc) and that customization keeps games (Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, Quake, Half-Life, Unreal, Thief, Drakan, etc, etc) popular much longer than their "normal" playing life would be. Just think if AWCI caught onto the "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" craze early on and created a world recreating the studio using bots to play Regis, etc?

It's simple things like that that Rick and JP just don't seem to grasp. It's marketing and seeing trends in where popularity will hit next. Where is the CBS "Survivor" world? Where are the deals with 3D game developers to have demo worlds showing off their upcoming games? (Of course AW would have to get more gamelike before that could happen first.) There are FAR more ways of making AW more popular than "e-commerce" and this is what Rick and JP just don't seem to have ANY grasp on or concern about.

> I know Roland doesn't have the time, that's why petitioning is worthless AND

Silly Myrth, petitions are NOT worthless! You already agreed the petition to get invisible object selection changed worked! Sure it's relatively easier to do than removing the green checkmark, but, still, a petition is a petition.


Jul 16, 2000, 11:20pm
It occurs to me that Lara, (among many others), uses V2 because of card
compatibily issues. When is she hoping to get this upgrade? Does aw still
update V2?

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