=?iso-8859-1?q?eep=b2?= // User Search

=?iso-8859-1?q?eep=b2?= // User Search

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Feb 14, 1999, 6:44am
And you're the loser (note correct spelling) who finds time to make accus=
ations of said problems. Who's REALLY the immature one, eh? <chuckle>

[View Quote]


Feb 16, 1999, 6:20pm
Well, as someone has stated before, (Eep)² would give EEeepp. Eep+Eep=EepEep, however. But, again, I wasn't trying to make an equation when I added the "²" on the end of "Eep". Get over it already please...it's just a name.

[View Quote] > Eep^2 is NOT EepEep
> Eep^2 is Eepp
> if you want EepEep you say (Eep)^2
[View Quote]


Feb 16, 1999, 11:28pm
Gee, then what do the extra "E" and "e" signify, wonderboy? I think it signifies your lameness in trying to rationalize "Eep²" into a mathematical equation with meaning. Time to take a break from thinking, ol' grovee. Go get distracted or something.

[View Quote] > The extra "p" is for "pee"- i think it's supposed to signify that Eep is full of urine (?)
[View Quote]


Feb 17, 1999, 5:51am
No smiley means no joke. You lose. It was a lame joke, too, by the way. You're trying too hard, sport. Take a break.

[View Quote] > oh no! I made a joke that wasn't technically accurate! ARRGHH!! NOOO!!!
[View Quote]


Feb 13, 1999, 10:01pm
I think it would be easier just to specify multiple people in the whisper list. But if you want to have a private group conversation, go somewhere else (like another world). ICQ and IRC are perfect for that, too.

[View Quote] > I was wondering.
> I know the whisper thing is great but you should be able to have like you
> switch to a talking frequency like 5674 and your chat only goes to the
> people on that freq. on the world your in. It would be alot easier for
> controlling large amounts of people and you can force people if you have the
> right to a certain freq..


Feb 14, 1999, 6:48am
Heh, AW uses more memory than most chat programs put together! Plus ICQ and mIRC can give audible indications when messages come in, as well as already do file transfer, and mIRC doesn't have a problem with resetting the text when scrolled up and new text comes in, unlike AW. AW tries to do too much. File transfer is unnecessary. Telegrams are redundant, but whispering is fine.

[View Quote] > I prefer to save memory by have multiple programs integrated into one.
[View Quote]


Feb 15, 1999, 1:15am
Object gravity would make lining objects up more easily. Although it might require x-axis rotation or, at least, x-axis manipulation by AW internally or something.

Object snapping would also make objects line up more easily.

And I still want textureless, wireframe, and maybe vertex viewing options, too; would make traversing dense areas MUCH quicker as well as finding hidden/lost objects, and as a building aid.

A grid is another thing I'd like, too, based off cell dimensions: 10m x full vertical x 10m, or customizable...

Multiple object copy! What's the holdup?? Enhanced multiple object editing (description and action) would be convienent too.


Feb 15, 1999, 1:48am
Cuz AW would get even MORE slower trying to calculate that collision detection.

On a related note, why can't avatar collision detection be based on the avatar's bound box instead of a 1m x avatar height (although no smaller than 1m) x 1m oblong box? Avatars smaller than 1m cubed are screwed. My rat in Utah/Hole worlds looks silly stopping ~1m when bumping things. And my empty clump avatar shouldn't even HAVE collision detection since it doesn't really exist! Sheesh...

[View Quote] > Why can't AW be rescripted or whatever so that the limit on the ammount of
> verts in an object can be raised from 64 to maintain proper collision
> detection?
> 128 sure would be nice for a change :)

render 1st person avatar

Feb 15, 1999, 2:37am
Would be great for avatars with opaque helmets on and to actually be able to SEE parts of the avatar when looking around.


Feb 17, 1999, 9:43pm
[View Quote] > what did you think about a basic avatar creator ?

What do you think about reading previous responses to this question you posted before?

> (excuse my bad english I'm french ;-) )

Idiocy isn't excused.

> Boot !

Good idea. <boots you to the head>


Feb 18, 1999, 7:13am
Yes, yes, so you've stated MANY times before. Well, champ, you're a dink. Wee.

[View Quote] > Eep your an ass...

Rolu's page?

Feb 20, 1999, 5:47am
OK, where is it? http://home.wxs.nl/~rokilo/AW-FWWL-NEWEST.htm gives error 404 again...

Rolu's page?

Feb 20, 1999, 10:10pm
When did I ever claim to be an HTML expert? And actually I DID try "html" but made the URL all lowercase and it didn't work. Why it works now I don't know. And there's a difference between being an HTML expert and URL expert.

[View Quote] > An "HTML expert" couldn't figure it out? I'm shocked :(
[View Quote]

Rolu's page?

Feb 20, 1999, 10:13pm
Correction: all lowercase still doesn't work; http://home.wxs.nl/~rokilo/AW-FWWL-NEWEST.html does, however. Lame.

[View Quote] > When did I ever claim to be an HTML expert? And actually I DID try "html" but made the URL all lowercase and it didn't work. Why it works now I don't know. And there's a difference between being an HTML expert and URL expert.
[View Quote]

Rolu's page?

Feb 21, 1999, 9:55pm
Duh. Rolu using capitals in his URL is lame. I made that mistake with my Xoom account (http://members.xoom.com/Eep)/) and haven't been able to get it fixed. I used to have a lot of capitals for titles of sections for my RW site, but it got annoying when typing URLs out so I've converted most to lowercase.

[View Quote] > Welcome to the Real World Eep. Windows is fairly unique in the server world in that it treats upper and lowercase as the same. That server is obviously running some breed of UNIX, therefore upper and lowercase are two different URLs.
[View Quote]

AW sucks! I wish for 3D support! and MMX support...NOT!

Feb 20, 1999, 10:12pm
And what kind of machine are you on, a P2/450?

[View Quote] > Aw runs just fine on mine. Using a Viper v550 and screen rez of 1280x1024 as large as I can get the window it yields an average of 32.5 fps using the 3D drivers. And that's in fairly heavy built areas. 32.5 FPS may not seem like much compared to quake running at about 70 but it's a hell of alot better then 8. AW needs some work yes but try upgrading your system before blaming
> the software :)

And the software IS shit compared to most 3D games that run JUST fine on older, piece-of-shit systems like all the Tomb Raiders run much better on my AMD-K5-PR133AR (99MHz) than AW does.

movement animation proposal

Feb 22, 1999, 10:15pm
Currently, to do a movement animation of the same object one has to have =
multiple copies of the object in different positions coupled with complic=
ated astart/adone, visible, and solid (if you want more realism) commands=
=2E Not only does this fill up a cell against the dreaded cell data limit=
, it also unnecessarily bogs down the frame rate with more polygons from =
all the duplicated objects.

Why not have a way for AW to remember where the object is to go instead? =
Have one (1) object and the "movement path". To do this, one way would be=
to move the object for each "step" (frame) of the movement animation and=
have a way of recording that step/frame. Each step/frame position would =
be added to, say, the object's action field in the first step/frame. A ne=
w movement animation command would probably need to be created (perhaps c=
alled "move"). Positions could be recorded relative to the start position=
, with "a" (altitude), negative (-) numbers designating left/backwards/do=
wn, and "r" (rotation). So if I wanted to make a simple rotate animation,=
the step movements could be something like "create move me 24r" (never d=
id like how that lame "me" is necessary; the current object should be ass=
umed by default) would rotate the object 24 rotations (r) whereas "create=
move me 24" would move the object 24 movements (half-meters), or 12m. Re=
petition would be default; stopping the animation could be done with a "s=
top" argument or something.

OK, well, this system needs more thought but hopefully you get the idea. =
However AW records the steps/frames, it would be a lot easier to just mov=
e the object to each step/frame and hit a record/remember button, similar=
to how a macro recorder works.

movement animation proposal

Feb 23, 1999, 6:36pm
[View Quote] > Sounds like an interesting idea except:
> Imagine the anarchy if the object moves to your neighbour territory!

Uh, what anarchy? Just with how object movement animation is done now, depending on the name given to objects, it will either work correctly or not.

> And how about the constant server load?

Uh, WHAT "constant server load"? AW already IS a "constant server load" anyway...

> Or do you imagine it done by the browser only ? Then you have to limit the movement range too.

What are you talking about? I already said the step/frame declaration would be in the object's "action" field, so that would mean AW handles everything, just like AW handles current object movement animations using the astart/adone animation commands.

movement animation proposal

Feb 23, 1999, 6:39pm
Easy is relative. Try doing more complex animations like the ones I have at Hole 25s 10w (or so). It's a bitch.

[View Quote] > The evil astart and adone commands are easy to use I have built a mech like thing you push the button and it fires objects out
> of its cannon.

movement animation proposal

Feb 23, 1999, 6:44pm
Er, 24s 15e.

[View Quote] > Easy is relative. Try doing more complex animations like the ones I have at Hole 25s 10w (or so). It's a bitch.

movement animation proposal

Feb 23, 1999, 7:11pm
While this IS another perspective, it is inefficient. The whole POINT of redoing object movement animation is to make it easier and not as much strain in duplicating an object, causing more polygons to have to be rendered (thus reducing frame rate and performance). If AW had a better "action" system (like with checkboxes, pull-down lists, etc that I outlined months ago in another post), cell data wouldn't be as crucial, because the actions would be in binary vs ASCII form and much quicker to process.

So increasing the cell data limit only puts off the growing problem that needs to be fundamentally redesigned.

[View Quote] > Well, you could approach this from another direction, when is the EXTRA Huge cell limit coming? :o)
[View Quote]

movement animation proposal

Feb 24, 1999, 4:54am
Define "it".

[View Quote] > EEP, it is intelligent!!!

movement animation proposal

Feb 24, 1999, 4:58am
But when right-clicking on one object, they ALL become visible (and rendered), not to mention a bitch to select and edit, especially if a lot of objects are in a small area. Having the SINGLE object step through its movements (or maybe even use wireframe versions of the original object to show the animation path, would speed things up a bit.

[View Quote] > Oh just another note here Eep... when objects are "visible off" they are removed from the scene... therefore you do not spend cpu time rendering them. Actual object animation would not improve on this. It would probably improve on the pauses and certainly the limit of what you can do.

movement animation proposal

Feb 24, 1999, 4:59am
Duh. I, of all people, KNOW what needs more immediate attention in AW...

[View Quote] > so in short don't hold your breath on this. I think there are a lot more important time-consuming issues, such as 3d card support, that require immediate attention.

multiple object edit and copy--when?

Feb 23, 1999, 6:41pm
You've obviously never tried to copy MANY objects in the same cell. It's not always as "easy" as you imply it to be. And especially when doing complex object movement animations, having to copy EACH object in the animation is annoying.

[View Quote] > Yeah, multiple copies would be great -- but I think its lack is deliberate. Just copy the objects one at a time then multiple select the copies and move them.

multiple object edit and copy--when?

Feb 23, 1999, 6:43pm
Um, there already IS a multiple object MOVE, Tia. Copy and move are different concepts.

[View Quote] > Yes, this sure would be nice to have. there's been plenty of times i've constructed something, decided i wanted to move it to a new location, and multiple copy sure would have been handy.


Feb 24, 1999, 4:55am
Again, about? Coherence please.

[View Quote] > Andon, I have some bad news for you. Eep is right.

pick up objects

Feb 26, 1999, 4:39am
Or, more practically, being able to "carry" (copy or move) multiple objects (ala ctrl-selection) to other in-world (and perhaps other worlds) locations would be nice, especially if a complex creation is one place and you'd like it moved somewhere else.

As for the objects becoming part of your avatar, I think the copy/move multiple object carrying should not necessarily work that way. I'd rather have an option to place them in a "holding area" or "buffer" and then place them somewhere else. It might even work like copy/cut/paste with a clipboard being where the objects are stored until pasted in a new location.

[View Quote] [View Quote]

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