=?iso-8859-1?q?eep=b2?= // User Search

=?iso-8859-1?q?eep=b2?= // User Search

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Jan 29, 1999, 1:02am
Psha, I've only been in AW for around a year and a half, newbie. I only mentioned about your suggestion being on The List™ because of how you responded to those of us discussing color. Duh. Wanna buy a clue? Only fifty dollah US. Act now while supplies last!

[View Quote] > well Mr Old Man on AW...i just reciently have been reading the
> newsgroups...sorry i haven't been reading the groups from the stone age like
> you
[View Quote]


Jan 29, 1999, 6:32pm
[View Quote] > eep, what is the url for The List™ ?

There is none because it's not pubic. Roland's emailed it to me twice after I asked him, but he asked me not to distribute it. Ask him and he may let you see.

> BTW what is your citizen number again old timer?

Almost a couple thousand below 200,000.


Jan 29, 1999, 8:31pm

[View Quote] > Let's make it customizable wheter I want to or not.
[View Quote]


Jan 29, 1999, 9:09pm
[View Quote] > To tell you the truth, Eep- I don't like the way you have your website set up.

Gee, you actually USE my site? <gasp>

> I never did like the pick-list at the top, and the ordering seems too haphazard.

The order is just how I thought people would want to approach RWXing:

- introduction: introduce the site and what RWXing is all about (duh)
- news/updates: current info and changes to the site. (This used to be on the main page, if you recall, and a lot of sites tend to do this—with no intro, I might add—and is annoying; although I suppose now that I only keep a month's worth of updates on the main news/updates page I could move that back onto the intro page, but...)
- files: for people to actually VISUALLY experiment with and understand the things I will explain more thoroughly later
- measurement, scale, and object manipulation: key in understanding how to begin designing objects and their relationship to their environment (in our case, Active Worlds)
- terms and script commands: the very heart of RWXing, and where the files will come in handy to see the different things explained here
- RWX: the actual structure of an RWX file (formatting, etc), and tips and tricks (for progressively advancing RWXers)
- avatars: usually a more complicated subject than "standard" RWX objects, I place these near the end because I don't have much experience with them, as I explain on the page...
- links: self-explanatory
- site index: uh...

What's haphazard about that? If you know a way to dynamically change the search list, and have it customizable for people (which might require the use of login scripts, cookies, etc--way too complicated for a simple site such as mine), feel free to send the code over. :)

> Could you add a "Search" function to make it easier to find what we're looking for?

Although I have no site-specific search, tnlc.com does have a domain search you can use at http://tnlc.com/cgi-bin/search. I suppose I could mention that on my site...it's linked to from the "file not found" page though...

> Or better yet, can you make the entire format configurable so we can use it with different kinds of index frames??

You can always use the text menu and turn off the frames from the main page. And what do you mean by different kinds of index frames? I have a terms design that had the terms in a vertical frame on the left, and the "explanation frame" on the right, but it never got implemented. Is that what you mean?


Jan 30, 1999, 7:36pm
Can your DEATH be customizable too? I can think up MANY ways to kill you. :)

[View Quote] > Let's make that customizable, too. Keep up the flexibility.
[View Quote]


Jan 30, 1999, 7:46pm
[View Quote] > Actually, I didn't mean this post as a specific attack on your website, but more as an example. Before angrily replying to me, please put yourself in Roland's shoes- it takes just as much (if not More) effort for him to "customize" aw as it would take you to customize your web site. I just wanted to demonstrate to you what you were
> asking, in a context you'd take personally.

Um, I don't have a problem with adding more customization to my small, measly website that, in relation to many more LARGER websites, less people use. However, because I don't have the knowledge to do that, and besides the fact that it would be impractical considering even most of the larger, more popular websites don't provide such customization, your point is a tad moot.

However, because AW is a Windows application, and Windows already allows color customization, and these colors affect AW's GUI colors, AW's forced text colors can cause problems. Either AW allows more color customization or it doesn't allow ANY. AW's Tooltips don't use Windows' colors (AW's are still that puke-yellow), for example, which is another inconsistency.

[View Quote] Well how would YOU have "handled" it, then? I'm open to comments, improvements, suggestions, etc about my site (I even explicitly say so on the intro page). Anything to make learning RWXing easier will I entertain the thought of.

> You're intimately familiar with the site and so can just rattle off an html#suchandsuch when looking for a specific answer. Few others can find things that easily. (And that search link didn't work, btw- shoulda been http://tnlc.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi ) Thanks for that search link, btw!

Yes, I realized that after sending the message. However, the "file not found" page that should've displayed has the link to it there, so... :)

better audio mixing

Jan 24, 1999, 3:21am
Rolu, why not update the list more frequently? HTML isn't THAT hard to edit. If you don't, I will...and I'll move it to tnlc.com...

Anyway, this is on The List™ but not on Rolu's List(sm):

Better audio mixing so multiple WAVs can play simultaneously and more realistic fading depending on WAV volume level.

This one isn't on either list (but I told Roland about it many months ago):

There should not be pauses while playing "bump noise"es. These pauses make sound effects, specifically walking ones, annoyingly impossible. This probably won't be possible unless DirectSound is implemented, which probably won't be for a while (unless COF—er, Activeworlds.com—gets another programmer or 2 or 3 or...to get DirectX—includes Direct3D and DirectSound—implementation done quicker).

better audio mixing

Jan 24, 1999, 11:52pm
Just update it whenever you get a new suggestion that's not already on it. Simple. HTML editing isn't THAT hard...

[View Quote] > My list will be out soon, I wanted to wait until AW 2.1 goes final, but if
> that takes too long, I will release it anyway.
[View Quote]

better audio mixing

Jan 25, 1999, 10:27pm
Uh, so what. Welcome to the joys of being a webmaster, Cubic. Now sit down, shut up, and let the REAL webMASTERS work their magic. :)

[View Quote] [View Quote]

better audio mixing

Jan 26, 1999, 6:52pm
[View Quote] [View Quote] Exactly. Kids (i.e. immature people) new to programming (and web design) just like to have some sort of sense of accomplishment, so version numbers give this dillusion—er, sense—that what they're making actually MEANS something...at least to them. Anyway, Cubic and Rolu, look at my RenderWare news/updates page (http://tnlc.com/rw/updates.html) and you'll see that updating a website isn't that hard once you get a system down. Rolu's page is SMALL compared to my site, for example, yet I had more updates in the same amount of time than him. I also run a Tomb Raider level editor site, which also has an updates page (at http://tnlc.com/eep/tr/updates.html). Then there are pages I don't have an updates for, but I still change the "last modified" date up top. http://tnlc.com/eep/aw/, http://tnlc.com/eep/tr/compare.html, and http://tnlc.com/eep/tr/improve.html for those pages.

All depends on how organized you are...and how you show that organization in your web page design.

better audio mixing

Jan 27, 1999, 6:13pm
Exactly, Dean. Rolu's reasoning is a prime example of programmer narrowmindedness...they just can't see outside the box...

[View Quote] > But, why bother with "versions"?
> Just make one list and change it when necessary. Chances are that no one
> will bother keeping up with what version is out, anyway.
[View Quote]

better audio mixing

Jan 27, 1999, 9:36pm
Ding, ding! Dean's got it right again. Dean, you rule. :) Seeing as how Grover claims to be a part-time programmer, he obviously can't see outside the box either. hehehe

And if programmers programmed correctly in the FIRST place, there WOULDN'T be so many versions with bug fixes. :)

Then of course there's automated upgrading, but that's probably too advanced for grover... :P

[View Quote] > I am sure (?) that Eep knows that, but the problem here is that Rolu is treating an HTML list as though it were a program rather
> than a list that can be revised with out having to release a new "version"
[View Quote]

better audio mixing

Jan 28, 1999, 8:43pm
Ahh, there to be good programmers...

[View Quote] [View Quote]

better audio mixing

Jan 29, 1999, 5:54am
[View Quote] [View Quote] Because he HASN'T been updating his page, which is my point.

> And of course Rolu thinks it means something. Otherwise he wouldn't bother
> updating it at all.

Exactly my point: Rolu's still a "kid" when it comes to webmastering.

> Wow, wow..
> Quite proud of yerself, aren't ya?

Yes, actually. I'm proud of ALL my accomplishments. Aren't YOU proud of all YOUR accomplishments?

> Pffrt... As if the amount of updates says something about whether it means something. As you already said yourself (I think in an other reply): with programs frequent updates rather indicate buggyness than quality-programming ;-)

Indeed. However, webmastering isn't programming, but scripting.

> Ok, that's another way to keep updates recognizable then.
> Does that mean you have to criticize every other way??

Yes. I wouldn't be fair if I didn't. :) Don't worry; I'm just as hard on myself as I am with everyone else.

> Why do you always have to mix your message with arrogance and sarcasm?
> Maybe you could be a bit more *con*structive...

Constructiveness is relative. I usually give both extremes to people and let them decide where to take it from there. It's interesting to note people's responses, too. It's kind of like a game, see...

better audio mixing

Jan 29, 1999, 6:04am
[View Quote] [View Quote] The trick is to use dates AND descriptions of what's been added/deleted/edited. Most programs have release notes which explain what's changed ANYWAY with the new versions, so descriptions are still necessary. Plus, version #s are really erroneous; dates are more efficient because they show that, indeed, the product has changed, and give the date as to when that change took place. No version # to cause confusion and make things more complicate than they need to be. Try tracking WHEN version #s appear on a program/website that doesn't use dates. You can't.

KISS (keep it simple, stupid). Remember that.

> Version numbers on the opposite, are recognizable.
> Unless of course you release a new version every day...
> And maybe using the date as 'version#' *is* indeed a better idea.
> But the way dean and eep bring it, it's not an idea but more like forcing
> there opinion through.

Thing is, experience counts. I (dunno about Dean) have been on the Web for a few years now and have seen enough "update" pages to know that dates are the way to go. Why do you think such big programs like, oh, say, Windows now include the date in their name? Windows 95, 98, 2000; Word 97, Office 97; etc. Now those are big, generalized examples, and they still have individual version #s (4.00.950, etc). But for websites, version #s just look silly and end up causing more confusion. Compared to date updates vs version #s, I've maybe seen less than 5 websites out of the thousands (and probably tens of thousands) I've been to. All others (those that HAD update pages), use(d) dates. Dates seem to be the standard, and standards are standard for a reason...

better audio mixing

Jan 29, 1999, 6:42pm
[View Quote] [View Quote] Heh, "awfwwl" (thing?)..."awful"...it's becoming that...

> I he'd update it more often you'd lose track of all these updates and you
> probably wouldn't take an effort anymore to even take a look at it whit
> every update. And that would be a pitty.

Since he uses an "ID" system to give each entry an original number, to see what's changed would be as simple as looking at the bottom numbers. This ain't brain surgery, Cubic...

> Aaargh...
> Why is he a kid? Because he doesn't bother to update every time he goes
> online?

Rolu is a "kid" because he thinks creating versions of his web page MEAN something. You've lost the point. I suggest you read past threads and recapture the point.

> You call everyone a kid who doesn't do things the way you'd do it. If
> everyone reasoned that way we'd be forever youn ;-)

I call everyone a kid who acts like a kid relative to my perspective. You'll get to that point someday...after you've thought long and hard about things no one else normally thinks and couldn't give a shit about...

> Why would you be proud? There's a difference between confidence and
> proudnes..
> I think it's quite self-centered to be proud of every line you draw.. That
> creates the sterotype of a 007-movie-kinda-psycho-person.

What's self-centered to you may be self-esteem to another. Wee...

> Personally, I don't see a need to be proud of everything I do. With most
> things: it only starts meaning something as soon as yur not the only one who
> appreciates the things you do.

The sign of someone who needs external gratification...

> Besides, I don't use the way I feel about my own deeds to critisize
> everything someone else does.
> What I mean: You can be proud without being destructive.

Destructiveness is relative. Wee. What you consider destructive, others may consider CONstructive. It's all relative, sport.

> I am not the one that brought the word programming into this thread.

Right. You're just the one who misunderstood its context (as usual).

> let them decide where to take it from there. It's interesting to note
> people's responses, too. It's kind of like a game, see...
> I thought so already.
> One can't *seriously* be so stubborn.

Seriousness is also relative. Taking notes yet? Step out of your narrowminded mindset and see existance from simultaneous multiple perspectives.

better audio mixing

Jan 29, 1999, 8:36pm
Web PAGES make up web SITES. A single web PAGE could just as easily be called a web SITE. AWFWWL is an AWFUL web PAGE. ;P

[View Quote] > 1. AWFWWL is NOT a website.

better audio mixing

Jan 30, 1999, 7:32pm
[View Quote] [View Quote] Too bad.

> means something. As you already said yourself (I think >>in an other reply):
> with programs frequent updates rather indicate buggyness than
> quality-programming ;-)
> Programming is just an example. I think you understand that; cuz u used the
> word yurself.

Very GOOD, Cubic. Now can say the alphabet too? Oh aren't you just so SPECIAL! Damn you're lame...OF COURSE IT'S AN EXAMPLE BECAUSE *I* MADE AN EXAMPLE OF PROGRAMMING IN THE FIRST PLACE HELLO DRIVE THROUGH. You STILL don't "get" it, either...idiot...

> As soon as I use it you automatically assume I misunderstood it. THat's what
> I call destructive.

No, destructive is how an idiot such as yourself continues to persist in his own idiocy without even knowing it. Sad, man...you're gonna kill yourself if you keep it up.

> Plz start assuming I mean it the seem way you do.

Haha, like YOU do, champ? You assume TOO MUCH. I won't blindly accept your idiocy in exchange for "pleasant" conversation with you. Try THINKING more before responding, eh? Silly kid...

> Narrowminded? Looks like you're getting acquainted with yourself..

Unfortunately, what you're witnessing is my "acquaintednance" with YOUR narrowmindedness that you're unknowingly projecting onto me, thus causing you to think it's actually MY narrowmindedness. Sad...I may just have to filter you if you persist in your lameness...I probably should've filtered you long ago, but I thought I'd give you a chance. Oh well.

better audio mixing

Jan 30, 1999, 7:34pm
Um, genius, you missed the point YET AGAIN...version #s aren't the issue here, but rather the FREQUENCY OF UPDATING. Try and at least grasp the main point of the thread before responding in the future, eh? How can someone such as yourself be so dumb? Sheesh...version #s are just one RESULT from the main point of my "Rolu website management bashing".

[View Quote] [View Quote]

better audio mixing

Jan 30, 1999, 7:37pm
Site, page, same dif...as soon as you put something up on the web it becomes a web PAGE and/or SITE. Wee...

[View Quote] > But my PAGE isn't inteded as a SITE it is just an ONLINE VERSION OF AWFWWL.
> Would you call a single text file somewhere a site, too?
> btw, I already said I was going to CHANGE the LOOK of AWFWWL some time. But
> only when I have some time left.
[View Quote]

better audio mixing

Jan 30, 1999, 9:17pm
Excuse me, but I should've ELABORATED for the clueless: as soon as you put a web-browser-READABLE (HTML, CGI/Perl script/XML, ASP, etc) file on the web, it's a web page and/or PART of a web SITE. Don't make me smack you, grover...

[View Quote] > Would you consider a .pdf file a "website"? No, you'd consider it a file. But what if ms made a plugin that allowed ie to read
> it? it's still a file, but you'd apparently now call it a website!
[View Quote]

better audio mixing

Jan 30, 1999, 10:58pm
[View Quote] [View Quote] I don't want IDIOTIC threads to evolve, which is what happens when you continue to babble nonsense like you are now. Wee...

I won't keep this up much longer with you, by the way...

> BTW: Actually *why* do you think Rolu should update more frequently.
> On the first you seem to find the entire awfwwl kinda awfull so you
> shouldn't bother about the details at all.

Way to miss the point (yet again as usual). I tire of having to explain it to you over and over again, so I won't. Enjoy your non-understanding.

> On the second even if you're online 24-7 not everyone else is.

The correct phrase is "on the other hand", not "on the second".

> In Rolu's case: Practice learns that he has to work 4 out of 7 nights and afternoons
> are too expensive to go online, so has fewer opportunities and time to
> update it than you seem to think. (or hope)

"Practice learns"? What kind of English is that?

The list should be updated as soon as a new "wish" is emailed to Rolu, he reads, thinks up, or whatever. Using version #s for such an update frequency would be impractical, as would specifying the TIME of the update as some sites do. Hell, he doesn't even HAVE to even create an update page with what was added/changed/deleted/edited/etc. Just a simple "last modified on <date>" line (or a varation thereof) would suffice.

KISS (keep it simple, stupid). Remember that.

better audio mixing

Jan 31, 1999, 11:47pm

[View Quote] > It's a dutchism.


Jan 25, 1999, 7:48pm
Yes, considering when I tried to view more than 1 day of trading the 1st and 2nd day after Activeworlds.com's supposed first day of trading, I kept getting messages about data not being available or something...yet now it goes back to even before '92 (http://quote.yahoo.com/q?s=AWLD&d=my)! Perhaps the data is for Vanguard Enterprises, Inc. but since they changed their name to Activeworlds.com, their trading history was kept. <shrug>

[View Quote] > I'm quite a bit puzzled. I thought activeworlds.com only exists since last friday, and from your link I found this one
> http://chart.yahoo.com/c/2y/a/awld.gif
> which shows quotation from quite a long time before. Is it the qutotation including the former company which bought COF? It seems it has been doing quite badly during the past months.


Jan 26, 1999, 6:56pm
LARGE MP3s would be VERY impractical in AW, considering how long it already takes for everything ELSE to download. However, you CAN already use MP3-encoded WAVs in AW, but people need to have the CODEC installed in order to hear them, obviously. MP3 encoding DOES make EXISTING WAVs much smaller (retaining quality), resulting in quicker downloads.

[View Quote] > Well I wonder if putting up a request here does any good but here goes.
> Include MP3 files as one of the audio files used in the browser. They
> can reduce a 50 mb file into only 3-5 mb. It would do wonders for
> special sound effects. I know you can put it in but only those with an
> MP3 player can here them.


Jan 27, 1999, 5:03am
Hellllooooo, all MP3 is is an ENCODING format for WAVs. It's already possible in AW since AW already supports WAVs. Drive through...

[View Quote] > If it's too big a wav to upload, you always have the option of converting it into
> a .ra file, and calling it like a web page with a create URL. Realaudio will then
> launch, download it, and play in the background :-) but embedded mp3 would be
> even nicer, hehe
[View Quote]


Jan 27, 1999, 9:20pm
Heh, you idiot. Did you even BOTHER to read my OTHER response to the original message in this thread? I doubt it. Duh, you need the CODEC installed to play them. I stated that in my original reply. You're not a very good part-time programmer either, I bet. ;P

And note your wacky line length. Up it, champ, so it doesn't look like shit:

[View Quote] > <smack> but mp3s need special DECODING script in order to be decoded by a wav player. Just cos it ends in .wav doesn't mean it's a
> compatible format. Here's an idea- try uploading an .mp3 file into AW as a .wav and see if it plays. Does it??? Never did for me, but
> I'm just a part-time programmer, and not a professional "QA" guy so I of course know absolutely nothing about computers... Don't
> bother me, twip! If you're gonna try and belittle my posts, you at least coulda come up with something better, like "what if their web
> browser isn't open?"
[View Quote]


Jan 28, 1999, 8:41pm
[View Quote] > Actually, I'm very good at the programs I do, which are mostly numerical-based to aid in scientific problems.

Uh huh...

> I don't pretend to be the know-all god of win.api that you do.

I do? Funny, I never claimed to pretend this... Dig your disillusionment. Sad...

> But the fact remains that you STILL NEED THE CODEC TO RUN MP3S IN AW! Which is *exactly* what I said in my last post; And why are you constantly contradicting yourself? In one post you state "You need extra code to play .mp3s in AW" then turn around and say "AW can already plays mp3s because mp3s are just wavs"

Actually, from my first response (news://news.activeworlds.com/36AE2BF2.5DA8A8F8%40tnlc.com), I said: "However,
you CAN already use MP3-encoded WAVs in AW, but people need to have the CODEC installed in order to hear them, obviously."

And since AW can play WAVs, and all MP3s are are MP3-encoded WAVs, AW can already play them (assuming you have the MP3 CODEC--duh)! Read more carefully, champ.

> Do you have any idea at all of how wavs actually work?

<blink> Gee, what's a WAV, Wilbur? Ahyuk...

> Or how to embed MCI or OLE devices in a program?

Nope, considering I don't program. Wee...

> Do you have any idea of what it would take to actually implement what you consider "simple"?

Yep, sure do: the MP3 CODEC. :)

> I didn't think so.

No, you just don't THINK. I know how to play MP3-enoded WAVs, which is all anyone needs to know to play them in AW.

> So, until you send everyone using AW a driver that will allow us to play .mp3 files with any windows MCI program, I'll keep saying that AW doesn't support .mp3 files.

Then you'll keeping being idiotic, as usual. Sad, grover...you have so much potential...yet so much idiocy too. What a combination...I pity you.

If you don't have an MPEG-Layer 3 CODEC, get the latest Microsoft Media Player at http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/iebuild/mplayer_win32/en/mplayer_win32.htm.

> grover


[View Quote] Obviously not well enough. Reread it.

> hey, don't ask me to reformat my posts, just cos you don't run your screen at 1280x1024. Besides, don't you remember the problems people have with *your* posts? You know, the one where people with the default settings see your posts as a single line??

Yep, and enabling a simple thing as wordwrapping will "fix" it. But at higher resolutions my messages still don't fragment like yours do at LOWER resolutions. Just use the maximum line length for messages and you'll be fine, sport. You can do it, superchamp! We're all rootin' fer ya! <smirk>


Jan 29, 1999, 12:36am
[View Quote] [View Quote] Uh huh. Sure it is. Shut up. Note how you didn't leave quoted what you thought you said. How ironic...drive through, sport.

> Nope, I didn't think you had a clue. Thanks for confirming my suspicions. (It's a lot more complicated than plugging in a toaster, ya know)

Gee, all I did to play MP3-encoded WAVs was install the CODEC. You must just be an idiot if you can't figure THAT much out. Wee...

> Well, at least I don't need THIS in my header for others to read my posts!: "Enable line/wordwrapping if text isn't wrapping. Go beyond short line lengths and fixed-width fonts to use screen width efficiently and reduce quote formatting breakup."

I don't NEED that in my header for others to READ my posts. People can READ them just fine. I just tired of having to TELL people the obvious each time they mentioned how my posts didn't wordwrap. Now learn how to specify line length correctly so YOUR posts don't look all shitty on <1280x1024 resolutions. Duh. Idiot.

> And at least you're using the right handle now :-)
> grover

And you enjoy being repetitive (hey, just like your infinitely-repeating ground!) by putting your name at the end of all your posts. It's obvious they're YOUR posts. That's what the "duh" was for, champ. Duh (for your inability to grasp this simple concept).


Jan 29, 1999, 6:06am
[View Quote] [View Quote] So stop being impressed with me. ;P

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