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What's up with all the Gor worlds?

Jun 12, 2000, 11:28am
[View Quote] > Eep, to run an arguement of banning Gorean worlds because of one user's
> death would be similar to running an arguement of banning "shoot 'em" games
> because of school room shootings.

I don't particularly like shooting games (especially mindless ones like Quake, Unreal, Kingpin, Soldier of Fortune, etc, etc, etc) that have WAY too much blood and gore. I think such games should be toned down and the game rating STRICTLY enforced by stores.

> Regarding the X rating worlds, I don't see a need for change. Adults should
> monitor their children on the internet, especially so with any chat
> programs. Adults monitor users coming into Gorean worlds and take action
> when underage users come in (sometimes they do this badly but that is a
> policy matter for them to control).

Adults can't monitor their children 24/7. A password-protected world rating setting and world rating enforcement by AWCI of Gor and other adult worlds has already been suggested by me to Lucrezia. If Goreans want to play adult fantasies they should get their own universe or something for it--perhaps even a galaxy server. I don't like seeing the amount of Gor worlds grow to equal and surpass that of Pokemon worlds (not that I like them much either, but at least they're the result of good marketing rather than the sexual frustration I would bet most Goreans suffer from).

The common theme here is rating enforcement. Game/world ratings are there for a purpose; it's like all the US gun laws that aren't enforced.


http://tnlc.com/eep/ - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
Enable line/word wrap if text not wrapping. DON'T QUOTE SIG WHEN REPLYING!

A Step in the Right Direction...

Jun 8, 2000, 11:54pm
Perhaps Goober means an 85% drop in citizenships. There are around 28,000 citizens now (although I debate that number) compared to the around 250,000 before 10/97 (when citizenship fees were introduced). Granted, most of those citizens probably weren't repeats, but I'm sure the number of repeat citizens to AW were far more than AW's current 28,000. But it's hard to get an accurate UNIQUE citizen count considering all the free citizenships that come with worlds and galaxy/universe servers, given away as prizes, multiple citizenships per person, AWCI's various citizenships (based on themes like Star Wars, X-Files, Snowcrash, etc), etc. My AW history page (http://tnlc.com/eep/aw/history.html) goes into a bit more detail on this issue.

Also note that AW's "profit" (although mgib's done a good job of ripping that claim to shreds--and which can also be read on my AW history page) is not entirely based on citizenships but world/galaxy/universe servers, world/object contracts, etc. It seems some universe server buyers also want content (objects, textures, etc) which AWCI also receives compensation for (and is one reason why AWCI is hiring 3D modellers). But, supposedly, MOST of their revenue/profit/whatever comes from citizenships...but not ALL.

[View Quote] > rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu (Goober King) wrote in
> <393ed04a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com>:
> I am curious as to how you've arrived at 85% as even an approximate?
> Before the fees were introduced, we were only users (customers pay for
> goods, services and so forth whereas users do not). World owners were the
> only customers in existence at that point, so the true customer base
> actually increased after the fees. Shortly before the fees were initiated
> AW seemed to average around 400 users online almost 24 hrs a day -- note
> this is simply the impression I received from the amount of time I spent
> online and the number of users online at that same time; IOW, it's a guess.
> Checking right now there are 274 users and customers online and that number
> seems to varily widely by the hour. Even if we assume 274 as an average,
> the drop is only 31.5%, nowhere near an 85% drop (that would be only 60
> users and customers online as an average.)
> Regardless of the drop in users (tourists) and customers (citizens/world
> owners) who are simultaneously online, to really understand why CoF
> responds to this line of criticism as they do, one must recognize the
> reality that their customer base has increased dramatically since the fees
> were put in place. It has in fact increased to the point of actually
> returning a profit, a small one true but a profit nonetheless.
> Having said all that, I agree with your points made later in your post and
> in fact communicated those very ideas directly to Rick in spring 1997. I
> am afraid, as you are, that due to the above reason your missive will be
> received about as well as mine was. . . .

http://tnlc.com/eep/ - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
Enable line/word wrap if text not wrapping. DON'T QUOTE SIG WHEN REPLYING!

A Step in the Right Direction...

Jun 10, 2000, 8:05pm
[View Quote] > eep at tnlc.com (Eep²) wrote in <39404e66$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com>:
> How many of that "250,000" were actually active when the fees went into
> effect? No one knows and no one can prove it either way. When I started
> using AW in Nov 96 (that's pre-CoF still) there were already large
> numbers of "vanished" users. Could they simply have been hiding? Sure,
> AW is a huge place and there were no telegrams or green checkmarks in
> those days (sounds so old to put it that way, LOL). They could also just
> as easily been "NAC" for all intents and purposes.

Which is what I meant by the part you left out: "Granted, most of those citizens probably weren't repeats, but I'm sure the number of repeat citizens to AW were far
more than AW's current 28,000."

> BTW, put a line feed between the -- and the first line of your signature.
> Decent newsreaders automatically snip signatures but require a line feed
> between the demarkation and the actual signature, it's annoying to have to
> run to the bottom just to snip your sig when it would be done automatically
> were the sig formed properly.

OK, hopefully a blank line (who uses the term "line feed" anymore?) will work. Thanks.


http://tnlc.com/eep/ - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
Enable line/word wrap if text not wrapping. DON'T QUOTE SIG WHEN REPLYING!

What's up with AW?

Jun 10, 2000, 8:07pm
I can't get into any worlds...at least consistently anyway. Got into CitBingo once but then left and couldn't get back in. Same with Absence. Telegrams are also taking forever to send and receive. Other people are also having problems. What's going on, AWCI?


http://tnlc.com/eep/ - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
Enable line/word wrap if text not wrapping. DON'T QUOTE SIG WHEN REPLYING!

Protecting Children

Jul 14, 2000, 9:54am
The point is, like many of AW's 'features', the world rating system was done half-assed (probably requested by Lucrezia to go along with AWCI's attempt into virtual education), but she just didn't get the whole picture as usual...as are Rick and JP.

[View Quote] > Umm, isn't that what Private worlds are for? If you don't want certain
> people getting into your world, you make it Private and only put the
> people you want to enter the world in the Enter Rights list. Besides,
> how are you supposed to know who's 12 and who's 20? As long as they find
> the password, it doesn't matter how old you are.
> I'm sorry, but there's only one thing that can protect children from
> these kinds of things, and that's parental intervention. It shouldn't be
> COF's responsibility to babysit these kids and decide what they can and
> cannot see and hear. The minute that starts to happen, you can bet I'll
> never be seen here again! :P


Jun 21, 2000, 11:00am
Yes but you forgot to ask us if we cared, Wing.

[View Quote] > Alright, I shall be returning eh, soon as soon as 2 small conflicts are
> resolved. You see, she installed my old hard drive but didn't plug it
> in, and I have a 5 pin oversized keyboard plug thats gotta fit in a
> small 6 pin slot


http://tnlc.com/eep/ - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
Enable line/word wrap if text not wrapping. DON'T QUOTE SIG WHEN REPLYING!

level editors (was Re: Don't be a jack#@@ Legion)

Jun 29, 2000, 10:49am
Which level editors work like that?

[View Quote] > I have used game level editors myself (not the super ones though) and even
> they are easier than building in AW. Point & click you have a castle, point
> & click you have a ocean, point & click and you have an army. It would be
> nice if the browser was like this. Click the object you want and click the
> spot you want it then go about working on the finer details such as rotation
> and height.

Re: level editors (was Re: Don't be a jack#@@ Legion)

Jun 30, 2000, 11:28am
Um, WarCraft I/II are 2D. I am referring to 3D level editors, which take a whole new approach to designing.

Increase your message line length so quoted text doesn't get chopped up like this:

[View Quote] > Warcraft.
[View Quote]

Re: level editors (was Re: Don't be a jack#@@ Legion)

Jul 1, 2000, 6:20pm
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Status: U

[View Quote] > I said I had used level editors and not the super ones I didn't say they
> were 3D or not.

Well perhaps you should go try some 3D level editors first before trying to "improve" them, eh?

> btw just how would I go about doing that? since so far replies to my
> messages are usually fine and only look chopped up when its the third or
> fourth time they have been replied to and there doesn't seem to be an option
> to even do that. Believe me I looked.

<shrug> I don't use Microslop Outcast.

[View Quote]

linewrapping (was Re: level editors)

Jul 2, 2000, 11:27pm
<395e5293 at server1.Activeworlds.com> <395e9c8d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com>
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Status: U

http://tnlc.com/eep/wrap.html to learn a few things about line/word wrapping, Bit. You also might want to learn how to change the message subject. Back to Net Basics 101 with ya, 'tard! <flick>

[View Quote] > You also have to realize, it's not the person replying to the
> message that has a lot of control over how the original text looks all
> the time. It's the original sender of the message that has control on
> how the message is being broken up. I have set mine to 77 character
> width, which is a standard on most all email and news reader display
> characteristics. As you can see, the quoted text below is exactly how I
> receive it with the exception of the reply line header character I have
> chosen to use. So please get off this kick about how people should post
> and just accept the fact that not everyone cares about it the way you
> do. :) Besides, I'd rather see each line with a character header
> anyhow, because the way YOU reply.. How would I know what was quoted
> and what is being replied to? Oh wait, duh me, the attacking text is
> yours.. LOL
> PS: Your nagging seems to contribute to overloaded threads and wasted
> band width because of the domino effect that it causes.. Therefore, you
> are guilty of useless blah in the news groups (such as this message) and
> hereby granted the "Redundant Award" of the year. ;) If you consider
> this a flame toward Eep, you are wrong, this was posted out of total
> boredom and I just wanted to waste bandwidth, HD space and your time..
> :) Oh, and replying to this would be pointless, because it's pretty
> much a repeat of a repeat of yet many more repeats of wasted replied to
> posts that do nothing more than post for the hell of it.
> "Eep²" wrote
> (snipped header info)
[View Quote]

Re: Doesn't matter eep. :)

Jul 3, 2000, 11:46pm
<395fec1d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com> <3960fada$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com>
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X-UIDL: 1113
Status: U

Um, April Fool's Day was a few months ago, sport. Drive through...

[View Quote] > Ha, fooled ya!
> You crack me up.
> Have a happy 4th. :)

On the horizon

Jul 4, 2000, 5:05pm
Yup, it's happening all the time...each new 3D game that has a level editor with more and more integrative built-in features like 10six has and Neverwinter Nights and other games will have, it's only a matter of time before AW is obsolete. AWCI doesn't have much time to start focusing AW's development on gaming and level (world) editing before it is completely surpassed by a MUCH more developer- and resource-intense gaming company... I wonder when Rick and JP will start paying attention...

[View Quote] > Activeworlds just published a new list of World Server prices. But AW
> still seems to be going with its traditional "rent a browser, rent a
> server" model. I reported last month that the new generation of
> role-playing games are becoming more and more competitive with AW.
> Vampire is out now--it looks as good as or better than AW 3.0, has lots
> of cool Nonplayer Characters, & an involving storyline, with options for
> online multi-player and gamemaster story-involvement. Lots of items
> (objects) can be picked up & moved & used in the horror gameplay. (There
> are problems with the save system & the AI.)


> Next year Neverwinter Nights should be ready. It promises to be much
> more serious competition for AW. Bioware, the makers of Baldur's Gate,
> are doing it, & have been unusually forthcoming about its development.
> Even though nine months is a long time, you can see from the preview
> (http://www.dailyradar.com/features/game_feature_page_856_1.html) why so
> many people are excited about it. NWN will give users free tools for
> editing their own worlds, but as you can see on the preview movie, these
> will be easy to use. (Like Worldcraft/Starcraft, you paint down scenery
> or buildings--'artifacts' in the AW sense--but these are 3-D objects,
> not just 2-D objects.) NWN will not only have a C-like scripting
> language for manipulating the NPC's, monsters, movable items, status
> points, etc. that constitute your world story, but it will also have
> scripting Wizards that will do the C-like hard part for you. (Bioware
> expects that 90% of users will work through the scripting wizards, & the
> other 10% will want to get down & script with the C-like language.)
> NWN is going to have a full story of its own, but the story has been
> designed from the start as a model for game-buyers to use, after they
> play the game & begin to build their own worlds and storylines. Bioware
> will make money after it sells the gamebox by selling new objects, new
> monsters, new textures, new items, etc. But once you've bought the game
> ($49.99?), from then on, even ordinary folks can design worlds & invite
> people to come visit over the internet--for free. (8-64 people at a
> time, depending on your internet connection, modem-cable.) You won't be
> able to build while people watch; but you will be able to have dozens of
> Non-Player Characters, move furniture & beermugs & dragonsteeth around,
> & above all, involve your friends in a story that you composed yourself.
> I wonder if AW will be able to match this kind of competition. Course
> it might turn out not to be what it sounds like. But: if we can run
> worlds off our own home computers for the cost of a single game, if we
> can have as many bots as we want, with built-in AI facilities that we
> can script ourselves, if we can have doors that move & gold coins that
> we can carry, all for free, why should we pay to rent one of AW's new
> world servers? What I think I see is still a cloud, small as a man's
> hand, on the horizon. I hope by the time it gets here, AW will be ready.

On the horizon

Jul 8, 2000, 1:55pm
[View Quote] > The thing is gentlemen, is those are all RPG games.

Um, no. Most of the games with level editors I mentioned are NOT RPGs, although I could argue that, technically, most 3D games have RPG elements (you play a character).

> "Games" being the key word. I don't ever recall AW calling it self a game or marketing or packaging itself as a game.

Right; that's the problem and why AW isn't very popular.

> As far the graphics and all, well hell,it would be wonderful if, AW ran on a Quake III type engine. Or if AW would openly give anyone and everyone the source code to the Browser.
> I think that AW should be above and beyond what it is now. But AWCOM isn't a Game Developer or Packaged and sold in a box.
> Its a download able "VR" browser.
> I don't see myself joining Never Winter Nights to build a nice lil city.
> RPG Gams sure may look better, but their development is focused on something completely different.
> Now if you are talking about one of these Production companies taking their technology and making a browser based on AW's idea, and we could build, and have all the similar AW functions as we do now, with the NWN graphics.
> Then heck yeah.

Duh. That's what I've been saying for years.

> But as for now, and as someone who works for a major game developer. i don't see any of those, as you put it, Competition.
> There is no freedom in those game. Just hack and slash and fight the Ogres.

Perhaps you should go try one of the many 3D game level editors out there and see just what you can make with them. While most are limited to the original 3D game's genre/gameplay, you don't HAVE to go around killing and blowing up things once your level is created. The problem with current 3D game level editors is that levels can't be created IN-game (real-time) as in AW. The point about Neverwinter Nights, 10six, and other multiplayer games is that their "levels" (worlds) CAN/WILL be created (for the most part) in-game, although (10six at least) is still very limited compared to AW and even 3D game level editors--but it's a start!

As more game developers add more real-time, in-game level editing/world building features into their games, AW becomes less and less popular. It's only a matter of time before game developers allow it more towards a "3D holodeck"...it's just too bad Rick and JP can't (or don't want to) push AW toward that before they (AW) are beaten out of yet another niche market...

[View Quote]

On the horizon

Jul 11, 2000, 11:41pm
Good riddance to close-minded twits! What part of OPTIONAL don't you understand? God damn...

[View Quote] > I am still sticking to it.. the day AW becomes to much like a game I leave

Re: Doesn't matter eep. :)

Jul 4, 2000, 8:14pm
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X-RCPT-TO: <moderator at activeworlds.com>
X-UIDL: 1117
Status: U

Refresh my memory as to how he "fooled" me...<blink>

[View Quote] > Um, he said nothing about April Fool's Day. Who says you have to wait
> until AFD to fool people, especially when it's so easy? ;)
[View Quote]

Re: Doesn't matter eep. :)

Jul 6, 2000, 11:27am
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X-Authenticated-User: eep
X-RCPT-TO: <moderator at activeworlds.com>
X-UIDL: 1120
Status: U

Apparently you're proving his point, too (as is he since he admits to wanting to waste bandwidth). In essence, you're both hippocrits, while I never claimed to not want to reduce bandwidth by simply responding to a post. Not my fault if it causes a multitude of twits to respond to my response, wasting bandwidth!

But don't get me started on wasting bandwidth; I'll wipe the Internet with your sorry bits...;)

[View Quote] > Apparently, you neglected to read the second half of his post. Here's a
> refresher:
> And since you replied to it, you basically proved his point for him. You
> don't *have* to reply to every single inane post. Best to let stupid
> threads die...
> Now to switch gears a tad.
> To whomever is moderating these here newsgroups: Learn how to thread!
> Every time I look a a thread, I see this huge list of posts that all
> look like they're replying to the same post, when in fact they're
> replying to each other. It's annoying, and it's hard to tell who's
> replying to who! Get with the program!

Re: Let the Bandwidth-wasting Begin! (was Re: Doesn't matter eep. :))

Jul 7, 2000, 11:24am
<39648950$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com> <39650624$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com>
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X-RCPT-TO: <moderator at activeworlds.com>
X-UIDL: 1122
Status: U

[View Quote] > Ahh, but I never said I was against wasting bandwidth either, so I ain't
> no hypocrite. (how's that spell-checker, btw? ;P) In fact, I'm willing
> to waste enough bandwidth to choke a Mac if it'll get my point across.
> :) I was just trying to see things from Bits' point of view and attempt
> to help clarify his point.

Um, the point YOU are proving of Bits' is "contribut[ing] to overloaded threads [which wastes] bandwidth because of the domino effect it causes".

> Oh, and I can beat a dead horse as long as anyone, so we can take this
> outside if you want. ;) I mean, heck, it's not like I have anything
> better to do. Why else would I be posting in this newsgroup? ;D
> Ok, that's enough for me; I'll wait for a discussion with a bit more
> ammo in it. But I'll let ya have the last word if you really want to.
> See ya next thread! ;)

If only you were around when--gee, I can't even remember the twit's name anymore it's been so long--some old-time AWer challenged me to a flame match. We kept it up for weeks and he eventually broke down crying or something.

[View Quote]

Re: Let the Bandwidth-wasting Begin! (was Re: Doesn't matter eep. :))

Jul 7, 2000, 11:24am
<39648950$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com> <39650624$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com>
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X-Authenticated-User: eep
X-RCPT-TO: <moderator at activeworlds.com>
X-UIDL: 1122
Status: U

[View Quote] > Ahh, but I never said I was against wasting bandwidth either, so I ain't
> no hypocrite. (how's that spell-checker, btw? ;P) In fact, I'm willing
> to waste enough bandwidth to choke a Mac if it'll get my point across.
> :) I was just trying to see things from Bits' point of view and attempt
> to help clarify his point.

Um, the point YOU are proving of Bits' is "contribut[ing] to overloaded threads [which wastes] bandwidth because of the domino effect it causes".

> Oh, and I can beat a dead horse as long as anyone, so we can take this
> outside if you want. ;) I mean, heck, it's not like I have anything
> better to do. Why else would I be posting in this newsgroup? ;D
> Ok, that's enough for me; I'll wait for a discussion with a bit more
> ammo in it. But I'll let ya have the last word if you really want to.
> See ya next thread! ;)

If only you were around when--gee, I can't even remember the twit's name anymore it's been so long--some old-time AWer challenged me to a flame match. We kept it up for weeks and he eventually broke down crying or something.

[View Quote]

The Petition's the Thing!

Jul 9, 2000, 8:58pm
I remember when Lucrezia got in good with Rick and JP. Oh, lots of "community" things started happening and it almost seemed like AWCI had a person who would listen to its users instead of brushing them off like Rick and JP so often seem to do. But, people change...and Lucrezia has been assimilated into the AWCI collective quite well, it would seem. I think if AW had more close competition it might push Rick and JP to listen to their CUSTOMERS (not the occasional uniserver buyer but the people who actually account for most of AW's income: citizens!) and not act so apathetic all the time.

[View Quote] > It started with a simple request to add a few already-been-made objects
> to the AW object server. After much cajoling, ranting, and pressure,
> they were finally added. Now it seems that petitions are popping up all
> over the place! Petitions for furniture objects, contact list options,
> and now raising the cell data limit. While all these causes are well and
> good, they aren't really all that realistic.
> The thing that made Just In's petition so successful wasn't because he
> got a ton of signatures. It was because the objects he want added were
> already constructed; all COF had to do was move the files onto their
> server. But these other petitions aren't practical for COF at all.
> Furniture petition: Unless someone has already made the furniture
> objects you want added, COF probably won't do it. They've been
> historically slow when it comes to adding new objects, and they've
> already said they wouldn't be adding any more objects for some time.
> Contact List petition: What with 3.0 Beta still going on, and it's not
> looking like they're planning on changing it anymore. We probably won't
> even see anything like this until 3.1, if ever. Considering they only
> have two developers at the moment, we can expect development to be slow
> to begin with. And I think that making sure that AW for all systems is
> more important to them that the ability to make yourself "Away"
> Cell Data Limit petition: Not happening. COF has also been historically
> stingy about the cell data limit, and with good reason. If you have a
> public building world as huge as AW, you'd have to be insane to want a
> Huge data limit. Even now, with AW set at normal, there are tons of
> places that are laggy as all get out. If you were to up the limit to
> Huge, you probably wouldn't even be able to move! And for those of you
> who think that people should just get a better system, try walking
> through R Town some time and see how you fare :P
> Perhaps what's most disturbing about all these petitions, though, is
> that it seems people think this is the only way to get COF's attention.
> And as far as I can tell, it just might be. Trying to reach them via
> email or telegram is nigh impossible and their appearances in AW are
> rare. How are we supposed to get any sort of customer service, when you
> can't reach anyone?
> Take heed COF: When your customers start tossing petitions at you left
> and right, that should be a hint that maybe they aren't quite satisfied
> with you or your product. But then, you've never paid attention before,
> so why should you start now?
> I say, instead of starting petitions, we need to help them help us.
> Since it's apparent that threats and boycotts do not effect change,
> (sorry Eep) we should try the opposite approach. Start getting people to
> sign up for more citizenships, or maybe even buy a world. Find people
> that are willing to apply for jobs at COF. Get people interested in
> helping out around the community in any way possible. That way, COF will
> have more resources available to them and, hopefully, make good use of
> them. Then once they get back on their feet, they can afford to look
> after our interests.
> Let's face facts: COF is struggling to stay above water. With all of its
> problems and bad decisions in the past, they are no longer able to look
> after the customer's needs. So instead of bitching at them and trying to
> put them under for good, we should assist them in any way possible. Then
> maybe, just maybe, they would be willing to return the favor...

The Petition's the Thing!

Jul 9, 2000, 8:58pm
I remember when Lucrezia got in good with Rick and JP. Oh, lots of "community" things started happening and it almost seemed like AWCI had a person who would listen to its users instead of brushing them off like Rick and JP so often seem to do. But, people change...and Lucrezia has been assimilated into the AWCI collective quite well, it would seem. I think if AW had more close competition it might push Rick and JP to listen to their CUSTOMERS (not the occasional uniserver buyer but the people who actually account for most of AW's income: citizens!) and not act so apathetic all the time.

[View Quote] > It started with a simple request to add a few already-been-made objects
> to the AW object server. After much cajoling, ranting, and pressure,
> they were finally added. Now it seems that petitions are popping up all
> over the place! Petitions for furniture objects, contact list options,
> and now raising the cell data limit. While all these causes are well and
> good, they aren't really all that realistic.
> The thing that made Just In's petition so successful wasn't because he
> got a ton of signatures. It was because the objects he want added were
> already constructed; all COF had to do was move the files onto their
> server. But these other petitions aren't practical for COF at all.
> Furniture petition: Unless someone has already made the furniture
> objects you want added, COF probably won't do it. They've been
> historically slow when it comes to adding new objects, and they've
> already said they wouldn't be adding any more objects for some time.
> Contact List petition: What with 3.0 Beta still going on, and it's not
> looking like they're planning on changing it anymore. We probably won't
> even see anything like this until 3.1, if ever. Considering they only
> have two developers at the moment, we can expect development to be slow
> to begin with. And I think that making sure that AW for all systems is
> more important to them that the ability to make yourself "Away"
> Cell Data Limit petition: Not happening. COF has also been historically
> stingy about the cell data limit, and with good reason. If you have a
> public building world as huge as AW, you'd have to be insane to want a
> Huge data limit. Even now, with AW set at normal, there are tons of
> places that are laggy as all get out. If you were to up the limit to
> Huge, you probably wouldn't even be able to move! And for those of you
> who think that people should just get a better system, try walking
> through R Town some time and see how you fare :P
> Perhaps what's most disturbing about all these petitions, though, is
> that it seems people think this is the only way to get COF's attention.
> And as far as I can tell, it just might be. Trying to reach them via
> email or telegram is nigh impossible and their appearances in AW are
> rare. How are we supposed to get any sort of customer service, when you
> can't reach anyone?
> Take heed COF: When your customers start tossing petitions at you left
> and right, that should be a hint that maybe they aren't quite satisfied
> with you or your product. But then, you've never paid attention before,
> so why should you start now?
> I say, instead of starting petitions, we need to help them help us.
> Since it's apparent that threats and boycotts do not effect change,
> (sorry Eep) we should try the opposite approach. Start getting people to
> sign up for more citizenships, or maybe even buy a world. Find people
> that are willing to apply for jobs at COF. Get people interested in
> helping out around the community in any way possible. That way, COF will
> have more resources available to them and, hopefully, make good use of
> them. Then once they get back on their feet, they can afford to look
> after our interests.
> Let's face facts: COF is struggling to stay above water. With all of its
> problems and bad decisions in the past, they are no longer able to look
> after the customer's needs. So instead of bitching at them and trying to
> put them under for good, we should assist them in any way possible. Then
> maybe, just maybe, they would be willing to return the favor...

The Petition's the Thing!

Jul 11, 2000, 11:41pm
[View Quote] > *nod* It's true that people change, and in Lucrezia's case, I'd almost
> say irreversibly so. And some people who hook up with COF get
> assimilated almost instantly. (Flagg, for example) But not all people
> succumb to COF's trappings. Even though HamFon's started hanging with
> that crowd, he's still easily accessible and can always be reached to
> answer questions and such. (concerning bots, at least) And, my hope is
> that he will be able to get a person in touch with whichever COFer you
> need to talk to. (I have yet to test this)
> And who knows... perhaps this new batch of employees (whenever they get
> here :P) will be a completely different crowd from COF and won't fall
> into the trap. Then again, it could just be wishful thinking.
> Of course, one way to guarantee that won't happen is to find people who
> you already know wouldn't fall for such a scam and get them interested
> in signing up for a position. That way, we'll have our own people "on
> the inside" and be able to get something done for a change. Know anyone
> that fits the bill? :)

Yea, me. But Rick ignored my telegrams about the 3D modeler position...<shrug>

[View Quote]

The Petition's the Thing!

Jul 13, 2000, 11:20am
No. Because AWCI is incorporated in Delaware, Delaware Corporation Law states that shareholders have NO say over the company, so they don't own it. Rick, JP, and Vanguard Enterprises (who effectively bought then-COF) own AWCI.

[View Quote] > The owners are the shareholders.
> The directors are Rick Noll (ENZO - President/CEO) and JP McCormick
> (Cryonics - Chairman/CFO)
[View Quote]

The Petition's the Thing!

Jul 13, 2000, 11:20am
[View Quote] > I would think it rather hard to send a resume via telegram. ;)

I telegrammed Rick ABOUT the position. Read more carefully.

[View Quote] So do eyes...

The Petition's the Thing!

Jul 14, 2000, 9:54am
[View Quote] > Sorry, I had taken it to mean you actually wanted to *apply* for the
> job. After all, that's what my point was in my previous post: that we
> need people to apply for these jobs, not just ask questions. My
> mistake...

Um, I did. Hence why I wanted to see if I even had a chance! Read, please...this isn't quantum physics...

> Still, I bet if you send in a resume, you'll get a response a lot
> quicker. :)

Why would I want to give a company all my work history, educational background, and knowledge history when I have NO chance at getting the position? Uh...think, Goober...

[View Quote] You think? Coulda fooled me!

The Petition's the Thing!

Jul 15, 2000, 4:49pm
<396eff76$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com> <396f8947$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Date: 15 Jul 2000 00:12:18 -0400
X-Trace: 15 Jul 2000 00:12:18 -0400,
Lines: 69
X-Authenticated-User: eep
X-RCPT-TO: <moderator at activeworlds.com>
X-UIDL: 1191
Status: U

Do I need to smack you? Rick and JP KNOW my qualifications--they've seen my work; I talked to Shamus about the position and he said so himself. They just don't like my attitude towards them (can you blame me for their level of incompetence?!) but when it would come to 3D modelling I wouldn't let that interfere with my work. Anyway, it's a dead issue now as I already have a job.

[View Quote] > Where I come from, when one wants to try for a job, they send in their
> application first and then ask all the questions they want during the
> interview. Maybe it's different in your neck of the woods...
> And how do you know you don't stand a chance? If you've got the
> qualifications, that should be enough. You said so yourself, Rick never
> answered your queries, so you don't know until you try.
[View Quote]

The Petition's the Thing!

Jul 20, 2000, 2:43pm
<3970b253$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com> <3973295c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Date: 19 Jul 2000 20:00:25 -0400
X-Trace: 19 Jul 2000 20:00:25 -0400,
Lines: 109
X-Authenticated-User: eep
X-RCPT-TO: <moderator at activeworlds.com>
X-UIDL: 1223
Status: R

It really doesn't matter if I get a job with AWCI or not--hence why I telegrammed Rick to see if I even had a chance. Pay attention, sport...or do I need to smack you too?

[View Quote] > As an outsider, it looks like your the one in need of a smack eep. Did you
> tell your present employer he had it all wrong, was heading in the wrong
> direction, and should bring back old personel? No? Maybe you should see what
> it gets you - of course say that your opinion of him won't affect your
> perfomance, he'll love that.
> What you've (hopefully) learned may be a lesson of value later in life. I
> think it goes, "Don't burn the bridges in front of you."

Please <snip> where appropriate!

Jul 20, 2000, 2:31pm
Not posting in HTML helps, too. But, really, just up the allowed message length and don't send full headers in your "moderation" filter, eh? Who is this posting anyway? Don't hide behind the generic "Activeworlds.com, Inc." label!

[View Quote] > Attention Community Newsgroup Posters: Please try to be conservative when you are replying to posts and quoting text from previous messages. It is not necessary to copy all of the text of every previous message in the thread when making a brief reply; it's more expedient to simply include the excerpts from the post that are pertinent to your reply. Lengthy replies including a lot of quoted text from previous messages can occasionally clog up the moderation tool, and may render the message impossible to post and could result in the rejection of the post. Thank you, Activeworlds.com, Inc.

Re: Browser v3.0

Sep 23, 2000, 11:05pm
Go to Hole world to REALLY test out AW3...

[View Quote] > Just upgraded to Browser v3.0?
> Want to take it for a spin?
> Check out some of these locations...
> Tyrell's OORT - AlphaWorld
> ( http://www3.sk.sympatico.ca/ty1/tyrell3.htm )
> (hotlink under all JPGs)
> All of Tyrell's locations are Browser Ver 3.0 compliant (Ver 2.2 users may not see location as intended...)


http://tnlc.com/eep/ - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
Enable line/word wrap if text not wrapping. http://tnlc.com/eep/wrap.html for more info.

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