AlphaWorld "Wishlist" (Wishlist)

AlphaWorld "Wishlist" // Wishlist

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Mar 17, 1999, 9:10pm
Ooohhhhh, where is this world, and how much does it cost to become a
licensed killer? Ummm, the correct term is Suppressor, not silencer, it
doesnt totally quiet the weapon, though with a well suppressed MP-5 the
sound of the the bolt's clacking and chambering another round is louder than
the actual sounds of the round fired. Not trying to correct you, just
informing ya... Silencer is a Hollywood term that everyone seems to have
adopted...but oh well... Hehe, is there a way to get an av with a pair of
nvg? That would be most excellent.

As to Shamus;s guestion, I would like to see little household objects that
offer that lived in look, as many others have said. It would be a nice
touch definitely, as is, way too sterile looking...Hmm, can we get some more
trees? I find the ones that we have to be somewhat lacking. The trees in
AWUniversity are owesome, that is what I think would be another nice
addition. Perhaps some different animals, like birds, dogs, a rabbit or so,
something to make AW look alive. thanks.
Ashen Shugara

and I did mean it about wanting to know the name of the world, sounds pretty

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Mar 17, 1999, 10:04pm
But I thought hollywood *invented* the surpressor/silencer!
*pout* ya learn something new every day! (Of course you'd think
the unofficial Heckler-Koch website would have used the proper
term... Or any of the arms dealer sites on the web offering
these weapons for sale to the highest bidder... Of course now
that i'm looking, I do see "sound surpressor" used fairly often)
These avatars are up in "grover" world, when it's running. It's
not so much a "world"-world as an object testing-world, but there
are a few roller coasters in there ;-) Of course if i'm lucky,
these killers will be liscensed to many many many worlds soon!!
hehe ($50/mil-av, or all 6 (including jungle camo and varied
ethnicities) for $95)


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Mar 17, 1999, 10:32pm
Hmmm, is there a way you can make an avatar with an M88 McMillan .50 BMG?
It is my very favorite gun I think, haha. And give him the action of being
able to lay down and take aim, hehe. hmm, as to the avatars, remind me later
down the road and I'll try to squeeze my budget for them. My world is going
to be fantasy theme, but hey, specials can be crazy specops warriors running
around with guns, hehe. I do mean it about telling me later, I am
interested. I know, I read that on the unofficial H&K sight, and it made me
cringe. Oh well, not that it makes any difference what anyone call it I
Ashen Shugara

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Mar 17, 1999, 10:33pm
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Shamus doesn't have any part of the censoring actions of = He's an artist like me. He happens to be getting on =
with his usual business instead of getting mired in the quicksand of =
debate. Please don't attack him for being responsible in his duties. =
That would be like calling up the US Post Office and complaining that =
they were spending all their time distracting people by delivering the =
mail instead of doing something about the Iraq situation.


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andras sarkozy

Mar 17, 1999, 10:44pm
[View Quote] > Bille a écrit:
> I think we can spend time on the both. But I see concern from COF on only one.

YS has a specific question. He is concerned about the objects and not about your
"anarchist" opinion. If JP or Rick comes in with ANY question - you have the right to
demolish it. Not Shamus's ones!!!
You are objecting the management's operation - so stick with it please.

> Curiously they come out with some sudden interest to a topic asked for long like this
> one or rather marginal when they are questioned about major issues for the
> community. Reminds me when in the huge debate here about having some voting system on
> some issues (repleatidly promised for age by COF), suddenly ENZO poped in saying it was
> a good implement VRT!!! Sure it was clever but again kinda " I listen to you
> but let's talk about something else".

Sounds good! Let talk about something else. How about new objects???? <seems you cant
comprehend the original post. Or maybe you do - but your insight does not let you steer
away from your "demolishion crusade".>

> Again YS initiative is good, and the coincidence strange. If you ever get news about
> the bot, thanks to share.:)
> Absoluetly. Most are able to address both topics....but COF.:)

Important figures like: HJ? mgib? SN? QB? What a joke :) Not even Eep is an important
figure (thou he at least did a LOT for AW not like the guys you did!!)
You folks did not do anything else but complain and tried to destory AW. You deserve your
punishmen. Just take a look Hj's "beautiful" press pages :) it was a good laugh for me -
but nothing else, but it hurts AW IMO. Few rebels tries to take over AW :))))
Yes - mgib, it is easy to be a rebel from France. You have no idea how to run a company in
the US. You have the history in Europe behind you to do that. Results??? I see nothing. I
hope you don't want a public rehersal of your "nice conversation" in AW GZ about the "bad
language"?? Will you ever grow up?

I'm complaining too. Hate those eject robots, disappointed by the company's leadership ( I
own stocks opposed to you). Still - I have a different approach. Why don't we help AWCOM
(AWCI) (whatever) - to come and prosper? Isn't it all what we want (explicitly or
To criticize positively helps - to dehonest a projcet/ppl/company does not. It maybe
helped in the 18th century you are so proud of it <Eep - don't respond. This is out of your
scope> but it is 1999 now.
I don't like attack ppl - neither feelings. Anyone who knows me will say this is not from
him. Still - I feel I had to write this and I'm behind it. Period.
I apologize of any grammar or spelling errors English is my second language.

> I prefer to put pritority on persons than on objects. The spirit is going


Mar 17, 1999, 10:45pm
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I don't see how it's strange. Censorship has been a hot issue in AW =
for a very long time (since the picture object was introduced)... and =
socially poor COF/AWLD actions have been taking place regarding it for =
well over a year.


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andras sarkozy

Mar 17, 1999, 10:48pm
You'll never get a straight answer out of him <maybe a month later in a
5 pages document?>.
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spring dew

Mar 17, 1999, 10:53pm
a écrit means "has written," if I didn't screw it up too bad in my horribly
rusty French.

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Mar 17, 1999, 11:05pm
Okay, thanks, just wondering. wasnt sure if it was something like "coldegg
the turd" or "coldegg my bitch" or whatever, hehe. Whenever people dont
speak English I tend to wonder what it means.

andras sarkozy

Mar 17, 1999, 11:22pm
Well said!! Thanks

[View Quote] > Shamus doesn't have any part of the censoring actions of He's an artist like me. He happens to be getting on with his usual business instead of getting mired in the quicksand of debate. Please don't attack him for being responsible in his duties. That would be like calling up the US Post Office and complaining that they were spending all their time distracting people by delivering the mail instead of doing something about the Iraq situation.
> Rjinswand


Mar 17, 1999, 11:30pm
In that case I am glad that he didnt say Coldegg fucker principal de mère
de shit, haha, wow this is nice, any way I can get one to d/l for my puter?


Mar 18, 1999, 5:05am
Trying to compare COF with the U.S. Federal Adm. is certainly compatible with their ego. From the size of the company, and the fact this ng IS the place where you discuss (and are maybe answered) on as well "artistic" as community issue, I sitck to my point.

Besides the fact I read in AWWoS that your artist is involved in finding a clue to Yellow, which is a good thing but not compatible with your point.

[View Quote] > Shamus doesn't have any part of the censoring actions of He's an artist like me. He happens to be getting on with his usual business instead of getting mired in the quicksand of debate. Please don't attack him for being responsible in his duties. That would be like calling up the US Post Office and complaining that they were spending all their time distracting people by delivering the mail instead of doing something about the Iraq situation.
> Rjinswand
[View Quote]


Mar 18, 1999, 5:28am
[View Quote] [View Quote] I stick to it, and wherever I want, no matter what i'm told by a fascist.

> Sounds good! Let talk about something else. How about new objects???? <seems you cant
> comprehend the original post. Or maybe you do - but your insight does not let you steer
> away from your "demolishion crusade".>

"demolition crusade"? I quitted AWHS for a while.:)

> Important figures like: HJ? mgib? SN? QB? What a joke :) Not even Eep is an important
> figure (thou he at least did a LOT for AW not like the guys you did!!)
> You folks did not do anything else but complain and tried to destory AW. You deserve your
> punishmen.

Facter and Simon Says will appreciate as I was refering to them. Maybe you are right. If they
quit because they are pissed off by policies people like you stand for, who care really?
They'll just join the rank of those who made nothing else but complain and finally quitted
like NetGuy, Dataman, DNapalm etc...

As to question if I did a lot, I can't tell. It did things for the community, even if I never
felt like bragging about it. Some knows.

> Yes - mgib, it is easy to be a rebel from France.

No, COF doesn't care to block IP here. Just few zulus.

> You have no idea how to run a company in
> the US.

How do you know?

> I'm complaining too. Hate those eject robots, disappointed by the company's leadership ( I
> own stocks opposed to you). Still - I have a different approach.

Oh! Nice! And what's the result of your approach?(you have stocks? Well, you should have learnt
how microcap business is run in the U.S. first:) )

> To criticize positively helps -

No. It doesn't. Just after a positive move from many citizens to have at least an adult
environment for language in one place and ready for the dialogue, we got these bots as an
answer. So where are the result of your approach?


Mar 18, 1999, 5:31am
Thank you for these precisions. But we are far from the wishlist of what we are
There is everything on AW to kill in silence.:)

[View Quote] > Ooohhhhh, where is this world, and how much does it cost to become a
> licensed killer? Ummm, the correct term is Suppressor, not silencer, it
> doesnt totally quiet the weapon, though with a well suppressed MP-5 the
> sound of the the bolt's clacking and chambering another round is louder than
> the actual sounds of the round fired. Not trying to correct you, just
> informing ya... Silencer is a Hollywood term that everyone seems to have
> adopted...but oh well... Hehe, is there a way to get an av with a pair of
> nvg? That would be most excellent.
> As to Shamus;s guestion, I would like to see little household objects that
> offer that lived in look, as many others have said. It would be a nice
> touch definitely, as is, way too sterile looking...Hmm, can we get some more
> trees? I find the ones that we have to be somewhat lacking. The trees in
> AWUniversity are owesome, that is what I think would be another nice
> addition. Perhaps some different animals, like birds, dogs, a rabbit or so,
> something to make AW look alive. thanks.
> Ashen Shugara
> and I did mean it about wanting to know the name of the world, sounds pretty
> nice.
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Mar 18, 1999, 5:38am
I forgot......

[View Quote] > You folks did not do anything else but complain and tried to destory AW. You deserve your
> punishmen.

Btw, these folks aren't sure it's a punishement. They heard about nothing and their requests
for explanantion remained unanswered. So maybe with your "good approach" you can get some more
info, sure they'd appreciate!But maybe this too much to ask from neo-fascists.


Mar 18, 1999, 4:05pm
[View Quote] Yeah, that'd be a cool one.

>One thing I've found useful in my own world is a horizontal
>panel that's white on the bottom and opacity=0 on the top.
>These make neat lighted ceilings that the people using camera
>view can see through.


Mar 18, 1999, 4:08pm
wow, yes, that'd be a huge improvement. Then we could all start living
inside our houses instead of just creating them!! I'd like to see lot's of
these things added!


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