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strike rapier

Jul 24, 2004, 8:19pm
I think we know they had the WMD's.... they used chemical weapons against
the Kurds.

- MR

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Jul 24, 2004, 8:42pm
[View Quote] The latest reason for the war = American APATHY, all you need to do is look
through this string to see that, most are more excited about attacking me as
a migrant, or the validity of this post in an AW NG rather than the nearly
1000 solders that are mince meat and the legless and armless babies in Iraq.

Yes American apathy is the most resent CAUSE of the WAR in Iraq. Instead of
getting pissed off with me (which does not effect me in the least BTW, I
couldn't care less what you think of me) why not get pissed off at your so
called leaders and use your 1st amendment right to demonstrate to STOP THE



> "jerme" <JerMe at> kirjoitti viestiss
> news:41028295 at


Jul 24, 2004, 9:14pm
20 feet? psh, a single phone call, to push a red button, and that's it. for
anything like a key, just throw it over! :)


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Jul 24, 2004, 9:25pm
ok, here's my suggestion! everyone download the song "You Talk Too Much" by
Run DMC, and follow the instructions ^_^


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Jul 24, 2004, 9:42pm
wait, that was rude of me O_O download the song, please! ^_^


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Jul 25, 2004, 12:32am
Drac, diplomacy suits you so well. As a reward you'll get no long-winded
retort from me, just a "Hi, how've you been lately :-)"
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Jul 25, 2004, 12:34am
Andras, about that bet- I know you weren't speaking to me, but when you

>The USA is his/her (Hu's) country too - you have no right to claim it as
only yours.

(How is this so? He certainly is welcome to live here and air his views in
the proper forum, but if he wants an full-fledged part of it, he must pay
taxes and become a citizen, just like anywhere else. Then I also think he
should vote, and should encourage others to, in another forum where people
are looking for wisdom of this kind. If he already became a citizen when I
wasn't looking, I humbly apologize to him and welcome him again, and -out of
AW- will join him (in spirit) in trying to make things better) But my main
point was about your bet-

> I would bet my one year salary that Hu gave more to our country than %95
of the population!

Did you mean OUR country (USA) or your country? If you meant USA, can I take
that bet? The request is no reflection on Hu at all, what he does for this
or any other country is his own business, but I am so certain you are
incorrect that I am willing to "risk" the challenge. (As long as you mean
members of the population old enough to walk, talk, and make it to the
bathroom on their own.)

And while I'm on the subject of that group of people, were you comparing the
most highly skilled immigrants to the "least" Americans among us (every
society has them, you know) when you said:

well educated engineers, doctors, teachers, etc? Did you ever check the
requirements for an immigrant visa (sorry, it is called now permanent
residency :)?

And then when you said:

head :( I wouldn't talk about the teens that can't read and write even
after a college graduation.
I witnessed once when the electricity was out that the cashier burst in
tears because she couldn't calculate the change from a $10 bill for a $8.47
bill (she was 19 years old as she told)

Wouldn't it be more fair to compare our homegrown highly skilled with highly
skilled immigrants, and then compare the opposites, such as:

with the 20+ year olds that cannot compute figures in their heads? (Keeping
in mind, again, that every society has them.)

As far as the most valuable immigrants to us and the strict immigration
standards we have, I believe it is similar to the standards most countries
set. Should we not invite skilled practitioners into our society as long we
also allow and accommodate those who need more than they can return? Should
we welcome immigrants who come simply for the medical care, but then not
recognize the value of the immigrant doctors who heal them? Should we
welcome the oppressed, poor, homeless, fugitives, but not openly encourage
those others to come who would add their expertise to make this a better
place for the needier group?

And what about the issue of our president, and the upcoming elections when
someone stated that the voters, not Hu, would decide? (As if it needed any
explanation) You said:

Do you already know what we will decide? Yes? Then please let us in on it.
No? Then why do you act as if we aren't acting fast enough for you? If you,
Hu, or whoever else wants to have a particular outcome, become a citizen
like I'd have to do to vote in your country. Don't try to alienate those who
WILL decide by implying they are all too stupid or incompetent to make a
rational decision. Do you know a country that has not had pitfalls,
downfalls, pratfalls or less than ideal moments in its history? Then send me
a brochure, I have a vacation coming up.

Most sincerely,


count dracula

Jul 25, 2004, 11:31am
Ahh it is the kurds now, then you better attack Turkey also.

"strike rapier" <strike at> kirjoitti viestiss
news:4102e081 at
> I think we know they had the WMD's.... they used chemical weapons against
> the Kurds.
> - MR
[View Quote]

strike rapier

Jul 25, 2004, 11:42am
Meh whoever it was who they used them on, Bush's constant crap is enough to
suck my knowledge out! But ye old Chemical Ali will have to face a lovely
trial now.

- MR

[View Quote]


Jul 25, 2004, 10:07pm
Well, if you want the other side of the story, try


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Jul 26, 2004, 12:10am

"We are asking the United States, the United Nations secretary general, the
European Union and the African Union for the urgent deployment of troops in
the coming days to ensure the delivery of food aid to millions of refugees,"
he said.

....Some observers also accused the rebels in Darfur of obstructing peace
efforts in the expectation that that the international community will
intervene. (News Arab World)

Damned if we do and damned if we don't. I'm voting for Bush. Those who
oppose my choice also have a right to your opinion.


jaguar hahn

Jul 26, 2004, 4:29pm
Hu I beleive nothing of you, and am not falling for your bullcrap lies. You
have a right to your opinion but I'm sticking up for my country.


[View Quote]


Jul 26, 2004, 5:07pm
Hi Jag,

What either of us believes makes no difference to the facts as they are;
Fact: Bush insisted that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, he was WRONG.
Fact: Bush insisted Iraq was in bed with the Taliban, he was WRONG. Fact:
Bush defied the UN and bulldozed your country into an illegal war, he was

I am not attacking your country, I respect America and its people, and I'm
not even attacking Bush. What I am doing is telling the truth about the
illegal dealings of a corrupt organization. Whilst the Republican Party
defends and supports the policies of the Bush White House it is a corrupt
organization that is completely undeserving of the patronage of the American

I realize that in the past you, as Americans have had some incredible men in
the presidency however recently the trend has be towards the fraudulent end
of the scale. I can understand that historically you have been behind your
presidents 100% and now there is actually a crook in the White House it must
be devastating for you.

All I can do is support you in your efforts to heal the situation so that
you can reclaim a righteous presidency that you are proud of and a respected
position in the world community. I swear I will leave America if Bush is
re-elected and you will not hear from me in a political capacity again. I am
not generally a politically motivated person however I the current climate I
feel I am as responsible as anyone else to do all I can to heal the world!



[View Quote]


Jul 26, 2004, 6:09pm
Hmm, you're not attacking "Butcher Bush and his cronies"? (to quote you) :P


Jul 26, 2004, 6:14pm
Correction: I ment to say Al-Queda not the Taliban in the above post!



[View Quote]


Jul 27, 2004, 2:07am
Wait... and this still relates to AW how??

Ohh, that's right. It doesn't.

Jeremy Booker - Owner / Webmaster
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34

[View Quote]

count dracula

Jul 27, 2004, 7:05am
I am sorry I do not speak southern very well, but one part I do understand
and agree with and that is "Bush's constant crap is enough ":)

"strike rapier" <strike at> kirjoitti viestiss
news:4103b8b8$1 at
> Meh whoever it was who they used them on, Bush's constant crap is enough
> suck my knowledge out! But ye old Chemical Ali will have to face a lovely
> trial now.
> - MR
[View Quote]

count dracula

Jul 27, 2004, 7:12am
I wonder how much damage one man has to do before people stop voting for
him, I guess making most world hate a nation, and limiting freedom of ones
citizens is not enough.
Personally I think that someone is such a powerfull position should atleast
be required to take an IQ test first, and if result smaller than shoe size
( which is the case with Georg Bush st ( stupidier)), one should not qulify
running for president. After all it is not only question of USA but it
affects the entire world. I do not wish to be bombed just because my country
is picked randomly out of the " who shall we blame and bomb this year"


".sharon" <slclarke at> kirjoitti viestiss
news:410467ff at
> "We are asking the United States, the United Nations secretary general,
> European Union and the African Union for the urgent deployment of troops
> the coming days to ensure the delivery of food aid to millions of
> he said.
> ...Some observers also accused the rebels in Darfur of obstructing peace
> efforts in the expectation that that the international community will
> intervene. (News Arab World)
> Damned if we do and damned if we don't. I'm voting for Bush. Those who
> oppose my choice also have a right to your opinion.
> Sharon

count dracula

Jul 27, 2004, 7:17am
Well I guess it somehow does. Since AW is situated in USA, the laws of US
affects them. If the paranoia people get their will fullfilled, AWI is soon
obligated to keep a record for 5? years of everyone who is in AW, who they
talk to and what they say. Who knows someone might be in here trying to
make a massdestructionweapon.rwx.


" free the world from religoins and pecae will be" -Dracula 12:12 pm

"jerme" <JerMe at> kirjoitti viestiss
news:4105d508$1 at
> Wait... and this still relates to AW how??
> Ohh, that's right. It doesn't.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jeremy Booker - Owner / Webmaster
> JTech Web Systems
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
> itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34
[View Quote]

count dracula

Jul 27, 2004, 7:18am
Sticking up for ones country is different than attacking other country
though, hon.

"jaguar hahn" <markterrell at> kirjoitti viestiss
news:41054d98$1 at
> Hu I beleive nothing of you, and am not falling for your bullcrap lies.
> have a right to your opinion but I'm sticking up for my country.
> Jag
[View Quote]


Jul 27, 2004, 2:01pm
Drac you are so funny - but your point is very serious... AWers are burying
their heads in the proverbial sand as usual...



[View Quote]

jaguar hahn

Jul 27, 2004, 5:11pm
He wasnt WRONG on Weapons. They could have been detonated, hidden or shipped
off. Just because we haven't found them doesn't mean they aren't there.
There are indeed Taliban members in Iraq. Yes and I agree he should have
gotten UN approval.

Otherwise the rest of your writing is very respectful, you are indeed


[View Quote]


Jul 27, 2004, 6:17pm
Well it's only you in all the world that still believes that... Bush has
been WRONG about almost everything, he is the bigest joke in the world ...



[View Quote]


Jul 28, 2004, 3:38am
"Almost everything" is a lot of stuff. Please list everything he was wrong

Okay, let me start the list for you.
1: He was wrong on the weapons of mass destruction, but acted on evidence
that MI6, Russian Intelligence, and the CIA had.

count dracula

Jul 28, 2004, 7:08am
Usually one do not punish people who "could have" been guilty though.

Using this logic I could pick a random member out of the village if I
suspect he might have a gun and could be a potential danger to his
enviroment, then simply drive over and kill him. Our law would not accept me
doing this, but I could always say it was a pre-emptive thing I did in the
name of safety of the village.

Btw did you know that quite many members of Al-Quida lives in USA? I do not
recall the numbers, but I belive most lives in the Washington area.
Taliban is an organisation who was sponsored and made powefull by for
example USA. I wonder once again if this tells us, one should not get
involved with matters that one really do not have anything to do with.
Sooner or later your own dogs might bite you. Like Saddam Hussein who was
put in charge by Bush the older.

"jaguar hahn" <markterrell at> kirjoitti viestiss
news:4106a8d5$1 at
> He wasnt WRONG on Weapons. They could have been detonated, hidden or
> off. Just because we haven't found them doesn't mean they aren't there.
> There are indeed Taliban members in Iraq. Yes and I agree he should have
> gotten UN approval.
> Otherwise the rest of your writing is very respectful, you are indeed
> correct.
> Jag
[View Quote]

jaguar hahn

Jul 28, 2004, 12:25pm
Just because we haven't found them doesn't mean they aren't/weren't there.
Hu, YOU are the biggest joke I've ever heard of :o)

Jaguar Hahn

[View Quote]


Jul 28, 2004, 1:52pm
I think jaguar, that they commonly refer to one who refuses to accept
reality as, insane, or at least an Ostrich because Ostriches tend to bury
their heads in the sand rather that face something...

jaguar face it, with the super modern spy satellites, heat seeking devices,
and other gadgetry the US now possess they can find anything they want to
find even on the moons of neighboring planets.

I don't know even why I'm bothering to continue with this overtly obvious
line of bullshit you are spinning. Though I wouldn't put it past Bush to
plant something (if anyone will help him now) to prove he was right so he
can win the election. Bush is not just a joke, he needs to be watched
closely because he is overtly an EVIL man.


New updates in:

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Jul 28, 2004, 5:26pm
Yes why are you bothering. For attention? Shut up!


Jul 28, 2004, 5:50pm
There she goes again proving to all her unsurpassed intellect - Sharon you
would have more of an effect if your were reasonable and did not attempt to
be insulting - Believe it or not there are a lot of people in this country
that agree with you but they also want to be polite about it. You are
entitled to your views and you are entitled to be respected for them, but
the respect part is earned.


New updates here:

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jaguar hahn

Jul 29, 2004, 11:01am
It would be more effective if you realized that it is not your country and
you should get a life :o)

Jaguar Hahn


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