they crossed the line. (Community)

they crossed the line. // Community

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Jun 30, 2003, 2:54pm
The gate is the most crowded world. Its the only place you can really find
anyone new to have a conversation with.
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Jun 30, 2003, 2:57pm
You tend to be nasty, but your buddy-buddy with the GKs so they don't do
anything about it.
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Jun 30, 2003, 3:00pm
Right, and the GKs should've stopped the person harrassing iggy. That's
iggy's point! Iggy probably does not harrass people or start debates, which
is why he is debating HERE. Iggy said he (or she) goes there to chat, and
never even said the she (or he) unsettles the atmosphere. Being ignored is
no reason to eject someone! That's the worst justification I've EVER heard.
Why not buck the system? If no one bucked the system, then we'd all be
opressed, and there would still be all kinds of horrible things like racism
and no free speech. Conforming is the worst thing you can ever do, so why
don't you buck the system once in a while?

The reason you refuse to believe iggy is because you know he (or she) is NOT
lying, but your friends with a lot of the GKs so you don't WANT to believe
about them.

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Jun 30, 2003, 3:07pm
..duo., Your about as wrong as I was when I first read this...:) I'd be the first one to scream bloody murder on a bad fact I've about had it with the GK Management......they leave the GK's out to dry way to many times. and are actually the reason the organization is faltering...IMO. I buck the system when it needs it.....but not at others expense. IMO Iggy should have left the Gate when he did not like what Vermin was saying, not sit there and make an issue out of it. Email is your friend and it's a "paper trail" when you need it.


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Jun 30, 2003, 3:08pm
Simple. Ignorign is not against any rule, so they have NO right to eject
iggy. Simple as that. The GKs being in charge isn't a rule. AW could shut
them down if they wanted, and put someone else in charge, it isn't definate.
The GKs are in charge to keep order, even if they don't always do the best
job. They aren't there to eject people because they dislike them. In fact I
remember hearing that GKs aren't ALOUD to do anything to someone because
they wronged a GK. YOU want people in charge who are corrupt and don't eject
YOU because their your friends, and YOU have no feeling, understanding, or
sympathy for anyone who is NOT friends with the GKs. Technically Iggy or I
would probably make better GKs because we don't wrong people like that. The
gate might be a little disorderly, but sometimes people feeling comfortable
is more important.

your posts, if you continue beign a jerk I'll ask enzo to tell you to be
nicer or delete your posts since you REFUSE to be kind.
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Jun 30, 2003, 3:11pm
I'll start by saying that your post completely ignores all my points, and
that I shouldn't respond to it, but I will.

All the time I'm there. Whenever someone is there while I'm chatting, I'll
help them. For example, this morning a tourist needed a seed object
somewhere in AWTeen. I went out of my way to make it for them. How many GKs
do you know would do that?

How many hours a day do GKs spend at the gate hurting people? Doing an
insufficient job? Being unfair?
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Jun 30, 2003, 3:12pm
Me too, and that's a lot of the time.
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Jun 30, 2003, 3:19pm
I'm only nasty when I need to be.....don't harass me and the people I'm with and you won't see me nasty...:)
Look at my freak'in name dude.....I'm everyone's "Bud" least that's how I start out....unless you piss on me then I piss on you...:)
And BTW I read every word of your post and pondered it fairly...:)


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Jun 30, 2003, 3:37pm
..duo. bite me hows that for nasty.......<BB unloads another truck full of fense post for Duo to argue with.>
I've had it with your lame ass post's also....learn to conform (thats how society works) if you have a complaint, lodge it through the proper not go to the gate and harass gatekeepers....thats not how it works.....if you don;t like being ejected then don;'t do ejectable things at the gate...;) very simple... sorry you can't understand that.

OH and please name all the Gatekeepers I am close friends with....:) Please..... I await your response to this.

Leo :)

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the lady

Jun 30, 2003, 3:43pm
High Dysfunction, actually that's a very accurate observation.

But then I've had people talk to me that refer to gate ejection as causing
suicide attacks. I think that has its problems too.

Yesterday, two avatars at the gate were, well, they were in a position and
describing a position not fit for the gate, which, I knew was going to
happen sometime, just didn't know when. Odd thing is there are people there
watching all this that seem to have more interest in wanting to see what the
reaction is of everyone else, therefore, they purposely don't speak up and
say anything. What do you call those people? And, why don't they speak up?

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count dracula

Jun 30, 2003, 3:52pm
Re: they crossed the line.I guess I missing the place in the chat where
someone is trying to justify the actions of Hitler. Talking about history do
not make anyone a nazi. Many people talk about other murderers like Stalin,
Bush , Sharon and Gadaffi also without beeing ejected, I do not see why
Hitler would be moore of a taboo.

iggythealleycat <arnoldlayn2005 at> kirjoitti
viestissä:BB2618B2.896%arnoldlayn2005 at
in article 3f003179$1 at, binarybud at
leo at wrote on 6/30/03 3:47 PM:

here is the log:



Jun 30, 2003, 4:54pm
Vermin committed no crime other than expressing his opinion. If you are such an anti-fascist, proud American, then you might recall a teansie little article in the Bill of Rights that allows American citizens to speak out against the government without fear of federal persecution. Just because you don't like to hear what he has to say doesn't mean that he doesn't have the same rights and privileges that you do. If you want to silence him, then you're not much better than Joseph Goebbels.

That, however, is a law planted firmly in the real world, and does not necessarily apply in AW. According to the rules of AWGate, I see nothing wrong, though. There was no real debate going on (as far as I can tell you were the sole opposition of Vermin), there was no slandering, no swearing, and no insulting. Seeing that no one else apparently had a problem with this, you should have muted him (muting the GK was, quite frankly, stupid) and gone along your merry way. If someone's opinions expressed over the Internet can get to you that easily, then you seriously need to learn to have faith in your own beliefs.

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Jun 30, 2003, 6:45pm
I committed suicide after being ejected from AWGate, now I am but a lonely
ghost wandering the internet.


U 4 real?

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Jun 30, 2003, 7:55pm
I saw somebody call gatekeepers "turd burglers" once and nothing happened to
them :-S people get ejected for small things and then when somebody does
that, nothing!


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Jun 30, 2003, 7:57pm
He is better, he didn't want to kill Vermin :D

That may be incorrect as it is just a matter of opinion (the killing bit)


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Jun 30, 2003, 7:58pm
I stay away from the gate because I don't like places where I can only sit &
chat, other than that I don't mind it.


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Jun 30, 2003, 8:00pm
[View Quote] No political discussions are allowed. So said the GK on duty when I was
there that night, in fact, she made it a point to say "no discussions
whatsoever" were allowed... not in those words though.


lord perception

Jun 30, 2003, 8:22pm

Look, since there are lack of places to chat these days. It would probably
be wise if someone could set up and maintain a register of when people are
available to come on and then people get together at AlphaWorld GZ or some
other place at pre scheduled times.

The AWGate, really in my view was primarily a place for newbies to get
accustomed to using the software, not really a place for full on chat about

And BinaryBud, Are you able to refrain from constantly feeding the flames in
these NG's... Please?

alphabit phalpha

Jun 30, 2003, 8:24pm
Activeworlds Community Council
Hmmmmm...maybe it's time it were re-instated:)


Jun 30, 2003, 8:26pm
[View Quote] You're an immature brat, twit, thing... and I'm older so I win.



Jul 1, 2003, 12:04am
Once again, why should I conform? If everyone conformed and was the same,
wouldn't life be boring?

I don't harass GKs, or at leasat none have told me I do. Honestly, I love
being ejected :-P which is why I don't care.

Don't even post if you don't back up your claims. The only reason you call
my posts 'lame ass' is because they go against everything you think and
actually to some degree prove what they say.

You don't need to be close friends with GKs for them to be light on you.
Heck, there are some GKs I'm friends with and not surprisingly most of them
go easy on me.

I don't need to name any GKs your friends with. You conform, never question
authority, never speak up, and go with the flow. Why wouldn't a person of
authority like you?
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Jul 1, 2003, 12:06am
He was insulting jewish people and not only did not stop when asked, but was
just really nasty. Nastier than I. Also, there is no indication of why iggy
was ejected, which is the whole point. Iggy was pointing out that someone
was being semi-slanderous and not being ejected while the GK was ejecting
iggy for NO apparent reason and without warning.
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Jul 1, 2003, 12:08am
Which is why vermin should have been ejected, and there was no reason to
eject iggy. He (or she) spoke up against GKs and that's why he was ejected,
while it is a FAR more minor thing than hinting at slandor.
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Jul 1, 2003, 12:13am
Yeah, but those constitutional rights are taken away on the internet by the
digital millenium act or whatever its called. Also, iggy is not neccesarily
a 'proud-american' but had family in the holocaust. I think thats plenty of

Vermin clearly used the word 'jew' as if it were a bad thing, and you know
it. However, I don't really think that vermin saying that hitler was half
jewish was bad at all, and in fact if anything was to make hitler look
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Jul 1, 2003, 12:17am
There, a good argument. The GK management may be the reason certain GKs are
bad (or have gone bad) and are still there, and that would be the cause.
However, I was just arguing that there are bad GKs, and plenty of them.
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Jul 1, 2003, 12:17am
I agree.
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Jul 1, 2003, 12:19am
I agree with that statement 100%.
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Jul 1, 2003, 12:20am
No, but some GKs are really bad enough to eject people simply out of
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Jul 1, 2003, 12:20am
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Jul 1, 2003, 1:30am
[View Quote] > Yeah, but those constitutional rights are taken away on the internet by the
> digital millenium act or whatever its called. Also, iggy is not neccesarily
> a 'proud-american' but had family in the holocaust. I think thats plenty of
> justification.

Read before you respond, please.

"That, however, is a law planted firmly in the real world, and does not necessarily apply in AW."

(Myself, in reference to the Bill of Rights). I then go on to say that I think Vermin was not breaking the rules of discussion AWGate.

"According to the rules of AWGate, I see nothing wrong, though. There was no real debate going on (as far as I can tell you were the sole opposition of Vermin), there was no slandering, no swearing, and no insulting. Seeing that no one else apparently had a problem with this, you should have muted him (muting the GK was, quite frankly, stupid) and gone along your merry way."

> Vermin clearly used the word 'jew' as if it were a bad thing, and you know
> it. However, I don't really think that vermin saying that hitler was half
> jewish was bad at all, and in fact if anything was to make hitler look
> stupid.

Unfortunately, since I wasn't there, I *don't* know it. All I can see is that Vermin didn't seem to be bothering anybody but Iggy, which is why I advised Iggy that he should have muted the fellow and gone along his way. The GK isn't going to eject someone just because *one* person has a problem with him and he doesn't seem to be breaking any (official, as opposed to GK-on-the-spot) rules.

To rephrase: if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

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