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[NGS] My Diary...

May 25, 2001, 10:08pm
Dear Diary,
I swear...*sniff* I just wanted some ...*sniff*...memorabilia of our
Chuuuuuuuck!....Chuckkkkkkkkk!.....O why has tho foresaken me!:(
Did you go to SW Arabia with that tramp ????????
Btw...Chucky DEAR!....I found I can make some cool rythem from those 2
spoons you left behind:)
And the Wok well gamer thinks its a war hat or something....he wears it all
day long and swears its to defer the bullets.....I know....ya got me...
gamer can have the Dr Pepper.....It doesn't mix well with CLC:)
The FHM magazines were VERY misleading....I was under the understanding that
stood for Farming He Men....Boy was I surprised!
Anyways...gamer is lieing......he spent as much time as myself searching
thru your would have thought he were digging for gold!
Today I fear no vote out as I have alot of alliances:)
I think it's time I get away from camp a few hours and add to my
wardrobe...oh!...anyone know of a good hairdresser nearby?
Nite Diary:)

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[NG Survivor Results]

May 28, 2001, 11:58pm
Dear Diary,

Wow...last night was fantastic!
Gamer, Leaf, KAH, and myself shared a warm tent and twinkies!
Gamer had brought along a laptop and we visited a ton of nature sites to
see how to survive the elements should ewe find a need to:)
We did find in our searches that one definately searches "nataure"...not
Leaf is really happy out here in the duh with a name
like Leaf:)
Oh.....regarding survival tips....did you know that if a snake bites a
person you are supposed to cut off the limb that was bit?....I mean...not
"bit" as in me....but "bit" as in .....ummmmmmm.....two jaws coming together
with teeth and clamping down on something.
Anyways.....I am really enjoying the luxeries we have snuck into
camp....but shhhhhh.....please:)
KAH...what did you do with that blow dryer?

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[NG Survivor Results]

May 29, 2001, 1:36am
Cool!...we need ice for our sodas:)

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[NG Survivor Results]

May 29, 2001, 11:25am means they get hyperactive and don't sleep all night!....LOL
And the less sleep ...the weaker the mind becomes!....Muhahahahahaha!

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[NG Survivor Results]

May 29, 2001, 2:37pm
Well....I recon we could use it to dry fruits...make those flat dried fruit
tortillas or sumpin?
Throw away that larve mush!...Yuck!
Here's a freshly made pot of stew......shhhhhh....don't let the others know
of my food cache under the rock over there---------> *rock*

[NG Survivor Results]

May 30, 2001, 12:44am
*grabs the redback by the tail and swirls it around in circles till it gets
dizzy and heads towards the Typo camp for dinner*

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[NG Survivor Results]

May 30, 2001, 10:40am
I recon this makes me a "bit" vulnerable to being voted that my
ENTIRE team knows I don't know jack about the dangerous things out there in
the wild?:)
Wait.....tho....I guess this depends on which country we are actually in
camp at! Course then...if it is in the USA ...a redback could have been
snuck in for this purpose!
Ya just HAD to go and tell me it is a bug....
I can handle snakes....but bugs?.....pass:)

[NGS] Diary

May 29, 2001, 11:26am
Of course your tired...shouldn't have eaten the majority of twinkies eh

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No tourist allowed?

May 30, 2001, 10:21pm
I'm not positive about this....but I believe the reason Tourists can't post
in it requires a citizen password so that if someone wants to ban
a can be done by citizen info.
I think that it's not a special priviledge but a control thingy?

No tourist allowed?

May 30, 2001, 11:39pm
It has happened in the past...well...I think it has:)...No I'm pretty sure
it has:)

[NG Survivor] Challenge 3

May 31, 2001, 8:19pm
You guys are just on Chris?????

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[NG Survivor] Challenge 3

May 31, 2001, 9:17pm
Good luck Typo Tribe:)

Quite Place (Off-Topic Post)

May 31, 2001, 1:56pm
I like to climb a tree and think:)

Quite Place (Off-Topic Post)

Jun 2, 2001, 3:26am
Your in Memphis Spark?

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Quite Place (Off-Topic Post)

Jun 2, 2001, 4:48am
Cool!...Were in Nashville:)

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New Cy Sign URL

May 31, 2001, 1:57pm
Hi everyone:)

If you are displaying this years Cy logo at your site, the link is down.
Please use this one
Thank you:)


[NG Survivor] Challenge 3 Results

Jun 1, 2001, 12:03am
Yayyyyyy!....High 5 Factor Tribe!

[NG Survivor] Challenge 3 Results

Jun 1, 2001, 5:37pm
No KAH...We won immunity!...You done great!:)

[NG Survivor] Challenge 3 Results

Jun 1, 2001, 6:49pm<-------*trying to sound like that commercial
where the guy keeps asking his wife who's car is in hid driveway*....LOL!

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[NG Survivor] Challenge 3 Results

Jun 1, 2001, 7:20pm
We are Factor' us roar,
See us standing toe to toe!
As we spread our mighty arms...across the land.
But wer'e still some embryos...
With a long, long way to go,
Until we make the Typos understand
Yes we are wise,
For the wisdom and the pain,
Guess we payed the price,
But look how much we gained.
We are strong
We are invincible
We are Factorrrrrrrrrrrs:)

Eep....and his f*cking mouth

Jun 1, 2001, 6:54pm
I think Eep's Cy Award awarded in June 99.... I believe,can help explain
Nornny and anyone else's defense for Eep:);
Write in category
Citizen we can't live with but can't live without

Eep....and his f*cking mouth

Jun 1, 2001, 6:57pm
You know....come to think of it....I offend some folks for the misuse and
abuse of I any different than Eep when I continue to do
something that offends some?:)

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Eep....and his f*cking mouth

Jun 1, 2001, 7:16pm
O gosh ...O golly...O gee...*shuffling the dirt with her left toe and

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Eep....and his f*cking mouth

Jun 1, 2001, 7:28pm

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Eep....and his f*cking mouth

Jun 1, 2001, 7:34pm
I mean those that nominated and voted for him:)

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Eep....and his f*cking mouth

Jun 1, 2001, 7:40pm
I guess so....LOL
So icey....whatcha got picked out to wear to the ball this year?
I found a cute little velvet,short,clinging,sleeveless,low
I'm considering wearing my pearls with it...but doesn't that sound a "bit"
too conservative ya think?
Maybe the black velvet, blood red sapphire adorned choker would set the
neckline off?

Eep....and his f*cking mouth

Jun 1, 2001, 7:45pm
To compliment the choker?
Hmmmm.....I bet this is giving my Gorean friends ideas...hehehehhe!

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Eep....and his f*cking mouth

Jun 1, 2001, 7:50pm
Oh right.....I can see it now...the tabloids would go nutso with the gossip
columns on that one!...Hehehehehe

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Eep....and his f*cking mouth

Jun 1, 2001, 8:45pm know me:)

Eep....and his f*cking mouth

Jun 1, 2001, 8:55pm
LOL....hugggggs back at ya!:)

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