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ciena // User Search
Aug 29, 2005, 5:18pm
[View Quote]"rossyfox e" <rossyboy at vwtv.org> wrote in message
news:43134eee at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> TaLLan has a small weenie?
> ...okay, I take back all the things I said in Mars GZ D:
> ;¬)
> Queen RaMel o wrote:
Aug 31, 2005, 5:18pm
Nice story to share :) I enjoyed reading you post. I also think ASL is a
beautiful language. I learned it in night shool for 2 years. That was
probably about 15 years ago. I never knew any deaf ppl so I never really got
to use it to keep in practice. I am sorry to say that I have forgotten most
of it. Still know the alphabet and a few words but most is all gone :(
[View Quote]"sweets" <stylecanin at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:4315fd8b$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Have had many questions and comments since posting about the ASL school.
> Does my heart good to know people are interested. I have been interested
> in sign language since very young when I read a book about Hellen Keller.
> I tried when young to learn but lost interest due to not having a 'reason'
> to use it or learn it.
> Many years ago I decided to drive Canada and Usa, meeting 19 people from
> AW, living in my van and sleeping in their driveways . Not having
> travelled before, those 48,000km that I did in those 4 months was amazing
> and eye opening. USA has so much to see. I only met and stayed with people
> that I had known here for at least 2 years (remember please that meeting
> people through internet can be very dangerous, and although I did it, I do
> NOT recommend it to any others).
> One family I stayed with was a deaf family. I knew then what it felt like
> to be an outcast. I could not understand or make myself understood, as
> they all spoke sign language. One day my friend came to me in a panic,
> hands flashng so fast, and I c ould not understand. Still in a panic she
> had to race around to find pencil and paper to write to me what was wrong.
> The baby was bleeding and she need a ride to the hospital. I realized then
> how important this language was, she should never have had to feel such
> panic and fear that no one would understand her. We went to the hospital
> and the baby was fine btw. I left there determined to learn. What a
> beautiful and important language.
> When home I started surfing for sites that could maybe help me. I found
> the dictionary site with the small videos to show how each word was done.
> Each morning I would wake, do the alphabet letters from A to Z, by memory
> but checking if I could not remember the letter. After the Alphabet, I
> would go to the dictionary site, do one letter per day (approx 20 words).
> I would watch the videos for each word of that letter once through then
> start again trying to remember what I had seen in the video, only checking
> if I c ould not remember (whch was many). I did a letter per day, 26 days,
> then started at A again to repeat....then again.....for 3 months.
> The next trip there I realized I had a problem. Although I could
> understand simple words, and spell my thoughts to others, I could not
> 'read' them. In practicing my alphabet I had become too used to seeing the
> back of my own hand. Wrong angle to 'see' what the other was saying. I
> felt just as dumb after all that learning.
> Feeling a bit depressed about it, I came up with the ASL room as an aid.
> Dictionary words with videos on the walls and fingerspelling table for
> learning the alphabet. At first just for one person, to be able to see the
> letters from the proper angle. Then I thought maybe to do it to practice
> with another. HAH bot scripts. I am not a bot person (smiles at Andras and
> Alex) and it was one of the hardest things I have made. Ran into trouble
> with the script, it worked except for one key. Contacted bot people but
> they also could not figure out the problem. A good friend here finally
> figured it out, and with a simple code change in the bot programming, my
> dream finally came true. Now 2 people could practice together seeing what
> the other was doing.
> I have travelled many times since then, still meeting and staying with AW
> people. Now when I visit my deaf friends I can communicate. OK not
> bilingual, maybe on the level of a small child, but enough to communicate.
> Yes AW can educate us, inspire us, make us better people. I just wanted to
> share my dream and hope others may enjoy the feeling of 'talking' with
> their bodies and hands as I have.
> sweets
> "sweets" <stylecanin at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:4314e09b$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Feb 18, 2006, 9:35pm
I took a year of ASL and the hardest thing for me to learn was that it is
signed backwards than what u actually speak in the English language.
Unfortunately I have forgotten most of it because I didn't have anyone to
sign with. If you don't use it u lose it. I took the class because I thought
it was a very beautiful language to learn and I hoped it would be useful to
be able to speak to the deaf. However I never knew anyone to use it with
:( But if anyone has the chance to learn it its really neat :)
[View Quote]"Legion" <jonsavel at nospam.comcast.net> wrote in message
news:43f79eb4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Greetings, ladies and gentlemen!
> Sorry for belated reply to this thread (due to the fact that I have to
> leave for college before the date this thread was created and I was
> practically without freedom of access to internet at this time), but I
> want to just let you know that, as a deaf person, I am grateful and
> pleased for your effort to make ASL learning possible and accessible for
> everyone who may be interested in learning about ASL. I would like to
> point out, though, that I don't use ASL entirely.
> I use another one called Signing English for most of my life and one of
> the major difference between SE and ASL is that SE are closer to English
> grammar and language than ASL is. In other words, SE users would signs
> exactly as a normal English sentence is ordered or patterned in a way. For
> instance, it does use elements such as "is" "are" and etc. ASL is
> relatively easier to learn because it doesn't use those elements in order
> to be more quicker because signing tends to be more slower than spoken
> English if it is done exactly like spoken English in terms of ordering of
> sentence and etc.
> ASL is far, far more common in Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C.
> which is the world's only university fully dedicated to college education
> for deaf and hard-of-hearing students. It is also more common in almost
> all state's school for the deaf (although I don't have any evidence of it,
> since I only have been actually enrolled at Kentucky School for the Deaf
> for relatively short period prior to my return to public school during my
> middle school years and have not visited any schools for the deaf at all).
> I was also quite fluent in spoken English, which is really a extremely
> rare gift or talent for any deaf folks to actually attains, although I was
> practically unable to understand other people speaking in English during
> conversation. I suspect that my growing up have something to do with this
> particular difficulty to understand other's spoken English.
> At any rate, I am not good at explaining anything so if you want to
> understand what I'm trying to explain the major difference between SE and
> ASL, you should check out this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signed_English
> . I should also note that it is common for me to speak English while
> signing at same time. This probably places me closer to either SSS or SE -
> American as mentioned in that particular article. Yes, I know, Wikipedia
> may not be reputatable encyclopedia but I know how to spot suspicious
> information that may not make sense and thus may not be neutral piece of
> information. You just have to use common sense to spot it. Of course, I
> don't recommend using it as a source for your research projects, not even
> in schools or college. ;)
> Anyway, I would like to express my thanks and gratitude to sweets and
> other folks involved in this whole project for their efforts to bring ASL
> to Active Worlds community. With that in mind, I think it should be (if
> not already) nominated for Cy Awards (or whatever equivalent is to it,
> since I'm still getting conflicting information about whether Cy Awards is
> still alive or not...). :)
> --
> Respectfully Yours,
> Legion
> Chief Executive Officer and President of Operations
> Circle of Peace Inc. Management
> "Cogito, ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am) - Rene Descartes, 17th
> century French philosopher, Terra (Earth)
> "Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the
> problem." - Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States (1981-1989)
> "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you-ask
> what you can do for your country." - John F. Kennedy, 35th President of
> the United States (1961-1963)
> "So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we
> have to fear is fear itself-nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror
> which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." -
> Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32th President of the United States (1933-1945)
> "Gentlemen, get the thing straight, once and for all: the policeman isn't
> there to 'create' disorder; the policeman is there to 'preserve'
> disorder." - Richard J. Daley, Mayor of Chic
> "sweets" <stylecanin at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:4314e09b$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Feb 18, 2006, 9:41pm
By backwards I mean some of the words that u would normally use at the
beginning of a sentence is at the end of it.
[View Quote]"Ciena" <nikona at comcast.net> wrote in message
news:43f7af4f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
>I took a year of ASL and the hardest thing for me to learn was that it is
>signed backwards than what u actually speak in the English language.
>Unfortunately I have forgotten most of it because I didn't have anyone to
>sign with. If you don't use it u lose it. I took the class because I
>thought it was a very beautiful language to learn and I hoped it would be
>useful to be able to speak to the deaf. However I never knew anyone to use
>it with :( But if anyone has the chance to learn it its really neat :)
> "Legion" <jonsavel at nospam.comcast.net> wrote in message
> news:43f79eb4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Feb 22, 2006, 8:36am
Thats a great idea :)
[View Quote]"RedWolf" <redmannh at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:43fc3d82$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hey im deaf too! I use sign language all my life. I was born hard of
> hearing actually but without my hearing aid I'm completely deaf and I cant
> hear crap! It is very good to introduce ASL here in this newsgroup. I am
> quite sure there is others who are really interesting in this wonderful
> language for hearing people to learn. Also hearing parents can even use
> sign language even their child is too young to speak at very young age
> before age of one. This is easy for parent to communicate with babies and
> see what their needs such as sign language for "milk" or "doll". Lot of
> basic sign language for baby to understand and communicate with parents.
> I am sure there lot of info if people can use Google and find the info on
> parents using sign language for babies. :-)
> "Legion" <jonsavel at nospam.comcast.net> wrote in message
> news:43f79eb4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Sep 4, 2005, 9:52pm
This is hilarious guys ya gotta hear it,
Sep 6, 2005, 12:55am
yup u got a preview lol :)
[View Quote]"Queen RaMel o" <queenramel at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:431cf73e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> LOL Didn,t I see that one before Ciena?..LOL
> "Vera" <pove at rcn.com> wrote in message news:431B8FE2.70676A2D at rcn.com...
Sep 16, 2005, 10:01pm
lmao!! those r funny! :)
[View Quote]"Queen RaMel o" <queenramel at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:432b43f1$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Here,s Summin Funny
> http://sparklesrm.com/funnies/QueenRaMelRedNeckSite.htm
> "Queen RaMel o" <queenramel at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:431cf73e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Sep 16, 2005, 6:30pm
Shhh..... thats the sound of nobody caring. lol j/k :)
[View Quote]"pelican" <stout2 at verizon.net> wrote in message
news:432b2548$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> If a Tic-Tac exploded, would that leave everything in mint condition?
> "Strike Rapier" <markyr at gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:431bcb6e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2005/9/5/worldupdates/2005-09-05T063933Z_01_NOOTR_RTRJONC_0_-215029-1&sec=Worldupdates
> those
Sep 6, 2005, 5:16pm
Thats pretty cool. I saw that place a couple years ago. It's the giants
house. I wonder if that person that built it is still in aw? Event Horizon I
think was the name?
[View Quote]"Strike Rapier" <markyr at gmail.com> wrote in message
news:431de0b4 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Random post, found a most interesting area.
> AW 9813S 78W
> Kinda large
> --
> - Mark Randall
> http://zetech.swehli.com
> "Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to
> those of us who do"
> Isaac Asimov
Sep 16, 2005, 1:45pm
yup u sent it to me too but i didnt trust it so i didnt open it.
[View Quote]"Queen RaMel o" <queenramel at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:432ac237 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
>I Recieved a Email stateing * This is not a Joke*
> Got it from a Trusted Source, Thought it was Funny and Past,d it on to
> Others..A Few Days Later I Noticed that Putter Slowing down, and Things
> Messin up
> *Frowns* come to Find out, That This Trusted Source had Sent me a Email
> that
> Contains a Virus , Which I,am Sure They Didnt, Know ( Till Their Putter
> Started Messin up as well )
> That Sucked, but It Sad-in me ,Cause I sent it on to others
> , That!.. I,am Sorry for, but, If you Recieved a Email that Reads * This
> is
> not a Joke*... Trash it, no matter who it,s from
Sep 16, 2005, 2:55pm
were u able to fix your puter or get rid of the virus? do u know the name of
[View Quote]"Ciena" <nikona at comcast.net> wrote in message
news:432ae8a1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> yup u sent it to me too but i didnt trust it so i didnt open it.
> "Queen RaMel o" <queenramel at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:432ac237 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Sep 16, 2005, 3:45pm
did u eat an extra bowl of stupid this morning? u knew what i said or u
wouldnt have been able to translate it. i type the way i type. u dont have
to read it. so why dont u slip into something more comfortable.. like a
coma. :P LOL
[View Quote]"Strike Rapier" <markyr at gmail.com> wrote in message
news:432b00d5$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Were you able to fix your computer or get rid of the virus? Also, do you
> know the name of it?
> --
> - Mark Randall
> http://zetech.swehli.com
> "Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to
> those of us who do"
> Isaac Asimov
> "Ciena" <nikona at comcast.net> wrote in message
> news:432af8f6 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Sep 16, 2005, 5:15pm
*Thwacks* Strike LOL
[View Quote]"Queen RaMel o" <queenramel at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:432b1827$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Q_Q at Ciena, Makes Ya Just Want to SLap him uh?.....LoL
Sep 17, 2005, 8:51am
lmao! i dont drink but i am lazy when it comes to typing. like it or not
this is how i am gonna type. ya dont have to read it :P
[View Quote]"Strike Rapier" <markyr at gmail.com> wrote in message
news:432bd253$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
>I drank 16 or 17 vodkas last night, 10 more and you may have got your wish.
> Although, if I do die, please promise me that you will at least attempt to
> make your communications correctly spelt in such a way that conforms to
> the standards of the English language.
> This does not include typing like an 13 year old child whos email address
> ends in at aol.com as I am sure you will find that the significant majority
> of people here will take one look at it and think one of the following:
> * How Lazy of her
> * Maybe she is drunk
> * Hey, Comcast is AOL now? Why was I not informed!
> * Newbie
> * How very careless
> As a general piece of information to everyone, there are only 2 ways you
> represent yourselves on this newsgroup (or other text based comm); what
> you type and how you type it. The first doesnt particually come into play
> unless how you type it is of a reasonable quallity.
> 10 year olds could be forgiven for typing like it, bc0s u n0 th3y w0nt no
> b3tt3r. But they will learn. If you are above the age of 10 then the only
> thing it does it make you look like a COMPLETE IDIOT.
> Why did I mention my somewhat high alcohol consumption last night? Because
> when I got back I could still type several hundred times better than you!
> :)
> --
> - Mark Randall
> http://zetech.swehli.com
> "Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to
> those of us who do"
> Isaac Asimov
> "Ciena" <nikona at comcast.net> wrote in message
> news:432b049f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Sep 29, 2005, 1:46pm
I use godaddy for my path and have used them for 2 years. I really like
them. I havent had any problems and their tech support is really good.
[View Quote]"duskbat" <what-email at noemail.gov> wrote in message
news:433c0448$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> my poor server died. seems like motherboard and powersupply is a goner. I
> just wanted my friends to know who use my art or textures why they cant
> get my stuff for the moment. so i can either buy a new server motherboard
> and power supply or us godaddy.com. what do yall think of godaddy for
> hosting. I do wonder how much bandwith i would actually need to get. what
> type of hosting would i need from godaddy a virtual server? or just basic
> web hosting, do yallthink for storing textures for aw would be lots of
> bandwith or just a lil. well in a lil bit i drive to where my server is
> and i just hope its an easy fix ; )
Oct 23, 2005, 9:30am
Even if u use it on one puter at a time?
[View Quote]"77" <n0zoa at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:435ae8d1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> also if you don't already know you cant have the activeworld server on 2
> computers just one ( been there did that didn't work) also when you shut
> down your computer it also shuts down the world and disappears from the
> list
> "Ry" <rbirkin at iinet.net.au> wrote in message
> news:4359f464 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Oct 26, 2005, 12:18am
OS will there be someone that will have a bot to hide them and delete them
after? I said america would have a hunt IF someone would use a bot to hide
[View Quote]"OneSummer" <anywhere at usa.com> wrote in message
news:435ec363$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Starting on December 16th at 4pm VRT ending on December 20th at 4pm VRT
> the Multi World Present Hunt!
> Its that time of the year again to get ready for this big event! We hope
> this year will be bigger than the past as well so we are planning this
> event a little early! For more information check out the web site:
> http://www.jtechwebsystems.com/%7Eblupearl/multiworld/multiworld.html
> if you would like to place this years logo in your world it is,
> http://objects.jtechwebsystems.com/~blupearl/multiworld/os_multiworld.jpg
> Donations of citizenships, extensions of citizenships and objects would be
> appreciated!
> The Gift Of Giving!!!!
> Please contact Diane , Elyk or OneSummer to be added
Oct 28, 2005, 10:06pm
thats cool! what r the coords to that site?
[View Quote]"tunablues" <tunablue at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:43629264$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> As we get closer to the anniversary, we thought we would show some of the
> things we do with aw objects. The link is to a video from New Empire
> Studios under the watchful eye of Redoubt. It is of the Off World robot
> band "Texture 4" http://www.angryblueplanet.com/ow6/t4walkon.wmv
> sometimes you just have to have fun.
Oct 29, 2005, 7:12pm
I didn't see a band there. those coords land me at club trance
[View Quote]"tunablues" <tunablue at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:436371be at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> The band is in "The Supper Club" at the moment. The coordinates to the
> area are aw 31455.93N 31570.56E 0.25a 89 Directly behind you is some of
> the backdrop for the movie and as you travel around you will see the other
> areas. Directly south of where you land is one of the many teleport
> centers that have picture links to 124 spots in the community and the web
> site has coordinates listed also http://www.tunablues.com/offworld/ The
> coordinates listed above are to Club Trance which is where the party will
> be Saturday Nov. 5th.
> Seems everyone enjoyed the first music video from the "Texture 4" so here
> is their second release
> http://www.angryblueplanet.com/ow6/t4canttakeme.wmv
> and TS the lead singer/piano player is coming off a breakup and on the
> rebound
Oct 29, 2005, 10:23pm
Vera where is it? i didnt see any band. i wanna see! lol
[View Quote]"Vera" <pove at rcn.com> wrote in message news:4363F7C8.372E7CB5 at rcn.com...
> hey Ciena looks like the lead singer finally jump off the terrace:))))) I
> loveeee this band:)))))))
> Ciena wrote:
Nov 1, 2005, 7:07pm
LOL vera. u r so cute! hahaha
[View Quote]"Vera" <pove at rcn.com> wrote in message news:4367C23F.C270F24D at rcn.com...
> ummmmm I still like to know if i know you from before.... like when you
> first come into AW...like years ago:))))) who are you??? lol ..... I
> would
> like to know......I am not a programer ... just a simple nousy citizen
> builder:))) Miss typonese... And my real name is Vera:)))))
> 357730 wrote:
Nov 3, 2005, 9:37pm
check this out. move your cursor when u get to the page.
http://www.chezmaya.com/applet/valentin.htm this should keep some of u busy
awhile lol.
Nov 3, 2005, 9:40pm
put a check on a box on the right. try them all out. doesnt take much to
intertain me. hehe :)
[View Quote]"Ciena" <nikona at comcast.net> wrote in message
news:436a9f2b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> check this out. move your cursor when u get to the page.
> http://www.chezmaya.com/applet/valentin.htm this should keep some of u
> busy awhile lol.
Nov 5, 2005, 2:31am
thanx ! those r pretty cool :)
[View Quote]"SWE" <swe at swehli.com> wrote in message
news:436c2257 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Beverly says:
> I looked at the source code for that site wanting to try to put a cy or
> butch avatar where the skeleton was and found this link with many more
> cool things also!
> http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/
> -SWE
> "Ciena" <nikona at comcast.net> wrote in message
> news:436a9f2b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Nov 5, 2005, 2:33am
yw :) those other things r cool too thanx for the website that SWE posted :)
I'm still playing with the skeleton lol
[View Quote]"AlphaBit Phalpha" <alphabitphalpha at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:436c2d2a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Test...ok I'm fixed...lol
> Thanks SWE for posting that. It looks like they are free scripts
> also...cool...thanks Ciena for the link!
> "SWE" <swe at swehli.com> wrote in message
> news:436c2627 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Nov 5, 2005, 10:33am
hahaha ! thats cool bean! good job :)
[View Quote]"DaBean" <dabean at medabean.com> wrote in message
news:436c6437 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
>I played with the coding a bit and turned:
> http://www.geocities.com/s_quadra7/10.28.itslikework.jpg
> into:
> http://www.medabean.com/test/skell1.html
> FYI: Bena (portrayed heree) Is what my RL friends made up based on ME,
> hence me goi9ng by Bean. Have fun playing with Bean :)
> DaBean
> Ciena wrote:
Nov 6, 2005, 10:17am
lol thats cool :)
[View Quote]"DaBean" <dabean at medabean.com> wrote in message
news:436d9491$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Encore?
> http://www.medabean.com/tourist/tourist.html
> -Bean
Nov 7, 2005, 12:27am
The OW party was great! I even saw some ppl I haven't seen in a long time.
The builds r awesome. Great job OW team!
[View Quote]"ewasx" <ewasx at cybernetworlds.net> wrote in message
news:436e4b84$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Bravo to the Off Worlds Team and their "staff"! The all day party
> yesterday (November 5th) was a rousing success. They had an unbelievable
> turnout, so much so that it resembled AW GZ back in the old days. Lots of
> great chat and joking around and the DJ music was Top Notch (thanks Tallan
> and Rain Beau!). I had a great time hanging out there and I even was able
> to chat with a few old friends I've known for years. Oh yeah, the Off
> Worlds city ain't no slouch either, heheh ; )
Nov 12, 2005, 8:22pm
U.S. Copyright law is quite explicit that the making of what are called
"derivative works" -- works based or derived from another copyrighted
work -- is the exclusive province of the owner of the original work. This is
true even though the making of these new works is a highly creative process.
[View Quote]"Tengel" <tengel at 3D-nordic.com> wrote in message
news:43765a19$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
>I have just heard this, so not sure yet if it is facts, but if you create
> something where it has 7 or more visible different from the copyrights
> one,
> it will not longer be protected by the copyrights law.
> So if you want to make a parody of Donald Duck, u should be available to
> create something that looks like him, but not exactly like, that would be
> to
> break the copyright law.
> --
> Tengel
> www.3D-Nordic.com