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Which movie......

Nov 12, 2004, 5:17pm
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new world open

Nov 29, 2004, 9:32am
Hi everyone. I am posting for a friend, MtHope is open now and its an
awesome xmas world! It has a beautiful little victorian xmas village and
many other cool sites to see . It will also be in the worlds xmas hunt too
so u might wanna come early and dl it. I also started a xmas theme in
TimeWarp too altho I dont have it all built up as yet but all around the gz
area is built so far. But really please check out MtHope its a really pretty
xmas world :)
Thnaks ..... Ciena

rogue chat log

Dec 11, 2004, 4:46am
hi i have a uni that puts the chat log on my desktop instead of in its
folder. does anyone know how to fix that please?

rogue chat log

Dec 11, 2004, 12:26pm
ooh ty! I didnt even notice that was there.
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Blimp script

Dec 11, 2004, 12:28pm
Hi. Does anyone have a blimp script for xelagot that u would be willing to
share with me? Seems like one used to come with the xelagot long time ago
but theres none in the script folder now :( Thanx :)

Blimp script

Dec 11, 2004, 3:49pm
disregaurd this i just found the blimp feature on the bot. lol
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Problem with terrain edit and flying

Dec 16, 2004, 12:04am
did u put a check in ignor pitch when flying in options settings
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Shrek house for sale :)

Dec 24, 2004, 9:56am
It looks great your doing a great job :) keep up the good work!
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Shrek house for sale :)

Dec 24, 2004, 9:58am
I'm wondering why there always has to be someone to cause trouble or put
others down. Jealousy maybe?
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Merry Christmas Everyone :)

Dec 24, 2004, 10:00am
Thanx Kenneth

\ I / + + + + +
_/\_ + + + + +
_ \ / _ + M E R R Y +
/_ _\ C H R I S T M A S +
\/ + + + + +
/ I \ + + + +
.*. + +
+ .* " *. + HAPPY
+ .* . * . *. HOLIDAYS
.* . * . * . *. +
+ ^^^^^I^^I^^^^ +

New Build called Off World

Dec 27, 2004, 11:51pm
I saw it and its amazing!! greate job!!
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Shrek Avatar :)

Dec 27, 2004, 11:47pm
Well you shouldnt be whinning about the grinch avatar that aw has had for
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Shrek Avatar :)

Dec 28, 2004, 1:41am
U go girl! :)
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Shrek Avatar :)

Dec 30, 2004, 1:42pm
Theres still the grinch avatar thats in Objects'd. I'm sure thats

Shrek Avatar :)

Dec 30, 2004, 2:25pm
No but can u make a copywrited object and give it away? If thats the case
anyone can copy anything and give them away free. they wouldnt go for that
I'm sure. They were giving away free songs in napster and they put a stop to
that. So free doesnt mean the copywrite was'nt infringed upon. .
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Dec 28, 2004, 12:22pm

Happy New Year!

Dec 31, 2004, 1:37pm
I wish everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous new year!

Apology for the news server

Jan 5, 2005, 7:21pm
thanx andras.
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Jan 6, 2005, 5:57pm
I use AdWare also and its very good.
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A new idea for the Community...

Jan 15, 2005, 4:20pm
sounds good :) it would be good to have a chess or checkers etc. tournament
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someone with a bot needed

Jan 19, 2005, 9:40pm
Is there anyone thats good moving builds from one place to another with a
bot? And would be willing to? It would be much appreciated :) Thanx. if
there is gram me and let me know please.............Ciena

someone with a bot needed

Jan 19, 2005, 9:41pm
oops i forgot to say that its a whole gz and about 3 other builds
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someone with a bot needed

Jan 20, 2005, 12:20am
From Newfoundland galaxy to America world
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someone with a bot needed

Jan 25, 2005, 8:56pm
thanx matt :)
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Cy Nominations

Feb 1, 2005, 5:01pm
Hopefully when the voting comes everyone will be fair and actually go see
all the nominees worlds and builds, after all how can anyone judge a world
with out even looking at the all of them. Unless of course it is a
popularity contest. In that case the award wouldn't wouldnt mean diddley
squat. Last year I went to each and every world and build that was on the
list befor I voted. I know for a fact only 2 ppl went into Arabus world
because I had a bot in it. So I wont be participating in any of it this
year. As far as I saw only 5 awards were just and deserving. There was many
better builds and worlds that didnt win that should have because they were
much better than some of the ones that won were. I know because I went to
all of them. People put a lot of time and work and money into their worlds
and I think its a real shame that people didnt even go to most of them. I
myself do a lot of world hopping all thru the year. I love to see what
others do. So come on ppl be fair for once.
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Lighting in Alphaworld

Feb 6, 2005, 10:48pm
there is brightness controls in front of your monitor
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Reason why Alphaworld GZ never changes?

Mar 9, 2005, 5:56pm
You guys that r always whinning and sniveling about AW (and u know who u r)
why dont u just go to another world or get your own world or better yet
leave AW. I myself like the history to stay. If u dont like the way AW is
run then why do u stay? Go play with your other toys. There is pretty worlds
if u just take the time to go see them. And if u get around more u will see
some awesome builds made with "old ass building sets " Just go look at OW
in alpha or go look at Vera's awesome builds there. There's a lot of awesome
builds made with those "old ass building sets ". I plan on staying here
without complaining as long as AW is here or untill I take the big dirt nap.
I am happy with AW and I'm sure there is plenty of others that feel the same
way. If I don't like someone I simply don't associate with them. If I dont
like a Uni I simply leave. All some of u do is complain. and how's that
working for ya? Doesn't do any good does it?

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Reason why Alphaworld GZ never changes?

Mar 9, 2005, 6:35pm
Stupidity? hahaha whats this? 'pleanty'

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Reason why Alphaworld GZ never changes?

Mar 9, 2005, 8:50pm
Sorry if i sounded rude. it wasnt my intention. I do think with more
patience there will be improvements. I have heard that we r gonna have some
cool things sometime this year in an upgrade. Also right now i think they r
busy up to their ears in server problems.
All I'm saying is complaining wont do any good. They will upgrade when the
time is right for them. When i 1st came to aw we didnt even have rocks. but
it was fun trying to make some out of other objects. and it can be done. it
was a challenge to build then. I like a challenge.
maybe in time there will be new objects and textures maybe there wont be.
but its what it is for now and we have to accept it or find an alternative.
My typing sux and i dont always use caps or punctuation and i'm too lazy to
so if u wanna flame me for it have at it. i wont respond.

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Mar 3, 2005, 8:11am
create animate mask me texturename. 1 1 0
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