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sweet adora // User Search
sweet adora // User Searchold Global Mode bugDec 3, 2003, 5:16pm
I've noticed that bug too, it's really annoying. The rpg's require a bot
in global mode in order to operate, and I've found that quite often in awrpg the bot suddenly 'forgets' that a player is there and doesn't see you anymore and you keep having to log out and back in for the bot to 'find' you again. [View Quote] > I just sent this email to devteam, I think it concerns all bot > developpers, so I post it here (I have no access to the beta ng). > > Dear AW development team, > > Since the introduction of Global Mode in the bot SDK in version 3.3, a > number of anomalies have been noted and reported, but not fixed. This > includes the empty name fields and citizen number 0 for real citizens, > and the disappearence of avatars which are still present. Note that > although these anomalies have been noted in Global Mode, this does not > imply they do not exist in non-Global Mode. > > Yesterday, Chris Mürwald (chrispeg) and myself (XelaG) were doing a > demonstration of interaction between bots and humans in DreamlandPark, > world eLearn (build 56), to representatives of European Union > sponsored institutions. At a certain moment, Chris and myself > realised bots were not receiving my chat, while the browsers were > receiving it. We decided to investigate. We collected the world > logs, and the logs of my xelagot (designed by me) and of chrispeg's > own botty (designed by him): the only code these two bot types share > is the aw.dll. > > We seem to have found out what causes this. In short: > > All bots were in Global Mode. > I (XelaG) was logged in with session number 45034 from my port 16561 > I got disconnected (my winXP showed a 'network cable disconnected' > message for a few seconds) > I reconnected to the world with the same session number, from port > 10002 > ... at this point, bots still received my chat > My connection from port 16561 timed out, and is closed by the world > server. > ... as from this moment, bots cease to receive my chat, although they > do receive avatar_change and object_click events, and are able to > whisper and send console messages. > After noticing this, I logged off and back in with a different session > number, and the situation went back to normal. > > The world logs show this: > > Tue 12/02/03 16:44:47 myIP -1 CONNECTED > Tue 12/02/03 16:44:47 eLearn myIP -1 ENTER 45034 37FCDFE9 > Tue 12/02/03 16:44:47 eLearn myIP:16561 -1 IDENTIFIED 'XelaG' > 2659 2659 > Tue 12/02/03 16:44:48 eLearn myIP:16561 2659 EVENT MASK 0x18f > ... > Tue 12/02/03 16:47:43 myIP:10002 -1 CONNECTED > Tue 12/02/03 16:47:44 eLearn myIP:10002 -1 ENTER 45034 > 37FCDFE9 > Tue 12/02/03 16:47:44 eLearn myIP:10002 -1 IDENTIFIED 'XelaG' > 2659 2659 > Tue 12/02/03 16:47:45 eLearn myIP:10002 2659 EVENT MASK 0x18f > ... > Tue 12/02/03 16:48:46 eLearn myIP:16561 2659 TIMEOUT > Tue 12/02/03 16:48:46 eLearn myIP:16561 2659 DISCONNECTED > > As from this moment the anomaly occurs in the bot SDK (apparently, > browsers are unaffected). > > Examining my own bot Delph's log, I noticed that avatar_change events > that had my session number had empty or 0 name, citnum and privs > fields. avatar_delete event (when I finally logged off, it's not the > one in the world log above) had the wrong name. > > Moreover: my bot Delph had also experienced the same disconnect but, > had logged off and logged back in, so that it's session number had > changed. When its connection timed out according to the world log, it > disconnected to old ghost session number. Other bots carried on > receiving all events from Delph. > > Tue 12/02/03 16:45:18 myIP:16587 -1 CONNECTED > Tue 12/02/03 16:45:18 eLearn myIP:16587 -1 ENTER 45035 > 37FCDFE9 > Tue 12/02/03 16:45:18 eLearn myIP:16587 -1 IDENTIFIED > '[Delph]' 0 2659 > Tue 12/02/03 16:45:19 eLearn myIP:16587 2659 EVENT MASK 0x1ff > ... > Tue 12/02/03 16:48:20 myIP:10016 -1 CONNECTED > Tue 12/02/03 16:48:20 eLearn myIP:10016 -1 ENTER 45048 > 37FCDFE9 > Tue 12/02/03 16:48:20 eLearn myIP:10016 -1 IDENTIFIED > '[Delph]' 0 2659 > Tue 12/02/03 16:48:20 eLearn myIP:10016 2659 EVENT MASK 0x1ff > ... > Tue 12/02/03 16:48:47 eLearn myIP:16587 2659 TIMEOUT > Tue 12/02/03 16:48:47 eLearn myIP:16587 2659 DISCONNECTED > > Two problems: > > 1. The world servers do not check to see if a new connection has the > session number of an existing connection, and duplicates connections > with same session numbers. This causes problems, especially when the > ghost connection times out, as an avatar_delete will be sent for that > session number, while there is still a connection open for the same > session number. > > 2. The bot SDK gets confused, as it seems not to keep track of > avatar_add/avatar_delete pairs. It is inconsistent: it allows events > such as avatar_change, avatar_delete to pass through, but not chat > events. > > Two solutions: > > 1. World servers should check for existing connections of a certain > session number. If a connection exists, it should be closed (and the > appropriate avatar_delete event should be issued) BEFORE a new > avatar_add event is sent for that session number. > > 2. The bot SDK should keep track of paired avatar_add/avatar_delete > events. If two avatar_add events are received from the world server > for the same session number, the SDK should issue an avatar_delete in > between them and remember skip one later. This would not be perfect > but would ensure backward compatibility when the world server code is > fixed. > > The effects of this bug: > > This bug seems to explain the missing data (names of avatars, > citnums), disappearence of avatars in bot databases: it is completely > consistent with the buggy effects noticed. Although reports have been > done about this for bots in Global Mode, I expect this also happens > with other bots (unless the bot SDK aleady has the fix in these cases > and forgot to implement it in Global Mode). > > My hopes: > > That this bug will be removed as soon as possible. It has made Global > Mode unfit for projects where reliability is crucial. > > Cheers, > Alex *sigh*Nov 8, 2003, 5:02pm
Bravo lioness. I agree with you 100% I think too many people these days are
too self centered and caught up in themselves and their own little circle to care about common decency or to truly care about others anymore, and think they should be able to do whatever they feel like without having to care about any effects it has on others. The sense of society, of community, treating people with common courtesy and decency seems to be forgotten. [View Quote] > Not sure which "kid's" programs you watch on a regular basis, but here in > the states they DON'T allow shit or any other cuss words to be used. The > news is a different matter and if and when such language is used, they > usually bleep it out or at least try to. There are still a lot of people > that are offended by words such as that. AWI still has to follow certain > guidelines here in the states in order to allow users of ALL age groups. > Even though some kids in the states use that kind of language when they > arent' in the presence of their parents, I would say the majority of them > are conscious enough to "watch their mouths" when their parents are within > earshot. However, when parents are not present while their child is > chatting, their kid will try to imitate Chris Rock and pour forth a > paragraph so foul, it'll burn yer ears. THAT is why AW is so strict on the > language thing at the gate area, where all the new folks enter for the VERY > first time!!! > C'mon... Use some common sense. Put yourself in the shoes of a parent of a > 10 year old, who is checking out Active Worlds for the first time, to make > SURE their child will be safe and if it is worth investing in. Would you > want your kid to come on and think its ok to let burning sewage emanate from > his or her mouth????? Not only does it earn your child a bad reputation with > others, but it also slanders you as their parent because you didn't teach > them manners. > And whatever happened to just plain ole "decency"??? Why do we feel the need > to offend others??? Can't we just accept the fact that we should all try our > best to NOT offend? Or do you find delight in seeing how many people cringe > when you say these things? > If people feel these words building up inside them to the point of iminent > combustion, then those people can, and should utilize the PG and R rated > worlds that are available for that purpose. In the meantime, bite yer tongue > while in the G worlds and get a grip. Realize why it is like it is, and > don't obsess over WHY you can't cuss words in front of children. Obviously > people who don't mind hearing words like that have no trouble going to those > other worlds, while folks who mind it will tend to stay in the G rated > areas. And I'm sure this isn't a thing that only happens in the states hon. > It's just good manners. ;-"D > [View Quote] Dr. Seuss/Grinch loversNov 23, 2003, 8:46am
LMAO I love it!!! The gullible bush sheep will hate it, but those with any
ability to think for themselves and not just believe the lies they are fed can see it's right on the mark :D [View Quote] > This is funny if you love Seuss, and was just sent to me (written locally) > by someone who knew I would appreciate it because of my widely known (r/l) > feelings (not happy) about the present administration here-yep, it's the way > I feel. I really am open-minded, but still hard-headed and patriotic. And > anyway-I love anything by Dr. Seuess and this could have been his. > > How The Grinch $old Christmas! > > By Steve Heise with apologies to Dr. Seuss > > The Grinch came from Texas, politically lame, > With nothing original, not even his name. > An ivy league oil-man, true son of the south, > Worked his way to the top, silver spoon in his mouth. > Then he stole an election, the results are still stinking > And he had to hire help to do all of his thinking. > The Grinch worshipped power. He bought it with money. > His political poison, he covered with honey. > His programs designed to grow national debt > And still prop-up his friends in the country club set. > So he cooked up a scheme with the snobs in Who's Whoville. > To punish the workers and the Unions in U-ville. > Abandon the poor let the stock markets fall. > Run the economy into the wall. > His heart and his brain were 2 sizes too small. > Chop social programs! Let's get out the axes! > Pretend that they're just being used to cut taxes. > Then let's pull that same old Republican switch, > We can steal from the poor, and give back to the rich. > Let's hide behind bibles, so they don't smell a rat. > Morality's blind when the profits are fat. > Let's mortgage the future, forget Medicare. > No social security left anywhere. > If we blame a small country, attack just to "free it," > We can sell out America, and our people won't see it. > Suppliers and weapons put cash in our bag. > We can make a fast profit wrapped up in the flag. > And our friends get the contracts to rebuild Iraq > While the families at home pray their loved ones come back. > We can fill a few wallets, just lift a trade barrier. > We can play dress-up pilot on a big aircraft carrier. > And we cut back on health care and children's hot lunches, > And rake in the dollars, bunches and bunches. > And we won't mention kickbacks or corporate greed, > When we're drilling for oil where the reindeer must breed. > No more Rudolph, Donder or Blitzen or Cupid, > Just Rumsfeld, Ashcroft and Cheney and Stupid! > We're losing clean water, there's soot in the breeze. > We're cutting up parks and we're cutting down trees. > Still we war against terrorists, war against drugs, > But we never make war against corporate thugs. > The Grinch never collared those Enron Execs, > 'Cause his friends were all in on it, clear up to their necks. > Then the Grinch fired the elves, to make toy profits steeper, > "Here's children and prisoners, they'll work a lot cheaper! > Grind the minorities, keep them all nervous, > Make sure they stay hungry and eager to serve us. > Shift jobs overseas, hide the profits off shore, > Reduce women's rights til they aren't anymore." > That's how the Grinch sold our Christmas, without any feeling, > Families starving, economy reeling. > Three million jobs ... They fade out of sight, > So tell me how comfortable you'll sleep tonight. > The Grinch still has no brain, his hearts still too small. > And if we don't replace him ... then God help us all. Dr. Seuss/Grinch loversNov 23, 2003, 8:46am
LMAO I love it!!! The gullible bush sheep will hate it, but those with any
ability to think for themselves and not just believe the lies they are fed can see it's right on the mark :D [View Quote] > This is funny if you love Seuss, and was just sent to me (written locally) > by someone who knew I would appreciate it because of my widely known (r/l) > feelings (not happy) about the present administration here-yep, it's the way > I feel. I really am open-minded, but still hard-headed and patriotic. And > anyway-I love anything by Dr. Seuess and this could have been his. > > How The Grinch $old Christmas! > > By Steve Heise with apologies to Dr. Seuss > > The Grinch came from Texas, politically lame, > With nothing original, not even his name. > An ivy league oil-man, true son of the south, > Worked his way to the top, silver spoon in his mouth. > Then he stole an election, the results are still stinking > And he had to hire help to do all of his thinking. > The Grinch worshipped power. He bought it with money. > His political poison, he covered with honey. > His programs designed to grow national debt > And still prop-up his friends in the country club set. > So he cooked up a scheme with the snobs in Who's Whoville. > To punish the workers and the Unions in U-ville. > Abandon the poor let the stock markets fall. > Run the economy into the wall. > His heart and his brain were 2 sizes too small. > Chop social programs! Let's get out the axes! > Pretend that they're just being used to cut taxes. > Then let's pull that same old Republican switch, > We can steal from the poor, and give back to the rich. > Let's hide behind bibles, so they don't smell a rat. > Morality's blind when the profits are fat. > Let's mortgage the future, forget Medicare. > No social security left anywhere. > If we blame a small country, attack just to "free it," > We can sell out America, and our people won't see it. > Suppliers and weapons put cash in our bag. > We can make a fast profit wrapped up in the flag. > And our friends get the contracts to rebuild Iraq > While the families at home pray their loved ones come back. > We can fill a few wallets, just lift a trade barrier. > We can play dress-up pilot on a big aircraft carrier. > And we cut back on health care and children's hot lunches, > And rake in the dollars, bunches and bunches. > And we won't mention kickbacks or corporate greed, > When we're drilling for oil where the reindeer must breed. > No more Rudolph, Donder or Blitzen or Cupid, > Just Rumsfeld, Ashcroft and Cheney and Stupid! > We're losing clean water, there's soot in the breeze. > We're cutting up parks and we're cutting down trees. > Still we war against terrorists, war against drugs, > But we never make war against corporate thugs. > The Grinch never collared those Enron Execs, > 'Cause his friends were all in on it, clear up to their necks. > Then the Grinch fired the elves, to make toy profits steeper, > "Here's children and prisoners, they'll work a lot cheaper! > Grind the minorities, keep them all nervous, > Make sure they stay hungry and eager to serve us. > Shift jobs overseas, hide the profits off shore, > Reduce women's rights til they aren't anymore." > That's how the Grinch sold our Christmas, without any feeling, > Families starving, economy reeling. > Three million jobs ... They fade out of sight, > So tell me how comfortable you'll sleep tonight. > The Grinch still has no brain, his hearts still too small. > And if we don't replace him ... then God help us all. HTML and TEXTDec 20, 2003, 5:52pm
wow look at the email addy at the bottom of that page [View Quote] enough is enough EPDec 20, 2003, 6:11pm
does FF know your gender EP? Have you told him? EP is a man. [View Quote] btw, EP >: /Dec 21, 2003, 2:16am
ohgod, FF is so sensitive and sweet, things effect him very deeply....Im
afraid this is going to hit him hard, no matter how gently it's done...but he does have a right to know. Why did he/she have to choose HIM to do this to??? :((( [View Quote] btw, EP >: /Dec 21, 2003, 4:49am
It's not about your sexual status, or 'discrimination'. A person in
your position *does* have a hard time of things and I have every sympathy for that. However, that does NOT give you the right to decieve and hurt others. It's your deception that is the issue, not your lifestyle. Think about it, don't you think it could possibly hurt a person to care about someone only to find out that it was based on a lie, and they were not at who they were presenting themselves as, and that you'd been deceived the whole time? You may not know FF very well, but he is a very sensitive person, this may hurt him a great deal. And it was *your* actions that are the cause of his hurt. He has EVERY right to know about this, and we are NOT the ones at fault for having this horrible thing to him, you are. Stop shifting blame to others or trying to make this out to be a case of discrimination. It's not. It's about a very cold, very selfish, insensitive, hurtful, decietful thing that you have done to someone who will never understand why this was done to him, someone we care about greatly. [View Quote] New games textures (Buildings)Sep 17, 2003, 5:49am
Great link, thanks :-)
[View Quote] > As a footnote for anyone interested. > > The textures mentioned can be freely downloaded from the fantastic Jonathan > Clark collection from Golgotha Game. These are really great textures Jon has > released into the public domain. His web site url is: > > > > Share and enjoy > [View Quote] chess/checkers in alphaworld?Nov 11, 2003, 3:01am
The chess/checkers gamebot and that bot that is supposed to update how many
objects are in AW ran off to Tahiti together and eloped. I don't think they are coming back. Now if we can just get that damn DJbot to run away from home..... [View Quote] > I stole it > > --Ronan [View Quote] Special commands in alphaworldDec 3, 2003, 2:16pm
didnt know those were enabled....woooohooo!! finally. See, enzo does
love us still [View Quote] > Hi everyone: > [View Quote] Christmas in Alphaworld... This year?Dec 4, 2003, 4:42am
Such lovely people inhabit the world these days. If someone tries to do
something nice and display sensitivity and caring for others, then they are told to shut up. Lovely world we live in. [View Quote] > c p, shut up please. this time of year is focused around christmas, if you > are christian or not. it's just been commercialized so much that it becomes > "holidays" as to not offend anyone by the mention of a christian tradition. > (*gasp* we wouldn't want that!!!) anyway that's not the point. basically > make AlphaWorld festive this december. > [View Quote] Christmas in Alphaworld... This year?Dec 4, 2003, 7:07am
He was just trying to include others, as well as christians. Why should only
christians be included and not others in well wishes? And noone is trying to 'convert' you... it won't convert you or force you to 'renounce' your religion just to say a kind word or to to someone of another faith as well as your own.'s about xmas and peace and love in the world for *everyone*. [View Quote] > Telling someone to renounce their christian standpoint is caring for others? > C P just told me that it's wrongful for me to say Christmas specifically. I > told him to shut up because he told me to shut up about my faith. And > anyway, nobody is fooling anyone here, the "holiday spirit" that everyone > talks about IS christmas. That's what just about everyone is preparing for. > It's really too bad how a lot of people are like these days. They want all > the presents, and the fluff of christmas, but they don't want Christ. It is > okay if you are non-christian to say "holiday spirit", but it is wrongful to > tell someone to renounce their christian beliefs (I.E. saying "merry > christmas) simply because there are people who exist in the world who aren't > christian. [View Quote] Cracks between objectsDec 13, 2003, 5:55am
ewwwwww I know, I hate that....the snow showed right up through the cracks
between walks...was bugging me, so what I ended up doing was taking a copy of grasso.jpg and renamed it to snow1.jpg and put it in my local object path for aw, to get rid of the white snow and make the ground look like grasso.jpg again. [View Quote] > With the new snow terrain, in all its wonders, makes it easier to see > another big problem in Alphaworld. There are tons of cracks between objects > made recently. what is going on? these cracks are too small to be fixed > with a ctrl+shift centimeter click. Did someone screw up something in the > active worlds software? |