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technozeus // User Search
technozeus // User SearchVirtual Economy, More Powers for Worldowners, ShutterglassesApr 28, 1998, 11:17pm
Actually, not all "economy" is based on "things" and I would think that is
sucha virtual economy was to be offered, it would be best off to be totally optional, and flexible enough to be able to take on almost any meaning the world owner wanted it to. One example would be getting "given" credits by individualy for such services as giving them a tour of the world. Fact is, it "would" result in a certain amoutn of dishonesty and fraud, but if used sparingly, and only where it serves a purpose, there is some small possiblilty that it could add an interesting facet to the ActiveWorlds universe. TechnoZeus [View Quote] Indication: walking against wallApr 25, 1998, 7:28am
Actually, although I would think it a low priority, a "path blocked"
indicator of some type would be usefull to many people, and especially in very dense areas on a slow computer. I would hope though that it would not be indicated by a simple beep. In fact, I think a text message in the status bar, or even a simple dummy light would be prefferable to any sound effect in this case. Of course, the ideal situation for the end user would be to have the method of notification be set in the Options, but of course if everything was given all the options we could hope for, ActiveWorlds would have a hard time fitting on the Internet (let alone on a single computer) and we would all get very old waiting for the next release to come out. :·) TechnoZeus >...> >... Indication: walking against wallMay 1, 1998, 12:17am
Something else that would be nice is to have AW adjust your movement when
you are walking into a wall at an angle, either by turning your avatar toward facing perpendicular to the wall, or by sliding to one side a bit in much the same way your avatar is raised up a bit when you run into a slight change in floor level such as a step on a stairway. TechnoZeus [View Quote] Indication: walking against wallMay 20, 1998, 2:11pm
True Scott, that would be helpful. As a matter of fact, I've sent that one
in a long time ago. Sorry if I've neglected to post it in here as well. TechnoZeus [View Quote] Indication: walking against wallJun 18, 1998, 4:14am
Good point. Perhaps you should start a new thread about sliding sown, or
along objects. It would be nice to see such abilities added... perhaps switchable at the world level. TechnoZeus [View Quote] Indication: walking against wallJul 2, 1998, 4:19am
Actually, this idea could be done, and does not rely on the rendering
engine... however, since it requires contact with an object, it would only work while gravity is on. Presonally, I could live with that. :) TechnoZeus [View Quote] Suggestion: Improve readability of chat bufferApr 25, 1998, 2:51am
Suggestion: Improve readability of chat bufferApr 25, 1998, 7:58am
The incomming text would still be buffered, but would simply not be
displayed until the freeze button it pressed again. Actually, ICQ already has this feature, as do some of the other programs I've used, and it would work nicely (and I'm pretty sure would be easy to add) in ActiveWorlds. There may be better solutions, but I just wanted to mention this one since it would serve the purpose. TechnoZeus [View Quote] Suggestion: Improve readability of chat bufferApr 25, 1998, 5:23pm
Hadn't meant the method I mentioned as an "only" option... just one that
could be added easily enough that we wouldn't have to wait forever to see it. As we all know, there are many features waiting to be added, and if something creates a problem it is likely to get "put on the shelf" for a while. I am familliar with the concept of checking the scroll-bar position before deciding weather or not to scroll when adding text by the way, and I'm not trying to say it's a bad suggestion. By the way, since the beta for 2.0 already has a chat log feature, that solves part of the problem, and for anyone wanting a cheap workaround in the interim of an actual solution, here goes... Left click in the chat history (text) box. Then press Ctrl-Home to got to the top of the chat text. Then press Shift-Ctrl-End to select from there to the end of the chat text. Then press Ctrl-Insert to copy all selected text. (You might want to press it twice just to be sure... shouldn't be necessary, but can't hurt.) Then open Notepad ([Start] --> Programs --> Accessories --> Notepad) and paste (Shift-Insert) the text you have in the clipboard.... then edit that text to get what you want. Alternatatively, you can use this similar method to select a specific area of text if the chat dialog winn hold still for a second or two... left click in the chat history box. Then use your arrow keys to move to one end of the text you want. (The Home or End key may also help you get there faster.) Then hold the Shift key and use your arrow keys (and Home or End if you like) to get to the other end of the text you want selected. TechnoZeus [View Quote] Suggestion: Improve readability of chat bufferJul 2, 1998, 4:21am
Re: Faster Turning/WalkingApr 25, 1998, 2:34am
High Speed Panning is in the Perfomance tab of Options --> Settings if you
want to turn it on. As for the idea of adjusting your step size based on your frame rate, that's an interesting prospect, however you should keep in mind that a straight forward calculation as you've just described would be devistating to slow computers, and although adding limits to the extremes would solve part of the problem, it would still most likely be necessary to make the changes based on a curve rather than a straight division. For example, when my frame rete falls below 0.1 (which it often does) it would not be all that unlikely for me to end up lost in one step if I was to move (blindly) at a speed that is acceptable for someone getting over 60 frames per second. It would however be nice to eventually see more options added to allow control over walking speed.... for example, a slider bar could be added to the performance tab ranging perhaps from "stroll" to "race" or something like that. (The somewhat ambiguous names being chosen over numbers here due to the fact that they would have different results on different systems.) TechnoZeus [View Quote] Re: tighter security featureApr 25, 1998, 3:35am
A simple extension of the Eject model should do the trick. This would allow
restriction of building rights to anyone who abuses those privilages. Here's a suggestion. A selected object could provide an interface for a world owner or caretaker a way to limit building based on some of the information about the builder that is hiden available to the system. I'll e-mail Roland on this one with a few more details. TechnoZeus [View Quote] Re: world categoriesApr 25, 1998, 4:54am
Here's your solution... Keywords.
Each world could have a short list of keywords (instead of a category) which would allow future revisions of AW to add features for searching or listing worlds by keyword.. for example, you could look for worlds containing "Christian" and "water" and not "Baptist" and the search (or listing) could be case sensative or case insensative based on a setting in Options. This would allow you to put your world in as many categories as you like (within reason) and not have it effect the name people know the world by. The first addition to the browser to take advantage of the keywords should (in my humble opinion) be to add "list Keywords" to the context menu that is accessed by right clicking on a world in the Worlds list. TechnoZeus [View Quote] Re: multiple privilege accounts screenApr 25, 1998, 6:17am
I like this idea also. As it is, I avoid using acquired privialges for
several reasons, but one of the big reasons is that I simply have too many people that would like to have me acquire their privilages and there is no convenient way to switch between them. With pop down list, or a menu flyout or something of that nature, it could be made much more convenient and the only time you would have to re-enter the privilage password (provided it saved them all) is when a person changes their privilage password. TechnoZeus >..> Princess Tia <Princess_tia at> wrote in article <35403ac1.0 at sundev>... > hi all, > > would be nice if we could have a screen for privilege accounts, enter > that info. in there once, then have the ability to view the various > accts. and just click which account we need to access at the moment.. > > Princess Tia > Chat watchApr 25, 1998, 6:49am
Here's one I've wanted to see for a long time, but for some reason, have
never gotten around to asking for or suggesting: I would like to see a feature where a person could specify a list of words to be "watched for" in the chat dialog. For example, a GateKeeper might want to include such waord as "help" and "how" and perhaps the word "GateKeeper" as well as variations such as "GK" and the separate words "Gate" and "Keeper" along with their own name. They may also want to include key words from common phrases that clue them in to a person needing help, such as "new" which would be seen in statements like "I'm new here" for example. Here's how it would work... If I was in a crowded area, and someone asked about me, my name (TechnoZeus) or common variations (i.e. TZ, Zeus, Techno, or Z) would be detected be the chat watch routine and highlighted as they are displayed. This would make it easier to hold a conversation in less than ideal circumstances, but more importantly, would allow a person to get my attention without having to resort to telegrams or distract everyone. This option should be available for both tourists and citizens. While not as convenient as telegrams, it would help tourists to find each other. By default, your own name (exact spelling.. without the quotes if you're a tourist) would be watched for.... This could be toggled with a checkbox to avoid having to change what name is watched for each time you change identities (although I probably wouldn't notice the difference since I use the same name as a tuorist as I do as a citizen) and perhaps a seperate list could be kept for citizen or tourist mode. As for how to highlight the words, or what method to use when searching for them, I'll leave that up for discussion. My thought on the subject is that searching for each word as a text substring (full or partial word) could make a nice default, and that colors (or a color) could be used to highlight the words when they are found. Perhaps even allowing multiple concurrent lists each containing words to highlight in a different color. For example, if I set... TZ Techno Techno ={red} Zeus Z ={purple} look help how build ={blue} ... Then if someone said "I'm looking for TechnoZeus. Someone said he could help me learn to build." I would notice that line right away because my name (TechnoZeus) would be displayed in two colors (red and purple) and the words "help" and "build" as well as part of the word "looking" would be in blue. Some other possibilities might be to have words italicized, or placed in bold or underlined... or any combination of style and color changes. TechnoZeus Chat watchApr 25, 1998, 5:25pm
Didn't know mIRC had that feature. Thanks for the info. Anyway, it would
be nice to see in ActiveWorlds, I think. TechnoZeus [View Quote] Re: TagsApr 25, 1998, 7:07am
Not a bad idea, but it would take up quite a bit of space.
Here's one I thought of a long time ago, but never botherted to refine: ActiveWorlds could have a database query queue that would allow a person to place one search into the queue for a specific world and recieve a telegram from the world server when the results come in... or perhaps an e-mail or maybe some other form or notification (like I said.. never refined it.) The idea here anyway, being that by allowing only one request per user (or per citizen) to be processed at a time, and letting the world server run a slow background process to do the search, you would not get your answer right away, but you also would not over tax the world server with your search. TechnoZeus [View Quote] Re: Faster Turning/WalkingApr 25, 1998, 7:47am
Well, personally, I think the high-speed panning feature is nice... if you
can use it. Of course, if the D3D driver doesn't support it, you're kind of out of luck there. Do you think the idea of a slider bar as I mentioned earlier might help in your situation? Just a side thought here... such a slider bar could be included on a "movement control" dailog box of some type that could be alternately accessed by right clicking on the "mouse mode" button. (just a thought.) TechnoZeus Re: TagsApr 26, 1998, 1:05am
Just a thought on your concerns Dean...
If you wanted to include tag= before something in the description field, you could do so without it having any special meaning to AW and given a search engine with appropraite capabilities, you could include that part in your search. Also, if a person intended an object to be found only by people they select, it would be easy enough to encode a discription, or just pick something obscure that only you would know the meaning of. For example, if you placed an object underground at your "hideout" and in the description, you places the word "monkeemuck" it is very unlikely that anyone would find it in a search by accident.. let alone on purpose, unless they knew the "secret word." ":) [View Quote] A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 1:24am
To save space (in news applications that group by thread anyway) I'm going
to post a few ideas as a multi-branch thread with this message as the root. Some are good ideas, and some are not so good, but at least you'll have a chance to read them and if you have some positive input about any of them, I welcome your input. Most of them have been seen (in one form or another) by at least one employee of CoF at some time in the past, but since I have avoided the newsgroups (for reasons of storage space constrantes as well as being turned away by the way I saw people treating each other when I did visit them) I have taken the time to gather a few of the suggestions I have offered (or intended to offer) in the past. If these are all familliar to you, or if you have no interest in "old news" as such, feel free to skip this thread entirely. If you find this interesting... good. If this turns out to be usefull to have here... Great! :·) TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 1:31am
This is the command enhancement I would like most to see added: Trigger
delay timers. After any trigger, a number in parenthese could be interpreted as a delay count... for example: Try this... animate a tree01.rwx object with flame... then have it wait a short time and change to water... then have it wait a short time and change to snow... all without having any other object to control it... just the tree. the way ActiveWorlds presently works, as far as I know you just can't. But with the delay parameters it would be this simple... create animate me flame 1 1 0; create(10000) animate me water 1 1 0; create(20000) animate me snow 1 1 0 That would be flame for 10 seconds... then water for 10 seconds beyond that time... then snow. another simple example would be to make a door open for a short time as follows: activate visible off, solid off, visible d1 on, solid d1 on; activate(15000) visible on, solid on, visible d1 off, solid d1 off; bump visible off, solid off, visible d1 on, solid d1 on; bump(7000) visible on, solid on, visible d1 off, solid d1 off where the open door object has been named d1. TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 1:32am
Here's another nice one... combining triggers...
Ya know.. Like when someone wants to make a teleport to GZ, so they use... activate teleport 0n 0w; bump teleport 0n 0w Maybe they could use something like... activate/bump teleport 0n 0w Using this type of trigger combining (to mean something like "bump or activate") along with trigger delay timers, the following simple command would open a door for a short time and (when clicked or bumped) and then close it: bump/activate visible off, solid off, visible d1 on, solid d1 on; bump(7000)/activate(15000) visible on, solid on, visible d1 off, solid d1 off As in the example I gave for trigger delays, the object used to represent the open door has been named d1 with a command like... create visible off, solid off, name d1 for the purpose of this example. TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 1:34am
Another idea... a way to shut an animation off so that the object would lose
the applied texture. For example, astop off might be used to turn a tree01.rwx back to it's original color combination of green with a brown stem. TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 1:41am
When a citizen tries to build on an area occupied by a tourist owned object,
rather than giving the usual message, perhaps it would be possible to prompt the citizen to ask if they would like the object ownership converted to tourist status so that it could be placed, or something like that. In other words, it should not be necessary for a citizen to change into a tourist just to add a tourist owned object onto tourist owned property... or should it? Any comments? TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 1:43am
Perhaps, allow a world owner to re-shape their world to any rectangular
coordinates that give the same area as the original settings. TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 1:45am
An "Automatically silde out of contact with other objects when moved" check
box in the object properties dialog box. When no reasonable distance in the direction moved will accomplish this, the object would only slide to a point where it is no longer in contact with any object belonging to another citizen, and a message would explain what happened. TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 1:46am
A "Follow object" checkbox that would keep your avatar in the same position
relative to the object(s) you are moving. TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 1:48am
A "Bring ojbect with" checkbox in the Teleport dialog (for teleporting your
avatar) which would be availible if you have an object selected, and when checked, would cause the object to be moved with your avatar.... or alternatively, a "carry object" option in the object properties that would let you walk around or teleport while holding the object, and would keep the object in the same position relative to your avatar. TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 1:49am
Vision enhancements: Normal Vision = Like it is now; Techno Vision =
Wireframe Vision (or Textureless Vision) with added viewing distance or improved framerate; Kronos Vision = Normal for closer objects + Wireframe for more distant objects. TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 1:53am
Wildlife. It has been brought to my attention that some people would like to
see such things as deer, horses, geese, squirrels, foxes, bears, ducks, swans, gerbils, etc. roaming around the realm of Alpha World. This could possibly be accomplished with a limited number of "bots" which would be visually repeated at regular intervals... for example, every kilometer. While not for every world and I would expect, not a priority, it has been suggested that some worlds would be enhanced by the presence of computerized life forms other than the people who visit the worlds. This is perhaps one way such a possibility could be realized. TechnoZeus |