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A few old ideas

Apr 26, 1998, 3:15am
Works for me.


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A few old ideas

Apr 26, 1998, 3:17am
I also suggested this one last year. Actually, it wouldn't require any
addition or changes to the command names. Only changes to the parsing
routine that looks for the names.


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A few old ideas

Apr 26, 1998, 3:18am
Better late than never. :·)


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A few old ideas

Apr 26, 1998, 3:29am
Well, as I stated in my opening note for this thread, these are mostly old
ideas. There is actually a considerable amount of complication involved in
making the transition from 2-D rotation to 3-D rotation. If I'm not
mistaken, you create objects so you're probably very familliar with this
fact. Anyway, it would still be nice to see. :·)


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A few old ideas

Apr 26, 1998, 3:32am
Sounds similar to my Slide out of Object idea. See "Automatic elimination
of overlap" in an earlier branch of this thread.


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A few old ideas

Apr 26, 1998, 8:05am
True, but that's not all it does. As I said, if you look more carefully you
will see that what this does is not possible with the animate command unless
you encorporate several objects each with a portion of the action desired.
For example, a single object can presently have multiple adone
pseudotriggers, but there is no purpose since they are all tied to the same
animate command. By allowing trigger delay timers, you would be able to
not only animate an object with consecutive textures of either the same name
or different names, but also to a wide variety of sophisticated actions with
simple commands on a single object.

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A few old ideas

Apr 26, 1998, 8:08am
That works only on objects that had only one texture, and only if that one
texture was applied to all texture mapped surfaces. It would be a simple
matter to add a command enhance an existing command to allow an object to
return to it's original texture covering.


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A few old ideas

Apr 26, 1998, 8:12am
True, but I missed the correlation. Or was there one?


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A few old ideas

Apr 26, 1998, 8:15am
Well... Maybe the parser is a good place to start. :·)


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A few old ideas

Apr 26, 1998, 12:34pm
Okay. I think I see what you're saying. That my original "example" could
be simulated by renaming the flame, water and snow textures... for example,
to surface1.jpg, surface2.jpg, and surface3.jpg and then using a single
animate command such as:
create animate me surface 3 3 10000, astart
to cycle through them. Am I correct Eep²?


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A few old ideas

Apr 26, 1998, 12:36pm
Point taken. :·)
Any other comments on the Tint command?


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A few old ideas

Apr 26, 1998, 3:43pm
Okay Eep². Guess you lost me somewhere then. What was it you were saying
could be done with an animate command?


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A few old ideas

Apr 26, 1998, 3:45pm
Okay, I'll bite... How do you build an "object colorer?"


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A few old ideas

Apr 26, 1998, 5:37pm
Okay. Thanks. I guess I had misunderstood. WHen you said "This can be
done" I thought you were talking about all of the functionality I had
mentioned {
{( i.e. ..>But with the delay parameters it would be this simple...
create animate me flame 1 1 0; create(10000) animate me water 1 1 0;
create(20000) animate me snow 1 1 0
That would be flame for 10 seconds... then water for 10 seconds beyond that
time... then snow.
another simple example would be to make a door open for a short time as
activate visible off, solid off, visible d1 on, solid d1 on; activate(15000)
visible on, solid on, visible d1 off, solid d1 off; bump visible off, solid
off, visible d1 on, solid d1 on; bump(7000) visible on, solid on, visible d1
off, solid d1 off
where the open door object has been named d1. )}
} rather than a tiny portion of it. My apologies for misunderstanding.


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A few old ideas

Apr 26, 1998, 5:43pm
Ah, good point. That would however encourage less effecient building,
storage and performance wise at least. The addition I'm proposing here
would encourage the re-use of objects rather than discourage it, and would
still add variety and allow more creativity than is presently possible
without severe loss of efficiency.


[View Quote] [View Quote] > Okay, I'll bite... How do you build an "object colorer?"

A few old ideas

Apr 26, 1998, 5:55pm
Don't know what the present status is on that, but last I checked, that
format caused performance losses of it's own... and I think it also used to
cause the texture to be stored twice in the cache, although I just tested
that with my current version 2 beta (build 242) and it doesn't seem to any


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A few old ideas

Apr 26, 1998, 6:01pm
No Eep², that wasn't me, and no Dean I'm not currently an active member of
the teaching staff in that world, although I have been told I am welcome to
teach there, and I do occasionally when I am specifically asked to do so.
Not that it's relevant here, but that should clear things up anyway.


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A few old ideas

Apr 27, 1998, 3:07pm
Cool. I like it. How about this possible modification though...
Change <Ln,Rn> to move commands... L=(Move)Left, R=(Move)Right
and add <Cn,An> as turn commands... Cn=Clockwise,An=Anti-clockwise(AKA
Counter-clockwise) n=degrees

Also, what do you think of the idea of having the object revert back to it's
original (stored) position whenever it (or any other object) is selected,
to avoid having to guess at how far it has moved if you want to adjust it's
location slightly?


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A few old ideas

Apr 27, 1998, 3:09pm
Medium well please.

TechnoZeus. :·)

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A few old ideas

Apr 28, 1998, 1:22am
Not sure if I understand, but if so, I think what you're talking about would
require AW to interpret the Action field and store it's interpretation. As
it is, the actual text you enter is what gets stored as I understand it.
Perhaps if abreviations were implemented a button could later be added that
when clicked would replace the Action line with a compact (abreviated) form
of what AW would (at that time, in that version) interpret the line as
meaning. Am I close here, or way off?


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A few old ideas

Apr 28, 1998, 1:33am
Great idea. I've also noticed the lack of such an action, but have never
managed to think of it while offering suggestions. Perhaps this idea could
even be expanded. Since triggers are only used at the beginning of a
command, it sould be possible to give the same words another purpose
elsewhere... for example using an "action" command...
activate action ojb1 bump=off
When the object containing that action line is clicked, the object that was
named using
.... name ojb1
would have it's bump trigger disabled. Only the create trigger could not
be disabled in this way, and for obvious reasons. Anyway, this would be
ONE way to accomplish what you mentioned. Perhaps even the commands
themselves could be toggled in this way. I.e. ...
bump teleport +1 +0 +2a, action teleport=off
could be used to cause bumping the object to teleport you one time, but not
when bumped again. Comments?


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A few old ideas

Apr 29, 1998, 4:20am
Maybe a "wizard" type of gueded command creator would be a nice addition...
Click a button and get guided through the process of chosing a type of
command, when you want it to happen, and so on.. and then a chance to add
another command until you tell it that you're finished.. then the command
could be concatinated and placed in the Action window for you where you
could leave it as is, or choose to modify it. That way you don't take away
any of the power or flexibility of the "command line" but you add the ease
of use and quick learning associated with a graphical interface. :·)


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A few old ideas

May 1, 1998, 8:59pm
Well, the wrap idea forms the Euclidean equivilant of a 4D torus, which is
much easier to calculate since it can be done without polar coordinates or
true gravity, however if what you wanted is the "apearance" of a spherical
world, I suppose it would be possible to bend the rendering of the z-axis
with respect to distance.... up for the apearance of the inside of a sphere,
or down to look like the outside of a sphere... and maybe ste the default
viewing angle up or down a bit to compensate. I doubt anything like this
is supported by RenderWare, so the amount of curvature would probably have
to be kept very small... flat enough that the ground objects would still fit
together well. It would also take a lot of extra procesing I would think,
but not as much as spherical curvature and the look would be about the
same... unless you wanted to make very small spheres or build close to the
center of them using "away from the center" as the "up" direction.


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A few old ideas

May 3, 1998, 5:14pm
Careful Dean. Not seeing it doesn't make it any less valid. Personally, I
would think that adding visual curvature would be a bit redundant if you
have world wrap and therefore the equivilant of mathematical curvature,
however it could give some interesting visual effects, and in fact may lead
to more inventive curve forms such as sine wave landscapes or rolling hills
that would act mathematcally as "flat" but would give a more "natural look"
to some worlds.


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A few old ideas

May 20, 1998, 2:14pm
Nope. Why, are you selling spaghetti seeds? :·)

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A few old ideas

May 20, 1998, 2:20pm
Yes, that would also be nice. Not sure why it's not allowed. Perhaps that
was meant to be more like the outside world where you have to have supplies
before you can build.. or maybe just to challange us... or maybe it just
hasn't been added "yet"... hard to say.

I would like to mention though, that the ability to select multiple objects
enhances the usefulness of a feature that lest you bring the selected
objects with you as you move and/or teleport. On the down side, you would
not want a person to be able to "accidentally" carry objects around as they
walk, as it would make a mess of object allignment all over the place.


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A few old ideas

May 20, 1998, 2:24pm
Very true. It would of course have to be something that could be easily
turned off at the world level as well as at the browser level, I would
think... although being able to keep your browser from viewing such items
"at all" would significantly reduce their usefulness.


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A few old ideas

May 20, 1998, 2:36pm
As a matter of fact, I have suggested the addition of a feature that would
list all registered objects in the world you are building in, and I have
heard that other people have made similar suggestions in the past, so it
would not surprise me at all to see something like that come out in a beta
some time.

Until then, we just have to make do with the many object yards that people
have built. I have a bump warp attached to the flaming door in Alpha World
894S 786E .7A 215
which will take you to my main index area where the objects for Alpha World
are alphabetically cataloged and hyperlinked guideword signs will take you
to them with a single click. In that area you will also find a link to
theobject index I have in Mars world... but that one was designed for faster
computers (not like my computer) so if you have a slow computer, be ready
for insufficient frame rates and the visual side effects they can cause in
the Mars Index.


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A few old ideas

May 20, 1998, 2:42pm
Yes, thanks grover for that clearification. Also, note that when moving an
object for building purposes, it moves for everyone, whereas the movement we
are talking about here would most likely be rendered on each computer
independant of any other, and would not affect the location where the object
is stored. Selecting such a moved object (or any object) would reveal the
object's "true" location.


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A few old ideas

Jun 2, 1998, 10:19pm
I was wondering if a new trigger could be added to the command set which
would be issued when a given frame number is switched on in an animation
sequence by use of the frame command. I don't know if it would be
reasonable or not, to allow a normal looping or non-looping animation to
cause the same trigger event when displaying the same frame... that would
have to be decided by someone who knows how that pard of the program is

Here's an example using "aframe" as the trigger name and assuming that a
normal frame change could be used to issue the event...
create animate me stone 15 15 3000; aframe13 frame +1, noise gong.wav

In this case, the object would display each of the 15 stone textures for 3
seconds except for frame 13 which would quickly be switched to the naxe
frame and would cause the gong.wav sound file to play.

I realize that this might be a particularly difficult trigger to impliment,
but it would be very useful in many ways.

By the way, in case you're wondering how that would look with a trigger
delay on it as I described in an earlier sub-thread, here's the same line,
but modified to play the sound 1 second later...
create animate me stone 15 15 3000; aframe13(1000) noise gong.wav; aframe13
frame +1

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