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technozeus // User Search
technozeus // User SearchA few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 1:55am
More information in the Help file about what effects your visibility range.
(If there are other things you would like to see more info about in the help files, feel free to post them as a reply to this message also.) TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 1:58am
New commands, and command enhancements: (Any new ideas here?)
TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 1:59am
A "Mutate" command. Example: create Mutate me 3 10000 seed plant tree
bigtree, astop This example would change the object displayed to seed.rwx after 10 seconds, plant.rwx after 20 seconds, tree.rwx after 30 seconds, and bigtree.rwx after 40 seconds although the name of the object file (in the Object Properties) would not change. TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 2:00am
Mixed Relative, and Absolute Warps/Teleports.
Example: bump Teleport 30N 40W +1.2A +180 This example would teleport the avatar that bumped the object to coordinates 30 North by 40 West at an altitude 12 meters higher than the starting point, and facing the opposite direction. TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 2:01am
A "Scale" command.
Example: create Scale me 2 1 .5 This example would scale the object to 2 by 1 by .5 times its normal size. Caution: This command could be problematic. TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 2:02am
Rotate command.
Example: activate Rotate me 2 3000 360 Once activated, this example would rotate the object 2 degrees once every three seconds stopping after a total of 360 degrees. TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 2:03am
Tint command. This command would cause the surface colors and textures of
the effected object to be blended with the RGB color specified by the first three numeric parameters using the last number to determine the extent of the effect. I'm not sure if (or how) this command could be implemented, but if so it would give builders a great deal of added control over the look of their creations. Examples: create Tint 0 0 0 1 This example should turn the object solid black. create Tint .75 .2 1 .9 This example should change the color of the object rendering to something close to blue-violet. create Tint 1 1 1 .2 This example should lighten the color of a dark object a small amount by blending in 20% white. TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 2:06am
Paint command.
Example: create Paint me Tree10 This example would be apply the texture "Tree10.bmp" (or Tree10.jpg) to the object. Notice that while this example has the same effect as "create Animate me Tree 12 10 10" the Paint command would make it possible for more people to take advantage of texture mapping because it would be easier to understand than the Animate command. TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 2:08am
Drop-boxes displaying the commands that are supported by an object, or the
objects, sounds, textures, etc. that are available to select from in the user's current world. TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 2:20am
Accelerate command.
Example: bump Accelerate +2S -1E This example would have an effect similar to "walking" or "flying" in which a small acceleration would be added to your movement in a South by SouthWest direction (in this example) but with no associated sound effects and no predetermined destination. This would be usefull for such effects as wind storms or water that carries you downstream until you reach the shore, but still allows you to "swim" against the current. The intended difference between Accelerate and Warp is that Warp changes your location and the direction you are facing, whereas Accelerate would be intended to alter the speed and direction of your avatar's present movement. Perhaps an easier word to spell would be a better choice... maybe a Walk or Fly command? TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 2:22am
Here's one I would REALLY like to see: Command abreviations. For example,
"animate me flame 1 1 0" could be entered as "ani. me flame 1 1 0" or as "anim. me flame 1 1 0" and "teleport 0N 1E" could be entered as someting like "t. 0N 1E" where the shortest alphanumeric sequence that distinguishes the command from other commands would be enough, and would be followed by an abreviation delimiter such as the period character. Full and abreviated forms could be used in any combination, as in the following example of an animate command: create a. me flame 1 1 0 Following is a list of some examples in the proposed abreviated form: c. Mu. me 3 10000 seed plant tree bigtree, astop b. T. 30N 40W +1.2A +180 c. Sc. me 2 1 .5 a. R. me 2 3000 360 c. Ti. .75 .2 1 .9 c. P. me Tree10 b. Ac. +2S -1E TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 2:24am
Avatar Customization flyout menu to let the user select clothing color
variations and/or skin tone for a personalized version of the selected avatar. This one may be difficult or impossible, but here it is anyway if anyone is interested. TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 2:25am
Teleport Duplicate of Object. (Pretty self explanatory. Should have an "Are
you sure..." prompt.) TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 2:26am
Ability to rotate an object vertically. (That is, through the x-z or y-z
plane.) Even if only in specific "large" increments within a limited range. TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 2:30am
Teleport to Object's Location. (Choose object from a list of the N/S by E/W
coordinates in which the specified owner has one ore more objects. Among other things, may be usefull for finding lost objects for the purpose of deleting them. Also, a version of this could be available in non-build mode by right clicking on an onbect in the distance. If local teleports are disabled, your avatar would attempt to "walk" to the object. TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 2:31am
Full Object Inventory. (List all objects owned by user on an item by item
basis.) Probably difficult if possible. Here's an alternative.... List of the objects cached for a given world, including their location and owner number. Sortable by owner or proximity to a specific location. TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 2:32am
A long range scanner of some type. For example, a way to toggle the screen
(maybe by pressing Tab or something) between the normal 3D view, and a map centered around your current location. 1 pixel per square dekameter would cover alot of range, but would of course be hard to see details on.. Maybe one pixel per square meter would be better. TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 2:34am
Although I like the way rotation of multiple objects works now (in 2.0 beta
build 242), I would still like to suggest a possible improvement. While presently the rotation happens around a common center, it would be nice to have a choice of rotating around the common center, the center of the first object selected, or the center of the last object selected. This would allow the average person much more freedom in building. Perhaps when multiple objects are selected, the Action or Description field could be taken out to make room for a few radio buttons (if those fields will not be used for multiple objects) and the Object field could indicate how many objects are selected... this is only one possibility. If you have comments, or related ideas, please mention them. :) TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 2:35am
An option to move in object size steps when one object is selected (for
example, a walk001h.rwx could be made to move ten meters per click while CTRL is held down... not sure how you would handle that with multiple objects selected. TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 2:36am
Addition of a "Building Supplies" tab that would display a list of
registered objects in the world, or in the case of no registry, the names of all objects in the Models path, as wall as seperately display the names of all files in the Textures directory and all files in the Sounds directory. TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 2:37am
Addition of a "Build Mode" with a corresponding toolbar button and menu
option. When entering a world that you have no build rights in, Build Mode would be turned off, enabling other right mouse button functions like "teleport to object" and "telegram to builder" but could still be turned back on as long as the world owner has not selected to prevent it. When entering a world where you can build, the setting of Build Mode would be determined by a prefference setting in Options Settings. This would allow people to study objects which would encourage learning about ActiveWorlds rather than prevent it, but would also allow people to explore a world in Explore Mode (meaning that Build Mode is turned off) giving greater control over interaction with the environment. TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 2:38am
A selected object count display to tell how many objects are selected.. That
would be nice when selecting multiple objects at a distance or against a background that too closely matches the color of the selection box. TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 2:40am
Make it so that an astart command on an object to which no animate has been
asigned would result in an imediate adone. TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 2:41am
World wrap: As you walk to the edge ot the world, if world wrap is turned
on, objects from the other side would apear to give the illusion of a larger continuous world. TechnoZeus A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 2:50am
Actually, if you look more carefully, you will see that what this does is
not possible with the animate command unless you encorporate several objects each with a portion of the action desired. TechnoZeus [View Quote] A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 3:07am
Same here. Last year in fact. Didn't see it in the newsgroup yet though,
so I added it in case someone who hasn't seen it might be interested. The list I've just posted is just a few of the suggestions I've made, and although some of my best ones are included, there are also some that were not so good, and many of the good ones got left out simple because I haven't kept track of them of kept them in any kind of list or folder. Anyway, I take it you aprove of this idea... seeing as you've also found it worthy of suggesting. Am I correct in this assumption? TechnoZeus [View Quote] A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 3:08am
Not what I meant. That strips the texture altogether. What I am
suggesting here is a way to return the object to the textures it has built in. TechnoZeus [View Quote] A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 3:11am
A few old ideasApr 26, 1998, 3:14am
Actually, what I'm suggesting here could not be accomplished by simply
adding new objects as it would require a set of 16777216 variations on each texture and a corresponding object for each variation. At the very least, that would be quite impractical. TechnoZeus [View Quote] |