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3.4 sdk??

Nov 21, 2002, 9:47pm
SDK 3.4 http://objects.activeworlds.com/downloads/sdk27.zip

[View Quote]

End of the Line

Nov 25, 2005, 8:57pm
Why would he tell you to do that? That does NOT sound like JP! How was
this even brought about, if it was at all?

Teleports jump to altitude

Jul 9, 2006, 5:57pm
BRO also has that same thing happen... getting ported to the Gate upon uni
entry and at other times.

Lock designated avatars to specific users within private worlds.

Nov 13, 2002, 3:27pm
A feature to add to the avatar list / dat file: For world owners to have
the ability to designate a certain av to a specific citnumber. A visitor
trying to use someone else's av will get default tourist av with a courteous
message. BRO and ORB

Coronas detail

Nov 18, 2002, 5:49pm
BRO and I have been discussing coronas. It's possible to invert the
equation so that when you back away from a corona it gradually gets more dim
and as you get closer it gets brighter. The other way around isn't natural
in some cases (loll) It's like looking in a universal mirror. Should all
the text be reversed? Either way is useful for building.

We sort of began in space and just kept imagining and let ourselves "what
if" on and on. What if: in whichever camera view you want to be in... the
x,y, and z axis properties has an effect on how you see things? Standing on
our heads now trying to figure out what this is all about.


Nov 18, 2002, 6:16pm
BRO and ORB cont. If we had screen in screen, we could also have an added
camera angle to use for zooming ahead to see things in the distance before
walking, viewing it in the 2nd screen.

Ut oh , about mirrors again? phooey

Nov 19, 2002, 1:09pm
Bump mirror on when you walk through a door maybe ? I guess to have the
mirror have avatar detection as a trigger the mirror would have to be a bot
? Naw

Realistic worlds within realistic universes within the same dimension.

<no subject>

Nov 20, 2002, 6:55pm
Warps with adjustable speed command :o)

<no subject>

Nov 23, 2002, 11:30pm
It's nothing new but a matter of importance and considered progress sharing
ideas and being free to grow and learn. Scaring ppl away from expressing
themselves by saying someone is copying someone else really hampers
progress. I can see if someone is making a living and has copy rights which
is completely different than what we're doing here in the wishlist in AW's
NGs as we give of ourselves freely for the good of all. Who knows when our
ideas will come to life in AW. Whether old ideas being repeated here and
taken to the next level, or a whole new chain of ideas. I'm sure that
everyone doesn't keep a list of who thought of what first from the time of
genesis. I'm also just as sure there are different perspectives, concepts
and theories but may draw the same or similar conclusion. That chain of
events can lead to great discoveries. The warps at whatever speed and
possibly parallel to whichever object intended could mean someday we'll see
ourselves in 3rd person riding a bus or truck moving at the same speed in
the same direction/or set of directions at the very same time. I know it's
been thought of and discussed time and time again. SO I'm reiterating.

[View Quote]

<no subject>

Nov 24, 2002, 6:13am
Snap to Avatar!
Couldn't resist. By the way lol and lol at maki's reply to Strike Rapier's
2nd Joke of the Week.

[View Quote]

speed bump warps and travel

Nov 25, 2002, 3:07pm
Travel from point to point according to specified x,y and z where the avatar
will be commanded to snap to a vehicle object in which it makes collision
and where the first travel command is written.

[where t=travel r=rotate sv=snap to vehicle]

Therefore the first bump travel command should be written on the sv object.
Thereafter any collision with other bump travel warps without the sv command
will only affect the travel of avatar and initial sv object so as to
continue the snap and traveling until specifying an sv change.

Create sv;Bump t=10 0 0 time=10; next t

next t will cause an open travel statement until collision with next bump t
command object;

bump r=1 0 0 time=4, t=0 5 0, next t

then to end travel;

bump sv off,t end

Flaws are something I'm sure of.


speed bump warps and travel

Nov 25, 2002, 5:15pm
Of course setting speed limits is left to the department of transportation.
(No person shall drive a vehicle...at a speed greater than is reasonable and
prudent...and in no event at a speed which endangers the safety of persons
or property)

Teleporters becoming reality:

speed bump warps and travel

Nov 25, 2002, 5:43pm
http://www.activeworlds.com/help/aw31/teleport.html "Note that
short-distance teleports or warps (less than 100 meters horizontally) won't
register in the list of places you can go back to. This is so that the
various warp-driven rollercoasters don't generate a long list of short
teleports, which would make it difficult to get back to the start of the

The course is set by the builder who decides the path of travel. It's been
that way with warps all along. Otherwise may as well just use an avatar
with a vehicle already attached.

[View Quote]

speed bump warps and travel

Nov 25, 2002, 6:04pm
Well that next t thing was really dumb LOL

[View Quote]

speed bump warps and travel

Nov 26, 2002, 4:05pm
[View Quote] ncc71854, Contact http://www.cnn.com/feedback/

Main Entry: tele·port
Pronunciation: 'te-l&-"pOrt, -"port
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: back-formation from teleportation
Date: 1947
: to transfer by teleportation

Main Entry: tele·por·ta·tion
Pronunciation: "te-l&-"pOr-'tA-sh&n, -"por-, -p&r-
Function: noun
Etymology: tele- + transportation
Date: 1931
: the act or process of moving an object or person by psychokinesis

Main Entry: psy·cho·ki·ne·sis
Pronunciation: "sI-kO-k&-'nE-s&s, -kI-
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin
Date: 1914
: movement of physical objects by the mind without use of physical means --
- psy·cho·ki·net·ic /-'ne-tik/ adjective

Had to add this one:

Main Entry: tele·ki·ne·sis Pronunciation: "te-li-k&-'nE-s&s, -kI- Function:
noun Etymology: New Latin Date: 1890 : the production of motion in objects
(as by a spiritualistic medium) without contact or other physical means -
tele·ki·net·ic /-'ne-tik/ adjective - tele·ki·net·i·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/

Main Entry: la·ser
Pronunciation: 'lA-z&r
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
Date: 1960
: a device that utilizes the natural oscillations of atoms or molecules
between energy levels for generating coherent electromagnetic radiation
usually in the ultraviolet, visible, or infrared regions of the spectrum

Main Entry: trans·port·er
Pronunciation: tran(t)s-'pOr-t&r, -'por-, 'tran(t)s-"
Function: noun
Date: 1535
: one that transports ; especially : a vehicle for transporting large or
heavy loads

Main Entry: 1trans·port
Pronunciation: tran(t)s-'pOrt, -'port, 'tran(t)s-"
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French
transporter, from Latin transportare, from trans- + portare to carry -- more
Date: 14th century
1 : to transfer or convey from one place to another <transporting ions
across a living membrane>
2 : to carry away with strong and often intensely pleasant emotion
3 : to send to a penal colony overseas
synonym see BANISH
- trans·port·abil·i·ty /(")tran(t)s-"pOr-t&-'bi-l&-tE, -"por-/ noun
- trans·port·able /tran(t)s-'pOr-t&-b&l, -'por-/ adjective

Note: It stands to reason that we will not allow computers to have a mind of
their own, however we do allow them to think for us. This is where we have
trouble distinguishing between terms relating to our human mind and the
prcesses of the computer which is a device. Someone needs to email Webster.

speed bump warps and travel

Nov 26, 2002, 4:24pm
The dictionary entries in my previous post was taken from www.webster.com


speed bump warps and travel

Nov 26, 2002, 4:50pm
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

[View Quote] > Note: It stands to reason that we will not allow computers to have a =
mind of
> their own, however we do allow them to think for us. This is where we =
> trouble distinguishing between terms relating to our human mind and =
> prcesses of the computer which is a device. Someone needs to email =

It's interesting to look at the dates in which the words and definitions =
originated in.

Adding a few more entries from www.webster.com

Main Entry: com=B7pute Pronunciation: k&m-'py=FCt
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): com=B7put=B7ed; com=B7put=B7ing
Etymology: Latin computare
Date: 1616
transitive senses : to determine especially by mathematical means =
<compute your income tax>; also : to determine or calculate by means of =
a computer=20
intransitive senses
1 : to make calculation : RECKON
2 : to use a computer=20

Main Entry: com=B7put=B7er=20
Pronunciation: k&m-'py=FC-t&r
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Date: 1646
: one that computes; specifically : a programmable electronic device =
that can store, retrieve, and process data
- com=B7put=B7er=B7dom /-d&m/ noun
- com=B7put=B7er=B7less -l&s/ adjective
- com=B7put=B7er=B7like /-"lIk/ adjective=20

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
<META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.2800.1106" name=3DGENERATOR>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2><FONT size=3D3>"orb" &lt;</FONT><A=20
href=3D"mailto:Sharon at my.activeworlds.com"><FONT=20
size=3D3>Sharon at my.activeworlds.com</FONT></A><FONT size=3D3>&gt; wrote =
message<BR></FONT><A =
href=3D"news:3de276d9 at server1.Activeworlds.com"><FONT=20
size=3D3>news:3de276d9 at server1.Activeworlds.com</FONT></A><FONT=20
<DIV>&gt; Note: It stands to reason that we will not allow computers to =
have a=20
mind of<BR>&gt; their own, however we do allow them to think for =
us.&nbsp; This=20
is where we have<BR>&gt; trouble distinguishing between terms relating =
to our=20
human mind and the<BR>&gt; prcesses of the computer which is a =
Someone needs to email Webster.</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV>It's interesting to look at the dates in which the words and =
originated in.</DIV>
<DIV>Adding a few more entries from <A=20
<DIV>Main Entry: com=B7pute Pronunciation: k&amp;m-'py=FCt<BR>Function:=20
verb<BR>Inflected Form(s): com=B7put=B7ed; com=B7put=B7ing<BR>Etymology: =
computare<BR>Date: 1616<BR>transitive senses : to determine especially =
mathematical means &lt;compute your income tax&gt;; also : to determine =
calculate by means of a computer <BR>intransitive senses<BR>1 : to make=20
calculation : RECKON<BR>2 : to use a computer </DIV>
<DIV>Main Entry: com=B7put=B7er <BR>Pronunciation: =
noun<BR>Usage: often attributive<BR>Date: 1646<BR>: <FONT =
color=3D#0000ff>one that=20
computes</FONT>; specifically : a programmable electronic device that =
can store,=20
retrieve, and process data<BR>- com=B7put=B7er=B7dom /-d&amp;m/ =
com=B7put=B7er=B7less -l&amp;s/ adjective<BR>- com=B7put=B7er=B7like =
/-"lIk/ adjective=20


speed bump warps and travel

Nov 26, 2002, 7:01pm
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


The Age of the computer.


Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
<META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.2800.1106" name=3DGENERATOR>
<BODY bgColor=3D#0080f6>
<DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana size=3D2>ncc71854,</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana size=3D2>The Age of the computer.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2><A=20
<DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>



Jan 7, 2003, 2:00pm
Hi everyone,

I think I mentioned this wish before. It's about having an rwx act like a
whiteboard or chalkboard where we can draw freehand with our cursors. Lots
of fun drawing with friends this way.


3.3 sign bug

Jan 12, 2003, 12:23am
While writing a list on a xaw2 we thought it would give us more character
allowance if we left out spaces between each item on the list and put a
comma between words. We added loads of words to the sign. The text got
real small in the tag when gliding mouse over the sign. We didn't realize
what effect this would have on our computers. 2 different computers crashed
over a dozen times because of it. I even had to reformat my hd afterwards.

3.3 Sign bug

Jan 12, 2003, 12:23am
While writing a list on a xaw2 we thought it would give us more character
allowance if we left out spaces between each item on the list and put a
comma between words. We added loads of words to the sign. The text got
real small in the tag when gliding mouse over the sign. We didn't realize
what effect this would have on our computers. 2 different computers crashed
over a dozen times because of it. I even had to reformat my hd afterwards.

Re: 3.3 Sign bug

Jan 12, 2003, 3:53pm
No idea how it caused the problems within my system to the degree that it
did. My computer wasn't the only one crashing repeatedly because of it.
Once the sign was deleted the crashing stopped but I still had AWorld error
messages and system error messages. Never had the system problems before
that. I reinstalled AW 3.3 but still had errors. Reformatting was
necessary it seemed to me since I had so many errors appearing steadily as
time went on while using programs other than AW. Maybe somehow it was
reading word,word,word,word,word,etc as one super long word and that isn't
ok with how the 3.3 programming is.

Cleaning up NAC covered land

Aug 23, 2003, 4:59pm
Thousands of acres of Not A Citizen covered land is all over AW in huge
chunks. There ought to be someway to free up that space for ppl to use.

Cleaning up NAC covered land

Aug 23, 2003, 5:23pm
I don't mean builds that are historical just land that is covered by grass
or so. Ok maybe not a good idea lol

news:3f47bacc$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Yes, to make room for people covering 10000 x 10000 chunks of land, which
> will then go NAC, and we'll need to clean that up, and the cycle goes on
> on. I see it as a buffer for that kind of thing. Anyway, you'd remove
> of AW if you cleaned that up. Hell, AW wouldn't have much of a GZ anymore
> too.
> -joe
[View Quote]

Cleaning up NAC covered land

Aug 26, 2003, 12:08pm
It's that most of the NAC's are covering land closest to GZ. You know how
we are Andras.

Create Bounding Box or Create Group

Dec 21, 2003, 5:44pm
For putting several objects in a build into one group so that we can use the
move and rotate commands as those the grouped objects has one axis.

Create Bounding Box or Create Group

Dec 21, 2003, 5:59pm
those = though

Shared Build Rights in AW

Dec 22, 2003, 4:13pm
This is excellent too.. we bad today lol

new objects

Dec 22, 2003, 8:31pm
No it's not a good there is history in the old AW.

new objects

Dec 22, 2003, 8:34pm

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