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project (best I could do heh)

Apr 6, 2002, 4:07pm
I for one would be intrested as im on the look out for game bots, Bingo is
top of my list. This kind of site could also be good for wana be programers
like me so we can get some working samples to start from and perhaps a
members foum so as to share ideas program problems etc.. a kind of online
experts help newbe type thing. Well thats the kind of thing I think would be

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Active Worlds Programmers Club

Apr 19, 2003, 1:03am
as long as your not a bomb disposal expert :)

Well I think its a great Ideal as I would like to start to create a bot my
self but have no Idea where to begin. I have MS Visual C++6 and 5 CD
training course on the language supplied by my work and would be glad of all
the help I can get on how to create interactive bot programs.

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Bingo Bot

May 19, 2003, 9:49pm
dont want to tell you what you might already know but do u have VB6 or the
VB6 runtime installed on your PC, if u have then don't flame me lol

If you do have the full VB6 that can compile to exe try opening the project
and then compiling it and see if that works ok.

Did the trick for me.


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Bingo Bot

May 20, 2003, 10:11pm
Well I think that considering no one else has published a bot for bingo in
all the time AW have had their one online that people would be grateful for
such a bot offering they could use or develop further. Anyone can search the
net for that DLL file to find its in the VB runtime and find the VB runtime
the same way so I don't see the big deal, its not like your buying the
product and expect customer service.

I guess some people have to pick fault no matter what people try to do just
to feel alive, no wonder people don't wish to help others or reply to
requests for help as they don't want to read replies from people bitching
and picking fault with the help they give. If you are so concerned about
people getting the VB run times why not just post a link for them to click
on and download said files in a constructive manor rather that just be a
control freak :) and pick fault with everyone in the world that has a pulse.

Just to annoy you even more howz about this, I know its childish but hey I
could not resist.

took all of 4 seconds, just goto and ask VB6 run time files
and as if by magic the answer will appear at the top of the list :)

****waits with firehose.rwx to put out flames.rwx****

Keep up the good work John, fredom for the masses.


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Bingo Bot

May 21, 2003, 6:13pm
[View Quote] If it matters make time.

> Uh no.

If u say so lol

> And for people, unlike me, who didn't know it was a VB runtime? What
> then? Are they psychic?

no they just arnt developers!

> Weren't we talking about VB?

if you dont know what the missing files were for then how do u know we are
talking about VB :P

> --
> --Bowen--


****Some people DO and others just bitch about nothing****

project (best I could do heh)

Apr 6, 2002, 4:07pm
I for one would be intrested as im on the look out for game bots, Bingo is
top of my list. This kind of site could also be good for wana be programers
like me so we can get some working samples to start from and perhaps a
members foum so as to share ideas program problems etc.. a kind of online
experts help newbe type thing. Well thats the kind of thing I think would be

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Active Worlds Programmers Club

Apr 19, 2003, 1:03am
as long as your not a bomb disposal expert :)

Well I think its a great Ideal as I would like to start to create a bot my
self but have no Idea where to begin. I have MS Visual C++6 and 5 CD
training course on the language supplied by my work and would be glad of all
the help I can get on how to create interactive bot programs.

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Xelagot, is it possible?

Apr 23, 2003, 7:29pm
Is it posible to great a small bingo bot from a Xelagot with a script file
or would it be to slow to process the card data as well as call the numbers
and log all called commands?

Help required

Jul 27, 2003, 1:33pm
I have been asked by a friend of mine who is not a member of the AW to post
a message on his behalf:

I have been told there are a lot of good people and a few bad in your
community so this is for the good only, bad people need not apply as they
will be rejected.

I have a universe online that can be found at
the universe has been online a few months now, a few of you have come across
it and some have checked with Bill to ensure we are legal which he has
confirmed to you.

I started out on version 3.3 and we now have version 3.4. I realise that 3.4
is new and as such no little about it, I would like to ask if anyone would
be prepared to help in anyway to get it up and running. In return for
peoples help I would like to offer citizenship's , object path's and world's
depending on the level of help as payment for services provided as I have
invested most of my money in the Universe and keeping it online at the

If you visit the universe as it stands you will find our gate world and not
much else. I are currently rebuilding the 3.4 help pages so you will find a
lot do not work right now. If you are interested in helping please could you
email support at If you just want to pop by to say hi you are
more than welcome, I would like to point out that I am not looking to take
people away from Activeworlds I simply want some help to get established if
anyone has some spare time and is interested.

Help required

Jul 27, 2003, 1:57pm
Well I did wander that my self, that was when I found out that the person
doing that would be me lol.

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Help required

Jul 27, 2003, 7:16pm
No problem, get better first your health is more important than building,
drop by when you are better.


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Help required

Jul 27, 2003, 7:16pm
Hi, I got your email and sent a reply back from my friend, basicly would
love to have your help, pop by when you can.



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Help required

Jul 28, 2003, 4:19pm
Sure, as not everyone wants to trust activex there is a link on the same
page to download the setup.exe and setup.inf in a winzip file. Simply
download the 1.9mb zip open, extract and run setup.exe.


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Help required

Jul 28, 2003, 4:21pm
looks like I was a bit slow on relpying, thankyou everyone for your help


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Help required

Jul 28, 2003, 8:13pm
thanks, we got everything crossed :)


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Spiral Matrix

Sep 30, 2003, 4:56pm
I would like to ask people who are members of the community at SpiralMatrix
and also AW to refrain from posting. While SpiralMatrix uses the AW
technology there is no need to go posting about it here as first off its the
Bots news group and while we have many cool bots its very off topic.

The fact that the above post shows the second reason why I don't think it is
appropriate to post here as we do not people with tunnel vision in our

In future please refrain from Posting blatant sales topics from SpiralMatrix
in this news server as much as the enthusiasm is appreciated it should be
better channelled, otherwise I will phone AWI my self to ask they be deleted
as it is unprofessional.

Many thanks all -1 ;)

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Skinned Avatars

Jun 16, 2002, 4:35pm
My wish is to find out what has happened to the skinned avatars we were
promised in 3.3 I see people talking about features in 3.4 , 3.5 and 3.6 yet
noone seems to be giving the goods on promised features of 3.3 now call me
old fashioned but I like to start and finish something before moving onto
the next thing I find that way you don't end up with a big pile of mess.

Skinned Avatars

Jun 16, 2002, 7:47pm
Perhaps he would like to do that before coding 3.4 Oh sorry hes already
doing that.

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Skinned Avatars

Jun 16, 2002, 9:00pm
lol why not there always promissing stuff then not delivering but still
quite happy to take our $$$$ guess nothing has changed, I guess based on
your comments your the new sales & marketing manager lol at least your
current efforts are better than the last guys lol

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Skinned Avatars

Jun 16, 2002, 9:32pm
So if I'm understanding this they have coded skinned avatars into 3.3 but as
of yet have no idea how to use what they have coded?

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Passworded Maximum World Limit?

Oct 30, 2002, 7:48pm
With a program that has a rating control that can block out worlds with a
higher ratting yet has no password protection on the feature no wonder no
serious businesses or large scale educational networks have not taken it
seriously. since that's where the money is when it comes to numbers not to
mention that most kids parents would pay for citizenship for there kids if
there felt they had some level of control over where there kids were hanging
out online that currently say no. Sure there will always be the few that try
to bend the rules but the few don't pay the bills the masses do. the
universe may be in VR but its time real world issues on child safety were
addressed if the business is ever going to expand and grow.

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Passworded Maximum World Limit?

Oct 30, 2002, 7:51pm
oops, should read 'have taken it seriously'

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Dreamlatd park and Other uni's

Jan 7, 2002, 5:33pm
If these Universes are indeed cracked what does AW plan to do to shut them
down not to mention taking legal action against the people running them. I
would think it was a criminal offence at least. After all adobe had the FBI
imprsson someone just for decompiling the adobe reader code last year. I
would of thought running a cracked universe and collecting revenue does not
enthuse genuine universe owners after spending all of that money on there
systems. Perhaps a simple solution would be to password all the standard AW
objects and lease the use of the Object path to world owners for a nominal
fee as atleast this would generate revenue and stop these crackers profiting
from dedicated AW users hard work and cash they have invested.

well just my thoughts on the matter if it is indeed true.


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Dreamlatd park and Other uni's

Jan 7, 2002, 7:30pm
Well you might think a cracked universe is good, but look at it from this
point of view, to crack it they must have messed around with it to make it
fuction, there is no gaurentee it will keep fuctioning in fact as time goes
on I suspect it will do the oposite. There are no chance of version
upgrades, more enhancements not to mention the fact it uses the Renderware
engine so if AW dont sue then Im sure Renderware will or perhaps Both.

The fact AW have implimented a new price structure shows that the feel there
is a lot more they can do with the product but can see it will cost a major
investment to achive it. The people who will benifit from this situation are
the citizens, world and universe owners as they in turn will have access to
these new systems not to mention the fact that other Universes while being
smaller can now compete with Activeworlds as they may not have as much land
to sell but they can have reduced citizen fees compared to AW in exchange
for higher world prices than AW and thus in turn both the Big and the Small
can get bigger without harming each other.

Were as the cracked systems simply harm all and do no one any good in the
long term as even they have to pay for there bandwidth to host there servers
and worlds and the more people who use them the bigger there bills will get
and they too will have no choice but to close down due to lack of funds to
keep them going.

If everything in Life was free then how would anyone survive or provide for
there families.

My last passing thought is perhaps there should be two citizenship prices in
AW a anual one for people who want to just chat , they cant build or have
priv pass access etc... just chat and telegrams. then for those who want to
build run bots worlds etc... pay a higher monthly fee and get a more
complete service service.


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Is It Posible

Apr 6, 2002, 11:31pm
Normally I don't bother to post but every once in a while someone says
something that gets my back up.

I take from filmkr (AKA Insanity) telling everyone off like kids that
perhaps he had not thought about the implications of passwording public
objects in your object path rather than leaving them unpassworded as they
were already on non passworded public access paths. Thus making his and
others custom objects vunerable to being taken when simple logic could have
prevented it in the first place.

Perhaps some would say that taking public objects and passwording them is
the same as taking other peoples property and then denying them access to
it. Not to mention the fact that he has also pointed out by his own distain
of this subject being aired that his own object paths are not as fully
secure as they could be. Perhaps if people spent their energy's correcting
this problem rather than posting here about how stupid others are the world
would be a safer place and noone would be any the wiser to who is secure and
who is not.

All that most people here are trying to do is help others in the community
from the minority and share there knowledge on how to make a more secure
environment. Some times to do this you have to explain the reasoning behind
something in order for people to understand why to do it or what could
happen if they don't.

Now I will shut up and go back to sleep ;)

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Is It Posible

Apr 7, 2002, 9:11am
Did I touch a nerve?

Your second condescending post only adds fuel to my point not to mention
your lack of understanding of security which as you are providing hosting on
a commercial basis is very poor in my opinion.

I fail to see the problem with not having public objects passworded unless
you have copied the entire aw object path to you private object path. If you
have done this then who is really the one exploiting others :)

This point aside I just love the way you haven't bothered to change the
object names. If you had prefixed the file names then zipped them you could
have passworded them without making security on your other objects an issue
as the signature flies would not match if compared.
Again simple logic not applied , perhaps you are the one that needs sleep
not me ;) I just hope that you don't talk to your clients the way you do to
people in here after all we could be potential clients. I just hope
technology provides your clients with a more professional service than your
attitude does ;)

Sleeps once again ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZzzz....
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15 Minutes of Fame

Apr 3, 2002, 10:48pm
the way it works is quite simple if you have a file say wall.rwx and zip
it to not passwording the file then someone else gets the exact
same file wall.rwx and then zips it and adds a password no matter how
long or complex it is if a person has the non passworded and the
passworded a password cracker compares the two and can work
out the password in seconds and thus have the password to all objects on
a object path as they all use the same object.

By only having all custom objects / avatars that are zipped its harder for
someone to crack the password as they have no common unpassworded
file to compare with.

The main aim is like with cars, don't make it easy for someone to feel you
are an easy target instead show them you have thought about securing
your possessions and most will just walk on by to find a easy target.

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So were will we go from here?

May 6, 2002, 12:58pm

aw worlds

Jun 1, 2002, 11:18pm
if they were to hide all the red worlds they own that are in the Uni then
they could not claim that there was over 1000 worlds online for you to

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aw worlds

Jun 2, 2002, 2:04pm
well perhaps they want it so that they can hide what there upto when
providing services that would normally breach there terms and conditions
that we all have to stick to.

Afterall if you can't see it how can you complain. If it was for genuine
world owners then they would have the option to control it them selves as
they do all the other world settings. So if they can't do this then I fail
to see how its a option for the community.

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