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echomencer // User Search

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Outer Worlds

Jul 6, 2002, 9:51pm
I don't mind John posting here as long as the Universe in question does not
mind us popping in to tell there userbase about our system and what it
offers, you know like the world prices, the entertainment, the community,
the fact were always a version ahead of the rest etc... and loads more I
have forgot at the moment but is well worth a mention.

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Help required

Jul 27, 2003, 1:33pm
I have been asked by a friend of mine who is not a member of the AW to post
a message on his behalf:

I have been told there are a lot of good people and a few bad in your
community so this is for the good only, bad people need not apply as they
will be rejected.

I have a universe online that can be found at
the universe has been online a few months now, a few of you have come across
it and some have checked with Bill to ensure we are legal which he has
confirmed to you.

I started out on version 3.3 and we now have version 3.4. I realise that 3.4
is new and as such no little about it, I would like to ask if anyone would
be prepared to help in anyway to get it up and running. In return for
peoples help I would like to offer citizenship's , object path's and world's
depending on the level of help as payment for services provided as I have
invested most of my money in the Universe and keeping it online at the

If you visit the universe as it stands you will find our gate world and not
much else. I are currently rebuilding the 3.4 help pages so you will find a
lot do not work right now. If you are interested in helping please could you
email support at If you just want to pop by to say hi you are
more than welcome, I would like to point out that I am not looking to take
people away from Activeworlds I simply want some help to get established if
anyone has some spare time and is interested.

Help required

Jul 27, 2003, 1:57pm
Well I did wander that my self, that was when I found out that the person
doing that would be me lol.

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Help required

Jul 27, 2003, 7:16pm
No problem, get better first your health is more important than building,
drop by when you are better.


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Help required

Jul 27, 2003, 7:16pm
Hi, I got your email and sent a reply back from my friend, basicly would
love to have your help, pop by when you can.



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Help required

Jul 28, 2003, 4:19pm
Sure, as not everyone wants to trust activex there is a link on the same
page to download the setup.exe and setup.inf in a winzip file. Simply
download the 1.9mb zip open, extract and run setup.exe.


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Help required

Jul 28, 2003, 4:21pm
looks like I was a bit slow on relpying, thankyou everyone for your help


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Help required

Jul 28, 2003, 8:13pm
thanks, we got everything crossed :)


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Just wanted to say thanks one and all

Aug 15, 2003, 6:42pm
I would just like to post a quick thank you to all the many people from

the community here who have dropped by and helped out getting things

off the ground at and say a our Universe is open :)

All your efforts are very much appreciated by all and I hope you are happy

with the way you have been treated in return for your services to date.

We look forward to in continuing with your help long into the future for

years to come.

If anyone would like to pop by and see what we have so far or were just

to drop by once a bit had been done you are more than welcome one and all.

You can get the 3.4 browser in auto install, .exe and .zip,

from here::

For those that just want the hard facts you can find the details at

Citizenship deals::

World Deals::

Object path Deals::

Almost all worlds are tourist enabled as default so don't be shy J

Halloween at spiral matrix-Imagine

Oct 5, 2003, 12:46am
I would Like to point out in all the confusion and general moaning, that I
am not the owner of said universe I am a friend of the owner who happens to
be a member of AW and said universe.

First off, I asked that people from said universe did not come on here and
a) post in the wrong NG as its really annoying to anyone to find such posts,
secondly that if they did post not to go raving on about prices in a blatant
sales pitch to people as in my opinion its unfair.

People are more than welcome to say about events in there worlds in said
universe on here in the correct NG's as all worlds there that are public are
tourist enabled and tourist access is free to all (even the people who are
stuck up there own ......, but don't expect a warm welcome if you are one
of those people).

I'm sure the owner of said universe would come in here but even tho he got
NG support he was not furnished with a citizenship in order to access it. As
the price here is a reasonable sum per year for anyone he does not plan to
get one out of his own pocket on top of what he has all ready paid out.

I hope that clears a few matters up, I'm sure the wingers will keep on
winging while everyone just reads this and gets on with there lives so boo
sucks to you Mr winger ;)


PS. for all anti 'Said Universe' Said Universe=Said Universe. , for all open
minded people of the planet earth Said Universe = SpiralMatrix.

Just my bit of fun ;)

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SM Halloween Event reminder

Oct 30, 2003, 7:22pm
I would just like to say on a posative note that the hunt is now underway so
if you want to win a prize you better get a move on ;)

Or If you want to know what the future holds come ask the wyse Gypsy woman

if you just want to moan and groan then boo sucks to you, go stand in front
of your mirror.rwx :P

Trick ot Treat!


Weird but Funny!

Nov 23, 2003, 11:44pm
It is'nt the spoon that bends

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I dont know what to do i baught some aw software from a friend i need a wise answer please :)

Dec 7, 2003, 2:54am
Well here I can help you, owning one my self.

First off, you can not transfer the license it says so in the EULA that
comes with it , tho i expect AWI has the power to over rule there own EULA
if they so wish.

Second, if it is a legal one you will need to contact them each year for a
new license key, and to get a key to activiate it first on a different host.

So if it is working now I would advise you zip it and forward it to AWI with
details of were you got it from and proof of payment, then delete it off
your hard disc as it is illigal.

Hope that helps,


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I dont know what to do i baught some aw software from a friend i need a wise answer please :)

Dec 7, 2003, 10:14am
True, in my defense it was very early in the morning UK time when I replyed
lol, I was basicly trying to quickly give him a run down of how they work,
what illigal ones do and what to do about it.

He did'nt say if he had it running yet or not, I think your advice is a
sound plan too if he cant get any joy with AWI.

If it is a working legal one and he needs a little help he can get AWI to
confirm this to me and I would be more that glad to help him get it running.


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Someone doing AWC's advertising for them?

Apr 25, 2002, 7:12pm
Wow how cool! , perhaps AW should get in contact and use them as it sells
there product better than anything I have seen them do.

Just out of intrest does anyone know how this was made?

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So were will we go from here?

May 6, 2002, 12:58pm

So were will we go from here?

May 6, 2002, 3:42pm
Well the thing about this Merge is that Alladin will hold 60% of the merger
share now were I come from that means they also own control and what they
say goes.

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So were will we go from here?

May 6, 2002, 3:57pm
well why sell 60% of your company if you want to keep its control or permit
election of 3 out of 7 members on the board as while 4 people seems more
than 3 those three have 60% of the say, not what I would call a merger
really. I notice that Alladin's stock has taken a nose dive in the last week
or so also compared to the rest of the chart showing what the city feels
about the idea. Not to mention the nock on effect it will have with the
current client base for both parties. It will be intresting to see how the
stocks fair over the next 3 quaters as I suspect it will take both companies
this long at least to understand were they are both comming from.

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Calling all PHP'ers...

May 24, 2002, 5:06pm
Here are a few sites to look at Robbie, start with this
is the basic product. Then check out they have a mysql version
of the same thing with a few more addons.

Then goto they have loads of mods for the
above product.

A simple setup I have done for someone is to use YABB in non SQL format
on a windows2000 web server running IIS5 and active perl then I checked
the mods site for a file post and upload mod. the system allows people to
files from there PC and store them on a web server in a designated folder
and if
you type a logical description of the file , its format and application of
what it is
in the post then when someone does a text search on the posts they also find
the files they are looking for just like a search engine would. You can
track posts
a specific user makes so if you know a good modeler you can find all his/
posts / files very easy. There are tons of other cool features you simply
have to
apply a logical mind to how best turn them into what you need.

You can embed some basic html type code into posts so textures could load
with the posts if need be or jpg pictures of models or av's. You can admin
it all via
the web browser once setup.

Took me half a day to setup the system I built and that included setting up
all the
posting areas etc..... It might be what you are looking for or if not it may
give you
some ideas. either way its free ;) so take a look if you have a few mins.

If you realy what PHP search the forums they have on all the sites as there
PHP stuff been developed for it also.

Well hope that my longest post ever is of use if not I will get the fire
truck ready to
put out the flames lol

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Calling all PHP'ers...

May 24, 2002, 5:27pm
well like I said it was just an Idea and free. plus YABB stands for Yet
another Bulletin Board and BBS is Bulletin Board System ;)
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Browser Tracking....

May 26, 2002, 8:40pm
Who really gives a crap, the way I see it its just a very powerfull way to
keep people out who think they are clever by using there exsistence to upset
or offend others. Personaly I don't care if someone can work out what
Graphics card, ram etc.... I have in my PC what they gona do spend there
life decoding hex code so they can post who has the most out of date system
lol. If anyone who runs a static ip does not have a virus scanner and a
firewall in this day and age well words cant descibe how niave that setup
is. From a world owners point if view its a new feature about 7 years to
late but well appreciated now, any genuine member of the comminity would not
see it as a problem, if your going to come back about how power crazed GK's
etc..... will use it to pick on people well don't heard it all before and
usualy from people who try to cause trouble more than anyone else. I think
its about time someone started to build some real security into this
enviroment then , just maybe businesses will see it as a viable option for
3D internet before it goes bust and noone has a universe to use.
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<no subject>

Jun 1, 2002, 7:11pm
wasn't there some posting I think back in the beta news group to do with
avatars making the browser crash that was to do with how the avatar
hierarchy was constructed at build time.

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Sequences in 3.3

Jun 1, 2002, 7:05pm
Yea well it might help if they tell us what the bloody hell to use! we all
know its different and that the current seqs look like the return of the
darleks but telling us what new avatar seq building tool we would need
before launching the new browser would be a bit of use. Afterall you can't
tell me they don't have it else how would they know if what they have coded
in 3.3 actually works!!

So if anyone wants to do something remotely useful then find out what it is
from the powers that be and post here were we can get it ;) now if that had
been done on the second post on this thread rather than a load of rubbish
that didn't even relate to the question asked I could have spent less time
reading all the rubbish above this post!

[View Quote] > of
> about

Is It True?

Jun 7, 2002, 11:48pm
Are you going to keep us in suspence or can you tell us what the new
features will be or point us to a URL to read all about em :)

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Outer Worlds

Jul 6, 2002, 9:51pm
I don't mind John posting here as long as the Universe in question does not
mind us popping in to tell there userbase about our system and what it
offers, you know like the world prices, the entertainment, the community,
the fact were always a version ahead of the rest etc... and loads more I
have forgot at the moment but is well worth a mention.

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Alright already

Nov 12, 2002, 8:18pm
Nice to see some sanity and order at last, keep up the good work lets hope
this will encourage genuine posts here without fear or a minority turning on
them and trying to start flame wars from peoples genuine comments and help.

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Single Mesh Skinned Avatars - Enzo I need your wizdom

Dec 12, 2002, 10:46pm
As my cache files remind me there was talk back in the pre release days of
3.3 that one of the main up and coming features if not a mainstream selling
point was Single mesh skinned avatars that would me no showing of joints.

The exciting point about them was that along with the new improved render
engine and support for openGL that Virtual life would look very real and
provide a professional platform for people to create there fantasies and
realities for both Business and games alike.

Don't get me wrong I'm not about to scream and shout as it has not yet
appeared to my knowledge but I would like to know when the afore mentioned
promise will be delivered as I feel I will provide a very rounded package
along with all the new and exciting features in 3.4 and show all the
sceptics that AW is at the forefront rather than supposedly lagging behind
on its last legs about to gasp its last breath (If you take that narrow
minded stand point).

Perhaps it can already do this but no one has been told this to be so or
told how it could be possible. I would really like your input on this matter
ENZO as its been a long time coming and I'm sure I'm not the only one who
has been waiting quietly with baited breath for it to come online so as to
increase the selling point of what I want to create.

Many thanks in advance for taking the time to read this and give a answer.

Everyone else please feel free to add your bit if your also waiting like me
for this super feature to appear.


Single Mesh Skinned Avatars - Enzo I need your wizdom

Dec 13, 2002, 2:32pm
Thanks very much for your prompt reply, I will email them both and hope they
will let me try what is there all ready, I don't mind a few bugs, even If I
didn't make it on the Beta program for 3.4 ;)

thanks again,


What Citizens Want

May 2, 2003, 3:49pm
I think that from the lack of new people signing up, tourists being in the
tourist only worlds (how they know what to enter and not without someone
telling them is beond me) I can only assum they have voted with there
virtual feet and gone elsewere. Not every universe charges the same rate as
the main AW one. Ok no other universe is as big in land size but you can't
have it all and still save loads of $$$ as a user. I for one am in more than
one place at once hint hint.

echomencer at

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World content builders wanted

Jun 7, 2003, 7:41pm
Hi I am looking for some people who would like to help construct some
content in a world, If you are intrested in helping please email me
ghostrider at with an example of work you have already done.

Many thanks,


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