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echomencer // User Search

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Help required

Jul 27, 2003, 1:33pm
I have been asked by a friend of mine who is not a member of the AW to post
a message on his behalf:

I have been told there are a lot of good people and a few bad in your
community so this is for the good only, bad people need not apply as they
will be rejected.

I have a universe online that can be found at
the universe has been online a few months now, a few of you have come across
it and some have checked with Bill to ensure we are legal which he has
confirmed to you.

I started out on version 3.3 and we now have version 3.4. I realise that 3.4
is new and as such no little about it, I would like to ask if anyone would
be prepared to help in anyway to get it up and running. In return for
peoples help I would like to offer citizenship's , object path's and world's
depending on the level of help as payment for services provided as I have
invested most of my money in the Universe and keeping it online at the

If you visit the universe as it stands you will find our gate world and not
much else. I are currently rebuilding the 3.4 help pages so you will find a
lot do not work right now. If you are interested in helping please could you
email support at If you just want to pop by to say hi you are
more than welcome, I would like to point out that I am not looking to take
people away from Activeworlds I simply want some help to get established if
anyone has some spare time and is interested.

Help required

Jul 27, 2003, 1:57pm
Well I did wander that my self, that was when I found out that the person
doing that would be me lol.

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Help required

Jul 27, 2003, 7:16pm
No problem, get better first your health is more important than building,
drop by when you are better.


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Help required

Jul 27, 2003, 7:16pm
Hi, I got your email and sent a reply back from my friend, basicly would
love to have your help, pop by when you can.



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Help required

Jul 28, 2003, 4:19pm
Sure, as not everyone wants to trust activex there is a link on the same
page to download the setup.exe and setup.inf in a winzip file. Simply
download the 1.9mb zip open, extract and run setup.exe.


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Help required

Jul 28, 2003, 4:21pm
looks like I was a bit slow on relpying, thankyou everyone for your help


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Help required

Jul 28, 2003, 8:13pm
thanks, we got everything crossed :)


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Just wanted to say thanks one and all

Aug 15, 2003, 6:42pm
I would just like to post a quick thank you to all the many people from

the community here who have dropped by and helped out getting things

off the ground at and say a our Universe is open :)

All your efforts are very much appreciated by all and I hope you are happy

with the way you have been treated in return for your services to date.

We look forward to in continuing with your help long into the future for

years to come.

If anyone would like to pop by and see what we have so far or were just

to drop by once a bit had been done you are more than welcome one and all.

You can get the 3.4 browser in auto install, .exe and .zip,

from here::

For those that just want the hard facts you can find the details at

Citizenship deals::

World Deals::

Object path Deals::

Almost all worlds are tourist enabled as default so don't be shy J

Halloween at spiral matrix-Imagine

Oct 5, 2003, 12:46am
I would Like to point out in all the confusion and general moaning, that I
am not the owner of said universe I am a friend of the owner who happens to
be a member of AW and said universe.

First off, I asked that people from said universe did not come on here and
a) post in the wrong NG as its really annoying to anyone to find such posts,
secondly that if they did post not to go raving on about prices in a blatant
sales pitch to people as in my opinion its unfair.

People are more than welcome to say about events in there worlds in said
universe on here in the correct NG's as all worlds there that are public are
tourist enabled and tourist access is free to all (even the people who are
stuck up there own ......, but don't expect a warm welcome if you are one
of those people).

I'm sure the owner of said universe would come in here but even tho he got
NG support he was not furnished with a citizenship in order to access it. As
the price here is a reasonable sum per year for anyone he does not plan to
get one out of his own pocket on top of what he has all ready paid out.

I hope that clears a few matters up, I'm sure the wingers will keep on
winging while everyone just reads this and gets on with there lives so boo
sucks to you Mr winger ;)


PS. for all anti 'Said Universe' Said Universe=Said Universe. , for all open
minded people of the planet earth Said Universe = SpiralMatrix.

Just my bit of fun ;)

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SM Halloween Event reminder

Oct 30, 2003, 7:22pm
I would just like to say on a posative note that the hunt is now underway so
if you want to win a prize you better get a move on ;)

Or If you want to know what the future holds come ask the wyse Gypsy woman

if you just want to moan and groan then boo sucks to you, go stand in front
of your mirror.rwx :P

Trick ot Treat!



Nov 30, 2003, 2:11pm
Right MR my community is dieing because of your attitude, so I will try and
attack everyone else who is doing so well. you just keep running everyone
else down, I think you need to take a good look in the mirror my man and
work out why people hate you so much perhaps if you just left the universe
would be a safer place for all by standers and community members.

I would say you have a fair point if it wasn't for the fact that when this
person came to SpiralMatrix it was pointed out to me and I had a little chat
with them in which it was pointed out that if anything remotely un to ward
took place in SpiralMatrix that they would be banned and any goings on
reported to the correct authorities for the matter to be delt with.

The said person you are making a personal attack on as and at the same time
SpiralMatrix which is quite funny considering you emailed SM a few months
back wanting to move there as all your stuff in AW is quite clearly dieing
thought you own inability to relate to the community in a positive and
professional way. Yet SM still offered to talk with you which you never
bothered to attend. how professional was that!

If you continue to make these kind of comments I will of course be taking it
up with AWI as they are also well aware of what / who is going in my
universe. I would also like to add that if this kind of thing still goes on
then I will be submitting all data to my solicitor who will of course enjoy
spending my money to deal with you.

I would like to say to everyone else who is on SM and in AW feel free to
place your comments on the truth of what really goes on in SM unlike MR
Bruce, who is no longer welcome in SM and don't ever expect to see one off
his worlds in there either.


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Dec 1, 2003, 1:40am
Well I have already been in contact with AWI via email on the matter, so
lets see shall we


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Dec 1, 2003, 1:59am
So what you are saying basicly is because the people you claim did visit my
iniverse that its my fault and because I havent blocked them for doing no
wrong in my universe its all my fault.

The fact is, if indeed they are the same people you claim them to be and
they did do what ever has been dont in AW in a world related to you they
have never once caused any trouble in my universe and any one who would do
such a thing in it would be locked out for good and all the users in my
universe now this fact.

So perhaps you could expain to me just how am I supposed to work somthing
out that happened in another universe when I dont even own it or have any
control over it?

More to the point just how did it happen as I have never had this problem in
my universe in the few months I have been online.

Further more if I take you look on it then perhaps you should have the
entire internet shut down from the isp's to the websites they look at, the
search engines they use and what ever IM's they may use hell why not just
shut down microsoft, they must be running windows so I guess they are in
some way harbouring these people too.


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Nov 30, 2003, 9:35pm
Without Prejudice:

Apparently the goings on in AW are to do with SpiralMatrix, and apparently
all of A!!CT are going to wage war on SpiralMatrix.

First off:: What has any of this got to do with SpiralMatrix, this is
obviously a AW problem with someone doing what ever in the A!!CT worlds for
what ever reason and as such should be taken up with AWI directly as they
control the universe and worlds etc....

Secondly:: if it is indeed a member of the SpiralMatrix community then
please get AWI to show me proof of the matter and I will assist them in any
way I can as any good business would help another in this kind of matter.
They know how to contact me direct.

Thirdly:: If any problems are caused by anyone in SpiralMatrix rest assured
all logs from firewalls, uni server, worlds, chat logs, bot logs will be
passed on to AWI and to the local Police for further investigation and I
will be pushing for action to be taken.



Dec 1, 2003, 2:00am
Read my other post


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Dec 1, 2003, 2:30am
Just to save your mouse clicks:

So what you are saying basicly is because the people you claim did visit my
iniverse that its my fault and because I havent blocked them for doing no
wrong in my universe its all my fault.

The fact is, if indeed they are the same people you claim them to be and
they did do what ever has been dont in AW in a world related to you they
have never once caused any trouble in my universe and any one who would do
such a thing in it would be locked out for good and all the users in my
universe now this fact.

So perhaps you could expain to me just how am I supposed to work somthing
out that happened in another universe when I dont even own it or have any
control over it?

More to the point just how did it happen as I have never had this problem in
my universe in the few months I have been online.

Further more if I take you look on it then perhaps you should have the
entire internet shut down from the isp's to the websites they look at, the
search engines they use and what ever IM's they may use hell why not just
shut down microsoft, they must be running windows so I guess they are in
some way harbouring these people too.


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Dec 1, 2003, 2:46am
One thing I would like to say on all of this:

I do not know you Mr Bruce, nor do you know me but you can rest assured I
will fight my corner to the last when I am in the right and the first to
admit when I am not. I am simply defending the accusations made about me by
you and the people who you permit to run your A!CT world in ActiveWorlds who
have made comments about me and my universe that are untrue.

I will also be on the phone to AWI as soon as there office is open and have
all ready emailed them on this matter. If AWI prove to me that indeed the
people that are in my universe are indeed the people that have done this in
your world in AW then they will be banned from my universe along with any
worlds that they own.

I do this for the only reason that I do not regardless of what you say or
think about me or my universe agree with the goings on in the whole sorry
mess. Or that I have been dragged into it yet is nothing to do with me at
all and that reason alone.

Perhaps a word of advice tho which you can find in the AW help files, never
give anyone your password or priv password or change your email address to
anyone else's. Simple yet effective advice I have indeed given to the world
owners in my universe non of which have ever suffered what you have.

I think perhaps rather than this being a matter of hacking that it is simply
a laps in someone's security.


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Dec 1, 2003, 7:24am
Well excuse me but I did not say I did not know who matt was I said he had
never done anything wrong in my universe. Also noone offical from AWI has
ever provided me with written proof of anyything matt has supposedly done in
the AW universe.

the facts are, noone has hacked your world they used a password you never
changed after you upset the person you gave it to and that person you have
quite clearly stated was not matt yet I am still to see proof it was the
person u say it was.


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