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Would You?

May 22, 2001, 8:14pm
Is that in pounds, Euros, or US dollars? LOL ;-D

I, for one, would proudly wear and/or peddle an AW shirt. I'm always trying
to get my mates to log in and buy a cit #, so a solid ad campaign may do
some good :-)

[View Quote]

Server outage

Oct 14, 2001, 10:26pm
AW, mail, web, and FTP services based on my server will be unavailable for
the next few hours for hardware and software upgrades. I'll post up again
when everything is squared away.

My apologies to the few folks that use these services...I'll get it done

Christmas Time

Dec 15, 2001, 3:41am
Yup, yup.

I've stayed out of this so far, but I have to say my piece now.

Let's put this in perspective for a moment:
I'm pretty sure a large number of folks in here don't even know which world
I own. So, if I was having problems with people in my world, would any of
them be concerned about that?

Highly doubtful.

If I were in fact having problems, I would do my best to keep it under
wraps, and otherwise try to maintain the most positive public image I could.
Drawing attention to the negative aspects of one's world is, IMHO, not the
best way to advertise. All you'd end up with is a large influx of people
who thrive on discord and conflict - Public Enemy #1 when it comes to
successfully running a public world.

I don't give two..ahhh...*poops* about anything that goes down in AWTeen.
It's just another world among hundreds of others, no matter who's in charge
or who sponsors it.

Wash your dirty laundry somewhere else.

[View Quote]

Be careful with Nate007

Dec 20, 2001, 3:12am
If you get there before I do, block his dumb ass.

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What happened to eep?

Dec 23, 2001, 3:51am
Was that a banana in your post, or were you just happy to see us? ;-P

[View Quote]

can we please talk about something positive??

Jan 4, 2002, 4:41am
Heh...glad I'm not the only one...

The Ramones had an album called "End of the Century," but R.E.M. sings
"It's the End of the World as We Know It" ;-)

[View Quote]

Latest AWC Press release casts a bit of light on it's latest moves

Jan 12, 2002, 4:31am
"We believe that NetBroadcaster's proven marketing strategies and
state-of-the-art broadcast network will lead to immediate revenue-generating
opportunities for Activeworlds, by increasing our subscription base and
introducing the Activeworlds' technologies to the entertainment industry,"
said Rick Noll, chief executive officer of Activeworlds.
(End quote)

Sure, and skyrocketing the price of a citizenship will also lead to
immediate revenue-generating opportunities, won't it Rick? Jeez...When I
thought that AW was jacking up prices to keep their heads above water, I was
unhappy but semi-OK with the idea.
Now that I know that they're just making us pay for their new toys, I'm not
as OK with it anymore.

/me heads over to Adobe's website...

Latest AWC Press release casts a bit of light on it's latest moves

Jan 12, 2002, 7:43am
I think it's a bit too coincidental that a huge price hike comes just a week
before the acquisition announcement.

Think about this...if you're planning on buying a company, would it really
make sense to raise your prices in such a fashion as to alienate a large
portion of both your existing and potential customers just before you made
the purchase? Sure, it'd make sense if you wanted to completely change the
direction of your business, alienate your existing clientele, and totally
move away from being a popular and affordable consumer product.

Looks like they're working on covering all those bases with the sharpened
business acumen of a 9-year-old.

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Latest AWC Press release casts a bit of light on it's latest moves

Jan 12, 2002, 7:29pm
Thanks, macb, you took the words right out of my mouth :-)

Latest AWC Press release casts a bit of light on it's latest moves

Jan 14, 2002, 3:35am
....And folks seem to be taking my original statement a bit too literally.

I fully understand that there's no way a simple service price increase could
fund an entire acquisiton...but as most folks have acquiesced, there is a
definite relationship between the two.

Let's face it...any comapny that consistently trades at under a dollar per
share is not a big player in the business world. Penny stocks are not
amongst the favorites of smart traders. I know I won't go near them...and my
portfolio, were I to share it with you, would speak for itself in such

Anything AW can do to increase revenue at this point is obviously what
they're after...the consumption of some unheard-of streaming media company
may be their pipe dream, but for now, I can almost guarantee that their
*perceived* solid revenue will be received via their price increases.

Unless they come up with some earth-shattering new features to justify the
sudden price explosion, then I simply must continue to believe that they're
just tapping the users in order to pay for their follies.

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everything is bad

Feb 24, 2002, 4:55am
....And so the thread continues on, lending extraordinary credit to moff
piett's original post.

Port Scanning FYI

Mar 2, 2002, 3:23am
Tip: if you have a personal problem with another AW member, take it private.
None of the rest of us care about your silly little squabble.

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Port Scanning FYI

Mar 2, 2002, 4:32am
[View Quote] What would I do?
Having been on Usenet for, apparently, a longer period of time than a good
number of the people here, I would follow the appropriate and accepted
etiquette, and take a personal issue to a private venue. The thread has
gone beyond public information and has degraded into a flurry of

In a proper Usenet group, this thread would have gone to e-mail a long time
ago. If you are the responsible, adult person you claim to be, you will
stop the juvenile "if you don't like it, don't read it" argument and take
the whole thing out of the public eye.

Frankly, we don't care. And I, personally, am tired of downloading even the
headers for this crap. You're wasting my bandwidth.

My last post on this issue. On to more relevant and helpful things.

Just a thought

Mar 1, 2002, 10:51pm
I'd have to disagree, simply on principle...and I hope this doesn't come
across as something even close to a flame :-)

I try to post with comments, tips, or opinions that I believe will help
people in their AW endeavors. I also enjoy participating in some of the
lively yet on-topic threads that (once in a blue moon) appear in these
groups. Sometimes I post once a week, sometimes several times per day...not
that anyone ever really pays any attention to me, but I make the posts
anyway ;-)

The scenario I can foresee, is that I will have reached reach my
pre-programmed post limit at just the point in time that I have a definitive
answer to someone's question...or I will have exceeded my limit by
participating in a thread that's generating useful and helpful information
as it progresses, and I can no longer be a part of it other than as an

Usenet is what you make of it...what everyone has to remember, is that this
is all 0's and 1's...words on a screen...if a thread or a message does not
interest you, don't read it. If someone says something you disagree with
simply on a personal level, let it go - resist the urge to flame the person.
It's not that hard to exercise restraint if you take a quick "step back" and
think about the big picture - or more importantly, how the post in question
will affect that big picture, if at all.

I could go on for days, but I won't. Keep posting permissions as they are,
and let AW handle the curtailing of abusive posters.

A few heated threads consisting of people seeing who can pee the farthest do
not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, and general practices of the
rest of the community ;-)

[View Quote]


Mar 3, 2002, 7:04pm
[View Quote] In Outlook Express, with a particular message selected:

Message --> Block Sender

You have now added the person who posted that message to your filter list -
commonly known as a "kill file" amongst Usenet users. You've "killed" the
messages from that person, and will no longer see their posts.

A Test-- Sort Of!

Apr 30, 2002, 11:11pm
[View Quote] Good thing I looked in this group...I was about to post the exact same
message, but I was reading from Worldbuilders LOL ;D

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