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Am I special?

Jul 18, 2003, 3:12pm
I think, now that Crazy Pills is out of the way... if you keep this up you
are going to encounter my wrath...

- Mark

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Am I special?

Jul 21, 2003, 3:51pm

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out of control gk bot

Jul 18, 2003, 3:10pm
Yes... AWI are being twits..

- Mark

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out of control gk bot

Jul 18, 2003, 3:11pm
But then again... they did help me when I really needed it with the Customs
Aide, so I guess I can't be too offencive, but I think the difference here
is that just putting on the name is showing how scared of him they really
are... not a good sign eh?

- Mark

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out of control gk bot

Jul 18, 2003, 3:42pm
It contained pictures portraying me as a a 9/11 terrorist for one, thats
more than enough...

- Mark

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Jul 22, 2003, 5:48pm
Ohhh, slander eh.... sorry you wavered your right to it by making this post

- Mark


Aug 18, 2003, 4:19pm
Can you all kinda.. be quiet or you could always ask Bill to remove your
ability to post to help you keep quiet? I for one am sick of this being a
ranting ground for A!!CT and MrBruce...

- Mark


Aug 19, 2003, 3:16pm
There you go again...

- Mark

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Trusted Sources

Jul 24, 2003, 4:03pm

Off top of my head

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Trusted Sources

Jul 24, 2003, 5:31pm
my first shortcuts =p .lol

urs is great 2 of course :)

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Those Mac people...

Jul 29, 2003, 5:19pm
LMAO!!! That was brilliant.

- Mark

[View Quote] Down?

Jul 26, 2003, 6:53pm -> (elsewhere) (elsewhere) Something like that

[View Quote] Down?

Jul 26, 2003, 8:19pm
So basically... I was right anyway and you thought you would just make a
post giving a damned obvious URL because you dont like me? :)

- Mark

[View Quote] Down?

Jul 26, 2003, 9:00pm
Hence the '?' directly after perhaps? :)

- Mark

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someone told me AWTO is in order..

Jul 27, 2003, 6:19am
Bollocks to them... its M a t t and his little kiddy friends most likely
gonna try and get other people in deep s**t again....

BTW... havent you noticed AW always has server lapses on saturday? Just look
at the customs aides :)

- Mark

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Help required

Jul 27, 2003, 1:44pm
If he is not a member of this community, who will he know who to reject?
Just a query :)

- Mark

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Ohhh ayyyyyy oh! Everybody....

Jul 27, 2003, 4:00pm

This is what we do in my schools 6th form to amuse ourselves :D Gotta admit
its brilliant isn't it!!!

- Mark

Ohhh ayyyyyy oh! Everybody....

Jul 27, 2003, 6:17pm
Im in the UK... so we don't have 'grades'.... but to put it in context im in
the upper sixth, thats year 13 so 14 years of compulsary school with me
being aged 17 :)

- Mark

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Ohhh ayyyyyy oh! Everybody....

Jul 27, 2003, 6:35pm
No... there is absolutely nowhere anywhere in England that uses a grade year

Also, yes I am in a special class, its called "Gifted and Talented" ;)

- Mark

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Ohhh ayyyyyy oh! Everybody....

Jul 27, 2003, 6:35pm
If its the years after when you could leave... It would be a senior

- Mark

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Ohhh ayyyyyy oh! Everybody....

Jul 27, 2003, 8:51pm
Noooo... :P Thats the name for the 2 years of school after compulsary
education, and before university where we take our AS / A2 courses
(Basically, A Levels)

:) My teachers would flip, lol

Please excuse the rest of the absolutly crap website... Its about time I
updated it after say... 5 years

- Mark

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Clearing things up

Jul 28, 2003, 3:12pm
Go you :)

Actually... don't.. some of us have been in this game for years and know
that eventually you will get whacked.

- Mark

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Clearing things up

Jul 28, 2003, 3:24pm
Wait.... second??? eh?????

I can think of at least 5, even if not by name...

- Mark

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Clearing things up

Jul 29, 2003, 3:19pm
Yeah... that was the phrase I was looking for... the comically abused sigh,
disappointed response...

- Mark
Been doing what Kol wants to do for over 2 years

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messed up

Jul 29, 2003, 9:27pm
Nice disclaimer

- Mark


Jul 30, 2003, 4:46pm
Bill just blocked off the Beta newsgroup on the Alpha teams request, so we
wont have a problem releasing any screenshots or bug reports etc..

- Mark

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Jul 31, 2003, 3:13pm
How about you hurt Andras instead... he is a large kid who wants to show off

- Mark

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Jul 31, 2003, 9:57pm
I never put anything on age :)

- Mark

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protection for your computer

Jul 30, 2003, 7:32pm
LOL.. Gotta love all these 'super free AV products'....

All you need normally is Norton AV (Pro better), and Norton Personal
Firewall (Pro better)... or personally, I use Norton and Sygate (Very good
quality firewall)

- Mark
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