strike rapier // User Search

strike rapier // User Search

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Free source code

Oct 17, 2002, 8:08pm
And dont forget to convert the darn AwAvatars Class peoples, there is the adapted version on the SDK NG I posted but the rest of the class will need adapting to use the secured class.

- Mark
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bot click detection bug?

Oct 17, 2002, 7:16pm
Possably the world server, try increasing the bandwidth the bot uses, if im right the world server just sends all commands to global instances first (well its how id do it) then works out if anyone else is within range.

- Mark
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Need 3D StudioMax 4.0, 4.2 or 5.0 .Cab files

Oct 19, 2002, 7:37am
Are they not all the files you need to setup the entire program with the setup EXE contained in 1 of em?

- Mark
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Need 3D StudioMax 4.0, 4.2 or 5.0 .Cab files

Oct 19, 2002, 1:24pm
I meant to corrupt all of those files ud need 1 pritty big darn scratch, note to all: awlays make backups of cds, just keep em to urself.

- Mark
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AWSDK MSDN Type thing

Oct 20, 2002, 9:31am
I was wondering how many people would think it beneficial to have the Active Worlds SDK (C++ only at first) including the DLLs, Databases, Reason Codes, Documentation in some sort of way like the MSDN does?

Reason I ask is im developing something like it, and ive managed to crush the entire SDK site down into 30k for documentation and just slightly more including the demo projects as CPP files and the DLLS etc.

Ideas, opinions?

- Mark

AWSDK MSDN Type thing

Oct 20, 2002, 3:40pm
Indeed, but I just thought, take the entire site, crush it to 30k and into 1 single file, with search capacity etc.... would be beter than a website if u need to get going offline and sycronising takes time

- Mark
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AWSDK MSDN Type thing

Oct 20, 2002, 5:16pm
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AWSDK MSDN Type thing

Oct 21, 2002, 3:42pm
Ive been told that *opens text pad* 9 times, but that screenshot was took when i was just throwing everything together at high speed.

- Mark
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AWSDK MSDN Type thing

Oct 22, 2002, 3:34pm
I try to use MS Word to run though most of it before I even release anything.

- Mark
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Logic Commands

Oct 24, 2002, 6:29pm
It would be great if you could have logic commands in action commands, I cant forsee it being too hard to do either as it would be like a simple scripting command that we already have.

Things id like to see.

UNI_TIME - a 24 hour clock
eg: create light color=blue logic[UNI_TIME>=21:00]

WORLD_BRIGHTNESS - Ambient light level
eg: create light color=green logic[WORLD_BRIGHTNESS<=3]

Im sure people can think of others.

Single Cell Query

Oct 25, 2002, 12:56am
Would it be possable for someone to tell me how you can work out and set a single cell to be queried using aw_cell_next so I could create some manual / specialist query routines for my bot? If you could explain in either CPP or VB its fine with me, id apreciate any help with the matter

- Mark

Single Cell Query

Oct 25, 2002, 5:23pm
Thankya Grimmble :D

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Needed: C/C++ Programmers!

Oct 31, 2002, 3:31pm
I think he was trying to entertain us all at the same time.

- Mark
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Needed: C/C++ Programmers!

Nov 3, 2002, 3:01pm
Mikes inherrintly unlogical train of thought that says "You can only make advanced rpgs without bots!"

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VB Multiple Query + Live Update

Nov 10, 2002, 2:58pm
Is it possable to use a single instance of a bot, to query 2 areas, 1 after the other, and recieve live update on both? IF someone could tell me if it is or not it would save me the time of attempting it if its not. Im trying to make a long range dual build system.

- Mark

VB Multiple Query + Live Update

Nov 10, 2002, 5:15pm
Looks like it will have to be 2 instances then. Thanks all :)

- Mark
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[VB] RichTextBoxTab

Nov 10, 2002, 8:03pm
Could anyone tell me if there is a way to set a single tab in a VB rich edit control OCX so after the first tab all the text will align (like in the AW browser, Xelagot etc)


- Mark

[VB] RichTextBoxTab

Nov 11, 2002, 4:54pm
Sweet Jesuz Baron your a clever fella.
Thanks :)

- Mark

[VB] RichTextBoxTab

Nov 11, 2002, 7:04pm
It stopped dead because after spending £40+ on a book on VC++ I read though the first several chapters on it, then skipped to the end, to find it was still ranting on about Console applications which are about as much use to me in making bots (what first took me to programming) as a dead fish because I cant execute the darn aw_wait loop and enter commands at the same time unless there is some fundamental lack of knowlege im missing.

I tried using MFC dialog, but to my absolute fury couldent find a single way to convert a Rich Text Box formatting function Baron gave me for VB into C++, and despite near hundreds of attempts with differnt code it all went pear shape so a few of my bots I was going to port ended up being left in my VB folder.

Also, having not much experience in C++ I decided id do World Tracker which protects AWNewbie in VB and add multi threading and such to make it as good as it could possably be, until the multi threading exploded in my face after compile, so some of the bots just got binned.

Ive tried picking Hamfons Hambot appart piece by piece since I got it several months ago without much sucess at finding the core components of it to study.

Gah working with GUIs is so fustraighting!!!! I have no idea how a rich text edit OCX based on a CString class can miss out the damn GetLength function and using strcpy into a char[] just makes the whole darn thin explode... so all in all no good experiences with it. A while ago I stuck together an events bot that just displayed all the events in a console app that happened in AW which actually worked for once, until it got wiped out by a format due to Microsofts bad system recovery designs.

So all in all, my adventure into C++ has sank like a rock made out of lead, gone to dissaster because after spending ages reading and practicing, I still cant even start what id like to do because my learning resources are absolutly crap here. Jeeze why dosent my school teach computer science!!!! Oh yeah, because theres only 3 students (myself included) that even know how to load up a macro in MS word.... >_< Talk about having the urge to go but nowhere to get to to learn the darn things!!!

C++ has been a traumatic experience for me :(

- Mark
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[VB] RichTextBoxTab

Nov 13, 2002, 8:29pm
Thankya Grimble,
Yeah, Ive noticed you need to go "around the house" with C++, which is a bit of a downer, but usefull for making em more powerfull.

Ill just have to keep with it, having an IT teacher in RL would be nice, but unfortunatly at this time Im teaching my own darn class most the time...

- Mark
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Legacy issues

Nov 18, 2002, 7:47pm
Eeek, really really old post but what the heck...

Use the VB COM wrapper exactly like you would the C++ version, to retrieve 32 bit integers use aw_int, for strings aw_string, for bools aw_bool and so on and so forth, the use of them is pritty simple just set the attribute as an argument.

dim avX as long
avX = sdk.aw_int(AW_AVATAR_X)

I thought what the heck might as make it even more similar and added a bunch of functions which do not require the SDK. before them as that is set in the function such as.

Public Function aw_int(AwAttribute_Set as AwAttribute) as long
aw_int = frmmain.sdk.aw_int(aw_attribute_set)
end function

Setting is near enough the same too...

sdk.aw_int_set AW_OBJECT_X,12345

Same goes with booleans with the aw_bool method, its mainly based on attribute calling rather than a whole lotta properties.

- Mark
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[vb] Exploding classes

Nov 14, 2002, 5:37pm
I have created the following classes for my world Tracker bot, the origional adapted from Brants, new 1s for objects etc.

Can anyone see a reason why when they are declaired on globals why the program explodes saying memory cannot be read when its in EXE... but not in full compile in VB..

- Mark

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[vb] Exploding classes

Nov 15, 2002, 11:03pm
I managed to fix it... I eventually said "____ it" and created a new prject, copied all the code, all the forms, absolutly everything perfectly from project to project and now the darn thing works, and multithreading in it is stable :o)

- Mark
This Post was writeen after: 2 Bacardi Breezers, 3 Smirnof Ices's, 2 Vodka and Cokes and 1 double vodka shot.

[View Quote]

[vb] Exploding classes

Nov 16, 2002, 9:09am
*LOL* 1 Spelling mistake after a good night out is not bad :)

[View Quote] > This post was "writeen" after a single grolsch ... pathetic really.


Nov 17, 2002, 12:50pm
It isnt possable. Would present a risk of people having control over others web browser and hence was left out?

- Mark

[View Quote]

SDK COM Wrapper Multiple instances ...

Nov 19, 2002, 8:29pm
Function HypBetween2D(X1 As Long, Z1 As Long, X2 As Long, Z2 As Long)
'This allows you to find the distance between 4 points allong the hyp
'and is used for mapping and rangefinding. It uses X and Z (NS / EW)
Dim DistanceOnTarget As Long, XDistance As Long, ZDistance As Long
XDistance = X2 - X1
ZDistance = Z2 - Z1
HypBetween2D = Sqr((XDistance ^ 2) + (ZDistance ^ 2))
End Function

For the normal AW_SAY relay system...
For zones as in squares is a lil more interesting, you can still use your global mode however use a world size array to keep the daya they are in, then do a general search around it, such as..

Type AwWorldCell
SendExternal as integer
RecieveExternal as integer
Cell_ID as integer
end type

Public AwCells(20,20) as AwWorldCell

dim i as integer
dim skey as string
skey = cstr(AW_CHAT_SESSION)

For i = 1 to avatars.count
if AwCells(avatars.item(skey).CellX,avatars.item(skey).CellZ).SendExternal then

SDK COM Wrapper Multiple instances ...

Nov 19, 2002, 8:39pm
whoops, continued...

Function HypBetween2D(X1 As Long, Z1 As Long, X2 As Long, Z2 As Long)
'This allows you to find the distance between 4 points allong the hyp
'and is used for mapping and rangefinding. It uses X and Z (NS / EW)
Dim DistanceOnTarget As Long, XDistance As Long, ZDistance As Long
XDistance = X2 - X1
ZDistance = Z2 - Z1
HypBetween2D = Sqr((XDistance ^ 2) + (ZDistance ^ 2))
End Function

For the normal AW_SAY relay system...
For zones as in squares is a lil more interesting, you can still use your global mode however use a world size array to keep the daya they are in, then do a general search around it, such as..

Type AwWorldCell
SendExternal as integer
RecieveExternal as integer
Cell_ID as integer
end type

Public AwCells(20,20) as AwWorldCell

dim i as integer, j as integer
dim skey as string
skey = cstr(AW_CHAT_SESSION)

if AwCells(avatars.item(skey).CellX,avatars.item(skey).CellZ).SendExternal then
for j = 1 to avatars.count
if ((AwCells(avatars.item(j).CellX,avatars.item(j).CellZ).RecieveExternal = 1) and (HypBetween2D(avatars.item(j).X, avatars.item(j).Z, avatars.item(skey).x,avatars.item(skey).z) < 200000) or AwCells(avatars.item(j).CellX,avatars.item(j).CellZ).Cell_ID = AwCells(avatars.item(skey).CellX,avatars.item(skey).CellZ).Cell_ID then
'Send whatever needs to be said
end if
next j
for j = 1 to avatars.count
if AwCells(avatars.item(j).CellX,avatars.item(j).CellZ).Cell_ID = AwCells(avatars.item(skey).CellX,avatars.item(skey).CellZ).Cell_ID then
'send whatever
end if
next j
end if

If your on about what I think your on about then that should do the trick your after, hence with global only 1 instance?

- Mark

SDK COM Wrapper Multiple instances ...

Nov 19, 2002, 8:53pm
Blah, not what was wanted because I missundastood, but screw it :P There is a huge part of a 3.4 RPG chat bot for u there.

- Mark

[View Quote]

Note to programmers creating bots that use chat relay

Nov 20, 2002, 7:30pm
Could those of you who have not already realised please note that you must perform a strings.replace function that removes chr(13) from all chat messages otherwise users can "fake" other chat signals and considering there is no way to tell the differnce this can cause chaos (as I prooved in Mutation when E N Z O, Mountain Myst, Flagg, Cyronics, Myself, 3 of my bots, and a tourist all apeared after I used a simple VB proggy to replace all the vbCrlf character sets with chr(13)....)

- Mark

Caretaker list?

Nov 21, 2002, 12:35am
Is there any way to identify who has main caretaker rights in a world without a world admin session? I know Xelagot can do it, but im at a loss of how to get it.

Any help appreciated, VB / C++

- Mark

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