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Feb 7, 2003, 4:56pm
Oh they are... just not when we have something better to do...

- Mark

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Wondering how his question about sombody making a 3.4 VB SDK got to such a long boring string of posts

Feb 9, 2003, 7:48am
Okay Scuz... lets elaborate on this shall we?...

This is the Active Worlds, SDK Newsgroup... its for programmers who use the
AWSDK/AWAPI unlike the other newsgroups such as community, wishlist and
general discussion we take pride in this newsgroup... and in our skills as
programmers, which is why we use it, to share ideas, questions, opinions and
solutions with other programmers.

This means, when we load it up... we dont expect to see new threads making
pointless comments about previous threads. We may spiral off in to
occasional fun about completly random programming stuff, such as the C++
functions... but thats OK, because everyone gets involved and throws ideas
about, especially considering most of that thread was trying to educate the
people, who did not know, on how to properly use Strings, Char arrays,
pointers etc....

So basically what im saying is try not turning this into the general
discussion newsgroup.. if its Programming related I dont see any harm in it,
I dare say noone else could either (without going way overboard)... So
Scuz... please use this newsgroup correctly..

- Mark

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Feb 15, 2003, 10:27am
Okay I dont know about getting 1 elsewhere, I tend to write all my own
stuff... but if you wish to make 1 you need to answer these questions:

Do you know a programming language
If so, does it have the SDK component available to it
Do you know about advanced handling of arrays and OOP proceedures for events

- Mark

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Feb 17, 2003, 4:05pm
Basically they consist of a 2Dimensional array (3 at tops depending on how
you want to do it) and references on all the objects.

- Mark

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VB Object Name

Feb 28, 2003, 4:09pm
Hello Folks,
Im wondering if someone can possably lennd me some assistance in the
creation / aquisition of a VB function that can get the name of a object
from its action. A bit of a strange request, but I know there are many
differnt ways that various differnt people have developed for it.


- Mark

VB Object Name

Feb 28, 2003, 6:36pm
Ahh ha! Never mind folks ive got the bugger :)

- Mark

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Re; Tw is a hacker (dont knwo iuf first post worked)

Mar 8, 2003, 2:36pm
Wouldent be the first time... Would it Dan ol'd chap?

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teleport.cgi script?

Mar 23, 2003, 1:51pm
Oh you clever little person, Joe has the Proxy encryption and source.
Everyone knows it. Teleport.CGI is a file basde system that sets a simple
awm file to the location that you wish to teleport to and is set to be
triggered by AW.

- Mark

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Mar 28, 2003, 4:31am
Because its 1decemal place accuracy?

0900 = 90
1800 = 180
0000 = 0

Etc, also why when your facing south, your not actually facing south unless
you teleported there or are hurrendously accurate.

- Mark

- Mark
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Apr 6, 2003, 7:21pm
You look wayyyy wayyyy wayyyyy up and Find that Genius Barons' example

- Mark

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Apr 7, 2003, 5:16pm
well use the website then o.0

- Mark

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Language Meyhem (Comic)

Apr 10, 2003, 7:04pm
You know your loosing the plot when you put this into VB...

With frmMain.sdk
Addsession = .aw_int(AW_OBJECT_SESSION);
ObNumber = .aw_int(AW_OBJECT_NUMBER);
ObModel = .aw_string(AW_OBJECT_MODEL);
ObDescription = .aw_string(AW_OBJECT_DESCRIPTION);
ObAction = .aw_string(AW_OBJECT_ACTION);
ObX = .aw_int(AW_OBJECT_X);
ObZ = .aw_int(AW_OBJECT_Z);
ObY = .aw_int(AW_OBJECT_Y);
ObYAW = .aw_int(AW_OBJECT_YAW);
ObTilt = .aw_int(AW_OBJECT_TILT);
ObRoll = .aw_int(AW_OBJECT_ROLL);
ObOwner = .aw_int(AW_OBJECT_OWNER);
End With

- Mark
Damnit C++ is hard as hell

Internet Explorer

Apr 12, 2003, 9:49pm
Yep, allot of 002 xxxxxxx's as well

- Mark

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Grimmsoft AW SDK OCX 3.4

Apr 15, 2003, 4:11pm
lol, ive given up and switched to C++ for any 3.4 stuff

- Mark

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Active Worlds Programmers Club

Apr 17, 2003, 4:26pm
Sounds like an idea for people to copy and paste source code to me.

- Mark

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Active Worlds Programmers Club

Apr 17, 2003, 4:34pm
Im not meaning to be offensive in any way, but in be interested in knowing
why you would even consider such a club? It is my believe that the system
that we have on these newsgroups and everyone helping everyone else is
absolutely brilliant and there is no need to change it, people who wish to
post their source code do it openly anyway such as on bots.omegauniverse...
The SDK is a good environment with which to learn but it takes the support
of allot of people, I myself learnt with the help of some really good people
who were always available, I took the advice I could off of this newsgroup
and off others.

I feel that new 'clubs' will do nothing but seperate the majority of
programmers from those who may see this new club and head straight there,
neglecting where allot of people will be, on this newsgroup.

While I think that its a good idea that everyone who programs in the AW
environment should work together to help eachother I still reserve my point
that it should take part on this newsgroup, not in areas created and
controlled by 1 man.

- Mark
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afk gesture?

Apr 20, 2003, 12:58am
mmmm hmmm thats correct, the AFK is in the client to universe / universe to
client protocol only what what I can see.

- Mark

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Question about setting owner for aw_object_add ()

Apr 29, 2003, 1:30am
Never know, could download it off the object path for you if you treat it
nice *G*

- Mark

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grimmsoft documentation

Apr 29, 2003, 1:37am
Quite frankly the OCX 1 to 5 is old and decrepid now which was what the help
system was for.

In all reality all projects should be on the COM DLL now, and as for the
documentation to it that's most easily available from the C++ site at which is where I learnt how to use the majority of
it, with a little introduction to aw_string_set by either Bowen or Baron?

For old projects its not too hard to change them over, I managed to convert
most of my projects from OCX5 to COM DLL in under 5 minutes by using a
simple replace script.

'sdk.AwAvatarName = ' just becomes 'sdk.aw_string_set AW_AVATAR_NAME, '

I personally recommend just using the C++, its got much more information

- Mark
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Bingo Bot

May 28, 2003, 12:39am
not quite, thats called intellectual copyright infringment. ;)

- Mark

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May 23, 2003, 4:23pm
you HAVE actually checked your aiming at the right place?

- Mark

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May 24, 2003, 8:34pm
gah I didnt see that until I was looking at it from the other side of the
room >_<.

Personally though I use global functions such as aw_int_set and aw_int etc
and simply replace em using find and replace before I coompile for release.

- Mark

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Problemes using AW SDK with visual c++

Jun 15, 2003, 7:05pm
define your handle chat function as so:

void handle_chat(void);

BTW, using a DLG class as the main bot class is not a good idea... Try using
another class, call it CAwBot...

Class CAwBot
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Problemes using AW SDK with visual c++

Jun 16, 2003, 4:47am
You must define them right...

As you will know C++ bases everything on type defentions, even functions are
just masks of a variable, with those not returning a value being defined as
void. The aw_event_set function actually needs a pointer to the void to do
this, so *void.

Try this:


#pragma once
// The event handler functions for avatars
void Event_Avatar_Add(void);
void Event_Avatar_Change(void);
void Event_Avatar_Delete(void);

class CAwBot

#include "aw.h"
#include "AwBot.h"

aw_event_set (AW_EVENT_AVATAR_ADD, Event_Avatar_Add);
aw_event_set (AW_EVENT_AVATAR_CHANGE, Event_Avatar_Change);
aw_event_set (AW_EVENT_AVATAR_DELETE, Event_Avatar_Delete);

/* End of File */

Notice, how the variables are of type void, hence the functions within them
return with void.

- Mark

Visual Basic 6 SDK?

Jun 22, 2003, 6:16pm
Not really... if you count yourself as a decent programmer and think you
make decent programs *cough* ie: !=Thors authentication system *cough* then
shouldent take you longer than 20 minutes to convert a project, took me
about 30 to convert Echelons 15,000 or so lines of VB code.

- Mark

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Visual Basic 6 SDK?

Jun 25, 2003, 4:36pm
Well at the time I was writing absolute s*it. But I was under the impression
Brant decided to start writing bots AFTER he had a good knowledge of VB,
unlike me who started doing bots something like 3 weeks in, something I
highly regret and dont advise anyone does...

And actually.... we know how the code is formed after Robbie exploited the
use of repeated SDK variables.... and changed the AWTeen IO message with
another users chat session.

- Mark

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Visual Basic 6 SDK?

Jun 25, 2003, 4:47pm
And it isnt being a know-it-all... its being a sleepy, tired and highly
overworked 17 year old kid who would do anything to actually get a week to

- Mark

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The last 2 posts

Jul 5, 2003, 4:20pm
Glad that little fiasco is over...

Im going to agree with Grimble... That form is complete and utter rubbish in
all all honesty... random ( )'s do nothing but confuse the coder. Really you
should stick to as close to C++ syntax as you possibly can when teaching
because of the rules of engagement so to speak....

call functionx(arglist, arglist2, arglist3) type of thing..

- Mark

Querying Ejections and Citizen Numbers

Jul 3, 2003, 9:01pm
Make sure you dont have the aw_address callback set...

And u may wish to add sdk.LongToIP or whatever it is.

- mark

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Querying Ejections and Citizen Numbers

Jul 3, 2003, 9:11pm
GAHHHH!!! *Bangs Head*

For the love of all that is holy why the hell did we miss it...

dim RC as long
rc = sdk.aw_address(sdk.aw_int(AW_AVATAR_SESSION))
if rc then
Msgbox "Lookup failed"
Msgbox sdk.LongToIP(sdk.aw_int(AW_AVATAR_ADDRESS)
end if

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