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Visual Basic Bot Programming

Apr 24, 2001, 9:22pm
LOL and you must have "wasted" so much of your time too !! How can you
speak so arrogantly when that is what you are offering?

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RPG bot

May 7, 2001, 3:46pm
Can I say it then??

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How do you create a login prompt for vb6 sdk wrapper?

May 10, 2001, 11:45am
At the risk of sounding like I am agreeing with Makaveli ...

Firstly, if you WANT to use the .Text property, that's your programming
style and that is fine. Don't miss things off if they make your code clearer
to you or others and don't miss them off because you're lazy (unless that IS
your programming style) either.

All controls can have a default property assigned. For edit boxes, the .Text
property is the default. This means that you don't NEED to explicitly state
the property name to retrieve the text in the text box. In fact, it is
marginally faster to use the default property than to make it find the one
you specify ... but we aren't talking in terms of any perceivable amount of

The reason a lot of people DO like to specify the fully qualified name is
because txtOwner, without the property name, can return one of two values

(a) The value of the default property (txtOwner.Text)


(b) The control itself (i.e. the edit box).

VB is a typed language and therefore this behaviour doesn't fit with the
rest of the language. So, if it makes you more comfortable TrekkerX, you do
as you wish.

The only reason this has been mentioned (by me anyway) is because you
explicitly included it in your post. Just giving you a bit of background.


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A cool world to check out

May 13, 2001, 12:08pm
LOL ... frustrating, isn't it?

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How do I create Events For when The User Exits?

May 10, 2001, 9:14pm
Shut up you idiot !!!

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How do I create Events For when The User Exits?

May 11, 2001, 7:26am
Exactly Azazael! Thankyou.

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How do I create Events For when The User Exits?

May 11, 2001, 7:28am
I wasn't refering to you, barbarossa.

BTW ... I know your sister ... Testa.

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How do you make a textbok automatically scroll down?

May 12, 2001, 9:08am
heh heh ... I sense another question coming very soon ....


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May 11, 2001, 10:17pm
LOL .... read your own post dopey !!!

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Object Changing, & x,y,z,& yaw co-ords

May 15, 2001, 3:29pm
Ummm .... you typo'd Makaveli. Don't be so rude if you're gonna correct
people wrongly, eh?

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Object Changing, & x,y,z,& yaw co-ords

May 15, 2001, 8:48pm
Geesh, you are a dope!

You said .... "You don't use & you use *."

You then followed it up with ... "sdk.AwMyX = txtMyX & 1000" (which NO-ONE
had quoted before) = TYPO!

OK! Get it? Duh!


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Object Changing, & x,y,z,& yaw co-ords

May 16, 2001, 7:05pm
LOL *sigh*

Kah didn't write ... "sdk.AwMyX = txtMyX & 1000" ... YOU did. READ IT !

Unless of course you DID mean to put that (and it WASN'T a typo) in which
case it simply doesn't make sense! 1000 gets converted into a string,
appended to the end of the contents of txtMyX and the result is then
converted into a number ... If txtMyX contains "22", that line results in a
number of 221000 ... which is utter crap.

You have three choices ... admit you're wrong, admit you're wrong or shut
up! You're just filling up the threads with misleading information.


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Object Changing, & x,y,z,& yaw co-ords

May 17, 2001, 6:41am
<sobs in corner ...> IDIOT! Last post on this ... If the threads made sense
without your misleading, ill-informed and ultimately utter garbage posts I'd
filter you.

Lets play something a bit more your level shall we .... spot the difference.

-- kah wrote (originally) --------------------------
> easy way of doing it on login : sdk.AwMyX = txtMyX.Text & "000" and so on

-- m a k a v e l i wrote (incorrectly) ---------------
> ?????? To make it look good:
> <code>
> sdk.AwMyX = txtMyX & 1000
> <end code>

Now .... see any difference?? Its not difficult! Either this is a terrible
quote which looks nothing like the original (so its a typo) OR you typoed
with a "&" instead of a "*" OR your offering is incorrect (as described in
my previous post). Now go back and read the posts from 15th onwards.


Object Changing, & x,y,z,& yaw co-ords

May 17, 2001, 9:03pm
Give over! Don't read it then !

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Is it possible?

May 15, 2001, 3:32pm
You're right .... except that (if you were really desperate lol) you could
do exactly the same calculations that AW does to detect it (bounding spheres
etc.) by downloading all the objects and doing a LOAD of maths. 'Course, by
the time you've worked it out, the avatar has gone for dinner anyway! :O).


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i really want to learn..

May 16, 2001, 6:51pm
Nope. Geesh!

Firstly, C++ and Java are languages and you don't need to buy licenses to
use the language. They don't "belong" to anyone so who you going to pay?
What people often pay for is a specific make of compiler, like M$ Visual
Studio, etc. which is the vendor's product.

Secondly, there are free Java and C++ development environments and compilers
all over the place. Even Borland have a free foundation version of JBuilder,
WITH an IDE (a very cool product I might add ... for nothing!). And guess
what ... Borland provide a free C++ compiler too!!!.

As Kah basically says, VB and Delphi are languages used in products that are
proprietary (look it up in the dictionary!) to Microsoft and Borland
respectively and effectively ARE those products. Therefore you can't get
them free without stealing or being given them (except for things like
30-day trials) ... so you gotta buy 'em! ... they can count as "things" ok.

Borland JBuilder Foundation (FREE):
Borland C++Builder Compiler (FREE):

Now you accuse someone of lying when when they are talking about a subject
you CLEARLY don't have a valid or informed opinion on! How wrong could you
be? Stop it !!


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Saying the contents of a list box

May 17, 2001, 7:10am
There are two newsgroups for bots on ... this one and
the SDK one. This one is frequented by people who use bots in their worlds,
provide bots (finished/progressing) to others, etc. The techies keep an eye
on the SDK one too ... and that is where this type of question belongs. I'm
sure it was just a mistake on your part in putting it here :o).

Just something to bear in mind.


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Xelagot Scripting

May 18, 2001, 9:38am
According to the help files (I've only played with Xelags out of curiosity)

Concat $b "This is a line break" #13 #10
Concat $b $b "so this starts at a new line"

ASCII 13 is a Carriage Return and ASCII 10 is a Line Feed


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How do you remove avatar session numbers from a list?

May 18, 2001, 7:48pm
I just told you in your other post what a type mismatch means ... surely you
can work this out for yourself! Go and find out about listboxes from the
MSDN Library that comes with VB6 and understand them before you try to use
them. How many of these "Oh no ... it gave me an error" questions will there

.... and like I said only yesterday, put this stuff in the SDK newsgroup will
ya !!


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How do you remove avatar session numbers from a list?

May 18, 2001, 8:20pm

This is EXACTLY that same problem as he posted earlier in the SDK newsgroup.
The List property of the listbox is a string ... and he's trying to put it
in a Long (AwAvatarSession). No difference! Unless the contents of the list
has changed without him saying, it contains the avatar's name.

As far as which newsgroup to post in, I see this as a newsgroup for people
to let others know about bots - for worldoeners and like ... not to discuss
technical issues involved in their development. THAT is what the SDK
newsgroup is for. If there is an overlap, there wouldn't be two.


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How do you remove avatar session numbers from a list?

May 18, 2001, 8:30pm
Actually ... I pointed you in the direction of Brant's Session Table ... as
something you could use. If you chose to read that differently ... fine.
Ignore it.


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How do you remove avatar session numbers from a list?

May 18, 2001, 9:04pm
No .. you're right ... I pointed out what was wrong and then opened a door
for him to help himself!!

Sod it!


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Preston suggestion

May 19, 2001, 9:45am
Kah's right. The best option is to teleport them elsewhere, but for the bot
to do that you have to be certain that all the users will have at least
version 3.0 of the browser and the cirnum used by the bot has eject rights.

Assuming you must deal with 2.2 browsers and/or don't have the necessary
rights, (and of course you can store the relevant information in Preston -
I've never used it) what you could do is place a teleporting object on top
of the user, as it Kah is sugesting, and then delete it again after you pick
up the Avatar Delete or AvatarChange - depending on how far away the avatar
is being teleported - message for that session being transported away.


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Bot that detects flying and/or shift?

May 23, 2001, 2:48pm
Not necessarily true, unless you know the height of the "ground" relevant to
the avatar's position at the exact coordinates of the avatar.

The avatar could be flying, standing on a hill, standing on the second floor
of a building, part way up a flight of stairs, hovering between floors, etc.
The poor thing needs to know a lot about the world in advance before it can
answer that type of question.

A lot of work unless the world is very simple and rarely changes.


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Bot that detects flying and/or shift?

May 23, 2001, 9:07pm
Brains has nothing to do with it really. Without analysing the shape/size
and orientation of the quads/triangles and primitives in each of the objects
in the cell (and their solidity), its far from straight forward.

I wasn't critisising (God forbid I try that again!), I was just completing
your thought. *shrug*


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Find in Bankbots

May 23, 2001, 9:18pm
Ack! Data controls (I hate them myself, but that's just a personal vendetta
against the horrid things ;o) ).

The data control cannot resolve 'sdk.awAvatarName' into what you expect
because you are providing it as a literal (between the quotes), so it is
looking for the text "sdk.awAvatarName" in the field Both, rather than the
result of the expression. You need to build the string yourself, something
like this:

Data1.Recordset.FindFirst "Both = '" & sdk.awAvatarName & "'"

Then the VALUE AwAvatarName property is added between the two literals "Both
= '" and "'" forming

"Both = 'SnagglePuss'".


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Find in Bankbots

May 24, 2001, 9:09pm
The MS Jet database engine that data controls, QueryDefs, Recordsets, etc.
use is the same database engine that drives MS Access. Its just another way
to utilise MDB files.


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no posts here??

Jun 5, 2001, 1:24pm
LOL .... "buggy beta".

What exactly is that supposed to mean?

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no posts here??

Jun 5, 2001, 4:19pm
Duh! Forget it.

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no posts here??

Jun 6, 2001, 9:03am
Geesh! Give it a rest already !!

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