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didn't know

Dec 4, 2001, 8:02pm
OK ... so you believe that VC++ is "not a good compiler", but why do you say
that? Like I said, I find it an excellent development platform - perhaps you
could enlighten me as to what is so bad about it that you feel the need to
slag it off.


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didn't know

Dec 5, 2001, 1:22pm
Unless you're an expert on the development methods and QC practices of
Heliotrope Studios and THQ, I think this claim that the compiler added the
message you are describing is highly unlikely. For a start, why would
Microsoft want to advertise their compiler just as the program crashes? To
me it sounds more like a developer with the same anti-Microsoft views as
yourself (and what he considers a sense of humour).

Even if this message issue you have were true (which I don't believe for a
second - and plenty of my VC++ programs have crashed on me at the beginning
of a project), if you could expalin how VC++ is, in your view, a crap
compiler, rather than why you think Microsoft is (a) the wrong platform for
your needs and (b) inherently evil, it would be appreciated.

Maybe you shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet.


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didn't know

Dec 5, 2001, 7:11pm
Hmmm ... isn't that pretty much the same answer you put last time? Basically
that Microsoft is evil and not to be trusted. I don't care what you're views
on Microsoft are - to me they are based mainly on hear-say and personal
opinion. Just because other OS platforms are better for certain things
(maybe all - doesn't matter), it doesn't make Windows crap! Maybe you can
answer the (rather simple, I thought) question as to what is crap about
VC++ - its a solid development platform - again, maybe others are better and
more usable, who cares? - and its focussed on Windows development - THE ONLY
AW SDK development platform currently available.

Man, its not a difficult - perhaps I need to rephrase it for you. Tell me a
reason why VC++ is not a suitable development tool for developing Windows
software without using the words/phrases "Microsoft", "evil", "can't be
trusted", or "conspiracy". If you have anything to say on what IS crap about
VC++ as a C++ compiler for Windows (and ONLY VC++ - not one of the many
incarnations of Windows or new markets that Microsoft have broken into),
then its worth listening to ... otherwise its just a rant.

If you can do this then maybe I'll see a reason not to use VC++ in the
future ... but until then I have no problems using it. I am familiar with
it, I've been using for a long time (and their C compilers/IDEs before
that), there is a significant amount of documentation for it and I trust it
to do the job I ask of it. So if you would kindly support your argument with
some rational views, it would be appreciated.


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didn't know

Dec 6, 2001, 12:19am
Ya see here's the issue I have you "its either black or its white" type of
people. No-one here is claiming to be "pro-Microsoft", just not
"anti-Microsoft". Why does everyone have to have the same extreme views you

[View Quote] Perhaps you should read and try linux, macs, BSD before you say microsoft is
the best.

didn't know

Dec 6, 2001, 11:19am
Who do you think you are then - telling people to stop posting? And where
was ther personal attack?

Am I to assume from you're silence that you have no reasons to share with us
that VC++ is a crap compiler and that, apart from maybe a dodgy company that
builds and distributes the product, that people should not be deterred from
using it if that is their preference?

If there is some reason to avoid it, then that is useful information here
.... or is this why you are keen to kill the thread all of a sudden?

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didn't know

Dec 6, 2001, 7:41pm
And your comments on VC++? Totally unforthcoming. Pathetic.

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didn't know

Dec 7, 2001, 12:26pm
Lets get away fromall that dish network and OS talk...

Bowen, what is so bad about MSVC++ in your view?


[View Quote] MSVC++ is not a good compiler

bot urls

Dec 31, 2001, 1:27pm
Sadly, the AWJavaBots link is busted.

(Sorry Joe)


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Bot server ruuning under linux

Jan 5, 2002, 9:42pm
And there lies the wonders of the Windows MFC (if you'll firgive a few
memory leaks here and there) ... 3 lines of code to make a streaming socket
connection and only about 30 minutes to snugly subclass the CSocket to some
basic data transfers. Never written code for any type of Unix, but I imagine
there must be comparable socket class libraries available.


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AW Visual Basic SDK question

Jan 11, 2002, 12:37am
In response to both the points here, the AW SDK help pages state "The
universe_domain or universe_port may be specified as 0 to take the defaults
of "" and 5670 respectively.". In the VB SDK, you put
"" in the universe_domin parameter rather than a zero.

As far as the error message goes, VB regards a procedure call where the
parameters are enclosed in parentheses as a function and therefore expects a
destination for the return value ... a variable or an expression in a
statement. e.g.

x = ThisFunction (y, z)

ThisFunction (y, z) as a standalone statement is not valid without something
to "soak up" that return value. The same statement without the parenteses,
however, is regarded as a call to a sub and is therefore valid on its own.

ThisSub x, y

Since the AwCreate returns a Long representing the return code from the
call, you should really retrieve it with

rc = sdk.AwCreate(hostName, hostPort)

However, if you don't want to check it you can call AwCreate in one of two
other ways:

Call sdk.AwCreate(hostName, hostPort)


sdk.AwCreate hostName, hostPort

Hope that helps.


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java interface - where can I find it?

Mar 9, 2002, 6:40pm

.... but I don't think its exactly up-to-date.


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Brant's paintball bot is full of errors

May 5, 2002, 8:40pm
The most likely turn of events ...

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Ejected Bots and Cits

May 27, 2002, 10:14am
Can someone tell me if in the past a cit has been banned from AW for the
usual 5 minutes if a bot under that cit's privs strays into AW GZ and gets
ejected? It just happened to me and I don't remember that being the case



Ejected Bots and Cits

May 27, 2002, 10:57am
btw ... where I have said AW, I mean AlphaWorld in all cases.

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Ejected Bots and Cits

May 27, 2002, 2:53pm
I guess I've never tried the following the bot into AW in the past ... and
already been there when I was dumb enough to let it happen before.



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Brant's PaintballBot help needed

Jun 8, 2002, 7:58am
Wow ... that's old. If you have the file, then put it (with its accompanying
..tlb file) in your windows system directory (varies per windows installation
but usually C:\Windows\System on Win9x machines). If you don't have the
file, and no-one here has a copy they can send you, then I'd suggest you get
in touch with MrGrimm at to get the old version (only
AwSdkOcx3, 4 and 5 are available for download on the web-site).


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Brant's PaintballBot help needed

Jun 8, 2002, 9:57am
From what I can see in the zip file, v2.44 uses AwSdkOcx3.ocx. ME may be
different, but if the SDK OCX file is missing, Win98 reports the correct
version of the file (i.e. AwSdkOcx3.ocx not just AwSdkOcx.OCX). If you're
copying the wrong version of the file then it won't help you. I imagine v3.0
of the bot will use at least AwSdkOcx4.ocx, if not AwSdkOcx5.ocx. Download
the correct one from if the message tells
you the exact file, then copy the ocx to your windows\system directory and
try again.

Otherwise, you'll just have to show some patience and wait for Brant to be

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Rich Text Box Margin

Jul 2, 2002, 11:05am
Unless you're using a fixed font (e.g. courier new) in the RT box, you
really want to be working out the width of the text in pixels rather than
the number if characters ("WWWWW" is much wider that "IIIII").

You can do this using the TextWidth property of either the form of an
invisible picture box (with the same font settings as the RT Box).

You can find it in the VB local help or (sorry if the link gets split in the
post) at


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Rich Text Box Margin

Jul 2, 2002, 11:09am
For a chat window, maybe the SelHangingIndent property would be more
suitable (also indents wrapped lines of a "paragraph").


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Bot development for Magik

Oct 12, 2002, 9:42pm
It doesn't take a "large corporation" to buy a $500 peice of software, stop
blowing this out of all proportion. There's a free evaluation version that
gives you the opportunity to value it for your own needs. If those needs
don't justify a $500 outlay, then you don't buy it.

Microsoft already have huge income streams from business across a whole host
of products and so have the means to support their entire product portfolio
at lower costs, providing offerings at differing levels. Its only because of
their existing market presence that they can do this. A business model
implemented by the likes of Microsoft doesn't work for small, independant
companies. Unless they can see a market benefit in providing a "lite"
version to the ungrateful masses at an early stage, then its a dumb idea.
The key reason for doing so would be to encourage future sales of the core
product, but that won't happen until they have a substantial market presence
to build on and only corporate site licenses, or at least multi-user
licenses, will give them that.

No-one here has the right to slag off someone elses pricing policy for their
product. If $500 is too rich for your taste, leave it alone.


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Global Mode

Oct 4, 2002, 12:40pm
But the picking up of Avatar Add events from outside the hearing radius
does. It consoles him when he enters the world far away from the bot's


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Needed: C/C++ Programmers!

Nov 3, 2002, 2:58pm
What am I missing here?

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Needed: C/C++ Programmers!

Nov 3, 2002, 3:05pm
I see ... the "weeee don't neeeed no steeeeenkin' looogic" train of thought.
Each to his own.

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Can some one make me a xelagot script?

Nov 7, 2002, 5:46pm
For things like this (bot limit allowing) its better to use a new instance
for the "Doobie doobie do" bot because there could be several people in the
world all F-ing and Blinding, which would require a number of "Doobie doobie
Do"ers. One instance in global mode (visible/invisible as you like) and
create a new instance (or always ensure you have a spare one logged in and
waiting to save time) when needed. Then, when that bot's "Doobie Doobie
Do"ing is over, just destroy the instance.

Like I said, it depends on the bot limit really ... the AW Universe
restriction doesn't really allow for this without several cits (and then you
need to track which cits privs are in use through some kind of login profile
or something).

I don't know what Preston can/can't do (i.e. dynamically create/login/enter
instances within the code?) but there's no substitute for a coded solution.


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Terrain with VB - any examples?

Nov 12, 2002, 7:44pm
From what I remember, its not that different to the AW SDK documentation.
The main differences are the use of aw_terrain_heights(index) and
aw_terrain_textures(index) ... "special" for the COM DLL set/retrieve
the height and texture array values. If you read and understand the terrain
documentation on the AW SDK site, then the readme.txt in the COM DLL
download should make sense. Its not really trial and error.

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New bot site open!

Nov 14, 2002, 2:27am
Unless the source code is available for the bots, then I don't see that the
language used is relevant at all. People who are only interested in "the
final product" generally don't give a flier what its developed in.


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memory leak bug fix Xelagots

Nov 14, 2002, 11:40am
Or alternatively XelaG can post about the availability of a patch and people
download and apply it.

Does it REALLY take that much effort for some people to apply a patch?


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memory leak bug fix Xelagots

Nov 16, 2002, 9:16am
When I were a lad .....

.... you used to have to send a postal order to a man in a seedy shop in the
middle of the Black Country and he'd send you a 5 1/4" floppy disk with the
new software on it heh. Life is so mean to people these days. (just playing
with ya).


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memory leak bug fix Xelagots

Nov 17, 2002, 5:35pm
Well you obviously believe in other people making your life redulously easy
at the expense of their own (often precious) spare time. I'm glad I'm not
one of your friends. Words like "senselessly" in the context you use it are
very disrespectful.


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memory leak bug fix Xelagots

Nov 17, 2002, 7:04pm
Sorry ... the tone struck me (and still does) as blunt and "expectant". Too
tired to bite my tongue on such things right now with me or ignore
me. <shrug>.

P.S. "ego the size of Jupiter"?? That's just silly. Barely bigger than
Alaska last time I checked. ;o)

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