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Feb 7, 2003, 8:52am
Blocked sender more like.

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Anyone know how to make a bot respond in VB?

Apr 2, 2001, 8:59am
Oops ... I guess you meant something like

If UCase(Message) = "HELLO" Then

.... or ...

If LCase(Message) = "hello" Then


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Anyone know how to make a bot respond in VB?

Apr 2, 2001, 4:19pm
Ummm .... actually no. "Hello" is not equal to "hello" ... therefore without
converting the message to a single case, you cannot guarantee a match.


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Anyone know how to make a bot respond in VB?

Apr 3, 2001, 2:39pm
LOL... this isn't a dig KAH, but "the state thingie"?? LOLOL


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Bingo Bot

May 21, 2003, 9:12am
That's the point matey ... the EXE is unusable without the runtimes, so why
not do a thorough job and have some pride is what you release? Without the
runtimes the EXE just a download of garbage. The people that want a bingo
bot generally aren't developers and they want a .... ummm ... bingo bot ...
that works.

Quit being so defensive and listen to people!


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Visual Basic 6 SDK?

Jun 25, 2003, 11:15am
Mark, you get ruder by the day. What sort of perfectly structured and easily
maintainable code were you writing four years ago? Only brant knows how the
code is formed and the areas affected by the SDK interface, where as you
don't know shit about it. You're turning into a right little self-proclaimed

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Anyone know how to make a bot respond in VB?

Apr 6, 2001, 9:38pm
LOL ... Well done makaveli ... have a coffee now mate.

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VB 3.4 sdk

Jun 30, 2003, 8:59pm
You know, it wouldn't take much for someone with a small amount of C/C++
experience to write their own DLL for the SDK that's callable from VB if
their so desperate for it.

At least this should mark the end of the incessent whinging about there not
being a VB interface to AW.


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The last 2 posts

Jul 1, 2003, 12:52pm
Errrr ....

[View Quote] .... ahem???

> Ocx is 4 loosers... or ppl who have very long source code and are too lazy
> to convert but new bots should use this

.... no, the unnecessary sharing of purile opinions is "4 loosers".

The last 2 posts

Jul 1, 2003, 9:51pm
I would be very surprised as aw_int and aw_int_set have different prototypes
and polymorphism isn't supported by COM/ActiveX interfaces. Unless I'm
missing something ...

Unless .NET has really screwed with the language syntax and broken away from
common function calling protocol as well as the change to use the .NET
framework then


doesn't strike me as even remotely valid.


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The last 2 posts

Jul 2, 2003, 7:41pm
Hmmm ... are you perhaps missing the (I'm sure deliberate) mistake in your
original post that I queried?

Sdk.aw_int(AW_INT_NAME) is valid
Sdk.aw_int(AW_INT_NAME),123 isn't valid.

Apart from the obviously incorrect method name, the form "call fn(x),n" is,
lets say, somewhat dubious.

Call Sdk.aw_int_set(AW_INT_NAME,123) is valid
rc = Sdk.aw_int_set(AW_INT_NAME,123) is valid
Sdk.aw_int_set AW_INT_NAME,123 is valid

I know my way around VB and the SDK well enough to get annoyed when people
post "information" in these newsgroups that either isn't complete or is
simply wrong.


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The last 2 posts

Jul 2, 2003, 8:05pm
NO! I give up!

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The last 2 posts

Jul 2, 2003, 8:15pm
Both unnatural and wrong.

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The last 2 posts

Jul 2, 2003, 8:29pm
Am I on a different planet tonight?

"Doing it the first way seems unnatural."

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The last 2 posts

Jul 2, 2003, 8:53pm
Ummm ... no I didn't ...

"[It is] both unnatural and wrong", not "[They are] both unnatural and

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The last 2 posts

Jul 3, 2003, 8:16pm
You're really starting to piss me off now! One more time, with feeling ...

Sdk.aw_int(AW_INT_NAME),123 isn't valid
Sdk.aw_int_set(AW_INT_NAME),123 isn't valid

As for call and rc= ... its the programmer's choice and its all common
knowledge. If I were you, I'd concentrate on what's important (i.e. not
talking crap) and stop trying to look clever in other people's exchanges.

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The last 2 posts

Jul 4, 2003, 7:03am
*chuckle* ... bless 'im.

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The last 2 posts

Jul 5, 2003, 12:10am
It is (sadly) valid code as far as the compiler is concerned, because VB
lets you get away with bad form. The reason its "valid" is because
(AW_INT_NAME) resolves to the value of AW_INT_NAME and it becomes a
non-returning call to a function (i.e. any return code is discarded).
However, IMO if people are going to post example code, they should take on a
little more responsibility to those they believe they are "teaching" in a
technical newsgroup.

Too much "Ooooh... this'll make me look clever" and not enough care. Its one
of the most misleading snippets of code I've seen. I was due a rant so
that's it.


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Querying Ejections and Citizen Numbers

Jul 2, 2003, 7:53pm
I believe AW_AVATAR_CITIZEN is only populated by querying the citizen
calling the aw_citizen_attributes_by_name or _number methods so the cit
would need to be queried first anyway in order to use this attribute.

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Querying Ejections and Citizen Numbers

Jul 2, 2003, 8:03pm
If you're querying ejections, then AW_CITIZEN_NUMBER and AW_AVATAR_ADDRESS
aren't used (see for
the attributes populated by the world ejection query). Also, from the
aw_world_ejection_add method documentation ...

The attribute AW_EJECTION_TYPE specifies the type of the ejection and the

AW_EJECT_BY_ADDRESS Ejection is by IP address
AW_EJECT_BY_COMPUTER Ejection is by computer ID
AW_EJECT_BY_CITIZEN Ejection is by citizen number

the IP address to be blocked (in network byte order.) If the least
significant byte of the address is zero, the entire class C IP address is

the 32-bit ID of the computer to be blocked. However, there is currently no
mechanism for directly querying the ID of a user's computer from the SDK.
Ejections by computer ID are added automatically by the world server
whenever a user is ejected via aw_world_eject and their computer has an ID
available. Once the ejection is in place, the computer ID can be determined
by scanning the ejection database using either aw_world_ejection_next or

the citizen number of the user to block. Ejections of this type will only
block the user as long as they continue to use the account that has been

There's no help specifically for AW_CITIZEN_NUMBER because there's nothing
"special" about it. At the risk of being patronising (sorry if this is old
ground), the aw_int, aw_string, etc. methods are used to query attribute
values that have been set by a functional method (such as aw_object_add) or
the most recent event/callback raised ... whichever of these two occurred

The AW documentation for each method, event and callback states the
attributes that are updated by and each particular item.


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Querying Ejections and Citizen Numbers

Jul 2, 2003, 8:07pm
Bum ... wrong attribute.

AW_AVATAR_CITIZEN is only supplied by an AW_EVENT_AVATAR_* event ... not
much good in a chat function. AW_CITIZEN_NUMBER is the one only available
from the cit query.

Session tables ....

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AW Objects - database?

Apr 6, 2001, 9:35pm
If you read the ORIGINAL post from Who, he/she is looking for more than just
a file listing ... he mentions that he would like descriptions, textures
that the objects use, tagging info, etc. THAT is a useful thing and is an
enormous cataloging task even with a process to produce the raw information
from the object path.

Once they have the information... it needs to go into a usable format ...
(i.e. the web-pages Facter spoke about).

Be fair will ya! Geesh!


I am looking for a database type file listing the objects available in

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Slot Bot (hehe, I like the name)

Apr 6, 2001, 9:18pm
What the heck sort of comment is that RD??

Let him play and learn like we all did. If he want to attack a "Slot Bot" of
his own, then let him do it for Heaven's sake !!

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Slot Bot (hehe, I like the name)

Apr 8, 2001, 12:34am
LOL Mine just told me to shut up when I talked crap !

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Slot Bot (hehe, I like the name)

Apr 8, 2001, 10:15am
LOL ... not me that anyone should be apoligising to. I just said my piece in
my first post.

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Seprating words in a ListBox

Apr 9, 2001, 10:08pm

There are a number of key problems with this code. The two major ones are
listed below:

Firstly, its bizarre! What's with the timer?? Ever heard of a loop? That
timer is running asynchronously along side the retrieval of the AW events,
so its going to be totally arbitrary which messages are going to be checked.
The code is basically going to check for the next word in the list (after
the current one), in the last chat message received, every second. Chat
messages will often be missed completely and ONLY be scanned for all the
words if no-one says anything else while it goes through the loop.

Secondly, (apart from the fact that it's not an answer to what TrekkerX
wants because of the previous point), ListIndex is only used to position the
selection. Its a UI thing and not something for setting the current record
so that you can use the Text property.

This isn't a difficult task ... The code you really want goes something like
this ... which isn't how I would actually do it - see point later in post -
but its comparative to your example (again, in VB with your control names
for continuity):

Private Sub sdk_EventChat()

Dim messageChat As String
Dim indexEjectWord As Long

messageChat = LCase(sdk.AwChatMessage)

For indexEjectWord = 0 To lstWord.ListCount - 1
If InStr(messageChat, LCase(lstWord.List(indexEjectWord))) Then

'<do eject handling code here>

End If
Next indexEjectWord

End Sub

This is still going to fall foul of words within words (there's a place in
the UK called Scunthorpe!!) so additional logic needs to go in there to
check for whole words including handling the start/end of the chat message
and punctuation - so you can't just check for " " &
lstWord.List(indexBadWord) & " " either.

Personally, I am a believer in user interface components being JUST for user
interface purposes ... displaying/entering information and interactivity. My
view is that the prime copy of the data belongs in the guts of the
application, not in a visual control. So actually, I would have a ReDim'd
array of Strings or a Collection holding the words, and that store is then
used to populate the listbox on startup. Just my upbringing I guess ...
different people do things in different ways.

BTW, a small piece of advice. See the Dim statements? Use them ... Variants
suck! You should never find code like this ANYWHERE in an application ...
large or small ... it just doesn't make any sense.

If X = "" Then X = 0

If you MUST use variants (which is extremely lazy and unnecessarily adds to
the underlying processing), use the IsEmpty(varName) to do this check.


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Seprating words in a ListBox

Apr 9, 2001, 10:12pm

'<do eject handling code here>

should read

'<do eject handling code here>
Exit For

Sorry ....


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Seprating words in a ListBox

Apr 9, 2001, 10:16pm
GRRRR .... it took me so long to type my post that you beat me to it !!

Just for the reader ... (accidental omissions I'm sure - MrGrimm is better
that this)

For i = 0 To lstBox.ListCount -1


If ContainsWord(lstWords, LCase(AwSdkOcx.AwChatMessage)) <> "" Then

Grims :o)

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Banking System Almost Complete!

Apr 11, 2001, 7:32pm
Me too lol.

I don't think you guys need to get personal about this though. Where's the
namecalling come from?


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Banking System Almost Complete!

Apr 11, 2001, 7:34pm
Who the hell cares?? Go to some other NG for this crap will ya!!


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