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Quirky Event Delivery

Jul 3, 2002, 10:14am
Cheeky little toad ;O)


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RC Values (VB COM SDK)

Jul 6, 2002, 7:22pm
The new COM wrapper (as indicated by the title) from MrGrimm doesn't have an
equivalent to the RCLookup method.

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Once again..

Feb 27, 2001, 3:36pm
Wow ... its been a long time since I've seen any mention of PL/1 ... I think
ananas and myself come from similar backgrounds LOL.

I started with PL/1 when I began working for a living, after pascal at
school (and good old Commodore Basic of course LOL). I think its a case of
natural progression for a lot of people. You choose based on relevance and
your budget, existing skills and willingness to learn new things. All things
being equal, with hind-sight, I'd rather re-learn pascal and use Delphi than

Although I agree VB SHOULD have limited applications in the real world ...
there's plenty of mid-rate, short-term contracts for skilled, experienced VB
analyst/designer/programmers in Europe at the moment.

The way I see it is that VB's apparent commercial popularity in years past
is a legacy of the madness that was distributed computing. Now we've all
reverted back to common sense and centralised processing, VB is back where
it belongs - next to Windows ME on the computer store shelf. You have FAR
too much payback on performance to
justify it over the alternative RAD environments available today. I think
Microsoft's decision not to add much at all to VB in the upgrade to Visual
Studio 6.0 says a lot.

One last point ... I would imagine that there would be a lot more C/C++
usage in these forums if AW would release a linux SDK, with more and more
people having their own private LANs with advent of affordable "home
networking" nowadays. I know I would appreciate it ... and I think we would
see more serious applications for bots coming out of the woodwork.


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Making a Bot Invisible

Jul 13, 2002, 7:42pm
True enough answer, but I think a little more guidance/info would be helpful

Bots don't have "invisibility" without some sacrifices unless it enters the
world in Global Mode (AW_ENTER_GLOBAL attribute which gives you information
overload in comparison). Because the bot is not actually present as an
avatar, it has no hearing radius - because there's no centre point for the
radius, usually the avatar's position. As with the browser, this radius
usually acts as a filter for the interaction events for other avatars
(entering, leaving, moving and chatting within the local area), and so these
events will not be supplied to the bot at all.

If you have caretaker rights in the world, you can use Global Mode to stay
invisible and still receive these events, but there is still no hearing
radius to restrict which events are delivered and you get ALL the avatar
add, delete and change events and all chat events occurring in the whole

Things you can do without announcing your position in a world where you
don't have caretaker rights include property surveys and object


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Making a Bot Invisible

Jul 13, 2002, 7:49pm
Caretaker rights only

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Converting a Co-ord String to API Usable

Jul 17, 2002, 6:38pm
Assuming you're changing from another language, write a parser in the one
you know, keeping to the low-level functions (no language-specific specific
stuff that doesn't have a C++ equivalent) and convert the working code. That
way (a) you can write the function faster as you know the language better,
(b) you know the logic works when you get to the point of writing the c++
version so you know the problem is with the actual converted code and (c)
its much easier to write code in a new language when you've already got a
visualisation of the breakdown of the function.


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VB Bot Crisis (pressed enter)

Jul 30, 2002, 1:20pm
That's his choice ... back off.

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AWSDKOCX5 - Kah, read this

Aug 13, 2002, 7:02pm
Object click event provides the same information as the cell object event
(model, position, orientation, description, action, etc).

Read the answer and the documentation ... simple really.

Make an effort for yourself eh?

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[VB SDK] Much needed to be improved function

Aug 9, 2002, 10:17am
That logic totally defeats me heh.

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[VB SDK] Much needed to be improved function

Aug 9, 2002, 10:17am

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New to C++, how to make it work with an interface?

Aug 10, 2002, 2:53am
I think Josh meant aw_static.lib, which you DO need.

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[VB] Quick Question regarding color values...

Aug 15, 2002, 9:05pm
Parting gesture from me this ... a little piece of safe demo code. Note the
order of the red, green and blue components of the RGB value is not a
mistake ... its held as BGR in the long. If you want the values as
individual hex strings, obviously just use left, right and mid to separate
the string.

The &H tells VB the string in the Val command is a hex string, otherwise 20
will come out as 14 (20 decimal = hex 14), so its important.

Dim rgbColor As Long
Dim hexColor As String
Dim rgbR As Long
Dim rgbG As Long
Dim rgbB As Long

'Create the test RGB color value
rgbColor = RGB(10, 20, 30)

'Ensure the value is formatted as 6 bytes (ease of use)
hexColor = Right("000000" & Hex(rgbColor), 6)

'Extract the R, G and B components
rgbR = Val("&H" & Right(hexColor, 2))
rgbG = Val("&H" & Mid(hexColor, 3, 2))
rgbB = Val("&H" & Left(hexColor, 2))

Debug.Print rgbR, rgbG, rgbB

I think that's what you meant.


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Visual C++

Mar 9, 2001, 3:22pm
or ... I'm a dick!!

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Visual C++

Mar 9, 2001, 10:29pm
LOL ...

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AW SDK Ints with meanings.

Oct 6, 2002, 7:31pm
If someone can save me the distraction of investigating this to get the
answer, it would be great.

There are some "int" attributes in the AW SDK that have implicit meanings,
such as AW_WORLD_RATING and AW_WORLD_CELL_LIMIT. If anyone can let me know
the mapping to their respective meanings, I'd appreciate it.

No guesses eh?, I can guess ... but I'd like to know the real answer.



Anyone have a script that can..

Mar 15, 2001, 12:23am
You'd have to be careful not to try to put them all up ...

if you do it synchronously, the bot will be forever updating.
Asynchronously, you'll have to make sure the previous update had completed
to get the new object number before doing the next update. In any case ...
its either going to have to skip a few chat lines or get waaaaaay behind in
busy chat areas.


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Single Cell Query

Oct 25, 2002, 1:32am
Quick and dirty solution in VB ... easy enough to do in C instead.

Public Function awe_cell_query(cell_x As Long, cell_z As Long) As Long

Dim cellIterator As Long

cellIterator = Val("&H" & Right("0000" & Hex(cell_x), 4) & Right("0000"
& Hex(cell_z), 4))
aw_int_set(AW_CELL_ITERATOR, cellIterator)
aw_bool_set(AW_CELL_COMBINE, False)
awe_cell_query = aw_cell_next()

End Function


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Needed: C/C++ Programmers!

Nov 3, 2002, 2:58pm
What am I missing here?

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Needed: C/C++ Programmers!

Nov 3, 2002, 3:05pm
I see ... the "weeee don't neeeed no steeeeenkin' looogic" train of thought.
Each to his own.

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Just a quickie ...

Nov 2, 2002, 11:05am
Do C++ programmers who use AW prefer an exported class hierarchy (assuming
all related documentation is provided) or a consistent interface method such
as that used by the AW SDK?


Just a quickie ...

Nov 2, 2002, 2:01pm
Surprising (to me at least), but welcome info. You two were on my list of
answers to look out for so thanks for taking the time.


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Just a quickie ...

Nov 3, 2002, 12:11pm
That's fair enough. I think there's a lot of "opinion" on what is the
*right* way to implement a class library around an existing interface
anyway. Some SDK functions could be implemented under different classes (as
a rough example, aw_create could be invoked by CUniverse.CreateInstance() or
CInstance.Create()) and everyone really has their own view on which is best
depending on personal style. Sticking to the existing style is probably the
least contentious ... heh.

The only reason I asked was that I'm building an extra layer around the SDK
(mainly for my benefit) with additional attributes/methods and which
generates "implied" events (like activity in areas, instance/world/universe
session tables, instance specific event handlers, etc.) where the
limitations of the existing SDK allows and I figured if I ever managed to
complete it I'd share it for use by anyone interested. Internally it uses a
class structure that reflects (my interpretation of) the implicit SDK
"objects", but the amount of exception handling in the code and
documentation for the exports required to share the class library itself
would be much greater than if it was kept under wraps and only accessed
internally (i.e. exporting C-compliant methods from a DLL). Hence the
question ...

Thanks anyway,


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Just a quickie ...

Nov 3, 2002, 2:41pm
I've always felt a little disappointed that the AW SDK is aimed at the level
it is. Yes, the "lowest" level always gives the developer more control and
so leaves less reliance on the SDK itself. Unfortunately, without adding
what amounts to "standard" code within each application for things like
object handling, session management, and event filtering/routing, only
obvious bot applications can be developed (greeters, chatters, followers,
etc.). There *are* examples for things like session tables around, but even
when these are provided as components that can be included in an
application, there still needs to be some technical understanding to be able
to use them.

The most common request that I get from people is "How do I track an avatar
in my world" or "How do I find the object number of an object I want to
update" - both requiring in-app "caching" of information previously provided
or sought. What I would like to see (and this is the driver for what I am
doing here) is more "feature" based methods/events in the AW SDK. Citizens
who release their own components or code snippets can't be around to support
them forever and (as seen on a number of occasions in these newsgroups) are
often rudely taken for granted by others (poor old Xelag being a classic
example of someone regularly abused). There needs to be an SDK that goes
beyond "this has happened", "that has happened" and more focussed on what AW
is all about ...people, objects and the environment in general, and this
really needs to come from AW rather than obliging citizens.

Grims. (as opinionated as ever)

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Just a quickie ...

Nov 3, 2002, 3:02pm

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VB Multiple Query + Live Update

Nov 10, 2002, 3:45pm
Only one zone query (aw_query/aw_query_5x5) can be active PER INSTANCE at
any one time. TWO instances on the other hand can run concurrent queries on
different zones and monitor them in "live update" mode. Obviously the
simplest solution is Global Mode, but I assume that's not an option if
you're asking that question.

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VB Multiple Query + Live Update

Nov 10, 2002, 3:53pm
The bot's avatar position isn't the centre of the query zone. A visible bot
can query a zone independant of its "physical" position. Don't mean to be
picky ... just pointing out.


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[beta] sdk?

Nov 10, 2002, 3:50pm
Don't rely on the SDK web-site for the documentation. Some of it is sorely
out of date, especially the attributes. Because most of the changes in 3.4
appear to be browser changes, the major impact is on the attributes list
rather than the calls themselves. Us poor developers are left to either
guess what is updated or wait for the officially updated version. Hopefully
the attributes list will be brought up to date at the same time as it
appears to be very you of sync with aw.h.

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[beta] sdk?

Nov 10, 2002, 4:12pm
Either way, the documentation is nowhere close to the latest version that
*is* available for download. There's a lot of updating to be done.

More changes once the correct "latest" version is released I guess.


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[beta] sdk?

Nov 10, 2002, 4:29pm
Sadly we all do. Impatience is a virtue heh

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[beta] sdk?

Nov 11, 2002, 10:31am
There goes my next thought then. I was going to ask you if you had some
simple event handling code form X1 I could purloin so I wouldn't need to
make an educated guess at the new attributes in the events.

As you mentioned in another post somewhere ... realease notes for each build
of the the SDK (rather than just updated documentation which we all need
compare against previous versions) would be a massive help to developers.


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