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New ejection...

Feb 11, 2001, 3:14am
Exactly that.. if someone does so.. they have a free phone call.. they could
call your phone number.. do some things with theier computer.. get in the
computer.. as long as the computer is in the phone jack your not safe from

New ejection...

Feb 11, 2001, 3:15am
What I said was confusing.. sorry bout the misunderstanding

New ejection...

Feb 11, 2001, 3:19am
I aint been hacked either.. its called I dont let people scare me.. if
someone knows your afraid of a hacker.. your an easy target.. I know more
than half the people on AW who say they can hack.. really can't.. some say I
can't.. I dont care if they think I can or can't.. but take someone like PKD
(PsYcHoKoRnDuDe).. he comes up ands says he will hack you if you mess with
him.. you say "I'm reporting you to AWCOM" he will hack ya.. (He uses
programs tho.. what a puss.) but if you just back talk till he shuts up.. 9
out of 10 times they won't bother.. unless they are a newbie hacker who
wants to show off..

New ejection...

Feb 11, 2001, 4:40pm
Alright.. now listen.. I am not afraid of anyone on AW.. none of you would
come close to hacking me anyway so why be scared..? Stop acting like I am
afraid of you.. I am not afraid of being hacked.. I am well experienced.. I
never said PKD was a good hacker did I? I said he was a hacker.. no good or
bad in front of it.. but if I had to pick one it would be bad cause he is a
fake.. he can't literally "Hack" a computer.. he uses programs as J B E L L
stated.. he justs gives the program to them and theirs does the rest.. that
is being a pussy.. anyway.. whatever rolu was getting at I dont know but
just drop the subject already.. I thought it would be a good idea just to
get rid of some big idiots in AW that get hacked by not letting people see
their IP but obviously that is a bad idea.. why? I dont know.. here is the
best idea in the world.. just dont show the person's IP.. eject USING the IP
but dont show the user ejecting someone the IP.. instead of saying the IP
make it say "Ready" or something.. it won't take much code changing..

New ejection...

Feb 11, 2001, 10:21pm
[View Quote]
There you have it Crazy.. god.. read something before you post..

New ejection...

Feb 18, 2001, 8:11pm
See.. you guys are idiots.. I couldn't give a rats ass if someone tried to
hack me cause you all dont know how to.. just shut up already.. if ur saying
I'm afraid.. then hack me.. I want you to try.. just don't bitch when you
get the consequences..

ALT & CNTRL running

Feb 11, 2001, 11:34pm
They knew that.. go to English class.. they dont want it on shift.. they
want it off of it..

Sound distance

Feb 13, 2001, 8:36pm
That is a good idea... just my thoughts tho..

.avi or some video support..

Feb 16, 2001, 1:40am
I think they should have video support too! Just a thought..

Streaming voice

Feb 16, 2001, 10:39pm
Why pay to use a feature from a company not many know about.. when u could
use Microsoft's?

Streaming voice

Feb 16, 2001, 11:34pm
and Roger Wilco sucks.. ur point?

Streaming voice

Feb 18, 2001, 1:28pm
Does it really matter? Just use something.. damn.. not a big deal..
Microsoft's is just as good as any other..

Make AW in delphi

Feb 18, 2001, 1:27pm
First.. this post has absolutely no point in even bein in the NG.. they have
wasted all their time in making it in C++ why the hell would they change it
now? HamFon and Roland prolly know more th an C++ but if they didn't they
would be screwed.. secondly.. that would mean years of new code.. and
third.. why do you people need to run it in Linux anyway? Hacking someone?
If not.. u dont need it in Linux.. and if ur hosting a company.. u need to
get a new computer.. most people who host have at least 2 computers..

Make AW in delphi

Feb 18, 2001, 8:16pm
Linux was made for hacking.. do some research.. it's the OS "Made for
hackers, by hackers." Windows has a better GUI than Linux.. so what do u
do? Get a job.. wait for Win Whistler to be released and buy it.. or.. wait
till a buddy of mine releases a tutor that lets u run Windows over Linux..
and if Windows sucks so much.. why is every computer preloaded with it?

Make AW in delphi

Feb 19, 2001, 7:23pm
You know exactly what I mean.. most Dell or Compaq computer is preloaded
with windows.. you dont see many commercials promoting a Dell or Compaq with
Mac OS do ya?

Make AW in delphi

Feb 19, 2001, 7:25pm
Ouch.. and you know Bz is right.. and I have a PC Mag at a friends house..
it talks about Linux.. Slackware can run up to 9 CPU's.. why would someone
need to run that many CPU's if they didn't hack? Windows sucks.. I know it
does.. it supports 1 CPU.. but Windows has a lot better GUI than any other
OS (Mac has an "ok" GUI) that is why it is preferred..

Make AW in delphi

Feb 19, 2001, 7:46pm
I wont even get into it all.. just drop it..

- = [ T e c h n o ] = -
- = [ S t u f f x ] = -

Make AW in delphi

Feb 19, 2001, 7:48pm
But I never said the computers wouldn't ever be loaded with Linux.. I said
MOST of them are preloaded with Windows.. for the reason.. some dont know
what Linux is.. and for the reason they dont want Linux..

- = [ T e c h n o ] = -
- = [ S t u f f x ] = -

Make AW in delphi

Feb 19, 2001, 7:49pm
Old post but.. Outlook has nothing to do with your typing skills.. you typed
who in the message too..
- = [ T e c h n o ] = -
- = [ S t u f f x ] = -

Make AW in delphi

Feb 19, 2001, 9:12pm
I don't like running Linux all the time.. is that my fault? I like
windows.. it sux tho.. it crashes.. Linux is stable.. I prefer it.. but I
don't like the GUI.. I run Slackware Linux, Windows 2000, and Windows ME on
my computer.. I prefer Linux for somethings.. Win2000 for programming.. and
ME for just anything else..

- = [ T e c h n o ] = -
- = [ S t u f f - X ] = -

Make AW in delphi

Feb 21, 2001, 7:06pm
No.. not true.. a lot of people dont know anything about hacking.. people
arent called hackers cause they know something.. they brag about it.. if
someone is scared.. they call someone who threatens them a hacker.. nothing
more.. second.. I dont know why people fear you.. most people who run a
computer can take it apart a computer.. third.. for all you people who tell
me Linux isn't a hacking OS listen to this..

Linux was made by a college student.. he made it "freeware" so people could
edit any problems he made it in.. (also known as Open Source) He DIDN'T
make it for hacking.. never said he did.. I said "Made by hackers, for
hackers." BUT that was what people I know refer to it as.. Linux and UNIX
are a hackers dreamland.. most people are too dumb to hack using Windows so
they use Linux.. so before you try to prove me wrong.. do some research..

- = [ T e c h n o ] = -
- = [ S t u f f - X ] = -

I wish..

Feb 19, 2001, 9:48pm
I think they should make it where if ur ejected in "mouse mode" your cursor
should show up anyway.. not fair when it disappears.. u have to restart AW

- = [ T e c h n o ] = -
- = [ S t u f f - X ] = -

I wish..

Feb 20, 2001, 6:51pm
Paintball dipshit

- = [ T e c h n o ] = -
- = [ S t u f f - X ] = -


Mar 1, 2001, 11:15pm
Hmm.. I was just thinkin.. someone told me to forward a telegram to someone
today.. and I was thinking.. how about a forward button and a address book
or something..

- = [ T e c h n o ] = -
- = [ S t u f f - X ] = -


Mar 2, 2001, 10:51am
Ok.. how about a feature where only people on ur contact list can telegram

- = [ T e c h n o ] = -
- = [ S t u f f - X ] = -


Mar 13, 2001, 8:23pm
Uhh.. how new are you? That was the last thing they did!

- = [ T e c h n o ] = -
- = [ S t u f f - X ] = -


Mar 13, 2001, 8:24pm
I saw an object in a Universe thing Posiedon showed me.. it was a mirror..
looked awesome

- = [ T e c h n o ] = -
- = [ S t u f f - X ] = -


Mar 13, 2001, 8:47pm
Well.. it WAS a mirror.. you dont know what I saw idiot.. it REFLECTED

- = [ T e c h n o ] = -
- = [ S t u f f - X ] = -


Mar 15, 2001, 9:54pm
Font options.. in the Settings.. add a tab called "Font" and let people
change the font.. I was thinking color.. but then bold and stuff wouldn't
work.. but a font would be good.

- = [ T e c h n o ] = -
- = [ S t u f f - X ] = -


Mar 16, 2001, 1:00am
Well.. aint seen it..

- = [ T e c h n o ] = -
- = [ S t u f f - X ] = -

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