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lanezeri // User Search
lanezeri // User SearchSample C++ BotOct 2, 2001, 9:39am
HamFon (I believe) has the source to one of his also..
-- Lanezeri Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X [View Quote] Sample C++ BotOct 3, 2001, 5:58pm
but it's still an example..
-- Lanezeri Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X [View Quote] Custom BotsOct 4, 2001, 9:18am
Depends on the type of bot.. I refuse to do Paintball bots.. if it is a bot
I've already created you'll have to talk to Builderz about getting it.. but if it isn't a hard bot I'll do it for free.. but a huge bot like a networked world controller bot, with millions of commands.. you'll be charged.. -- Lanezeri Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X [View Quote] Open/Close FilesOct 17, 2001, 3:57pm
I asked this before and got a few responses, but could you refresh my memory
on how to open files and close them once they are edited? -- Lanezeri Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X Open/Close FilesOct 17, 2001, 5:06pm
Open/Close FilesOct 18, 2001, 11:44pm
Grim.. I respect your programming abilities and so I ask you this directly
(although anyone is more than welcome to answer).. Is this how it would work for the Append instead of Input? Dim LineText as String Open App.Path & "\myfile.txt" For Append As #1 ' Opens File Do Until EOF(#1) Line Input #1, Linetext txtFileData = LineText 'Or txtFileData = txtFileData & vbNewLine & LineData Loop ' Puts Data in txtFileData Close FileNumber ' Used when done editing file? But would have to declare "#1 = txtFileData" first? -- Lanezeri Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X [View Quote] Open/Close FilesOct 19, 2001, 2:15pm
I'm trying to open a file, get it's contents in a textbox, edit it, and
close the edited file.. I tried both ways I had and they were kind of stupid I know.. I never really took the time to learn how to do those things.. and my friend has my VB for Dummies (me being the dummie) book so I couldn't look it up.. sorry for my ignorance, I know it's quite annoying for me to post something that makes sense.. any help you could give me would be appreciated.. -- Lanezeri Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X [View Quote] Open/Close FilesOct 19, 2001, 4:20pm
Many thanks to both of you!
-- Lanezeri Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X [View Quote] removing cits when leaving areaOct 23, 2001, 5:22pm
Private Sub sdk_EventAvatarDelete()
List1.Text = sdk.AwAvatarName List1.RemoveItem List1.ListIndex End Sub -- Lanezeri Degtur Solutions Stuff-X [View Quote] removing cits when leaving areaOct 23, 2001, 8:41pm
SWE one thing you will ALWAYS want to do is name your controls correctly..
citnum.text is a bad way to name a textbox, what if you have a constant of citnum? Textboxes = txtText Labels = lblLabel Frames = fraFrame There are too many to list, but it's something to do.. if you make the name txtCitNum it may relieve you of the error.. -- Lanezeri Degtur Solutions Stuff-X [View Quote] VB AW SDK?Oct 26, 2001, 2:39pm
-- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at [View Quote] random buildOct 27, 2001, 2:01pm
First, it's not good to say "screw you to those who think im dumb and ask
too much questions" because then people don't respond to you.. Dim X As Integer Dim Z As Integer Do Until X <> 1 And Z <> 1 X = Int(Rnd * 4) + 1 Y = Int(Rnd * 4) + 1 Loop That gives a random number that is either 2, 3, or 4. To change it, if you don't care how LOW the number goes remove the Do, Loop statement; if you want it higher than 4 change the 4 in the Int(Rnd * 4) + 1 statement. -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at [View Quote] What reason codes where...Oct 28, 2001, 1:35pm
Many different ones, PPW incorrect, world not running, no rights..
-- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at [View Quote] Universe QuestionNov 4, 2001, 2:34pm
Okay, I have set up the AwEnter, AwCreate, and AwLogin, but they don't work.
I have it finally giving me a "No such citizen" error, don't have a clue what AW's connection info is, like port and domain. If someone could help please do. -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at Universe QuestionNov 4, 2001, 5:11pm
Alright, I fixed that stuff. I now need to know what is wrong with my bot,
it doesn't respond to anything, and doesn't realize anyone is in the world when there are people in the world. -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at [View Quote] Universe QuestionNov 4, 2001, 6:53pm
You've lost me.. I did this.. tell me how far off I am:
Public Function AwAvatarCallback() sdk.AwEventSet AW_EVENT_AVATAR_ADD End Function Private Sub sdk_AwAvatarAdd() sdk.AwEventSet AW_EVENT_AVATAR_ADD Call AwAvatarCallback End If -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at [View Quote] Universe QuestionNov 5, 2001, 7:44pm
What do you mean after initing?
-- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at [View Quote] Universe QuestionNov 8, 2001, 8:00pm
Thanks a lot KAH and Ananas, I had the sdk.AwInit goin, but I didn't have
the sdk.AwEventSet after it. Thanks again! -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at [View Quote] Bot IdeasNov 15, 2001, 10:16pm
I was going through my ideas for bots and thought I'd run them by the
community for more ideas or better ones.. Finished Bots: Bank Bot (Individual) Bank Bot (Network) Tag Bot (Individual) Backwards Bot (Older Bot) Bot Ideas: Paintball Bot (With Brant's permission) Scrable Bot (Older but never finished) Slot Bot (Never made, just idea) Thanks for checking this post you, I can't wait to hear your ideas. -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at Bot IdeasNov 16, 2001, 7:16pm
I didn't want to be a prick and just duplicate his bot and then have him mad
at me. -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at [View Quote] Bot IdeasNov 17, 2001, 7:22pm
I know someone who knows where to get the Deer Bot, but I'm keeping him
anonymous until he announces it himself. -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at [View Quote] Bot IdeasNov 19, 2001, 6:49pm
Because HE has it, not me, and why would I take credit for something I
didn't do? -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at [View Quote] Bot IdeasNov 20, 2001, 1:18am
I don't have the bot, nor know where to get it, this person does though.
I'm not going to steal credit of knowing where it was, when he does and I don't. I am not sure if he wants the public to know where to get it anyway. -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at [View Quote] VB QuestionNov 17, 2001, 9:31pm
This is what I'm doing:
Just added network capabilities to my Bank Bot and I have a class file that logs the Index of the SDK used and the World logged into, but I can't log two bots into the same world without getting an error from the class file What I need: To know if there is a way around it. -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at VB QuestionNov 18, 2001, 1:16pm
I know how to log in the second bot, I just need to know how to let the damn
class file allow me to add the same world name without flipping out.. -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at [View Quote] VB QuestionNov 18, 2001, 7:18pm
You can't put the same thing in a class file twice. Which is what I said in
the first place. There has to be a way to put the same world name in a class file twice. -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at [View Quote] VB QuestionNov 18, 2001, 9:26pm
I don't know what else to tell you, there isn't much this could mean, if you
create a class file, then try to add the same thing to it twice you get an error. Was it really that hard to comprehend? -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at [View Quote] VB QuestionNov 24, 2001, 2:56pm
I'm not trying to use a class file like a module. I'm using one class to
hold citizen information (Name, Session, X, Y, Z), and the other to hold Index numbers, and the world logged into for that sdk Index number. I understand what you're saying though, for each bot I log in, I need a different class name. But I'm not sure how many bots I will have logged in, (may be a dumb question) can I make variables have indexes? -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at [View Quote] AwAvatarName in ClassNov 24, 2001, 2:06am
I am having troubles, in my class, the citizen name is saved as a string,
should it be set as something other than that? -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at AwAvatarName in ClassNov 24, 2001, 2:41am
Well I figured out it could be a string, but using Brant's class files
(Attached), and my own, it gives me an error when the avatar name "[Tic Tac Toe1]" or "[Tic Tac Toe2]" is added to the class selecting this line: Public Property Get Item(vntIndexKey As Variant) As AWAvatar Set Item = mCol(vntIndexKey) ' <--- Selected Line End Property -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at [View Quote] begin 666 AWAvatars.cls M5D524TE/3B Q+C at 0TQ!4U,-"D)%1TE.#0H at ($UU;'1I57-E(#T at +3$ at ("=4 M<G5E#0H at (%!E<G-I<W1A8FQE(#T at ," at )TYO=%!E<G-I<W1A8FQE#0H at ($1A M=&%":6YD:6YG0F5H879I;W( at /2 P(" G=F).;VYE#0H at ($1A=&%3;W5R8V5" M96AA=FEO<B at /2 P(" G=F).;VYE#0H at ($U44U1R86YS86-T:6]N36]D92 at M/2 P(" G3F]T06Y-5%-/8FIE8W0-"D5.1 T*071T<FEB=71E(%9"7TYA;64 at M/2 B05=!=F%T87)S( at T*071T<FEB=71E(%9"7T=L;V)A;$YA;653<&%C92 ] M($9A;'-E#0I!='1R:6)U=&4 at 5D)?0W)E871A8FQE(#T at 5')U90T*071T<FEB M=71E(%9"7U!R961E8VQA<F5D260 at /2!&86QS90T*071T<FEB=71E(%9"7T5X M<&]S960 at /2!&86QS90T*071T<FEB=71E(%9"7T5X=%]+15D at /2 B4V%V9617 M:71H0VQA<W-"=6EL9&5R-B( at +")997,B#0I!='1R:6)U=&4 at 5D)?17AT7TM% M62 ](")#;VQL96-T:6]N(B L(D%7079A=&%R( at T*071T<FEB=71E(%9"7T5X M=%]+15D at /2 B365M8F5R,"( at +")!5T%V871A<B(-"D%T=')I8G5T92!60E]% M>'1?2T59(#T at (E1O<%],979E;"( at +")997,B#0I0<FEV871E(&U#;VP at 07, at M0V]L;&5C=&EO; at T*#0I0=6)L:6, at 1G5N8W1I;VX at 061D*&]B:B!!<R!/8FIE M8W0I($%S($%7079A=&%R#0H at (" at 3VX at 17)R;W( at 4F5S=6UE($YE>'0-"B at M("!$:6T at ;V)J3F5W365M8F5R($%S($%7079A=&%R#0H at (" at 4V5T(&]B:DYE M=TUE;6)E<B ]($YE=R!!5T%V871A< at T*#0H at (" at ;V)J3F5W365M8F5R+D=E M=$1A=&$ at ;V)J#0H at (" at ;4-O;"Y!9&0 at ;V)J3F5W365M8F5R+"!O8FI.97=- M96UB97(N879.86UE#0H at #0H at (" at 4V5T($%D9" ](&]B:DYE=TUE;6)E< at T* M(" at (%-E="!O8FI.97=-96UB97( at /2!.;W1H:6YG#0I%;F0 at 1G5N8W1I;VX- M" at T*4'5B;&EC(%!R;W!E<G1Y($=E="!)=&5M*'9N=$EN9&5X2V5Y($%S(%9A M<FEA;G0I($%S($%7079A=&%R#0I!='1R:6)U=&4 at 271E;2Y60E]5<V5R365M M260 at /2 P#0H at (%-E="!)=&5M(#T at ;4-O;"AV;G1);F1E>$ME>2D-"D5N9"!0 M<F]P97)T>0T*#0I0=6)L:6, at 1G5N8W1I;VX at 4V5A<F-H0GE397-S:6]N*%-E M<W-I;VX at 07, at 3&]N9RD-"D1I;2!J($%S($EN=&5G97(-"D9O<B!%86-H(&%V M($EN(&U#;VP-"B at ("!J(#T at :B K(#$-"B at ("!)9B!397-S:6]N(#T at ;4-O M;"AJ*2Y397-S:6]N(%1H96X-"B at (" at (" at 4V5A<F-H0GE397-S:6]N(#T at M: at T*(" at (" at ("!%>&ET($9U;F-T:6]N#0H at (" at 16YD($EF#0I.97AT#0I3 M96%R8VA">5-E<W-I;VX at /2 M,0T*16YD($9U;F-T:6]N#0H-"E!U8FQI8R!0 M<F]P97)T>2!'970 at 0V]U;G0H*2!!<R!,;VYG#0H at (" at 0V]U;G0 at /2!M0V]L M+D-O=6YT#0I%;F0 at 4')O<&5R='D-" at T*4'5B;&EC(%-U8B!296UO=F4H879. 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M5&5R;6EN871E*"D-"B at ("!3970 at ;4-O;" ]($YO=&AI;F<-"D5N9"!3=6(- #" at T* ` end begin 666 AWAvatar.cls M5D524TE/3B Q+C at 0TQ!4U,-"D)%1TE.#0H at ($UU;'1I57-E(#T at +3$ at ("=4 M<G5E#0H at (%!E<G-I<W1A8FQE(#T at ," at )TYO=%!E<G-I<W1A8FQE#0H at ($1A M=&%":6YD:6YG0F5H879I;W( at /2 P(" G=F).;VYE#0H at ($1A=&%3;W5R8V5" M96AA=FEO<B at /2 P(" G=F).;VYE#0H at ($U44U1R86YS86-T:6]N36]D92 at M/2 P(" G3F]T06Y-5%-/8FIE8W0-"D5.1 T*071T<FEB=71E(%9"7TYA;64 at M/2 B05=!=F%T87(B#0I!='1R:6)U=&4 at 5D)?1VQO8F%L3F%M95-P86-E(#T at M1F%L<V4-"D%T=')I8G5T92!60E]#<F5A=&%B;&4 at /2!4<G5E#0I!='1R:6)U M=&4 at 5D)?4')E9&5C;&%R961)9" ]($9A;'-E#0I!='1R:6)U=&4 at 5D)?17AP M;W-E9" ]($9A;'-E#0I!='1R:6)U=&4 at 5D)?17AT7TM%62 ](")3879E9%=I M=&A#;&%S<T)U:6QD97(V(B L(EEE<R(-"D%T=')I8G5T92!60E]%>'1?2T59 M(#T at (E1O<%],979E;"( at +")997,B#0I0<FEV871E(&UV87)A=E at at 07, at 26YT M96=E< at T*4')I=F%T92!M=F%R8799($%S($EN=&5G97(-"E!R:79A=&4 at ;79A M<F%V6B!!<R!);G1E9V5R#0I0<FEV871E(&UV87)A=EEA=R!!<R!);G1E9V5R M#0I0<FEV871E(&UV87)A=DYA;64 at 07, at 4W1R:6YG#0I0<FEV871E(&UV87)A M=E-E<W-I;VX at 07, at 3&]N9PT*4')I=F%T92!M=F%R8794>7!E($%S($)Y=&4- M"E!R:79A=&4 at ;79A<F%V0VET:7IE;B!!<R!,;VYG#0I0<FEV871E(&UV87)A M=E!R:79I;&5G92!!<R!,;VYG#0I0<FEV871E(&UV87)697)S:6]N($%S($EN M=&5G97(-"E!R:79A=&4 at ;79A<F%V1V5S='5R92!!<R!">71E#0I0<FEV871E M(&UV87)A=E-C;W)E($%S($EN=&5G97(-" at T*4'5B;&EC(%!R;W!E<G1Y($QE M="!A=D=E<W1U<F4H0GE686P at =D1A=&$ at 07, at 0GET92D-"B at ("!M=F%R1V5S M='5R92 ]('9$871A#0I%;F0 at 4')O<&5R='D-" at T*4'5B;&EC(%!R;W!E<G1Y M($=E="!A=D=E<W1U<F4H*2!!<R!">71E#0H at (" at 879'97-T=7)E(#T at ;79A M<D=E<W1U<F4-"D5N9"!0<F]P97)T>0T*#0I0=6)L:6, at 4')O<&5R='D at 3&5T M(%9E<G-I;VXH0GE686P at =D1A=&$ at 07, at 26YT96=E<BD-"B at ("!M=F%R5F5R M<VEO;B ]('9$871A#0I%;F0 at 4')O<&5R='D-" at T*4'5B;&EC(%!R;W!E<G1Y M($=E="!697)S:6]N*"D at 07, at 26YT96=E< at T*(" at (%9E<G-I;VX at /2!M=F%R M5F5R<VEO; at T*16YD(%!R;W!E<G1Y#0H-"E!U8FQI8R!0<F]P97)T>2!,970 at M8790<FEV:6QE9V4H0GE686P at =D1A=&$ at 07, at 3&]N9RD-"B at ("!M=F%R4')I M=FEL96=E(#T at =D1A=&$-"D5N9"!0<F]P97)T>0T*#0I0=6)L:6, at 4')O<&5R M='D at 1V5T(&%V4')I=FEL96=E*"D at 07, at 3&]N9PT*(" at (&%V4')I=FEL96=E M(#T at ;79A<E!R:79I;&5G90T*16YD(%!R;W!E<G1Y#0H-"E!U8FQI8R!0<F]P M97)T>2!,970 at 879#:71I>F5N*$)Y5F%L('9$871A($%S($QO;F<I#0H at (" at M;79A<D-I=&EZ96X at /2!V1&%T80T*16YD(%!R;W!E<G1Y#0H-"E!U8FQI8R!0 M<F]P97)T>2!'970 at 879#:71I>F5N*"D at 07, at 3&]N9PT*(" at (&%V0VET:7IE M;B ](&UV87)#:71I>F5N#0I%;F0 at 4')O<&5R='D-" at T*4'5B;&EC(%!R;W!E M<G1Y($QE="!A=E1Y<&4H0GE686P at =D1A=&$ at 07, at 0GET92D-"B at ("!M=F%R M8794>7!E(#T at =D1A=&$-"D5N9"!0<F]P97)T>0T*#0I0=6)L:6, at 4')O<&5R M='D at 1V5T(&%V5'EP92 at I($%S($)Y=&4-"B at ("!A=E1Y<&4 at /2!M=F%R8794 M>7!E#0I%;F0 at 4')O<&5R='D-" at T*4'5B;&EC(%!R;W!E<G1Y($QE="!A=E-E M<W-I;VXH0GE686P at =D1A=&$ at 07, at 3&]N9RD-"B at ("!M=F%R4V5S<VEO;B ] M('9$871A#0I%;F0 at 4')O<&5R='D-" at T*4'5B;&EC(%!R;W!E<G1Y($=E="!A M=E-E<W-I;VXH*2!!<R!,;VYG#0H at (" at 879397-S:6]N(#T at ;79A<E-E<W-I M;VX-"D5N9"!0<F]P97)T>0T*#0I0=6)L:6, at 4')O<&5R='D at 3&5T(&%V4V-O M<F4H0GE686P at =D1A=&$ at 07, at 4W1R:6YG*0T*(" at (&UV87)A=E-C;W)E(#T at M=D1A=&$-"D5N9"!0<F]P97)T>0T*#0I0=6)L:6, at 4')O<&5R='D at 1V5T(&%V M4V-O<F4H*2!!<R!3=')I;F<-"B at ("!A=E-C;W)E(#T at ;79A<F%V4V-O<F4- M"D5N9"!0<F]P97)T>0T*#0I0=6)L:6, at 4')O<&5R='D at 3&5T(&%V3F%M92A" M>59A;"!V1&%T82!!<R!3=')I;F<I#0H at (" at ;79A<F%V3F%M92 ]('9$871A M#0I%;F0 at 4')O<&5R='D-" at T*4'5B;&EC(%!R;W!E<G1Y($=E="!A=DYA;64H M*2!!<R!3=')I;F<-"D%T=')I8G5T92!A=DYA;64N5D)?57-E<DUE;4ED(#T at M, T*(" at (&%V3F%M92 ](&UV87)A=DYA;64-"D5N9"!0<F]P97)T>0T*#0I0 M=6)L:6, at 4')O<&5R='D at 3&5T(&%V66%W*$)Y5F%L('9$871A($%S($EN=&5G M97(I#0H at (" at ;79A<F%V66%W(#T at =D1A=&$-"D5N9"!0<F]P97)T>0T*#0I0 M=6)L:6, at 4')O<&5R='D at 1V5T(&%V66%W*"D at 07, at 26YT96=E< at T*(" at (&%V M66%W(#T at ;79A<F%V66%W#0I%;F0 at 4')O<&5R='D-" at T*4'5B;&EC(%!R;W!E M<G1Y($QE="!A=EHH0GE686P at =D1A=&$ at 07, at 26YT96=E<BD-"B at ("!M=F%R M879:(#T at =D1A=&$-"D5N9"!0<F]P97)T>0T*#0I0=6)L:6, at 4')O<&5R='D at M1V5T(&%V6B at I($%S($EN=&5G97(-"B at ("!A=EH at /2!M=F%R879:#0I%;F0 at M4')O<&5R='D-" at T*4'5B;&EC(%!R;W!E<G1Y($QE="!A=EDH0GE686P at =D1A M=&$ at 07, at 26YT96=E<BD-"B at ("!M=F%R8799(#T at =D1A=&$-"D5N9"!0<F]P M97)T>0T*#0I0=6)L:6, at 4')O<&5R='D at 1V5T(&%V62 at I($%S($EN=&5G97(- M"B at ("!A=ED at /2!M=F%R8799#0I%;F0 at 4')O<&5R='D-" at T*4'5B;&EC(%!R M;W!E<G1Y($QE="!A=E at H0GE686P at =D1A=&$ at 07, at 26YT96=E<BD-"B at ("!M M=F%R8798(#T at =D1A=&$-"D5N9"!0<F]P97)T>0T*#0I0=6)L:6, at 4')O<&5R M='D at 1V5T(&%V6" at I($%S($EN=&5G97(-"B at ("!A=E at at /2!M=F%R8798#0I% M;F0 at 4')O<&5R='D-" at T*4'5B;&EC(%-U8B!'971$871A*&]B:B!!<R!/8FIE M8W0I#0H at (" at 8798(#T at ;V)J+D%W079A=&%R6 T*(" at (&%V62 ](&]B:BY! 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