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lanezeri // User Search
lanezeri // User SearchAwAvatarName in ClassNov 24, 2001, 2:43am
About two seconds after I posted that post I deleted the "As Variant" part
of the Property, although not a good solution it works. -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at [View Quote] AwAvatarName in ClassNov 24, 2001, 2:49am
Damnit! Sorry for all the posts.
My theory didn't seem to work. Need Help! -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at [View Quote] Paintball BotNov 24, 2001, 10:24pm
Brant doesn't help about his bots/programs, the help at is all he gives, due to the caretaker position he has in AWTeen. -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at [View Quote] [cross-post] Scrambler Tournament!Nov 24, 2001, 10:29pm
I have had many complements for the (old) ScRaM! Bot. Due to the fact I
lost the source code to the last one, I created another one, renamed as Scrambler! This coming Saturday we will have a Tournament in Techno! I will create a small list, if the participants want this to be a longer game, which would be a better game IMO, I will need a list of words, although, users who e-mail me lists, will not be able to participate. And users who post lists, their lists will not be used as the community would have a copy of the list. Send lists to rlipe at, lanezeri at, or lanezeri at Sorry about the cross-posting, I never do this but I figured it was a good occasion. Hope to see you all there! -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at This dosnt really have to do with bots but.........Dec 30, 2001, 7:05pm
Contact me outside of AW and I'll help you with it.
rlipe at Lanezeri - on AIM & Yahoo Messenger Lanezeri at - on MSM Messenger E-mail works best -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at [View Quote] phone botDec 30, 2001, 7:01pm
Heh, I had one like that, but then was told it was useless since Zord had
one already so I eliminated it. Send your thanks to Anduin Lothario. -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at [View Quote] Check this outDec 30, 2001, 7:03pm
So does this mean you're selling a Banking System and a RPG Bot or are you
charging to let people see it? Your post doesn't make sense to me. -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at [View Quote] bot helpJan 8, 2002, 6:53pm
Hmm..Jan 4, 2001, 7:02pm
I wish AW would add a NG.. called OTHER.. for questions concerning
Firewalls, comp probs, and other things.. instead of people posting stuff bout their Microsoft Word (or anything else) in the community NG (or any other NG) just thought I would wish for something.. Hmm..Jan 5, 2001, 2:35am
Rolling On (?) Floor laughing my ass off.. damn ur as bad as Crazy.. > Like you have room talk, why dont y(?) just get your own news server English Plz.. > bey(?) you wouldnt spend all your time B(its a I if u forgot how to spell)>TCHING at other for no reason >if you > had to pay for it your self. Ok... > Adds to filter list! damn.. I thought some people were dumb.. but you beat them all.. > see ya wouldnt wana be ya looser! I am gonna buy you a dictionary.. ok? D I C T I O N A R Y.. get that? they help spell words right.. like instead of looser.. its loser.. who is the loser now? Cant even insult people right.. aint that a bitch.. Another wish..Jan 6, 2001, 9:54pm
I was thinkin today.. a lot of people go AFK.. and people get mad if they
don't respond.. so why not add a feature instead of a green checkmark.. if the person is idle make it a hourglass or something.. just an idea.. Another wish..Jan 7, 2001, 5:57pm
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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I think that the status idea = isn't gonna=20 work.. good idea.. but that would take up too much room on the browser.. = I think=20 just have a legend or something with icons.. and then have diff icons = with the=20 status of the person.. </FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I attached an example.. just a pic of = what I=20 mean..</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML> ------=_NextPart_001_0023_01C0700B.EC594B40-- ------=_NextPart_000_0022_01C0700B.EC594B40 Content-Type: image/jpeg; name="Example.jpg" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Example.jpg" /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEASABIAAD/2wBDAAUDBAQEAwUEBAQFBQUGBwwIBwcHBw8LCwkMEQ8SEhEP ERETFhwXExQaFRERGCEYGh0dHx8fExciJCIeJBweHx7/2wBDAQUFBQcGBw4ICA4eFBEUHh4eHh4e Hh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh7/wAARCAB+ANADASIA AhEBAxEB/8QAHwAAAQUBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtRAAAgEDAwIEAwUFBAQA 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expecially if citz could make their own.. but that would get out of hand LOL
Another wish..Jan 8, 2001, 11:54pm
Well.. along with plugins.. maybe skinz.. that change the browser's look..
Built-in land surveyer and builderFeb 1, 2001, 8:02pm
OR.. it could be a feature for certain people.. like only who has the
rights.. that way the owner can pick who can survey the world skin for browserFeb 3, 2001, 10:05pm
How many posts do there have to be of the same damn thing.. read old posts
before posting the same thing 3 times Speed Limit!!!Feb 3, 2001, 10:07pm
I don't hold ctrl.. and it is pretty much impossible to tell how fast you go
because you don't have a ruler of any kind to tell how far you go.. and if ctrl is 40 mph then I would be going like 100+ Speed Limit!!!Feb 4, 2001, 5:26pm
That just tells you how many coords in a minute bud.. you need to take a
higher math class or something.. MPH is how many MILES in one hour.. not how many degrees you go in a minute.. Speed Limit!!!Feb 4, 2001, 6:07pm
Your obviously a fuckin moron.. that is cps.. COORDS per second.. I want to
know the MILES per HOUR.. or somethin in that area.. don't tell me I am stupid alright.. you figure you travel 3 street pieces in 5 seconds.. then figure the real amount of length a street block is.. then make the calculations from there.. there is no way to find MPH unless you do something in that area.. now tell me who is the stupid one.. Speed Limit!!!Feb 4, 2001, 7:55pm
> what the hell, are you some kinda idiot? You just do the > converations
from > coords to meters to feet, then from seconds to hours, >it's not that hard. that is inacurate stupid.. that just proves you can do basic math.. god you fucking idiots need help.. Speed Limit!!!Feb 7, 2001, 1:56am
Now tell me this.. how do u know 0n to 1n is 1 meter? See.. no one fuckin
listens.. New ejection...Feb 10, 2001, 5:43pm
I think showing Ip addys is why so many people bitch about being hacked..
get rid of it and I'm sure most of the rate of people hacked goes down.. New ejection...Feb 10, 2001, 8:56pm
An IP address can be secret if you dont use AW.. they make no effort to stop
hacking.. there are other ways of getting IP addresses yes but this is the easiest.. and.. Firewalls arent the best for stoping hackers.. take BlackICE for instance.. it sometimes says an attack was second degree or something in that vacinity.. what is that saying? It was almost beat? exactly.. no firewall is perfect.. most just block major ports.. like Net Bios or other major ones.. what if someone tried to hack you using port# 21? FTP port.. they can't close the port what if you want to upload something? ZoneAlarm is the only one that is halfway decent.. no other firewall will block the port like ZA.. so dont tell people to get firewalls.. also.. some people dont see these NG's.. what does that say? Ejection rights are restricted.. like a post I read in Community.. about sexist people.. world owners are harsh to some people.. they have access to the IP.. What right does AW have for knowing our IP? Eject by Citizen number.. not IP address.. much more efficient.. you wont be able to reconnect and get back in the world.. or what about an IP Spoofer? Many ways to stop the ejection from happening.. eject by a citnum and they cant come back till it done.. unless they have more than one cit.. which then u eject an extra person instead of ejecting the same person 20 times.. anyway.. that proves my point.. and I know some people agree with me.. New ejection...Feb 10, 2001, 10:15pm
That was an example.. port 21 is one of the many ports.. the highest port I
looked at was 3216 so other things could lead to hacking.. Napster for instance.. The tourist thing is a problem.. and the world server.. but there has to be a way to stop the Ip addresses being shown to people.. maybe change it to where their Ip isnt shown.. New ejection...Feb 11, 2001, 1:37am
> IP adresses will never be secret. It's too easy to get >them.
true.. but AW makes it even easier! > anyone capable of hacking a computer can obtain IP >adresses. With or without > AW browser. yes.. your point is? That is a whole new topic > Physically disconnecting the computer is the only >100% safe way. Physically unplugging the phone line to the computer is the only 100% safe way.. its a thing called phreaking.. > I found nothing about second degree attacks in the docs > (, but there was > something about severity. The severity merely indicates ? > how severe the > program thinks the "attack" is. It is not saying it is > almost beat. And if you pay attention I said "something in that vacinity" meaning something around what I said.. that is close enough.. it is pretty much saying it almost got beat by how big the attack was.. I pinged myself using BlackICE and if gave me a minor error.. I did a whois on me and it gave a medium.. isn't that something? whois and ping is almost the same thing.. > Hacking a computer is not a matter of going in with > some force and kicking > things until they break and you can get through. Did I say it was? > Don't draw conclusions on things you don't know about. Uhh.. I knew what I was talking about.. > -there is a difference between incoming and outgoing traffic > -FTP uses more than only port 21 yes.. but that is the port most every program goes to FIRST > -any decent firewall can block any existing port > -you can only be hacked on a port if something on > your computer is listening > there. yea... your getting to what? > "the port"? You mean "the ports"? Anyway, there are > many firewalls that can > block every port you want. Minor mistake sue me.. and who has the time to waste setting up a firewall.. unless you have important things to hide why you need a firewall anyway? > Usually it means they didn't look. If it's an issue with > their firewall > software, they don't know how to configure it. Listen to yourself.. you state two different things in one sentence.. and they have nothing in common > What if you have an annoying tourist around? Ban all tourists? Read the posts before and u'd know we came up with that Idea.. > Sure you can. Become a tourist. again.. drop the old issues.. > Again, what about tourists? do I need say anymore.. > Hiding IP's and using cit#'s? Nooo... that would be > worse than what we have > now. Worse? How is that? why not block half of the IP out when trying to eject someone? Also.. has no one tried to think of the BOTS.. a preston can tell you someone's IP then tell you who runs that IP.. ejecting people isn't the only problem.. > Prolly. Not everybody is well informed. Exactly.. you state things over and over that were already covered.. and things that make no sence.. |