
VB Question (Bots)

VB Question // Bots

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Nov 17, 2001, 9:31pm
This is what I'm doing:

Just added network capabilities to my Bank Bot and I have a class file that
logs the Index of the SDK used and the World logged into, but I can't log
two bots into the same world without getting an error from the class file

What I need:

To know if there is a way around it.


Ricky Lipe

Degtur Solutions at
Stuff-X at


Nov 18, 2001, 11:32am
First make sure you don't issue the aw_init for the second SDK instance when
you load it - once per app only. Beyond that, in the absence anything except
the totally pointless "getting an error from the class file" you're on
you're own pal.


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Nov 18, 2001, 1:16pm
I know how to log in the second bot, I just need to know how to let the damn
class file allow me to add the same world name without flipping out..


Ricky Lipe

Degtur Solutions at
Stuff-X at

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Nov 18, 2001, 5:46pm
class file as in .cls? if that's what you mean you'll have to tell us what
it does, or we can't help ya...


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Nov 18, 2001, 7:18pm
You can't put the same thing in a class file twice. Which is what I said in
the first place. There has to be a way to put the same world name in a
class file twice.


Ricky Lipe

Degtur Solutions at
Stuff-X at

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Nov 18, 2001, 7:51pm
What everyone says is that you don't give sufficient information to get any help. It's like saying "I put some liquid in my gas tank and now my car won't run". We have no clue what "fuel" you use, posting/uploading the cls is the only way around it. In general you can try adding a new instance of the class.


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Nov 18, 2001, 9:26pm
I don't know what else to tell you, there isn't much this could mean, if you
create a class file, then try to add the same thing to it twice you get an
error. Was it really that hard to comprehend?


Ricky Lipe

Degtur Solutions at
Stuff-X at

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awst gavroche

Nov 19, 2001, 8:17am
Well, actually yes.

You dont even give us the error. How can you expect help?

And what the heck is the "same thing" supposed to mean. It could be


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Nov 19, 2001, 4:33pm
OK Ricky, lets have a guess at what you're doing here in the absence of any
additional information. I'll try to keep it in english.

To me, it sounds like your trying to use a .cls like you would a .bas, when
they are completely different concepts. The assumption from any VB
programmer here is going to be that you understand how to use classes is
you're going to include them in your project.

Classes instantiate as COM objects, just like every object in VB (including
forms) and, at a high level, the concept of an object is that you code a
class - the definition of the object - once and instantiate it a number of
times ... it becomes synonymous with a variable type such like longs,
strings, etc. You can look at it as if it was a user defined data structure
with a set of functions to "do stuff" with the data, but you can have many
copies of the structure with different data in it and one set of code ...
without the need for a load of messy array handling and needless parameter

If you want to use objects, then you create classes that represent single
instances of "things", for example ONE BOT. Its a template for that "thing"
just like in real life ... you would only design a cup once, and then create
man of them from the design. So, you write a class as if its a single bot
and then create two of them as different variables:

So imagine a class file called "clsMyBot" with four member functions (I'm
not looking at issues returning error codes here) ... Create, Login, Enter
and MoveTo. This would be used something like this - I am typing this
straight into Outlook Express and so I can't guarantee the syntax.

Dim botExample1 as clsMyBot
Dim botExample2 as clsMyBot

Set botExample1 = new clsMyBot
Set botExample2 = new clsMyBot


botExample1.Create(...<Bot 1's universe details> ...)
botExample1.Login(... <Bot 1's login parms> ...)
botExample1.MoveTo(... <Bot 1's position> ...)

botExample2.Create(...<Bot 2's universe details> ...)
botExample2.Login(... <Bot 2's login parms> ...)
botExample2.MoveTo(... <Bot 2's position> ...)

etc. etc. etc.

This will give you two bots with identical behaviour - as defined in the
class clsMyBot. If you want the bots are different, then that is a different
template (different cup - different design), so you would need to create
"clsMyOtherBot", copying the common code (creating/destroying the instance,
logging in, entering the world, etc.) to the new bot or using a .bas file as
a function library and passing the necessary parameters. Then you would have
something like

Dim botExample1 as clsMyBot
Dim botExample2 as clsMyOtherBot

Set botExample1 = new clsMyBot
Set botExample2 = new clsMyOtherBot

If you want to get as close to real object programming as VB lets you, then
look into the Implements command, but I would stick to duplicating the
common code for now.

If this doesn't make any sense to you, then I'm afraid you're not ready for
classes in your bots. You need to look at programming completely differently
to use them effectively (which is the only way to use them to justify the
additional cost in processing - and it is a significant cost) and I would
think bots are not a good place to start. This is not procedural programming
like using .bas files ... its a totally different programming model.

Microsoft have examples - one of which is a coffee maker I think so search
the help files for "coffee" maybe - to help you to think in the way you need
to (unfortunately they're only up to the usual standard of M$ examples), but
there are plenty of other resources on the web. If I can find some in the
next few minutes, I'll post them here.

Good luck,


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Nov 19, 2001, 5:05pm
A couple of web resources you may find useful (get your reading goggles on!)

and of course, the good old MSDN ...




Nov 19, 2001, 9:18pm
This is a great description, thanks for your time writing this :)


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Nov 24, 2001, 2:56pm
I'm not trying to use a class file like a module. I'm using one class to
hold citizen information (Name, Session, X, Y, Z), and the other to hold
Index numbers, and the world logged into for that sdk Index number.

I understand what you're saying though, for each bot I log in, I need a
different class name. But I'm not sure how many bots I will have logged in,
(may be a dumb question) can I make variables have indexes?


Ricky Lipe

Degtur Solutions at
Stuff-X at

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