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Problems with SDK and VB5

Jan 26, 2001, 11:39pm
I don't think its the wrong aw.dll, that causes an error to be created by
the SDK, which is another one, dont remember off the top of my head, and to
change the universe you have to call sdk.AwCreate(0,0) which im assuming if
its the same as in C++ would be sdk.AwCreate(ip-or-address,port) 0 assumes

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
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Feb 5, 2001, 2:07am
with the new 3.1 SDK my instances don't seem to be working... the
aw_create() uses a void** for an instance, but to set the instance it uses a
void*... Is my brain not working or is this an SDK problem?

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
--== http://hal9000.xoasis.com


Feb 5, 2001, 11:15pm
oh boy... that means tons and tons of pointers...

btw is there a way to make an array of pointers?

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
--==~~ http://hal9000.xoasis.com

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Feb 6, 2001, 11:21pm
I tried
void *bot[10];
and I got errors when compiling...

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover

Win98, P2-450MHz, STB Velocity128, Creative Sound Blaster PCI 64V
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New Webpage

Dec 13, 2000, 11:00pm
anyway enough of that... the URL is

have fun ;-)

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover

New Webpage

Dec 13, 2000, 11:03pm
oops whole message didn't seem to go there.... here it is

>Hey I have finally put up a permanent website, it has free bots (or bot
>actually for now), great free backdrops, free textures, soon to have free
>objects and possibly even free avatars!

>anyway enough of that... the URL is

>have fun ;-)

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
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Old SDK builds

Jan 16, 2001, 12:38am
doesn't anyone have any of the past SDK builds? I only need the old
aw.dll... thanks...

Old SDK builds

Jan 17, 2001, 12:39am
that's the problem I don't know :-

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
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vb tabs

Jan 27, 2002, 6:23pm
does anyone know how to use the TabStrip control, and have a separate form
for each tab?

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vb tabs

Jan 28, 2002, 9:53pm
like i said, how can you use a separate form for each tab?
i have 10+ tabs, with 50+ controls on each on, with frames thats 500+
controls, which is more than VB will allow you to have on 1 form, therefore
i want to have a separate form for each tab

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Feb 16, 2002, 12:14am
RichText1.SelStart 20

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Feb 16, 2002, 12:23am
lets try that again...

--== in VB ==--
RichText1.SelStart 20
RichText1.SelLength 10
RichText1.SelColor RGB(255,0,0)

in C++ its a bit harder...
i will assume your using VB since more people use that in here than C++, but
if you are using C++ let me know and I can send you an example App...

[VB] Hearing Impared?! Gah..

Feb 16, 2002, 2:36pm
make sure you are calling
sdk.AwWait 0

you can put this in a timer, and set it for like 500ms (twice a second), and
each time you call it, it will fire the events.

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Help maybe?

Feb 20, 2001, 2:49am
its almost exactly the same way it is in C++.. and theres an example here...
and there's detailed information on it here...

needless to say, this is the most complicated part of the AW SDK...
good luck ;-)

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
--== http://hal9000.xoasis.com

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Jul 2, 2002, 7:19pm

if I recall correctly 1 = Chat 2 = Public Speaker 3 = Whisper
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Jul 31, 2002, 4:25pm
If the object is invisible via "create visible no", then no it doesn't
detect them.
If they are invisible via "opacity 0" in the RWX file, then yes it will
detect them.

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Aug 1, 2002, 12:15am

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AWSDK MSDN Type thing

Oct 20, 2002, 4:17pm
I wouldn't mind having a copy of it, sometimes i need to waste some time,
and pop out my laptop to program only to find i need some docs on a command,
and without a wireless internet connection (which is WAAAYYY too pricey) im
out of luck.

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AWSDK MSDN Type thing

Oct 21, 2002, 9:49pm
If ownlee VB had a spillcheker, thin he wuld b alll set...

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PHP Numerical Accuracy

Nov 6, 2002, 7:04pm
Does anyone know how to specefy accuracy of a number when putting it into a
string in PHP?

IE: i have a number (lets say 12), and i want to put it into a string to say
"0012", or even in hex to say "000C", and also i want to do the same with
decimals, IE: 0.356263468374634643 to be cut to 0.3562.

any help would be appreciated, thanks

Discover Planets

Alternate Universe testing

Nov 15, 2002, 3:14am

worlds: Discover, Planets, Revolt76

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how to render objects

Nov 16, 2002, 7:49pm
Are you trying to render them or save them?

To save them to RWX:
MAX: There are 2 ways
1) You can get the RWX export plug-in (which I understand to be buggy an not work well)
2) Or you can export to 3ds, and use Accutrans (http://www.micromouse.ca) to convert it to rwx (this is probably your best bet)
1) a. Active Worlds can handle .cob or .scn files saved directly from truespace. Just save them like normal, zip, upload and make sure to use .cob or .scn in the object name while building
b. You can convert them to rwx with COBDump (http://www.activeworlds.com/cobdump3.html) or also with accutrans (http://www.micromouse.ca). I personally prefer cobdump because it is what the browser uses to convert them, and is easier to bring straight into AW.

To render:
MAX: Not a clue
Truespace 5: In the lower right hand corner there should be a button with a tooltip that says "render scene" you can do this and save the rendered image, or you can click-n-hold and select render to disk.

To change back to source format:
Accutrans (look up for link)

worlds: Discover, Planets, Revolt76
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Bouncer Bot

Mar 26, 2001, 1:27am
don't forget stricmp() that's to do a case-insensitive string comparison,
returns 0 if they are the same

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
--== http://hal9000.xoasis.com

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3.4 vb sdk

Feb 8, 2003, 1:26am
i believe that is right, thuogh it has been awhie since i have done anything
in C++

Worlds: Discover, Planets, Revolt76

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3.4 vb sdk

Feb 8, 2003, 2:08am
maybe i misunderstand... where is the error happening?

and yes, i believe that AW requires fixed length strings (now that i look at
the code)... You can use whatever you want to begin with, but make sure that
you give it to aw as a fixed length...

Worlds: Discover, Planets, Revolt76

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Anyone know how to make a bot respond in VB?

Apr 1, 2001, 10:42pm
set up an event for the chat
sdk.AwEventSet AW_EVENT_CHAT
then in your SDK_event_chat() function
if SDK.awchatmessage = "hello bot" then
SDK.awsay "Hello " & SDK.awavatarname
end if

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
--== http://hal9000.xoasis.com

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I need testers...

Jun 7, 2001, 12:34am
what does it do?

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
--== http://hal9000.xoasis.com

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i need a C++ bot programmer

Jul 17, 2001, 8:52pm
just like \n is a new line \" is a quote

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
--== http://hal9000.xoasis.com

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An object yard bot

Aug 24, 2001, 10:03pm
Andras has one that will check for any missing objects/textures, its only
partially done because I believe that he decided to drop the project...

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
--== http://hal9000.xoasis.com

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An object yard bot

Aug 25, 2001, 5:17pm
ohh... misunderstood what you were looking for ;-)

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
--== http://hal9000.xoasis.com

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