hal9000 // User Search

hal9000 // User Search

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Jan 28, 2000, 12:59am
I have a bot like that, it changes the backdrop when you click a sign...
gram me in AW if you are interested im Hal9000
[View Quote]

converting 3D Studio Max files to rwx

Jan 16, 2000, 4:26am
actually there is a plugin for MAX to export to RWX... dont know where to
get it though :-Þ if I see it I will let you know

[View Quote]

ini files

Jan 28, 2000, 1:21am
char thispath[200];
GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(path), path);
sprintf(path, "%s\\MyBot.ini", path);

char priv[20];
GetPrivateProfileString("Login", "Priv", "default string", priv,
sizeof(priv), thispath);

//or for an integer
int citnum;
GetPrivateProfileInt("Login", "owner", 0, citnum, thispath);

//then to write to an ini file (you will have to sprintf any integers into a
buffer string before writing them)
char buffer[50];
sprintf(buffer, "%d", citnum);
WritePrivateProfileString("Login", "Owner", buffer, thispath);

[View Quote]

ini files

Jan 28, 2000, 1:23am
WOH! weird.... good ol' outlook express....
change all those "file://" things to comment stuff out... guess it changed
it before i sent it...

[View Quote]

SDK 3.0 and Borland C++Builder 5

Apr 8, 2000, 1:04am
well... since the SDK that Activeworlds made was made in MS-VC++5 it wont
import into anything else...
I don't remember the website for the Borland version

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
[View Quote]

SDK 3.0 and Borland C++Builder 5

Apr 8, 2000, 1:40am
found the new Borland lib for AW3... was in Andras NG... go check it out
there if you want...

| "Hi,
| Attached the libraries for SDK build 15 and build 16 for Borland CBuilder
| Andras"

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
[View Quote]
begin 666 aw16.lib
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Apr 25, 2000, 11:46pm
hey, I'm working on a new bot and wanted some help with some things... I'm
using Microsoft VC++5, and am making a GUI bot... my questions don't really
apply to the AW SDK though.. but thought this was a good place to start
asking questions :-)

1) How do I USE a RichEdit control? I don't see any way to add a member
variable... I have already initialized the rich edit stuff, I just need to
find out how to write to it... I want to have everything in black but like
the world greeting in like green or something... maybe a couple other things
like bold, and other colors like red for some stuff...

2) how do I use tabs? how do I set the number of tabs and name them, and how
do I get the data for them in there?

Thanks for the help

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover


Apr 25, 2000, 11:48pm
oops guess I should have named that something a little better... lol

"Re: Help with Tabs and RichEdit"

[View Quote]


Apr 26, 2000, 8:46pm
ok but how about how to format the text? like make it green or red or black?

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
[View Quote]


Apr 26, 2000, 9:02pm
also what about a member variable? how do I set one for it? or do I? do I
just call it what its called in the window? IDC_CHATWINDOW ?

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
[View Quote]


Apr 27, 2000, 10:49pm
must not be the same with VC++5... there is no entry for a member variable
for it in the classwizard....

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
[View Quote]


Apr 28, 2000, 1:07am
is there a way to set the color before you send it to the window?

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
[View Quote]


Apr 28, 2000, 10:54pm
hmm... don't know how to add them... can ya help me out?
and if you find any way to make a VC++5 AW.lib let me know

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
[View Quote]


Apr 26, 2000, 9:13pm
..\Aw.lib : fatal error LNK1106: invalid file or disk full: cannot seek to
Error executing link.exe.

whats this about? happens when i try to link my bot with AW's SDK... using
VC++5 and have the AW.h included...

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover


Apr 27, 2000, 10:47pm
so I'm pretty much out of luck unless I get VC++6 right? the intro version
sucks with that STUPID pop-up window on everything you build

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
[View Quote]


Apr 27, 2000, 11:08pm
hmm guess its maybe time to upgrade :-/

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
[View Quote]

Session 439, session 439, session 439, session 439, session 439, session 439, session 439, session 439, session 439, session 439, session 439

Apr 29, 2000, 2:57am
I keep getting the same session number when I call aw_session(), I call it
after I call aw_create(0,0,0)... I KNOW its not supposed to be the same each
time and my other bot tells me its not right... HELP!

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover

Session 439, session 439, session 439, session 439, session 439, session 439, session 439, session 439, session 439, session 439, session 439

Apr 29, 2000, 3:02am
btw in case you didn't get it... i get session 439...
*looks at title*

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
[View Quote]

Session 439, session 439, session 439, session 439, session 439, session 439, session 439, session 439, session 439, session 439, session 439

Apr 29, 2000, 3:50am
ok stupid me... forgot you needed to log in first...

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
[View Quote]

Getting Bots Name

Oct 27, 2000, 9:28pm
this will work

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
[View Quote]


Nov 20, 2000, 7:30pm
i just recently made that happen... lemme find my code and post it here for
ya :-)

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
[View Quote] 10S 12E 0.5A 30

Into numbers a bot can use for teleportation, like

North = -10000
West = -12000
Alt = 5000
Rot = 3000



btw I am using VBsdk but if you give me the answer in C++ I think I can
convert for myself


Nov 20, 2000, 7:35pm
note: This code is based on Faber's C++ code, I have changed it quite a bit
to make it work with VB, and output what's needed

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
[View Quote]
begin 666 teleports.bas
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&(%-U8 at T*


Nov 21, 2000, 8:25pm
he asked for it in VB...

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
[View Quote]

New Webpage

Dec 13, 2000, 11:00pm
anyway enough of that... the URL is

have fun ;-)

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover

New Webpage

Dec 13, 2000, 11:03pm
oops whole message didn't seem to go there.... here it is

>Hey I have finally put up a permanent website, it has free bots (or bot
>actually for now), great free backdrops, free textures, soon to have free
>objects and possibly even free avatars!

>anyway enough of that... the URL is

>have fun ;-)

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
[View Quote]

DOS -> Win paths

Dec 24, 2000, 5:12pm
does ANYONE know how to convert a DOS path (i.e. "C:\mydocu~1\somewh~1\") to
a windows path (i.e. "C:\My Documents\somewhere\")??????????
please VB or C++!!

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover

DOS -> Win paths

Dec 24, 2000, 5:55pm
for all that care... I found out how to do this (in VB)

Public Function GetLongFilename _
(ByVal sShortName As String) _
As String

Dim sLongName As String
Dim sTemp As String
Dim iSlashPos As Integer

'Add \ to short name to prevent Instr from failing
sShortName = sShortName & "\"

'Start from 4 to ignore the "[Drive Letter]:\" characters
iSlashPos = InStr(4, sShortName, "\")

'Pull out each string between \ character for conversion
While iSlashPos
sTemp = Dir(Left$(sShortName, iSlashPos - 1), _
vbNormal + vbHidden + vbSystem + vbDirectory)
If sTemp = "" Then
'Error 52 - Bad File Name or Number
GetLongFilename = ""
Exit Function
End If
sLongName = sLongName & "\" & sTemp
iSlashPos = InStr(iSlashPos + 1, sShortName, "\")

'Prefix with the drive letter
GetLongFilename = Left$(sShortName, 2) & sLongName
End Function

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
[View Quote]

Shelling world server

Dec 25, 2000, 5:49am
Whenever I try to "Shell" the world server (in VB) I get an error popping up
from the world server itself saying it cant find the ini file, I have also
found the same problem in a dos window, if I try to run it from another
folder than what the server is in, I get the same error.. anyone got any
ideas or workarounds?

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover

Old SDK builds

Jan 16, 2001, 12:38am
doesn't anyone have any of the past SDK builds? I only need the old
aw.dll... thanks...

Old SDK builds

Jan 17, 2001, 12:39am
that's the problem I don't know :-

-=Hal9000=- world:Discover
[View Quote]

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