lioness e // User Search
lioness e // User Search
Apr 18, 2002, 11:59pm
Well said. (standing ovation and nodding mah head veheamently) ~ ;-"D
[View Quote]"carolann" <carolannh at charter.net> wrote in message
news:3cbf104f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> If it is religion that starts or fuels (some) wars, it is man's doing, not
> God's. If you don't believe in God anyway then you already know that,
> If you do believe in God then you know that it is the interpretation that
> some men have, not God himself, that makes men war. And often religion is
> just an excuse to take what they want. We in the US have been told over
> over again not to blame all Muslims for the recent events in the US
> it was not the religion of Islam that brought this about but the extremist
> followers of a group of men using that religion as the reason for their
> idiocy. How can anyone blame religion for the lunacy of people who use
> and destruction as a means to get what they want when the majority of the
> world's believers use their religion as a source of peace and comfort in
> these times? The numbers of those who turn to their God dramatically
> increased these last months, as they always do in times of war. Using you
> theory it would follow then that in my small town of extremely diverse
> faiths we would be constantly at war with one another but instead have
> passed the 75th year of celebrating Holy days together in each other's
> houses of worship. This practice we have is not unique in the US either.
> True followers recognize that they might have different views and are
> tolerant of that and work with, not against, each other for the good of
> their fellow man. The people who cause these problems are extremely
> misguided and use "religion" to do whatever they want, they hide behind
> (and what about WW2? You certainly don't mean the nazi's persecution of
> Jewish people?) Those who blame religion for the world's ills are
> not the ones who know and study it. They are also the minority of
> so please don't say that religion causes the worlds wars, but tell it like
> it is and blame fanatics when "religion" is the cause at all as was the
> on September 11, 2001. It's like the fat person blaming food for their
> not their use or misuse of it.
> "bonzai" <the_joker_ss at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3cbeb2d2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> world
> conflicting
> would
> him
> the
> is
> forward
> can
Apr 25, 2002, 3:26am
Reminds me of when I was joking around at the gate area 2 months ago, and in
a sarcastic comment said "Everyone here tonight is an idiot". Some person
who doesn't know me or my sense of humor (however bad it may be) suddenly
started cussing at me in whisper, telling me I was mean, and how dare I say
that to the nice people at the gate, etc, etc. This "idiot" dragged me over
the coals for more than an hour, using language I dare not repeat here, no
matter how much I tried to explain myself. My friends at the Gate tried to
explain to him that I was only joking around, but he would not let up on the
4 and 5 letter word barrage of insults he hurled at me. All because I said
in jest that someone was an "idiot". I have NEVER known that word to be
racially connected, nor THAT much of an insult to ANYONE. I wonder....are
you asking because someone in AW gave you a hard time also for using that
word???? I wonder if it's the same person. I'm ready to start up a
collection to buy that man some Valium. Let me know sometime who it was so
we can rally to get this guy some professional help. ;-"D
[View Quote]"scooby doo" <sc00by600 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3cc78937 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Well from the Oxford dictionary new edition:
> idiocy noun 1 the state of being an idiot. 2 stupid behaviour ; a
> action.
> "silenced" <nospam at privacy.com> wrote in message
> news:3cc77f0c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Apr 26, 2002, 8:52am
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dontchya love it???? Happens to me all the time. A new
builder asks ya to look at his/her "creation" and asks for yer opinion or
help. And when you offer the suggestions/advice they take offense. Never
fails. That's why I stopped offering my advice/suggestions/opinions on most
amateur builds. Cause the builders simply are not mature enough to be open
to suggestions or new ideas, or to take constructive criticism. ;-"D
[View Quote]"silenced" <nospam at privacy.com> wrote in message
news:3cc7ecb2$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Well, LoL. Someone kept pestering me to go see their build. When I
> gave up with my "ugh, fine" comment I went to see. When I got there I was
> looking around and saw the majority of building to be of stone1, which
> doesn't look very good with the other textures he was using. So I told
> that I didn't like it, then he kept dragging it on and said I was one of
> only ones who didn't blah blah blah, then his friend started telling me to
> shut up.. heated discussion later, I told his friend a bad thing, mainly
> because I wasn't talking to him. Then he has one of his friends gram me
> I asked her to stop, she didn't, she said she was a better builder, blah
> blah blah. Asked me why I critisized his building, and I told her that it
> was very ugly with stone1, then she said more about her being a better
> builder. I told her that if he wanted me to come, then expect an opinion
> about bad textures and whatnot, not that I'm just going to go "GREAT!" I
> mean if it's bad, I'm going to tell you why I think it's bad. But he
> couldn't take it, so I told her he was an idiot in short. Then she said
> that's a racial slur, blah blah blah. That's basically it. That set it
> for ya?
> --Bowen--
> Have $3... want a website?
> http://www.smartpenguin.com/affiliate.php?id=12
> "nornny11" <Nornny1 at attbi.com> wrote in message
> news:3cc7e447 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> is
> calling
Apr 29, 2002, 8:02am
LOL!!! ;-"D
[View Quote]"wizard myrddin" <admin at rdescape.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3ccca474$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Found on internet
> Software Version Explanations
> Once you start playing with software you quickly become aware that each
> software package has a revision code attached to it. It is obvious that
> revision code gives the sequence of changes to the product, but in reality
> there's substantially more information available through the rev-code than
> that. This article provides a guide for interpreting the meaning of the
> revision codes and what they actually signify.
> 1.0: Also known as "one point uh-oh", or "barely out of beta". We had to
> release because the lab guys had reached a point of exhaustion and the
> marketing guys were in a cold sweat of terror. We're praying that you'll
> find it more functional than, say, a computer virus and that its operation
> has some resemblance to that specified in the marketing copy.
> 1.1: We fixed all the killer bugs ...
> 1.2: Uh, we introduced a few new bugs fixing the killer bugs and so we had
> to fix them, too.
> 2.0: We did the product we really wanted to do to begin with. Mind you,
> really not what the customer needs yet, but we're working on it.
> 2.1: Well, not surprisingly, we broke some things in making major changes
> we had to fix them. But we did a really good job of testing this time, so
> don't think we introduced any new bugs while we were fixing these bugs.
> 2.2: Uh, sorry, one slipped through. One lousy typo error and you won't
> believe how much trouble it caused!
> 2.3: Some jerk found a deep-seated bug that's been there since 1.0 and
> wouldn't stop nagging until we fixed it!!
> 3.0: Hey, we finally think we've got it right! Most of the customers are
> really happy with this.
> 3.1: Of course, we did break a few little things.
> 4.0: More features. It's doubled in size now, by the way, and you'll need
> get more memory and a faster processor ...
> 4.1: Just one or two bugs this time... Honest!
> 5.0: We really need to go on to a new product, but we have an installed
> out there to protect. We're cutting the staffing after this.
> 6.0: We had to fix a few things we broke in 5.0. Not very many, but it's
> been so long since we looked at this thing we might as well call it a
> upgrade. Oh, yeah, we added a few flashy cosmetic features so we could
> justify the major upgrade number.
> 6.1: Since I'm leaving the company and I'm the last guy left in the lab
> works on the product, I wanted to make sure that all the changes I've made
> are incorporated before I go. I added some cute demos, too, since I was
> getting pretty bored back here in my dark little corner (I kept
> about the lighting but they wouldn't do anything). They're talking about
> obsolescence planning but they'll try to keep selling it for as long as
> there's a buck or two to be made.
May 16, 2002, 12:36am
Just an FYI...the "messiah" is not God or a God....the "messiah" is someone
to "save" the people ;-"D
[View Quote]"the messiah" <Agentfoxmulder at shaw.ca> wrote in message
news:3ce2fc64 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I am The Messiah,here to free you all from this hell that is Internet.
> The Messiah chapter 18 verse 10:Then he said,"Let there be light,Natural
> Light, go outside".
> Do not be tempted by the Internet, for it will steal your soul and
> upon your mind. For the Devil's name is Internet, You must free your mind
> and soul of this spreading evil.
> I am The Messiah,your god.
Jun 17, 2002, 3:40am
heads up everyone: this evening M A T T showed up in a bingo world,
pretending to be one of the hosts...asked for the pw from the host and then
ejected everyone....Hamfon was notified and fixed the ejects and changed the
pw...one of the hosts got the IP and Ham is looking into it ;-"D
[View Quote]"mrbruce" <MrBruce406969 at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3d099254$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Yes I have crossed posted hacker and script kiddie M A T T is back in AW.
> has so far stolen two known cits please read the following grams.This
> conversation took place at the AWGate.
> Telegram from Travman, sent 27 minutes ago:
> i unfortunately know who stole a few cits...including one of urs
> Telegram from Travman, sent 26 minutes ago:
> Aisley: oh my my
> M a t t: YO
> M a t t: WAZZZUP
> Travman: (to M a t t) what
> "AlexBor": u can only wisper if u r a citizen?
> "SexyLady": wow
> M a t t: remember me
> Travman: in here
> Aisley: I'm going to bed too. Night Everyone. Nice to meet you Travman.
> Take care of yourself.
> Travman: theres an option caretakers can change
> Travman: u too, aisley
> Travman: (to M a t t) of course
> "AIexBor": hey lady, wanna cyber :D
> "AlexBor": laila tov
> M a t t: I stole this cit
> M a t t: Stole 2 today
> UsuL 2: good night {{{{{{{{{Aisley}}}}}}}}}
> "AlexBor": jupiter stop it
> Aisley: Lady.. just say no
> Travman: (to M a t t) from who
> Aisley: Night Usul :)
> M a t t: TiffieBooBear
> "SexyLady": maby later Alex
> Aisley: Poor Usul... left to take care of these ummmm friendly folks
> Travman: (to M a t t) why did u do that?
> M a t t: cause I ain't paying shit
> "AIexBor": i'm available now ;P
> Travman: (to M a t t) ur gonna loose the cit though
> M a t t: The other one I stole from MrBruce
> Telegram from Travman, sent 27 minutes ago:
> "AlexBor": sexylady i am not interested
> "SexyLady": i know
> M a t t: I'll just keep stealing them
> "AlexBor": that's that little horny dog jupiter
> "SexyLady": it was a joke
> "AlexBor": or whoever it is
> Aisley: Night Everyone :)
> "Midnight Rider": Is there a certain time limit that this software can be
> run?
> "AlexBor": oh
> "AIexBor": nah, i wasj/k about me not being interested, lady
> Travman: (to M a t t) you need to learn at least a few morals
> "Sheik Yerbuti": Which is the real Alex Bore?
> "AlexBor": i was so scared :-)(
> Travman: (to M a t t) i know mine arent high....but still
> M a t t: alright TPCircuit
> "AIexBor": there is only one alexbor
> Travman: (to M a t t) im not TPCircuit
> "AlexBor": tnx UsUl ...
> Telegram from Travman, sent 28 minutes ago:
> all the ones from M a t t were whispers btw
> M A T T was banned from AW for hacking the X worlds universe.
> He is presently sending some type of script that allows him to steal
> passwords.
> Details are sketchy at this time but M A T T is well known for this type
> activity and he is back. He come into A!!CT world just before my tourist
> loan cit was stolen from its user. When approached he was in America world
> with two citizens AdmiraL Red Dog cit number 348502 and Mike. o cit number
> 338620. I will not post the vulgar chat here as it contains vulgar
> used by both AdmiraL Red Dog and Mike. o
> All three threatend to hack more cits and worlds.
> I post this as a warning, heed it or make fun of it, but the AW hackers
> script kiddies are back, they will use a stolen cit to get it banned from
> every world they can. Please warn people to NOT ACCEPT files in aw or
> from possible AW related sites.
> I personally have had worms sent to me on a junkie PC with virus
> from email web addresses such as COF at activeworlds.com when I sent an email
> back to this address it came back there is no such address.
> World owners and citizens have to be careful what you click on in aw, a
> on a harmless sign in a build can contain hidden scripts and links to
> that can plant or download malicious code or activeX files.
Jun 15, 2002, 10:39pm
I totally agree hon. Not to mention that we blondes are restricted to using
only 1, maybe 2 avs in any given world that most closely resembles us in
real life. No offense intended, but I prefer not going as a red head, or
dark hair if possible. I also prefer not having to choose those awful
looking older avs with the elongated faces and toothpick shaped bodies. If a
world is going to offer those older avs, they could at least offer the bird
av too since this will be what most women would wear in that particular
world. I also don't like the business attire either. I don't wear a business
dress in real life and I prefer not to wear one in virtual reality if I can
help it. I could go on and on. I'm glad I'm not the only one bothered by the
female choices. ;-"D
[View Quote]"sheridan" <motleymouse at worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
news:3d0ba183 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Whenever a new world is entered 98% of the time the default avatar is
> Normally this wouldn't bother me, however for years now I have scramble
> frantically, sometimes straining to resize my windows, struggling to get
> into a skirt. I say ENOUGH! Women of AW unite! Let the men - those
> persons that spout they are the stronger gender - struggle from now on!
> It's no wonder you find women posing as men in VR. It isn't protection
> against lecherous men as I previously thought, it is because they were
> thrown into male avatars so many times, they began to believe thats what
> they were!!!
> World owners, I urge you to change your default avatars to female!!
> vigorously at the male audience* Let the men feel what it is to be
> at for unknowingly walking around in a skirt!!! *bangs fist on desk* Let
> the men show they have the strength and patience to resize windows to
> the front of those horribly oversized lists full of restricted avatars!!!
> Let the men wear those breasts they are always oggling at! oops...did I
> say breasts? Sorry to those that are offended by seeing breasts in NGs.
> Well....it is just a thought. :)
> Sheridan
Jun 17, 2002, 3:42am
LMAO!!! a ribbon?
[View Quote]"count dracula" <dracula at netsonic.fi> wrote in message
news:3d0d0f89$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> sheridan <motleymouse at worldnet.att.net> kirjoitti
> viestissä:3d0ba183 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> male.
> <clip>
> I know quite a few worlds that has a female default avatar, but I
> personally think I look kind of cute as a princess *g*
> I guess the order is based on the bible (as much is even if we do not
> of it ) ,,did it not say that first a man was created and from his ribbon
> woman ? (or something like that )
> Drac
Jul 6, 2002, 4:07pm
I whole heartedly agree with you hon. It is considered sexist. I like to
think of myself as independent. I like to remain neutral on both issues. You
are correct though. If a world was designed for men only and didn't allow
women, the owner(s) would be called sexist(s). If a world was called KKK,
and it was restricted to only allowing white people, the owner(s) would be
considered prejudiced. If a world was reserved only for mosquitoes, the
butterflies would complain of bias. However, no matter what is right or
wrong morally or otherwise, (sad to say) the owner(s) have the right to who
they want in their world and who they don't. In this age of violence and
fear, the last thing any of us need is prejudice or hate or nontolerance. It
would be nice for public world owners to recognize this and disallow
segregation of any kind. If women don't want to be bothered by men, they
have thousands of acres of land throughout most of the public worlds to go
and "men-bash" or live in harmony without the hassle of dealing with
testosterone. If heteros don't want to be bothered by the gay community,
they can use the mute function. If the green people don't wanna be near the
purple people cus they have big noses they can go somewhere out in the
boonies. Nice thing about humans....we can adapt better than any other
creature on earth. (cept the cockroach) ~ ;-"D
[View Quote]"count dracula" <dracula at netsonic.fi> wrote in message
news:3d2721af$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I was out worldhopping today , I decided to take a look in worlds that has
> people in them. Many worlds showed one person so I went there to explore;
> like visiting worlds when owner is there, because then one can ask
> and owners are often willing to show you around.
> I went to a world named "FemaleAW" and the welcome message said " Welcome
> to FemaleAW, a World where women can relax and talk about anything they
> wish. Sorry, no men. " and the owner (I belive it was) said immediatly :
> Count Dracula, sorry men arent allowed :(" . I do not quite understand the
> logic in this, I mean why add a ": (" after saying that, like beeing sorry
> for the fact that men are not allowed, if the owner is sad about that, why
> do not change the policy?
> So now I was wondering: is it ok to discriminate people based on their
> (or anything else).
> How long would AW let me run a world that would not allow women to enter,
> before they would close it down as sexistic?
> Can I make a world that say: " sorry, no balck people", "sorry, no
> "sorry, no gays", "sorry, no heteros" or "sorry, no Ford owners" ?
> The owner did not consider her world discriminating in any way, but I bet
> I ejected her from my world because she is a women, there would be A LOT
> bitching and every single feminist in AW would attack me.
> Maybe men should also found chauvinist organizations to work "against" the
> feminist organistations , to keep a balance.
> As we all probably know feminist are not pro equality, but want women to
> "better" than men. They want to see women in so called men jobs, but by no
> mean all jobs, only the high payed. Or when have you heard a feminist
> worried abot that there is too less women driving garbage trucks?
> I am pro equality among all people, regardless sex, religion, race etc.
> Count Dracula , obviously born in the wrong body to be accepted in all
> worlds.
Feb 23, 2002, 12:15am
I like your way of thinking hon. AW certainly needs to get "out there" and
publicize more. I'm sure there are many forms of advertising just waiting to
be utilized, all over the world, including the internet. How often do we
surf the web and see those annoying flashing banners advertising online
casinos?? Or website hostings?? I think the idea of getting some reward for
referring a paying customer is not only a great idea, but it is a
competitive one. I don't think I've ever heard of anything like that in
other universes. Then again, I've only visited a handful. LOL. I do hope
AWCom considers this idea, and if they implement it I hope they acknowledge
the clever person who suggested it with some kind of discount. ~ ;-"D
[View Quote]"dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in message
news:3c76ba56$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Have you seen any? I sure haven't! Do you think they need some? Yeh! What
> their other biggg problem? They're losing users because the cost is too
> high. Now... how do you combine these problems into one solution...
> I think AWCom should allow users to put banners on their websites, links
> their forum signatures, and links in their e-mail signatures. It would be
> setup so that people who click that and download ActiveWorlds just as a
> tourist, count off about $1.00 from the annual fee of the person who had
> reffered that person to ActiveWorlds.
> If that person buys a citizenship, then the cost could be maybe $4 or $5
> the annual fee of the referrer. This would get people to stay with AW
> because if they were devoted enough to get enough people to ActiveWorlds,
> they could afford the cost that came out of their pockets. For those who
> a lot online such as e-mailiing and forums and such, it wouldn't be nearly
> as hard. You could just put the link in your signatures and let the money
> roll in and for some people, they may not even have to pay one cent for
> year.
> I don't know if AWCom actually watches these boards, but I sure hope they
> see this because I think this would bennefit both parties a lot!
Feb 28, 2002, 11:08am
I realize this isn't exactly the right place for a posting like this, but
I'm sure there are some of you who didn't know Honeydukes was sick. I hate
telling people like this, but this medium has a broader audience than my
contact list or email address book.
For those of you that knew her and loved her Honeydukes has passed away due
to pneumonia. :o( There is a memorial build at aw 7943.4N 447.5E 0.4a 182
Mar 5, 2002, 10:09am
Right on hon!! Before anyone reads any further, I want to make it clear
that this is NOT directed at any particular person. It's getting to be a
flame fest in here anymore. I sit here and read all this and wonder to
myself, ...Are all these people that unhappy that they feel the need to
criticize each other "every" time someone makes a post? It makes me sad to
think of all the hatred in the world today and there seems to be not only
impatience here on the AW ngs, but in almost all the ngs I read these days.
Doesn't anybody have any tolerance for humanity anymore? To me, there is no
difference tween a ng and a message board. When someone would post in here
about how unhappy they were with the AW price changes/tourist changes, they
were yelled at cus a few people on here were tired of reading about it. When
people make innocent mistakes and its posted in here, there are a few people
who waste no time jumping down their throats and virtually "hang them".
Since we've all pretty much given up on discussing the AW price changes,
everything posted in here seems to be about what someone did or didn't do.
Ok, if the guy is innocent, I think an apology is in order in public to
clear his name. Not necessarily from any particular person either. Look at
what happened with Gavroche for example. A concerned guy heard that someone
he respected was killed and felt the loss emotionally. He felt loss in his
heart. He thought others should know and reacted by posting on here to
notify anybody else who might care. But what did some people do?? They
yelled at him. Called him a liar. Dragged him over the coals for not getting
more proof. If one of my online buddies were seriously injured or possibly
killed, I would have no real way of finding out either. I don't have the
phone number or address of any of my online friends. (I don't want to impose
that kind of request on them. Nowadays its risky to give out that kind of
information). I would have no way of verifying the information I heard. But
that wouldn't stop my emotions from upsetting me. AW is an emotional place
and so are the ngs. There are many ways of looking at things. All I'm saying
is, think before you (anyone on here) react to a posting. Some people
innocently get misleading information and react to it. And then they are
criticized by other people for misspelling, expressing their own views, or
pointing out something that should be brought to the AW community's
attention, (which is what this ng should be about anyway). Nobody should be
made to feel that they are unwelcome to this ng. This ng is not for the use
of a small group of people, it belongs to the AW community at large whether
that person is new to ng's or not. It should not be a place for belittling
or bickering. That should be done either in AW, another chat program, or
personal emails. I have read all the posts in this ng going back to early
last year, even though I didn't begin this ng till Jan 02. It "used to be" a
great place to get updates on all kinds of information. Now folks seem
intimidated to post anything. Even opinions good or bad. I for one feel
intimidated anymore to make any comments on here. Several long time AW
citizens have told me they don't feel comfortable making posts on here
anymore cus a few individuals would only pick them apart and criticize them
on their grammar, values, or information being presented. And I'll bet
somebody will have something nasty to say about "this" post as well. Heck, I
don't mind a difference of opinion, but who will be the first one to pick it
apart and criticize what I'm saying...what I feel inside? There's nothing
wrong with a debate. But why let it get out of control in public? Why let a
simple difference in opinion turn ugly and nasty on a message board? Life is
short folks. Value other people's perspectives more often and you will be a
better person for it. Ok....let the critiques begin....who's gonna be the
[View Quote]"chickengurl" <ilove at chickensex.com> wrote in message
news:3c83f2de at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I'm sorry if that offended you, I didn't state that you don't support it.
> including a question-mark because it was more of a question than a
> statement. If you feel that somehow supporting freedom of speech has in
> way a relation to being American, please explain your view, because I did
> not remember mentioning America at all. If you associated America with
> Freedom of speech, however, I cannot change your views. Freedom of speech
> freedom of speech, there is no degree of it, or regulation if it's
> *freedom*. Something which is free has no catch, and those are rare things
> indeed.
> Shutting up the offensive? What is offensive to some may be enlightening
> others. Who should be the one to decide this? I know the News Groups are
> controlled by Admins, but that doesn't mean everyone has to call in an
> every time something offends then. Everyone end up with no posts left at
> that way :(
> It was just a question.....
> "butterfly jess" <wing at systemrecall.com> wrote in message
> news:3c83d629$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> upon
> on
> same
> to
> drags
Mar 12, 2002, 9:49am
Let us not forget there were a total of 4 hijacked planes that crashed in
the US that sorrowful day. Two in NYC, one in Washington, DC and another in
Pennsylvania. And NOBODY should be criticized in this particular topic.
Nearly everyone around the world, especially here in the states felt the
anguish, the fear, and the loss. The world will remember not only those who
were killed in those attacks, but also their families and friends. There
were thousands of innocent lives lost that day. NOBODY should stoop so low
as to pick apart the way someone wrote a posting. ~ ;-"<
[View Quote]"anonymous." <someone at somewhere.com> wrote in message
news:3C8D55BA.62E118DE at somewhere.com...
> Excuse me, (poorly informed) Gandalf, but when was anything on
> Septemember 11 bombed? News travels slow out in the UK boonies, huh?
> Must be a game of "telephone". Each person changing the real news just a
> little until when it got to you, it was bombed. Well, I will be the one
> to inform you. It was two hijacked planes led by Muhammad Atta that flew
> into the World Trade Center that September morning. Next time think
> before you post.
> Anonymous
> *********
> No CNN in the UK, eh?
Mar 13, 2002, 10:07am
I'm a bit confused,...silly me. Here is Gandolf, reminding us to JUST
REMEMBER!! Why is everyone so intent on bending this thread??????? How did
this thread turn into a battlefield of words. How did this thread turn into
an ugly bantering of who's country contributes the most, or who's country is
better than the others????? That tragedy cost thousands of lives. A lot of
them were people from other countries, either visiting or working in the US
at the time. It wasn't only an American loss. It was a world wide loss and
regardless of which country it was in, it SHOULD be remembered as a
TRAGEDY!!! Not picked apart by people who "think" they know what happened.
That isn't the point here. The point is, and I repeat yet again, it is a
tragedy of world wide proportions. This particular thread shouldn't be about
who is giving how much relief to other countries or for what. It shouldn't
be about anything else going on in the world today. It is about grief, and
anger, and compassion for the surviving families struggling to meet
expenses, find new jobs, raise their kids who are now missing a parent due
to what happened on 9/11. And not just in America. There are families
affected from England, Germany, France, Africa, Japan, and many others. We
here in America need to recognize that they weren't all Americans. And you
in other countries need to recognize this isn't just about America being
attacked, or us losing a landmark. The world is now suffering from a loss of
innocence. We all are suffering from an overabundance of hatred and
violence. All of us are in this together. Let's stop picking apart mere
words and get back on this thread shall we????? Time to take stock in our
hearts, not in the comparing of one country to another or who's right vs
who's wrong. Let's grow up a little folks. Let's just take one small moment
this week to contemplate what happened. Let's "feel" something for once,
shall we?
[View Quote]"gandalf" <Gandalf2000 at btinternet.com> wrote in message
news:3c8d49b7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> On behalf of The Core, and everyone at AWTeen, we would like to remember
> those in the September 11th Bombings, on this, the 6th Month Anniversary.
> Our hearts go out to their families and friends. May you forever be in our
> hearts and minds.
Mar 16, 2002, 9:58pm
Obviously you miss the point here. How DARE you tell me or anyone how to
feel about anything??!! I have every right to feel anger, sadness or joy
whenever I want. So do you. But you have NO right to insinuate to others
what they SHOULD feel. This thread was meant as an expression of emotion,
not some battleground for political ethics or moral ethics. I fully support
ANYONE who wants to make a memorial or to remember innocent lives lost. Now
let's cut the crap and stop all this nonsense.
[View Quote]"swe" <m_swehli at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3c93d294 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "besides that your parents are like that or it's based on what our gov't
> does, really peeves me off"
> go assuming things bout my parents again, ill rip ur balls outta ur mouth!
> and now, it seems to me u totally misunderstode my point from the begining
> "I bet you think life is going to
> be great and you'll sail through it because you're part of the working
> class"
> had no idea what u ment by that.....
> "silenced" <nospam at privacy.com> wrote in message
> news:3c92a4d4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> attacked
> it's
> show
> 't
> much.
> to
> without
> don't
> to
> violently
> it
> parents
May 19, 2002, 6:12am
Go in peace my friend. And keep on dreaming. That's how all good things are
achieved in this life. Some people, like me, would say God gave us dreams to
communicate to us. And some would say they are nothing more than
"daydreams", ....fantasies we create. Whatever they are, I hope you make
some of them come true in whatever you do in life hon. God bless, and hope
to chat with you in another "galaxy" some time soon.
(((((((((((((((hugz))))))))))))) ;-"D
[View Quote]"macb" <zx at z.y> wrote in message news:3CE73E71.6010600 at z.y...
> I heard a great thing on the radio the other day. I can't remember who
> said it, and since he was quoting someone else and I didn't recognize
> that name either.... well anyway, I just thought I would pass it on (and
> I'm paraphrasing here):
> Some people think that following your dreams is a waste of time. they
> tell you to come back down to earth and "get with the program".
> But having a dream serves a very useful purpose. It allows your
> conscious mind to communicate a goal to your subconscious mind.
> More concretely, it prepares your mind to ACT on short notice when
> certain events take place that would further the goal of achieving your
> dream. By having a dream, you are prepared in advance to go down the
> right path without hesitation.
> Those who do not have a dream have to stop and think at each decision
> point. Opportunities are lost and their lives seem never to improve.
> So don't ever let anyone convince you to stop dreaming.
> ------
> And on that positive note I will bid many of you farewell. My cit
> expires in a month or so and...well you know how these billing systems
> work... you rarely get MORE than you paid for. Since any day now I
> won't be able to read or post here I wanted to say what a fine group of
> people you are (for the most part). it's been nice sharing ideas with
> Follow your dreams, whether its in AW or some other VR, or hey...even in
> the good old REALITY.
> In fact, let me add one more bit of advice... don't let ALL your
> dreaming be based on VR. There are lots of problems to tackle out here
> in the real world too. Keep things in perspective, even when you are
> following your dreams. :)
> Peace !
> macB
May 27, 2002, 6:19pm
Was thinking the same thing but waiting to see if someone would first
explain it. heheheh. ;-"D
[View Quote]"imagine" <imagines1 at mindspring.com> wrote in message
news:3cf07795 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi :)
> Ok, just in case anyone else is like me, i'll be the first to ask even if
> turns out to be a dumb question :-P
> What's a TBA? lol
> Imagine
> count dracula <dracula at netsonic.fi> wrote in message
> news:3cefca84 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> with
> most
Jun 1, 2002, 5:50pm
I too enjoyed reading it. I can't tell you how many negative posts I've seen
in this group, not to mention all the "crap" about other things such as
world politics and typos, etc. This was refreshing and is indeed part of the
aw community at large. It's great to be able to smile or even giggle now and
then while reading the newsgroups. We don't have to be serious all the time.
[View Quote]"sheridan" <motleymouse at worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
news:3cf8e0b1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I enjoyed the post it gave me a chuckle. And as part of the community, I
> appreciate learning that there is an AWTeen newsgroup. Thanks for
> "strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:3cf8d908 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> very
> doubt
> post
> there
Jun 13, 2002, 3:24pm
Question: Will this be for "non techies" (AKA us common people who are puter
handicapped)? or just for those who know how to use bots, OP's and experts
at building? Just wanna know who in the AW Community will be allowed to
participate even though you are extending the invitation to "everyone".
[View Quote]"nornny11" <Nornny1 at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3d08b3a4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Thanks to what has become the most generous Flagg in years (quick folks,
> milk him for all AWC's worth), he kindly gave me a cornicopia of things
> NG Survivor 2, after much begging and puppy eyes (he's a sucker for
> puppies).
> Okay, first, let me say the usual, NG Survivor is a 16 week game that
> in the newsgroup, in ActiveWorlds, and on the web, where 16 of you
> posters try to become the Ultimate Survivor and win the "Million Dollar
> Prize." What is the Million Dollar Prize?? Well, let me quote what Flagg
> said
> "a grand prize of one P-50 w/ hosting & FTP for the ultimate Survivor"
> God, I'm drooling...and I'm sure many of you are too, even the ones that
> worlds. I mean, who couldn't use another? :) This is MUCH better than a
> stupid tee-shirt from the first season,
> but thanks to AWC sponsership, we've got those too! Each week, a reward
> challenge or web challenge will give EVERYONE a chance to win a tee-shirt,
> not just the Survivors. Survivors will also get little rewards for their
> long journey if they survive long enough. The dogs usually get to them
> within a week. ;)
> For all you old Survivor remnants, this new season has plenty of twists
> turns to make your viewing pleasure even more enhanced. Besides the
> surprises I have for the Survivor themselves, the biggest change in
> Newsgroup Survivor 2 is that a lot of the game will be played in
> Activeworlds! :) That's right, Flagg loaned me a world, and thanks to the
> kind contribution of Robbie, a former contestant, we have a custom OP to
> play with. Each week, the immunity challenge, and the tribal council,
> with other important events in the game, will take place live in the
> for all to view. After Tribal Council, the person "kicked off the
> will also be available for a live Town Meeting type chat with viewers and
> any one else who cares to watch. They'll be able to ask questions and get
> honest answers, as none of the remaining contestants will be present to
> listen in.
> So, if you have an hour or two every week to log into AW, and you keep up
> with the general.discussion or community (lurkers are more than allowed to
> play) newsgroup, PLEASE PLEASE sign up! :) I don't want just overzealous
> pre-teens, I want manipulative trash-talking adults, drunk and wasted
> college kids, and kind old tech-savvy grannies and grandpies. All you have
> to do to be considered is fill out a small form at
> http://www.myactiveworlds.com/~ngsurvivor/signup.html. Who knows, for your
> little effort, you could win a world. :) Doesn't that sound nice? People
> have already signed up, I still have your application, so there's no need
> sign up again.
> Please please please, let me go out of AW with a bang, and bring back NG
> Survivor. I only have a few applicants at the moment, and I need 16. :))
> Everyone wins in the end (except the 15 people who will lose). Here's a
> list of people I'd personally like to see play, if you guys are
> please sign up along with anyone else I didn't mention (they're just being
> listed because they posted or were mentioned recently). I know a lot are
> busy to play, but still, never hurts to ask? :)
> Anduin Lothario
> Lady Murasaki
> barbarae
> andras
> Goober King
> builderz
> bowen
> bitmaster
> XelaG
> Imagine
> rypp
> PC Hamster
> Ptolemy
> Maki
> Johnny B
> Jerme
> Glitter Bug
> Brant
> Zeo Toxin
> binarybud
> Baro
> 83058
> Anyone else... :)
> Wow, never knew there were so many people in the newsgroups. :) Surely, I
> can force 16 of ya to play my sadistic game, right? Or, scout around for
> some other AW users to join the newsgroup and play, we can raise the
> population and flame each other at the same time, it'll be fun. The game
> will start in July, the earlier, the better. :) But I can't play until I
> 16, so sign up! :)
> AND FOR THE ORIGINAL 16, tell them how fun and evil this game is. :))
> Special thanks to AWC, especially Flagg, Robbie for the OP, and Count
> Dracula for the webspace, wouldn't be able to do it without ya.
> Nornny
> --
> You will go to http://www.myactiveworlds.com/~ngsurvivor/signup.html
> You will go to http://www.myactiveworlds.com/~ngsurvivor/signup.html
> You will go to http://www.myactiveworlds.com/~ngsurvivor/signup.html
> You will go to http://www.myactiveworlds.com/~ngsurvivor/signup.html
> You will go to http://www.myactiveworlds.com/~ngsurvivor/signup.html
Jun 14, 2002, 12:34am
In that case....count me IN hon!!! I'm a Survivor "addict". ;-"D
[View Quote]"nornny11" <Nornny1 at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3d090b20$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> As Alphabit attested, you don't need any advance computer knowledge. All
> need to know what to do is:
> 1) view websites
> 2) log onto Activeworlds (no building skills neccessary, but if you want
> help your tribe build the camp, basic skills never hurt, no other skills
> whatsoever is needed except choosing an avatar, clicking, using gestures,
> and walking around)
> 3) Post in this newsgroup (which obviously, you know how to)
> 4) Follow me as if I was Jesus. :))
> The fourth one is kind of mandatory. :D Other than that, I'm looking for
> dumb people, smart people, literate people, illiterate people, small
> big people, it's all about variety. Whatever skills you don't possess
> hurt you in the game, but there's always something every contestant has
> others don't, and there's other ways of making you important to the tribe
> and game.
> As for whether you'll be able to play the game or not if you're computer
> illiterate, there's NO WAY I would decline anyone who can do the 4 things
> above because they don't know how to create a rollercoaster.rwx through
> handcoding. :) I only decline people if there's more than 16 applicants
> (which I doubt highly) and its not on the basis of anything technical, but
> their internet personality.
> Btw, I HIGHLY encourage females to sign up, if you experienced the first
> season, there were only 3 females. All three did quite well, making it to
> the merger. I'm hoping I can even up the demographics and get a few more.
> :)) I try to make the contestant pool as close to the newsgroup as
> Which means, there will be more males, but there's definately more than
> 3/16th of the newsgroup population that are female. :)
> Nornny
> --
> --
> From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:
> "Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult
> and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
> nothing! What a talent!"
> "ambient spirit" <ambientspirit at home.com> wrote in message
> news:3d08db66 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> experts
Jun 14, 2002, 12:39am
another question....the grand prize is great hon but for how long? 3 months?
6 months? 1 year? ;-")
[View Quote]"nornny11" <Nornny1 at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3d08b3a4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Thanks to what has become the most generous Flagg in years (quick folks,
> milk him for all AWC's worth), he kindly gave me a cornicopia of things
> NG Survivor 2, after much begging and puppy eyes (he's a sucker for
> puppies).
> Okay, first, let me say the usual, NG Survivor is a 16 week game that
> in the newsgroup, in ActiveWorlds, and on the web, where 16 of you
> posters try to become the Ultimate Survivor and win the "Million Dollar
> Prize." What is the Million Dollar Prize?? Well, let me quote what Flagg
> said
> "a grand prize of one P-50 w/ hosting & FTP for the ultimate Survivor"
> God, I'm drooling...and I'm sure many of you are too, even the ones that
> worlds. I mean, who couldn't use another? :) This is MUCH better than a
> stupid tee-shirt from the first season,
> but thanks to AWC sponsership, we've got those too! Each week, a reward
> challenge or web challenge will give EVERYONE a chance to win a tee-shirt,
> not just the Survivors. Survivors will also get little rewards for their
> long journey if they survive long enough. The dogs usually get to them
> within a week. ;)
> For all you old Survivor remnants, this new season has plenty of twists
> turns to make your viewing pleasure even more enhanced. Besides the
> surprises I have for the Survivor themselves, the biggest change in
> Newsgroup Survivor 2 is that a lot of the game will be played in
> Activeworlds! :) That's right, Flagg loaned me a world, and thanks to the
> kind contribution of Robbie, a former contestant, we have a custom OP to
> play with. Each week, the immunity challenge, and the tribal council,
> with other important events in the game, will take place live in the
> for all to view. After Tribal Council, the person "kicked off the
> will also be available for a live Town Meeting type chat with viewers and
> any one else who cares to watch. They'll be able to ask questions and get
> honest answers, as none of the remaining contestants will be present to
> listen in.
> So, if you have an hour or two every week to log into AW, and you keep up
> with the general.discussion or community (lurkers are more than allowed to
> play) newsgroup, PLEASE PLEASE sign up! :) I don't want just overzealous
> pre-teens, I want manipulative trash-talking adults, drunk and wasted
> college kids, and kind old tech-savvy grannies and grandpies. All you have
> to do to be considered is fill out a small form at
> http://www.myactiveworlds.com/~ngsurvivor/signup.html. Who knows, for your
> little effort, you could win a world. :) Doesn't that sound nice? People
> have already signed up, I still have your application, so there's no need
> sign up again.
> Please please please, let me go out of AW with a bang, and bring back NG
> Survivor. I only have a few applicants at the moment, and I need 16. :))
> Everyone wins in the end (except the 15 people who will lose). Here's a
> list of people I'd personally like to see play, if you guys are
> please sign up along with anyone else I didn't mention (they're just being
> listed because they posted or were mentioned recently). I know a lot are
> busy to play, but still, never hurts to ask? :)
> Anduin Lothario
> Lady Murasaki
> barbarae
> andras
> Goober King
> builderz
> bowen
> bitmaster
> XelaG
> Imagine
> rypp
> PC Hamster
> Ptolemy
> Maki
> Johnny B
> Jerme
> Glitter Bug
> Brant
> Zeo Toxin
> binarybud
> Baro
> 83058
> Anyone else... :)
> Wow, never knew there were so many people in the newsgroups. :) Surely, I
> can force 16 of ya to play my sadistic game, right? Or, scout around for
> some other AW users to join the newsgroup and play, we can raise the
> population and flame each other at the same time, it'll be fun. The game
> will start in July, the earlier, the better. :) But I can't play until I
> 16, so sign up! :)
> AND FOR THE ORIGINAL 16, tell them how fun and evil this game is. :))
> Special thanks to AWC, especially Flagg, Robbie for the OP, and Count
> Dracula for the webspace, wouldn't be able to do it without ya.
> Nornny
> --
> You will go to http://www.myactiveworlds.com/~ngsurvivor/signup.html
> You will go to http://www.myactiveworlds.com/~ngsurvivor/signup.html
> You will go to http://www.myactiveworlds.com/~ngsurvivor/signup.html
> You will go to http://www.myactiveworlds.com/~ngsurvivor/signup.html
> You will go to http://www.myactiveworlds.com/~ngsurvivor/signup.html
Jun 18, 2002, 9:15pm
Wowsers!!! thanks hon!!! ;-"D
[View Quote]"nornny11" <Nornny1 at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3d0e28bd at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I asked Flagg and he said it'd be good for 1 year. :) So yay! That's a
> time. :)
> --
> From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:
> "Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult
> and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
> nothing! What a talent!"
> "lioness e" <nobody at nowhere.net> wrote in message
> news:3d095752 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> months?
> tee-shirt,
> the
> and
> get
> up
> to
> have
> your
> need
> being
> I
Jun 17, 2002, 3:40am
heads up everyone: this evening M A T T showed up in a bingo world,
pretending to be one of the hosts...asked for the pw from the host and then
ejected everyone....Hamfon was notified and fixed the ejects and changed the
pw...one of the hosts got the IP and Ham is looking into it ;-"D
[View Quote]"mrbruce" <MrBruce406969 at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3d099254$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Yes I have crossed posted hacker and script kiddie M A T T is back in AW.
> has so far stolen two known cits please read the following grams.This
> conversation took place at the AWGate.
> Telegram from Travman, sent 27 minutes ago:
> i unfortunately know who stole a few cits...including one of urs
> Telegram from Travman, sent 26 minutes ago:
> Aisley: oh my my
> M a t t: YO
> M a t t: WAZZZUP
> Travman: (to M a t t) what
> "AlexBor": u can only wisper if u r a citizen?
> "SexyLady": wow
> M a t t: remember me
> Travman: in here
> Aisley: I'm going to bed too. Night Everyone. Nice to meet you Travman.
> Take care of yourself.
> Travman: theres an option caretakers can change
> Travman: u too, aisley
> Travman: (to M a t t) of course
> "AIexBor": hey lady, wanna cyber :D
> "AlexBor": laila tov
> M a t t: I stole this cit
> M a t t: Stole 2 today
> UsuL 2: good night {{{{{{{{{Aisley}}}}}}}}}
> "AlexBor": jupiter stop it
> Aisley: Lady.. just say no
> Travman: (to M a t t) from who
> Aisley: Night Usul :)
> M a t t: TiffieBooBear
> "SexyLady": maby later Alex
> Aisley: Poor Usul... left to take care of these ummmm friendly folks
> Travman: (to M a t t) why did u do that?
> M a t t: cause I ain't paying shit
> "AIexBor": i'm available now ;P
> Travman: (to M a t t) ur gonna loose the cit though
> M a t t: The other one I stole from MrBruce
> Telegram from Travman, sent 27 minutes ago:
> "AlexBor": sexylady i am not interested
> "SexyLady": i know
> M a t t: I'll just keep stealing them
> "AlexBor": that's that little horny dog jupiter
> "SexyLady": it was a joke
> "AlexBor": or whoever it is
> Aisley: Night Everyone :)
> "Midnight Rider": Is there a certain time limit that this software can be
> run?
> "AlexBor": oh
> "AIexBor": nah, i wasj/k about me not being interested, lady
> Travman: (to M a t t) you need to learn at least a few morals
> "Sheik Yerbuti": Which is the real Alex Bore?
> "AlexBor": i was so scared :-)(
> Travman: (to M a t t) i know mine arent high....but still
> M a t t: alright TPCircuit
> "AIexBor": there is only one alexbor
> Travman: (to M a t t) im not TPCircuit
> "AlexBor": tnx UsUl ...
> Telegram from Travman, sent 28 minutes ago:
> all the ones from M a t t were whispers btw
> M A T T was banned from AW for hacking the X worlds universe.
> He is presently sending some type of script that allows him to steal
> passwords.
> Details are sketchy at this time but M A T T is well known for this type
> activity and he is back. He come into A!!CT world just before my tourist
> loan cit was stolen from its user. When approached he was in America world
> with two citizens AdmiraL Red Dog cit number 348502 and Mike. o cit number
> 338620. I will not post the vulgar chat here as it contains vulgar
> used by both AdmiraL Red Dog and Mike. o
> All three threatend to hack more cits and worlds.
> I post this as a warning, heed it or make fun of it, but the AW hackers
> script kiddies are back, they will use a stolen cit to get it banned from
> every world they can. Please warn people to NOT ACCEPT files in aw or
> from possible AW related sites.
> I personally have had worms sent to me on a junkie PC with virus
> from email web addresses such as COF at activeworlds.com when I sent an email
> back to this address it came back there is no such address.
> World owners and citizens have to be careful what you click on in aw, a
> on a harmless sign in a build can contain hidden scripts and links to
> that can plant or download malicious code or activeX files.
Jul 4, 2002, 2:02am
I do hope my tribe-mates forgive me for not getting home in time for our
first meeting. I really had no control over it since I depend on my job to
pay rent and bills and feed my family. I wish I had been able to get off
work early enough to enjoy the excitement of being in NGS2002 for the
official start of Survivor. However the medical staff and patients in the
busy medical clinic where I work don't share the same enthusiasm or
understand how important it is to me to be there. My thoughts and my spirit
were definately with everyone during our first meeting and selection of
tribes. I kept looking at the clock thinking to myself, "Come on you guys,
I'm missing my first meeting in AW Survivor!!!!!!!!!!!!" , but alas, it was
not meant to be. However when I did return home finally, at 12:00 pm VRT, I
was able to catch up on the ngs and Nornny's posting of the chat from the
meeting. After reading the posting, I logged into AW and right away entered
NGS2002 to look at the GZ where all the excitement took place only 7 hours
earlier. My little girl and I had fun downloading all the different avs and
she wanted to try out each one. I added my team mates names to my contact
list and admired the beautiful sky and scenery surrounding me. I look
forward to meeting all my tribe-mates and Nornny on Saturday. And I hope to
prove myself to be a worthy team mate. I work hard, and will try, to the
best of my knowledge, to do the best job I possibly can to help my tribe
along. I have a great sense of humor ( some think), and since I'm an artist
in real life consider myself to be pretty creative when needed. I wish I
could say I've been fortunate at Bingo, but the luck of the Irish is not
with me at those times. hehehe. Will see ya'll soon. My tribe-mates can feel
free to add me to their contact list and gram me if they want. GO
ROBEGO!!!!!! ~ Lioness ;-"D
[View Quote]"nornny11" <Nornny1 at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3d238b05$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 4, 2002, 5:05am
LMAO....I thought it was a deer.
[View Quote]"joeman" <Joeman at bootdown.com> wrote in message
news:3d23ccf6$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Dear Diary,
> I awoke in a strange land of triangles. I lay dormant for some time while
> strange objects popped up all around me. I was confused and scared.
> Suddenly a voice boomed out demanding that I stand on a little circle.
> knowing what to do, I complied. Soon they lit up and I was forced on to
> llama picture. The other picture was of a monkey dancing, the voice made
> coments about goober king in relation to the dancing monkey. As I tried
> identify the source of the voice, it told me to leave. Not wanting to
> offend it, I complied. From what I gather, the voice is of a strange
> half-man half-goat animal that speaks in a forign toungue not unlike ours,
> with the only exception of putting a ':)' at the end of every sentence.
> -Joe
Jul 6, 2002, 3:49pm
Imagine my surprise upon entering NGS2002 late last night and discovering
that nobody did anything with the supplies we were given. It was not a
disappointed type of surprise, just a shock that I was the first one to
stumble upon all that fun stuff to play with. hehehe. After reading the
website and our borderline flaming profiles that Nornny put together for us,
I telegrammed Maki, since he was the only one besides myself who was logged
on. (I also grammed Builderz, but with those STUPID question marks now on
our contact lists, I can't tell anymore who is on and who is off) Maki soon
joined me and together we giggled over all the luxury items and supplies. It
took silly ole me a little while to figure out why there were 3 large X's on
the ground. I couldn't for the life of me think of anything we could
possibly make with 3 large X's. Then after right clicking on one, it dawned
upon me. I slapped myself on the forehead in real life when I realized they
were crossed poles and we have the blessed opportunity of being able to put
them upright!!!!!! (I don't have that luxury in building in alphaworld) Maki
thought I was off my rocker. I had a GREAT time playing with posts, turning
them this way and that, trying to put together a ramshackle shelter for our
tribe. After an hour or two of not making much progress we went exploring
and found a bunch of flower.rwx's and tree.rwx's. We read and reread the NG
post that Nornny was so kind to leave us with the building instructions we
must adhere to. I must admit, I was very hesitant to dup anything since I
got the impression the bot was recording every move the objects made. I was
perfectly satisfied moving trees and plants across the landscape to our
little camp. But Maki reassured me and soon he was planting a forest around
our camp while I was busy hanging vines and making a lean-to. The B.I.
wasn't too happy with me and it too some finagiling to reduce the object
limit. Before long I figured out a way of providing shelter with the wood we
were provided with. With some effort and some muscle pulls, I managed
somehow to pull together some boulders for a wall here, and some palm trees
for a roof there. Hard to believe I was building for 4 whole hours!!! (Just
like the old days ;-"D ) When I finally forced myself to log off at 4:45
am, my eyes felt like they were sagging down to my shoulders and as I lie in
bed I had a difficult time falling asleep. I couldnt' stop thinking about
what else I could do or build for our tribe. LOL. I can't wait to see what
my tribe mates have come up with and I hope they like what Maki and I did
already. ~ Lioness ;-"D
[View Quote]"nornny11" <Nornny1 at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3d238b05$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 7, 2002, 7:33pm
Ahem......I'd like to get some things cleared up please. First of all, when
I got to our campsite and saw all those objects just laying around in no
particular order, I naturally assumed nobody was doing anything with them.
The couple of people from our camp who were logged on didn't answer my grams
(they have question marks in front of their names). Maki was the only brave
one to join me. I didn't bring my ESP.rwx with me, so I had no way of
knowing since nobody left any notes or anything on them. My first thought
was that we needed a shelter to protect Binary's flame and Builderz and
Gamecube's puters from the elements. So I set to work right away before any
stormclouds blew in. Again, it would have been nice if I had known someone
was already planning to do something. Imagine my shock and horror when I
came back and found the shelter I had worked so feverishly on for our whole
tribe, was dismantled. And other individual shelters were being made. So
much for team work and togetherness eh guys? Today when I arrived at our
campsite I noticed our sleeping bags and tent mysteriously disappeared.
Thank goodness Maki found them under our flagpole hill. Somebody is having a
lot of fun playing with our minds. We have to pull together as a team folks.
It's difficult enough that we all have real life obligations and can't
always be with our fellow tribe members for critical decision making. But
leaving notes to each other I think would help a lot, which is why i left a
few for my teamies to let them know what i did and why and to let them know
it was ok for them to move things around if they wanted. Maki and I rebuilt
our tribal shelter, and put the sleeping bags inside it. It is for all of
us, not just for me or for Maki.
Nornny hon.......you need to do some revision of the website. First
off,.......why am I the only target for the popularity poll for the past 5
days?????? We have 16 members. Time for someone else to get the negative
attention for once. Also ....the latest entry you made featured this
"Thanks to Lioness, her luxury item has given Nebewi a single flame to
light their camp when it's dark."
Excuse me hon....but my luxury item was a lake, not a flame. And how can a
lake illuminate the other camp???? I belong to "Robego", not "Nebewi".
Binary is the one who chose a flame as a luxury item in our camp, "Robego".
Nuff said for now I think. ~ ;-"/
[View Quote]"nornny11" <Nornny1 at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3d238b05$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hey guys, last NG Survivor post for this week, I promise. :)
> Well, it's finally Wednesday, and the anxious survivors rush in early to
> NGS2002, the playing world of this game. It's totally quiet, as I've
> off speak until everyone comes in. With the absense of Mongo, Maka,
> Lioness, and Jerme, the other 11 enter the world.
> It's all nerves, lag, and a slow OP, as the 11 look around the world. Now,
> onto an edited chat log. :) *blows conch shell and throws sand around for
> flashback's sake*
> Nornny11: okay, well, here's how the tribes work. :)
> In front of you are 16 orangered colored discs. Each of you will stand on
> top of one of the discs and remain put. These discs, when I tell them to,
> will change to the color of your tribe, which are behind you. The two
> are Robego and Nebewi.
> Nornny11: The blue tribe is Robego, derived from the word "goober," and
> better symbol to represent a goober than an aboriginal symbol for the guy
> from Footloose. :)
> Builderz: lol
> Joeman: It looks like a monkey :O
> Nornny11: Don't tell goober I said that. ;)
> D a n: lol
> Nornny11: Eep Probst tell me who is on the Robego Tribe
> [Eep Probst]: The Robego discs have been turned over...
> Mod: Blue W00t
> Gamecube: blue
> D a n: YAY
> Builderz, Mod, D a n, Eric, Gamecube, and BinaryBud, your discs tell me
> your are now members of the Robego tribe. Please step to your mat.
> Nornny11: You guys are six of eight, you will choose two more in a minute.
> :)
> Nornny11: everyone else stay put. :)
> Nornny11: now, on to Nebewi. :)
> Nornny11: Nebewi is named after al lthe newbies out there, and is
> represented by a deer about to be run over. :)
> Ambient Spirit: very appropriate! lol
> Builderz: hehe
> Joeman: :OOO
> Mod: LOL
> Nornny11: thanks Ambient. :) I thought so. :)
> Nornny11: Okay, Eep Probst, tell me who is on the Nebewi Tribe.
> Nornny11: grr, give me a miunte. :)
> Nornny11: who is on the Nebewi Tribe.
> Nornny11: Probst, you listening to me?? lol.
> BinaryBud: looks like the Bot has a litle Eep in him....lol
> Nornny11: who is on the Nebewi tribe
> [Eep Probst]: The Nebewi discs have been turned over...
> Gandalf, pixelot, and Joeman, you guys are members of the Nebewi tribe.
> Through a random picking, Mongo, Jerme, and Maka will join you also to
> six.
> Now, as you can see tribes, there are four people still on orangered
> They are looking for a tribe, and you get to pick. I'll give you a minute
> think it over as the decision could have an affect on the whole game.
> Nornny11: I will ask ONE of you to pick the next tribesmate...
> pixelot: Shorah
> Nornny11: never mind, pixelot chose Shorah. lol.
> Nornny11: Shorah's yours. :)
> Now, let's go to Robego, I will pick.
> D a n: maki?
> *sigh* Oh never mind. Maki goes to Robego. :)
> D a n: lol
> Gamecube: :\
> maki: lol
> D a n: :-)
> Nornny11: Now Joeman, pick between Lioness and Ambient. :)
> Ambient Spirit: sheesh... *checks deodorant*
> Joeman: Which one will give me more money? :)
> D a n: lol
> maki: :O
> Ambient Spirit: i cook nicely :))
> Joeman: Your in :D
> Nornny11: Ambient, join Nebewi. :)
> Nornny11: Lioness will now join Robego. :)
> So there you have, in the first major event of NG Survivor, we picked
> tribes. One mystery solved, and I leave the sixteen on their own. Already,
> the wind of whispers are underway as members look to get their alliances
> early. Will the absent players be at a disadvantage? Did the two tribes
> the right choices in picking their two tribemates? Are the girls at a
> disadvantage separated? Who knows, but one will fall by the end of this
> (or the begining of next, whichever's good for me). But first, there's so
> much to do!
> SURVIVORS READ - Survivors, starting Friday morning, your camps will be
> open. You will find your two camp locations already inworld. One is to the
> west of gz, the other to the east. Follow the beaten track and you'll find
> your tribal flag flying above you. Now, before you start building
> houses and caves on Friday, you must first note this. You MUST keep to a
> rugged, camping or tropical theme firstly. But here's the next twist. I,
> NORNNY, will provide you with your materials, and they won't be much. Each
> of your materials will be tagged with a "create name" in the action and be
> monitored by my bot. You're welcome to move and manipulate the object any
> way you like, but you CANNOT duplicate any objects, or add any of your
> and just tag a name. :) I will be keeping inventory and basically destroy
> your camp if I catch you. :)) Feel free to try, I'm pretty oblivious
> Now, your objects become more valuable to you. You each will be given your
> luxury item too. :) You can win MORE supplies by winning weekly web
> challenges that I will post (which also has the bonus of winning a
> if you get the highest score) at the begining of each survivor week. Also,
> if you write decent diary entries below this thread and others, I'm
> to give you AW presents. :)) All of your objects and your camp is
> because an important immunity challenge later on in the game will depend
> your objects and the look of your camp. :)) If you delete any objects,
> they're gone for good. So think of it as a good way of threatening your
> tribemates if you feel you're being targeted also.
> Now, on Saturday at 5pm VRT (17:00), and this could still be subject to
> change, there will be the first immunity challenge. You will be notified
> through the NGS2002 TreeMail of what the challenge is that day, earlier.
> This is optional, but the more tribemates that are able to attend, the
> afterwards, everyone can play for fun too.
> Should you win immunity, your tribe is safe for this week, and all make it
> to the second week. :) The losing tribe, however, will have to come back
> next day (who knows what time yet), and take the hike to Tribal Plateau,
> where Tribal Council is. The place is spectacular, with a huge waterfall,
> and dangerous cliffs, but I'm sure none of you will be enjoying the
> because the tribe will have to vote off one of its own. And that
> person, will be thrown off the plateau, and off the game. His/her chances
> winning the P-50 is 0% with a error range of NONE. Sorry. :) After you
> recover from your fall, however, Syntax and SW Chris, your two lovable
> hosts, will join you below the plateau along with the viewing public
> (whoever's there, in other wards) for your post-castoff interview. The
> public can ask ANY question they want, without the other survivors
> so ask away. :)
> That's all the excitement this little norn can handle. :) Be there
> if you can. :) Otherwise, keep checking the newsgroup and website for more
> information. The website will have a pictured HTML version of this recent
> update, so come take a look in a few hours when it's ready. Also, NGS2002
> will be going through some renovations (basically, we're moving to our own
> OP, a faster OP, thanks to contestant Builderz) so please bear with us on
> that, it will look the same old self afterwards though. :))
> Nornny
Jul 7, 2002, 9:37pm
LOL my luck ;-"D
[View Quote]"nornny11" <Nornny1 at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3d28c728 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Whoopsy, my mistake, I'm still getting to know you guys just as much as
> guys. lol. I tend to get tribes mixed up still, lol. I fixed the update
> page, thanks for pointing it out.
> As for the survivor poll, you're on the poll for a whole week before I
> change it. :) It's not my laziness, it just gives more people time to vote
> for ya. :)
> --
> From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:
> "Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult
> and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
> nothing! What a talent!"
> "lioness e" <nobody at nowhere.net> wrote in message
> news:3d28b3b8 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "Robego".
Jul 8, 2002, 11:22pm
Maybe that birde.rwx that Mod has on his hut??? LOL. ;-"D
[View Quote]"binarybud" <lmauk at traverse.net> wrote in message
news:3d2a3615$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> -Diary Entry
> Wow....had a busy weekend in RL ...being the Fourth of July and all....
> But had a plane drop my avatar onsite for inspection of the camp....
> Looks good i figure i'll help out with a fire pit and a hut for myself,
> and when the group finally gets together in-world we can move stuff
> around to make it look good heheheh Hope my hut is not in anyones
> way....it's easily moved anyhow.
> Boy big thanx go out to the fellow tribies for bringing home the trophy!
> I promiseI'll pitch-in on a challenge or three :)
> Mean-time i'm gonna go unpack my bag and snuggle my flame.rwx for
> a warm nite of blowing zzzzzz's
> hmmmmm wonder where we can find some food out here?
> .....BB falls asleep pondering
Jul 8, 2002, 11:43pm
Dear Diary,
What an interesting adventure this Survivor game is. Some of us haven't
even met yet and already we're being made to look like we're conspiring
against one another. Being a big fan of the Survivor game on TV, I knew one
of the first things we would need would be a shelter for all of our tribe,
to protect us from the wind and weather. Little did I know some of our tribe
members had their own agenda and chose to build their own isolated shelters.
I was hoping we could work together as a team, but I suppose that is just a
pipe dream of mine. I had a feeling Nornny would be monitoring all
chat/whispers/ and possibly grams too. Funny, but when I read that copied
chat, it depicts something other than what I was trying to convey. The
meaning behind what I said was that as a team we need better communication.
I was truly grateful that Mod left us a note. We may have different
schedules but notes are very helpful to us all, even if they are written in
the sand. Telegrams work nicely too. I do hope my tribe mates don't take the
tribal shelter offensively. It was meant to bring us together, not rip us
apart. I want to thank Binary Bud for his luxury flame.rwx. Without that
item we wouldn't have been able to see anything in the dark or keep warm
when it got chilly. It came in real handy too for toasting marshmallows and
roasting hotdogs ;-"D . I tried out that new challenge "Protect the Fire".
After playing it for an hour, my right wrist got numb and I had to quit. I
have to admit, it might very well be my next addiction. hehehe. Needless to
say I didn't do as well as I thought, but I will keep practicing until I
beat my own high score. I hope to make my tribe proud.
(((((((((Hugz)))))))))))) to pixelot, who unfortunately couldn't make it to
his camp before they voted him off. Knowing how demanding real life can be,
I can sympathize with his angst. I hope to have the pleasure of meeting more
of my tribe-mates soon. Maki is very sweet, but its looking bad for us since
we seem to be on at the same time every day. It makes us look like we're an
alliance or plotting against everyone else when it really isn't that at all.
It would be nice having at least one or two more people around to share
their insights/input about the camp setup, etc. I wish I knew a better way
to get some of those lurkers to visit our camp more often. ~ Lioness
[View Quote]"nornny11" <Nornny1 at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3d29ae18 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Disclaimer: The episode you are about to view contains edited scenes in
> order to make most of the contestants look bad and fit into stereotypical
> online molds. Please feel free in flaming any or all of them.
> Okay folks, sorry about yet another post this week. You know first weeks,
> there's just so much to talk about. ;) Anyways, after this posting, there
> will basically be one or two at the begining and/or at the end of each
> no more, no less. :)
> Anyways, first off, catch up on the latest developments on the NG Survivor
> website at http://www.myactiveworlds.com/~ngsurvivor The latest update
> details the misadventures of two tribes trying to build camp, and trying
> win a much needed immunity challenge. Camp items are being stolen,
> sabotaged, and our survivors are silly over it. Not to mention some early
> power plays, alliance formations, and backstabbing in the works.
> From last we left off, Robego won their first immunity challenge, Fire for
> Life, and Nebewi faced a tough one-torch loss. Unfortunately for them, one
> more torch will be extinguished by the end of this post, and this time,
> there'll be a person behind it (yes, I like sticking things in). Morale in
> Nebewi has dropped off the face of Tribal Plateau, as the downtrodden
> hasn't bothered to even come to their campsite ever since their loss. Of
> course, half of them have been missing since Day 1, but still, Nebewi camp
> is still withering away in spider webs.
> Ambient and Gandalf, awaiting for nightfall for Tribal Council, wonder how
> everyone else is voting. Their discussion also arises rumors on how the
> other camp is holding with their new flames.
> Ambient Spirit: I heard.. via the grapevine.. that there has been some
> sabotage in Robegos camp too
> Gandalf: Hmmm...most interesting...
> Gandalf: It seems to me that whoever did it is from Rodego's (Nornny's
> Notes: it's ROBEGO!!!)
> Ambient Spirit: Not in here.. no
> Ambient Spirit: we are not allowed to delete another tribes goodies
> Ambient Spirit: i dont know who did... and it doesnt particularly bother
> me... I will just move int with someone lol
> Ambient Spirit: do you think i did it?
> Gandalf: NO!!!
> Ambient Spirit: good.. and thanks.. cos i didnt!
> Ambient Spirit: I wonder how many of our tribe have voted by gram
> Gandalf: Hmmm...interesting thought...
> Ambient Spirit: yeah.. will be interesting to see how many turn up
> Yes, the madness goes on. Let's head on over to the equally confused
> camp and see what's cooking.
> Lioness e: turns out D a n and gamecube started building something
> i came along ;-"<
> Lioness e: wish they had left some kind of note about that
> Lioness e: i messed up their build i guess
> maki: .....
> Lioness e: well how the heck was i supposed to know someone else started
> building in here?
> Lioness e: i didn't bring my ESP with me...........shoot
> Lioness e: nice of mod to leave us a sign with a note
> maki: interesting (Nornny's notes Oh look, a Gandalf impersonation.)
> Lioness e: but i wanna know where the sleeping bags got to
> maki: found everything, lol
> maki: under this hill
> Lioness e: soemone's having fun playing with our minds i think
> Lioness e: i also layed a tree on its side by GZ......like a fallen
> tree.......
> Lioness e: and i put two boulders on the flagpole hill (Nornny's note:
> okay, I'll admit that the boulders got deleted, rocks don't count as
> They were deleted, next time, I won't be so nice as to tell. hehe)
> Lioness e: they're all gone too
> maki: idiots
> maki: we need to talk to the rest of the tribe, lol
> Lioness e: yeah i know....but they're not on when we're on
> maki: lets be evil and hide the sleeping bags and keep them for
> lol
> 7:52:01 Lioness e: LMAO
> maki: lets delete their things
> Lioness e: no no no....i can't be like that
> Lioness e: hahahhahaha
> Ooh, now this is getting good. So let's recap, Lioness and maki have been
> building and conspiring together while the rest of the tribe idly messes
> camp for them to fix some more. Ambient Spirit and Gandalf seem to have
> striked a small bond, revealing to each other neither ar ethe culprits in
> Ambient's missing floors. Meanwhile, JerMe, Shorah, and pixelot have yet
> show ANY appearence in this game, and everyone else is equally invisible.
> Okay, so that's the story so far. Let's get to Nebewi's Tribal Council.
> pixelot is scared that the rest of the tribe is gunning him, but he
> mysteriously reveals he has something planned. The tribe wonders if JerMe
> was eaten by a pack of wolves when they weren't looking, or a pack of
> (they're not quite sure what continent they're on). Newsflash, Ambient
> doesn't know who deleted her floors. Maka is mad at the lack of
> participation from the rest of the tribe. Joeman still believes, like an
> retired army general, that his tribe won the challenge, and that they're
> still Comits in AW. ;) Everyone else, who really cares.
> So, this is the first time EITHER tribe will know how Nebewi voted. I've
> collected most of your votes (enough, at least), and I'll go tally the
> results. Remember, the person with the most votes from the tribe will be
> first person kicked off the game. I'll go tally the votes...
> First vote...JerMe...
> Second vote...pixelot...
> Third vote...pixelot...Two votes pixelot, one vote JerMe.
> Fourth vote...Shorah...
> Fifth vote...pixelot....3 votes pixelot, 1 vote Shorah and JerMe. One more
> vote for pixelot and you'll be voted off the tribe.
> Joeman....
> The first person voted off NG Survivor 2.....
> ....pixelot. *tense council music climax*
> pixelot, please hand me your torch. I'm very sorry, but the tribe has
> spoken. *extinguishes flame*
> Okay, pixelot, please reply with your Final Words. :) Just
> give us a paragraph or two on the game and anything else you want to talk
> about regarding it, how you played, messages for your remaining castmates,
> whatever. Unfortunately, I'd also post a little transcript on the
> post-council interview if we had a live one this week, but maybe we'll
> it next week. :))
> Survivors, write away in your diaries. :) I'll be in the mood to update
> tommorow. :)
> Up for this week, FLAMES, FLAMES, AND MORE FLAMES! :) And a very important
> secret message.
> So let's just get straight to the flames.
> EVERYONE, from now on, every week, there will be a weekly web challenge.
> Viewers of the first season will know what this is, but for those who
> a weekly web challenge is pretty much self explanatory. I give everyone an
> url to a free online game and whoever wants to plays it for the week,
> to get the highest score possible. When you get the highest score you can
> get, or when you're just plain bored, take a printscreen or snapshot of
> score, and send the picture to me at nornny1 at attbi.com. The highest scorer
> out of EVERYONE that plays will get a free AW tee-shirt. ::)) You don't
> to be a contestant to play, you just have to be willing to play it. :)
> Survivors, however, are playing for more than that. This time around, each
> web challenge will give the winning tribe more objects for their camp.
> To the winning tribe this week, the camp will receive 6 pots, 1 flame, and
> firewood. Okay, onto the game.
> Log onto
> me_1 and play the Toon Marooned: Protect the Fire. :) The highest scorer
> of everyone that plays will receive an AW tee shirt, AND get to pick which
> tribe will get the prizes. If a contestant wins, the prizes go to his/her
> tribe. :)
> You have until THURSDAY to send me your screenshot. :) You can ONLY submit
> ONE SCREENSHOT to me. If you send in more, I will only take your first
> that you submitted. Good luck survivors and non-survivors. :) And go
> those flames!
> The website will be updated with all the diaries up til this point, the
> council results, this update, and much much more! So keep an eye out on it
> within the next few hours. :)
> --
> From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:
> "Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult
> and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
> nothing! What a talent!"