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flyyukon // User Search

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Jul 2, 2006, 3:00pm
[View Quote] ostracized. ... mmm Ostrich


Jul 2, 2006, 3:12pm
[View Quote] FY

Re: Global Commands

Jul 2, 2006, 12:48am
Just a thought.. As far as I understand them , global commands only work
for people in the range of the opjects and trigger objects. that is to
say, that if you start a large *activate* command, and someone stumbles
upon your area, or joins you, and enters AFTER the trigger has been set,
they wont see anything, and if they click the Activate,they will
re-start the sequence, messing it up for the rest of the users in the
area watching it.
My thought is to have the global events true Global, so if a user
arrives mid-sequence, they will see the sequence from whence they entered,

thanks AWI

TRUE industry standard mouselook would be awesome :)

Jul 2, 2006, 6:36am
Ive alwayse sed WASD since i started.. Q move left, W move forward, E
move right, R fly up, a turn left, s move back, d turn right, F fly
down, X stop, C look level, Tab as passthrough, shift as run, and Shift
as Jump... moreless following 3rd person shooter controls...

You have to see it to believe it

Oct 18, 2005, 3:44am
<-- thats like 60 miles from me.. im scareeeeeeddddd..... lol

[View Quote]

You have to see it to believe it

Oct 18, 2005, 3:44am
I'm DaBean by the way

[View Quote]

Help on World.

Oct 23, 2005, 2:58pm
This is the mopst active topic in awhile :)

[View Quote]

SW City launches new quest game for Halloween.

Nov 1, 2005, 3:47am
Many people patronize AWI for not doing much for the community, eg:
change GZ around etc.., I could care less, I like GZ how it is, it's a
historic display of the history of the world and program.

Whenever AWI actually makes a change, temporary or not, there are loads
of persons that discredit them and dont like the change.

The nightmode change was for teh community and a new Quest in SWCity, a
bit of a change, or break from the usual. Why are you all attacking AWI
when they do a change FOR the COMMUNITY?! It makes no sence, no wonder
they are hesitant to do anything!

My two cents at the current moment :)

[View Quote]

SW City launches new quest game for Halloween.

Nov 1, 2005, 3:52am
Ah, furthermore, the nightmode screwed up my ground object, I think it
was due to having AWE instaled with the new ground texture, but that
barely bothered me, so small things like that, dont make so big a fuss :)

[View Quote]

Previously used planes for sale, anyone?

Oct 31, 2005, 2:28pm
Geze, Where the heck is this?! I must go find me a vessel!

[View Quote]

Previously used planes for sale, anyone?

Nov 2, 2005, 3:50am
Ya, for me its a 3000 mile drive, or a 1000 mile flight and a short cab
ride to Taco-Bell :)

[View Quote]


Apr 30, 2006, 6:19pm
Turn on the cell grid, and note each object in separate cells, hence
overalpping :)


May 1, 2006, 2:58am
Turn on the cell grid, and note each object in separate cells, hence
overalpping :)

CY nominations SOON!

May 9, 2006, 1:40pm
/me sees a temp change from X to PG or something.. look sweets, no porn?
then change it from X.. fixed. Remember that children are here and you
cant allow that kind of stuff in the general awards. When was the last
time you saw a porn movie at the oscars? make your own awards for Adult

An RL part of the Community..

May 11, 2006, 3:14am
Incase anyone is interested, just a small insight to my (DaBean)
personal life,

Yesterday morning I submitted my paperwork and books.
Thismorning, I went and picked up that very important, blue piece of
paper, known as my Commercial Pilots Liscence. So, as an addition to the
"curious" thread, growing up with activeworlds? not really.. came back
in 2004 (Feb) after a brief visit in 1997 or so. Ended up winning a year
and a bit free citizenship, and after that ran out I renewed for a year.
Did AW help me get where I am? I think so, although that could be seen
as a 'bad' thing as well. AW, in addition to my job, and regular sleep
schedule, kept me from wasting all my money on booze and parties, but in
turn limited my social life. The other bonus, as previously mentioned is
the reception of 20 months of training on a piece of blue paper with a
few words printed on it, worth a good $25 000, that makes me a
Commercial Pilot.

Thank you AW, for helping me attain this goal, and I'm sure the
community here will keep me enthused to upgrade my liscence to multi
engine aircraft, flying by instroment (multi-ifr), then my turbine, and
jet engine.

Cheers! Best of luck to the youngins out there, keep in school, work
hard, find something your interested in, study it, and keep at it. I'm
proof that a heck of alot can be done before you turn twenty, as I am 19
years old, and am guarenteed a job getting paid to fly charters in the
near future, possibly before the end of the summer.

FlyYukon, AKA DaBean

An RL part of the Community..

May 11, 2006, 3:19am
One more thing to the youngins.. be careful with your money, and you can
finish your schooling and start your career with no debt, no loans,
nobody trying to cut your legs off, and a nice savings in the bank,..
like me. Be smart, budget, dont drink often, and please don't do drugs
of any kind, and if you must do drugs, PLEASE limit yourself to
Marijuanna, and dont do it often. Cheers!

An RL part of the Community..

May 12, 2006, 2:45am
If I got bored i just got lazy lol.. anyways, Fly Yukjon.. I live in
the yukon, and I fly.. voila! (Yukon Canada)

My goal is not to fly Jets, but to stick to the bush flying, which is
actual flying, not monitoring dials and screens and pressing the
autoland button. Good for a pre-retirement job tho :)

An RL part of the Community..

May 12, 2006, 3:08pm
My strategy.. get a job (I started working at 11) and put 50% of the
paychek away to an account you cant touch otherwise, and do that. Should
have enough to get your private liscence by 17 or 18 :D

Grand Theft Auto Project

May 19, 2006, 3:20pm
Would you rather me play Mario Sweets?

Throwing shells at other "people" and jumping on their heads, squishing
them, "breaking their necks mabe." Maybe Super Mario World for Super
Nintendo should be rated M .. very violent that. Or how about half of
the games you grew up with, (or were introduced to in your life as they

I see it as GTA mimicking violence in large cities, to an extreme, but
not people mimicking GTA. I like the 17+ rating on the game, but there
are some youth that are mature enough.

The rating on the game doesnt make a difference. Parents these days dont
give a crap, and just so the kid shuts up they will buy anything for
them and let them do anything. Herein lies the problem. I wont rant
about this AGAIN because I have multiple times already somewhere in the
past in these NG's.

SOCIETY SUCKS (now that i'm out of highschool, I say bring back corporal
punishment .. sorry LtBrenton)

*mumbles* cant even punish your children for misbehaving without
worrying about going to jail *mumbles*

FlyYukon .. - DaBean

My Birthday (of sorts)

May 28, 2006, 11:59pm
Your AFK for most of tha tSweets! Strike isnt! and nor am I for the 12
minutes a day Ive averaged.. which is 3278 hours since March 5 2004 :d
with no more than 10 hours of afk or lurking time, most all of it
sitting here.. doing whatever.. hmm .. *and gets paid* :D

Midi Failure

Jun 7, 2006, 2:44pm
Nothing anyone here can help me with.. but my computer stopped playing
MIDI files for some reason O_O I chgecked all my settings and all seem
fine O_O Sux.

Midi Failure

Jun 7, 2006, 3:15pm
[View Quote] Driver update, never fails!!

what the hell?

Jul 1, 2006, 5:53pm
Your cruel! Wanting to 'Skin'Avatars.. Just go to a local butcher shop
and look at the skinned animal avatars! Thats muchos better!

Happy Canada Day!

Jul 1, 2006, 6:08pm
Happy Canada Day Canadians!!!

Happy Canada Day!

Jul 2, 2006, 6:16am
[View Quote]

AWGate (strange CA again)

Jul 5, 2006, 4:02am
No, just saying the word hole will get you ejected. its a commen
misconception you need to say 'a hole', as in I dug a hole, but just go
say hole, comeon.. I dare ya!


Jul 6, 2006, 9:49pm
AW's just havin fun with you :D

AW on Vista

Jul 9, 2006, 9:37pm
If anyone out there is using, or has used Windows Vista Beta 2 (Evaluation
Version) and has been using AW on it, is there a way to fix the "Fatal Disk
Error (reason 17)"?

I have a fix, which is to re-install over the directory, keeping most of the
settings the same, but thats annoying and whatnot.. although it works..

Until someone has any ideas, I'll just keep installing AW over and over!


AW on Vista

Jul 9, 2006, 11:44pm
[View Quote] >
> close aw, delete the cache folder

How bout without deleting the cache? or are we SOL?

AW on Vista

Jul 10, 2006, 11:24am
Hey, I'm just having fun ;)

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