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AWGate (strange CA again) (Community)
AWGate (strange CA again) // Communitystrike rapierJul 5, 2006, 12:14am
Strike Rapier: The second hole enables hackers to inject executable code
into OpenOffice documents using a macro, which runs when that document is opened. The user is not asked or notified, and the macro has full access to system resources with current user's privs Strike Rapier please don't use abusive language. It is direspectful to your fellow citizens. What am I missing??? -- - Mark Randall "We're Systems and Networks..." "It's our job to know..." strike rapierJul 5, 2006, 12:17am
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Oh dear god which moron put the word 'hole' on the eject list O_O
-- - Mark Randall "We're Systems and Networks..." "It's our job to know..." data26Jul 5, 2006, 1:42am
strike rapierJul 5, 2006, 2:00am
Saying: h0l3 gets you ejected.
-- - Mark Randall "We're Systems and Networks..." "It's our job to know..." [View Quote] flyyukonJul 5, 2006, 4:02am
No, just saying the word hole will get you ejected. its a commen
misconception you need to say 'a hole', as in I dug a hole, but just go say hole, comeon.. I dare ya! simplaza.netJul 5, 2006, 6:55am
You obviously didn't miss 2 posts about the same oversight.
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