data26 // User Search

data26 // User Search

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Teleports jump to altitude

Jul 9, 2006, 4:02pm
I have not noticed that one yet, but I am anoyed with getting teleported to
AWGate all the time when I enter AW just after log in.
I have my home location set to my land in AW world, and for some reasion I
am always teleported to AWGate after loging in.
I even tried to change my location on my land and even to another world and
I still log in to AWGate.

[View Quote]

4.1 Preston now available

Jun 13, 2006, 1:21am
build 39 and build 40 do not work at all.
When you try to log it in to the world you keep getting this error.

build 39 kept giveing this one.
Unable to create bot instance (reason: 518)

build 40 keeps giveing this one.
Unable to create bot instance (reason: sdk license error)

4.1 Preston now available

Jun 13, 2006, 8:36am
Thanks :-)

[View Quote]

4.1 Preston now available

Jun 13, 2006, 1:30pm
Hmm I ran into a nother problem now.
I can't get it into my world located in another uni.
I get them same errors again.
Is this version for AW only at this time?

[View Quote]

logging in the bots

Jun 6, 2006, 1:16am
I sent XelaG an email a few days ago asking if he will create a 4.1 version
for his xelagot.
He said he was working on it.

[View Quote]

Just wondering

Jun 16, 2006, 4:27am
Has anyone made a bot that will run from a cell phone to alow the user to
chat with people in there world via text messageing when they are away from
there computer?

This would probibly run up a high cell bill, but some plans offer unlimited
text messageing for a few extra bucks a month.

4.1 Xelagot

Jun 20, 2006, 12:30am
I sent an email to XelaG last month with a question simaler to yours.
He responded with.

Working on it.

[View Quote]

50 avatar limit?

Jun 26, 2006, 7:21pm
You do know that you can only see and hear people within 20 meters of
yourself reguardless of what rights you have, CT or not.

Only a bot with CT rights can enter the world in global mode can see all
users in the world.

[View Quote]

50 avatar limit?

Jun 27, 2006, 10:44pm
Sorry if what I said was a little confusing.
I said 20 meters for the only reason that not many go by decameters except
for object modelers.
I never really understood that much.
Why the coordinates for movement and teleporting are in meters, and the
world size and object sizes are in decameters.

50 avatar limit?

Jun 27, 2006, 11:50pm
dm mercury either has a little over 300 citizenship's, or they just bought
additional bot instances for there "1" citizenship from AWI

[View Quote]

what is needed to make 4.1 bots work?

Jul 3, 2006, 12:17am
I keep getting error messages at log on, th ebot never enters the univerce.
This ones from the new preston.
Unable to create bot instance (reason: sdk license error)
I get simaler errors with the other bots.

what is needed to make 4.1 bots work?

Jul 3, 2006, 8:46pm
So, for now, it can't log into any other 4.1 univerce but AW?

[View Quote]

your fav bot ?

Jul 14, 2006, 7:27pm
I sent an email to him back on May 31st asking if he was going to make a 4.1
version of the xelagot.

He responded the next day saying he was working on it.

[View Quote]

strand info in the xelagot log

Jul 23, 2006, 9:40pm
I saw this for the 1st time ever.
Just wanting to know what it means or if its anything to be worried about.

Note that i masked the name of the tourist and there IP to protect there
I changed there name to tourist and there IP to

08:23:27 VRT: "tourist" enters s# 23328 at 0.0n 0.0w 1.5a 0
08:23:27 VRT: "tourist" = ip
08:39:08 VRT: "tourist" exits s# 23328= at 0.7n 0.6w 0.5a 5
08:40:45 VRT: "tourist" enters s# 23328= at 0.7n 0.6w 0.5a 5
08:43:47 VRT: "tourist" exits s# 23328= at 0.7n 0.6w 0.5a 5
08:44:08 VRT: "tourist" enters s# 23345 at 0.7n 0.6w 0.5a 5
08:44:08 VRT: "tourist" = ip
08:46:24 VRT: "tourist" enters s# 23345= at 25.1s 11.5e 5.9a 21
08:46:24 VRT: "tourist" with duplicate ghost session number 23345 replaced
in database, ghost rejected
08:47:51 VRT: LAN notes: duplicate ghost session number 23345 timed out on
server, avatar name received "tourist" ,in present database "tourist"
08:47:51 VRT: Duplicate ghost avatar "tourist" exits s# 23345= at
25.1s 11.5e 5.9a 45
08:47:58 VRT: "tourist" exits s# 23345= at 25.1s 11.5e 5.9a 45
08:48:00 VRT: "tourist" enters s# 23346 at 25.9s 10.1e 5.9a 106
08:48:00 VRT: "tourist" = ip
08:48:08 VRT: "tourist" exits s# 23346= at 26.0s 10.3e 5.4a 253

strand info in the xelagot log

Jul 24, 2006, 8:04pm
Thanks, was just wondering if i had a problem on my hands.

Please give us back our old world server look and feel

Jun 10, 2006, 11:49pm
I do not like that black command window.
I would also like it to minimize next to my clock like it used to.

The way you have it now, its like the old AW 2.1 DOS server.

Please give us back our old world server look and feel

Jun 13, 2006, 1:29pm
I really need the old server set up "now".
I "need" it to minimize to the tray as an icon.
This is what i always hated with that old DOS server.
It always got closed "all" the time.
Not by me, but by others in my home.
Please redo the server and make it the way it use to be for 3.6.

I liked it when you started your computer up and it ran automaticly and no
one knew it was running and left the thing alone.
Why you guys went backwards in time with this version of the server, I will
never know.

[View Quote]

Please give us back our old world server look and feel

Jun 14, 2006, 12:01am
My point made 100% clear today.
I left my computer on when the world server running along with a note
clearly stating to not close this window and to keep it minimized.

8 hours later when I get home from work, I come home to find the computer
still on, but the world server compleatly shut down.

Even if the computer was restarted, the world server was set to auto start.
Also set to auto start was a txt file with a message saying yet again to not
close the window and to minimize it.

[View Quote]

Please give us back our old world server look and feel

Jun 14, 2006, 12:31am
I have windows xp home. still getting use to it.
How do you run it as a service?

[View Quote]

Please give us back our old world server look and feel

Jun 14, 2006, 8:51am
Will that prevent it from being closed?
And if it is, automaticly rerun it each time its closed so its just like
them anoying web page popups that you can never seem to close and just
minimize them?

(you can run the world program as a service, so that it can be started
automatically when Windows starts, or remotely started and stopped with a
telnet session.)

All that work just to make it start with windows.
Its faster and easyer just to add the short cut to the start up folder in
the start menu.

As for remotely starting and stopping with a telnet session.
I can't use that at work.

So that really wont fix this problem.
The only thing I see that will is my original post to this topic.
No one bothered it when it was an icon.

[View Quote]

Please give us back our old world server look and feel

Jun 14, 2006, 11:35pm
I can't open this file to read what it says to do with them 2 files from
Andras's website.
I tried to force open it in the text editers i have and it shows up as
Can anyone open it and post it's contents for me?

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My wish

Jun 16, 2006, 1:25am
If it's really bad and it's main purpose was to trash your land.
If it's not appropriate for the world based on the its ratting, it can also
be removed.
You can report it to a PK and they will look into it and remove it for you.
Here is the PK web site.
There is also a section their where you can report bad builds or even <not a
citizen> builds for removal.

[View Quote]

Wish: Fix Ejections

Jun 29, 2006, 6:59pm
Did it actually say you where ejected, or did you just time out trying to
connect to the world and it pushed you back where where you came from?

If you timed out, that's not an ejection, just means there is a major
connection problem between you and that world.
(this does not means the problem is on your end, it may be a world hosted
from a bad connection or hosted behind a missconfigured server, router, or

[View Quote]

cache information and click effects problem.

Jun 29, 2006, 11:34pm
I have a world.
I host it myself.
I ran into a problem when I have objects to click on and have a sound effect
once clicked.

Now since i host the world, evrything is 100% flawless for me.

But all others that click these obejcts, the sound is delayed to the point
that what im trying to do is pointless becasue it will only work right for
me only.
The reasion for this is clicks are sent over the internet to the server.
But since the sound is cached for them, it plays and the move effect is

Now. when enter in off line mode, the browser reads all the information from
the cache.
They see the effects the same way i do this way due to it comming from their

So this brings me to the following request.
Make the cache store ALL information and not just some of it.
Stop makeing the user depend so much on the server after the world has
already 100% fully loaded.
Make on line used run just like the off line use and only download stuff as
new data is entered, for it to use the cache all the time unless the cache
dont have something.

cache information and click effects problem.

Jun 30, 2006, 7:41pm
Here is an exampole of what im talking about.
go here and click the sign that says start.

6925.29N 2265.20E 0.00a 326

if the mid file loads and plays out of sync with the animation of the
obejcts, just click the sign again and it will play correctly.

But, since you are not hosting the world on your computer, there will be a
delay and the animation will loose sync with the mid file.
you can see this about half way through it, its a little bit off.
Now if you did something much longer then that, it would be so far out of
sync if would look right.

Note: it will never run out of sync if you run the browser from the same pc
as the world server.

This is what i am talking about and should be fixed.

I say, if its cached, run the click from the cache not the server. only run
the click from the server if you set it as globle.

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Waypoint pitch

Jul 13, 2006, 7:26pm
I agree, this needs to be fixed.
After all, what is the point of linking objects to a mover if it wont
Like you said, it works, but all the objects to not share a common axis so
they use there own axis's and it all just goes haywire when you use the

[View Quote]

I WISH for a full fledged telegram/email system within AW

Jul 15, 2006, 11:35pm
I like your ideas.

(You can't just
leave a world and stay "LEFT" just in a universe.)

This one is posable, AW just has to program for it.
Afterall, bots have been doing this for years.

[View Quote]

fix the activate and bump commands.

Jul 20, 2006, 7:34pm
I never noticed this till now when I used it in this manner.
I have a move action set to run only if you click a sign to start it.
Also tried it with bump to start it.
All the objects that move are linked to that sign with the astart and atdone
arguments and set to move after a set time passes by.

Now when that area loads or comes into view, it will run as if you use the
create command.

This is completely messing up what I want to do.
These objects must remain motionless until the sign is clicked.
As long as the activate and bump commands are like this, people will have to
wait how ever long the animation is before clicking the sign or nothing I
have done will run the way it was ment to run.

fix the activate and bump commands.

Jul 20, 2006, 8:11pm
Problem has been fixed.
Thanks SW Comit :-)

world server wish

Jul 29, 2006, 8:15pm
My wish is for the world server to be able to run from a windows 98 se pc

I have XP on my main pc but I don't think XP will run on my server pc.

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